@XxMousiexX @Joria here are a few more screenshots of the house on the cliff:
This is the balcony that is central to my creation. In-game, it looks down on the 'hidden lagoon' below. I want to have cascades in here coming from the water where kids are swimming on the right, as well as from the one on the left. I don't know yet if it is feasible to do that. I don't want too many water sprouts as it might be prone to bugs and glitches, or make the game lag so much.
This is the view from below with the house reflected on the water. As you can see, the cliff walls only look good if there are hanging vines and climbing roses to make it a bit more realistic as it can get in Sims 4. If I can add cascades, it would be terrific!
The plateu and the multilevel pools were the first that was created. They can be done without any MOO. Just takes a little bit of hammering. There are 4 levels of pools created.
1. ground lvl
2. on foundation
3. 2nd floor
4. 3rd floor.
The 3rd and 4th floors are used for the main house itself.
The back view of the house and cliff face. Still bare and needs quite a lot of decorating.
Side view of the house. I ran out of space for the house to settle in place comfortably. So part of the house is built on the edge of the cliff itself. I didn't want to redo the base anymore. It would undo too much work that was already done. Maybe a 60x60 lot is needed to fully satisfy this.
I made the shell and wallpapering for one night. I was in a most inspired mood that time.
Then I estimated the cost, and made my legacy family work their butts off to have at least $150,000 so they can afford the place plus extra for the bills. I don't know how long it will take me to finish this as the house is bound to my legacy family and need the careers finished so I can use the rewards as fuurnishing. Currently have $34k and will add to the decors when I get $100k. Let's hope for a fast progress!