Author Topic: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy  (Read 49764 times)

Offline AriaGirl77

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Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« on: October 10, 2010, 11:16:37 AM »
I posted these rules I made up a long time ago, and since I'm feeling in the mood for a relaxing break from the Nesbit Dynasty, I thought I'd bring them out, dust them off, and give it a shot in Barnacle Bay.

Goal: To play through 10 Townie families by moving the heir in with the next family in alphabetical order.

To Start: Create a new unaltered neighborhood in either Sunset Valley or Riverview.  Instead of entering Create A Sim, choose Select Household.  Pick the family who's last name is closest to the beginning of the alphabet (in Sunset Valley it will be the Altos, in Riverview the Bagley's, in Twinbrook the Art and Love house, and in Barnacle Bay it's the Abe family).

Step 1:  Once your first family is selected your initial goal will be to complete one family member's LTW.  The first Sim to complete this goal will become the Founder.

Step 2:  As soon as the LTW is complete, enter Edit Town mode.  You may not alter anything about the neighborhood, but you need to see ALL the current families and determine which family name is next in alphabetical order.  Your next family may quite possibly be someone your Sim has not met yet.

Step 3:  Once you know which family is next you must either form a friendship or romantic relationship with one of the members of that family and then move the Founder in with them.  Keep in mind that the only items you will be able to take with you are ones that can be carried within the personal inventory of the Founder, everything else will be left behind with the remaining members of your original family.  The only exception to this will be if you are the only surviving family member.  You may marry a person in that house to make the move, or you may wait until they ask you to move in with them.  It's pretty rare, but it does happen!

Step 4:  Once you are moved into your new home your goal will be to produce an heir and complete the LTW of either your heir or any of your new family members.  You can add an heir either through woohoo or adoption.  You may choose whichever traits or LTW's you like for those born or adopted into the family.

Step 5:   In order to move into the next house you must have completed the LTW of any family member and the heir must have aged up to Young Adult.  If you are able to complete more than one LTW before the heir ages to Young Adult then KUDOS, you get a well deserved bonus point!

The End:  Your Founder counts as the first generation, once the 10th generation is born the Legacy is complete!

- No cheats of any kind are allowed, with the exception of "moveobjects on" or to reverse a game-breaking bug.
- You may not change the traits or LTW's of ANY sims.  There is one exception:  If you are like me and you avoid travel like the plague due to the numerous known bugs and your heir moves into a house with a sim who has a travel related LTW you may save up the required happiness points to buy the appropriate LTR to change their LTW.  You may not alter any traits, and you must pick a LTW from the first ones listed on the screen.  You can't pick that last option that allows you to choose whatever LTW you like.
- All sims must die of natural causes.  Do you really think it would be ok to marry into a family and then kill off your wife's grandmother?
- You may not "seed" the neighborhood with pre-made Sims, the whole point is to take what the game gives you and make the best of it.
- You may remodel and redecorate the interior of the homes, the exterior must remain as is.  Sure, it's a bit of a challenge to live in the Broke compound, but again, that's the whole point.
- If you run into the situation where you've gotten to a family that begins with the letter C, and a new family moves into the neighborhood that begins with A, you don't have to go back and include that family in your Legacy.  Just keep moving forward in alphabetical order.

Points:  You get 1 point for each completed LTW.  Easy peasy!

I will be posting updates of my progress as time allows.  I'm now off to start in Barnacle Bay. :)

Offline Asleep

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 11:26:48 AM »
This sounds cool! I'm looking forward to it!
Formerly Simstar3

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Offline AriaGirl77

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 11:32:17 AM »
So the first family in Barnacle Bay is the Abe family.

Patty & Serena are sisters.  One is a young adult, and the other is a teen.  

Patty is flirty, Inappropriate, Party Animal, Heavy Sleeper and Childish who's LTW is to be a Heartbreaker.

Serena, who obviously has decided to be nothing like her sisters, is a Workaholic, Perfectionist, Good, Light Sleeper.

Patty is a stage hand at the local theater.  Which is kind of funny because she can barely strum a G chord on her guitar.  Serena on the other hand seems to be obsessed with physical fitness.

They live in a generous house, which they can barely make the payments on.

I sense a part-time job in Serena's future...

Offline Joria

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2010, 12:10:28 PM »
This sounds like fun and a good break from the legacy.  Think I'll give it a shot as there isn't a time limit crunch on it.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline AriaGirl77

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2010, 01:34:35 PM »
So my first attempt at this has ended in disaster!

A meteor hit the school while Serena was there, and killed not just her but nearly every kid in town.

Here are the more memorable screen shots of the event:

The sky is getting dark.

Look!  There it is!


And each child left the building one by one, while Grim waited for them and took them away.

Including poor Serena.

So I'll be starting over, hopefully no disasterous events this time!

