I just played photographer and he failed getting Theatre even if he got Bookstore and Grocery store from same spot, so it is still the same. Sometimes it is easy to get it and sometimes impossible, at least for me.
I find something very strange with this Sim. He is not photographer eye, and is part of dynasty. My master photographer borrowed him his camera (I moved it from one inventory to another in live mode) and settings were still panorama and vignette. This no skilled photographer took 3 pics in a room and earn first level. Third picture was relic worth 119$. Than took 2 more and his 6. photo was china zodiac animal collection worth 338$. By the end of the day, he took 74 photos of 60 different subjects, spent 4.563$ but photos he took are worth 13.027$ and is half way to level 9, still making panorama pictures but I made a mistake and granted him a wish to take black and white photo and couldn't get vignette back.
Point is, if you have Sim who mastered photo and set camera to highest settings other Sims can take pics with that settings too (but stressed or with finger on and worth less); and if you know where to look for subjects in less than a 2 day average Sim can master photo, and earn a lot of cash.
Also, photographs are increasing in value only after photographer died. I find it in a hard way, so in my museum photos taken by Sims who died are now worth a lot of money, but those took by living Sim have same value even if taken loong time ago. (Family Member taken by died Sim is now worth more than 10k but My child taken by still living Sim is still 90$ and it is a picture of the same Sim as teen and as YA).