Cruz and Christy were happy parents, so of course they both rolled wishes to have another child.
Again, doesn't she look great?
They hired a maid, but she was kind of a slacker.
Here we go!
And off they walked to the hospital. I was hoping she would be more brave this time, but I guess not.
And Desiree was born!
A second crib was added to the nursery.
Lieutenant Cruz rolled yet another wish to have a baby with Christy. He's 82 days old, and my opinion is that at that age you should get whatever you want.
In the meantime, baby DeAnne isn't such a baby anymore.
She traded in her crib for a bed, and wasn't too thrilled to be sharing a room with her baby sister, but she didn't have any other choice.
Christy started to show, and she also got another day at the spa.
Desiree grew up!
And is it just me, or does Christy look a little tired?
Tired, but great!
See... that's what happens when you do too much during the last stage of pregnancy!
This time around Christy wanted a boy and Cruz wanted another girl, so I didn't take any measures to control the gender.
Christy decided to stay home this time for the birth, yay!
And it's a boy!
They named him Darek.
You know you're a mom when you put your own hobbies and activities on the back burner in response to the needs of your family. Christy was forced to do just that, the only place left for a crib was right in front of her easel.