Offline Asleep

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2010, 01:51:42 PM »
Man. I can't tell if meteors were a good addition or not.
Formerly Simstar3

Offline Joria

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2010, 04:23:02 PM »
Oh no!  That's horrible.  I think Grim needs a makeover in the heart department.  All those grieving parents.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2010, 09:04:17 PM »
Now that is just AWFUL. I cannot believe that and wouldn't if I didn't see it myself :-\

Offline AriaGirl77

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2010, 09:27:20 PM »
The second attempt ended quickly due to a freeze up on the day 1... so onwards to attempt 3!

For each and every restart, Serena rolls the wish to have a Perfect Mind, Perfect Body.  So this time, I decided to go with it and focus on her skills rather than have her earn a wage as a bookstore clerk.

And as a result, I've selected Serena to be my founder.  She's smart, she's diligent, and something about her good spirit just makes me like her more than her sister.  I'm not a huge fan of the Heartbreaker LTW.

A theme begins to take shape...

Serena works...

Patty plays...

Serena works...

Patty plays...

Serena works...

Patty plays...

Serena works...

Patty plays...

Until one day Serena decides that it's time to visit the Annan family, hopefully they will be her family soon.

Phillip is just the right age.  Serena doesn't mess around with small talk, she jumps right in and tells him about her plans.

And then she mentions that her birthday is coming up, that way he'll know when to pop the question.

Unfortunately, both of the Abe sisters start out with romantic interests.  So after introducing herself to Philip she heads over to Bart Inkbeard's house to make it clear that they needed to be "just friends".

Bart didn't take it too well...

The next day, she lured Philip to the house by promising cheesesteak sandwiches.  Too bad no one here knows how to make them!

Oh well, she had a better offer to make anyway.

And then it was back to business for our hero.

Offline AriaGirl77

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2010, 09:45:47 PM »
The sisters are so busy, that they rarely have any time to spend together even though they're BFF's.  Pretty much the only time they see each other is at breakfast, and then they're off to their busy day.

Serena jogs all over town, and Patty is turning her guitar into a nice little side business.

Soon, it's Serena's birthday.  Unfortunately there was a concert that night that Patty couldn't miss.  But Philip made it!  He wouldn't have missed it for the world.

And check it out!  She actually turned out pretty!  Our little plain jane has blossomed!

Phillip was more handsome too, awesome!

Unfortunately, Serena had some work to do before her mind and body were perfected...  So now, it was really time to FOCUS!!

Even Party Patty decided to get in on the training after she was promoted to a symphony member.

And then Serena surprised me, she got a job as a ghost buster!

Come here cute little ghosty...

So as it stands, she's maxed out her athletic skill, she's gotten to level 5 of ghostbusting, and she's working on logic.  Hopefully she can max it soon and complete her LTW so that she can join her new family.  :)

Offline Schipperke

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2010, 11:01:02 PM »
Man. I can't tell if meteors were a good addition or not.

Not.  Definitely not.  Or at least, they should have given players the option to turn off the meteors.  Who needs to have all their hard work destroyed in a Legacy or Dynasty game?  If a meteor destroyed my Dynasty at this point, I'd be just devastated.

Aria, I'm glad you restarted right away, and look forward to reading more about your girls.
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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2010, 11:56:14 PM »
I'm completely floored by that meteor!  I know they always target your Sim, but wow!  I wonder if you could have cancelled her school and sent her away in time.  But it probably would have still killed the other children.  That's just crazy!  I'm glad you got screenshots of it.  Video would have been good, too. 

I'm glad you're posting a story about this.  It looks like it will be interesting.  I'm curious to see how Serena will get invited to move in with her next family.
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Offline Anushka

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2010, 03:58:30 AM »
I'm shocked to see that amount of tragedy. This is really way to much for a game, they have to fix it. I got only 2 meteors so far, first in front of Dragon cave in China and second on lot but none in challenges. Till now, I wasn't 100% against them as they seemed rare and avoidable, but this is horrible. Poor children and their parents:'(.
I like your idea, it will really made the walkthrue the neighborhood and make more familiar with premade sims that I would never othervise play and meet.
Hopefully third time is a charm and you'll finished it. I would also choose smart and nice sister other than heartbreaker one. And pictures are great too. Looking forward to read more!

Offline Joria

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2010, 05:43:54 AM »
Aria, the girl with the thought bubble of the dagger while she watches Patty kissing someone, (I suspect it's dagger's boy friend), just cracked me up.  If looks could kill, eh?

Glad you're carrying on.  The story is way cool.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline AriaGirl77

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Re: Aria's Alphabetical Townie Legacy
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2010, 10:46:59 AM »
Yay!  I'm glad you guys like it!

The meteor was terrible, I'd never seen such destruction.  It took such a long time too since the kids only came out one at a time, it happened around noon game time and it didn't end till 8pm game time.  :(  I tried canceling school for Serena, but it wouldn't let me.  So she was just trapped there.  :'(

Joria - Yeah, that pic of Patty kissing that guy with the girl in the background... I just couldn't leave it out! LOL

Update is incoming. :)

