Author Topic: Sims 4 - Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?  (Read 465458 times)

Offline MissZoef

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #285 on: June 08, 2016, 03:06:26 AM »
At the moment I'm running a retail store with baked goods and I was just checking on my employee, when I see her stealing something from my store!!  >:(  :D Quite funny (but it also made me a bit angry), guess who's gonna get fired?  ;)

Lol, at least she wasn't eating cereal in your living room. :D  ;D
(I'm remembering the shot of your klepto sim at the SKLs)
Haha, she did however go upstairs above the retail store and started watching TV and playing on her phone :-P

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #286 on: June 08, 2016, 05:06:40 AM »
Haha, your employee has work ethic issues.
I was going to say to lock the door to the area above the retail store but remember that you've been having a problem with locking doors.  :(

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Offline MissZoef

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #287 on: June 08, 2016, 05:13:03 AM »
Haha, your employee has work ethic issues.
I was going to say to lock the door to the area above the retail store but remember that you've been having a problem with locking doors.  :(
Yeah, although sometimes it seems to work and sometimes not. Only that employee went in, the rest stayed locked out. On my home lot I tried it too and it seemed to work for now. Very weird.

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Offline MissZoef

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #288 on: June 29, 2016, 05:30:05 PM »
I had some club memebers over at my house and the two in the picture were giving each other a massage and all of sudden they die together. Silly and sort of sweet. Two old girlfriends dying at the exact same moment. :P

Offline CuriousSim

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #289 on: June 29, 2016, 08:31:46 PM »
It's good to hang on to those placemats. They are a great way to raise your "fun" meter. You can take home the incomplete ones, and color, when you want to quickly raise your fun meter.

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #290 on: June 30, 2016, 04:04:56 AM »
I had some club memebers over at my house and the two in the picture were giving each other a massage and all of sudden they die together. Silly and sort of sweet. Two old girlfriends dying at the exact same moment. :P

The Grims call this a club meeting done right.  Two scythes up! 
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #291 on: June 30, 2016, 04:55:17 AM »
It's good to hang on to those placemats. They are a great way to raise your "fun" meter. You can take home the incomplete ones, and color, when you want to quickly raise your fun meter.

Great idea!
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Offline CuriousSim

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #292 on: June 30, 2016, 07:28:53 PM »
Here's another interesting bit of Dine Out trivia: If your waiter/waitress spills your food on the way to the table, you can salvage it for a part or two, depending on your handiness level.

Offline Franki

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #293 on: July 01, 2016, 04:06:49 AM »
Forgot to grab a picture of it because I found it highly amusing, but one of my two elder sims, seduced Grim enough to get him to join her in the hot tub in an attempt to save her husband (former step dad) from death.. it didn't work in saving the guy but my female sim can now send flirty texts to grim and enjoys snogging (kissing) him whenever he appears on the lot, which is usually after a flirty text has been sent or after Grim has reaped someones soul while on a date with my female elder.

the other 6 sims in the family have a pure hatred towards Grim, so they are usually trying to attack him while the elder is trying to snog him.
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Offline Franki

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #294 on: July 02, 2016, 11:23:38 PM »
NPC can't get around my sim because of where she is stargazing, all the NPC does is walk in circles.

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Offline CuriousSim

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #295 on: July 03, 2016, 02:43:01 AM »
Yup, that's one thing I learned. Pay attention to property lines. Sometimes, Sims can take irrational paths to do things, but it's often explained by property lines. A roaming Sim will not step into your property line, unless they want to visit you, or have been invited in. This means, that when your Sim leaves its property, it will find a specific path, when crossing over into the general neighborhood. Weird things sometimes happen, when you instruct your Sim to do something that has an elaborate animation. Sometimes the animation can put the Sim out of his/her own property line. This can result in the Sim being stuck, or leaving plates, drinks, and other objects in the street. If you get caught in a trafficway, it can cause a problem, for travelling Sims on the street.

Offline _Annika_

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #296 on: September 17, 2016, 06:03:42 AM »
My sim poured a glass of water before work but didn't have time to drink it. It spoiled.

Offline CuriousSim

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #297 on: September 18, 2016, 04:41:12 PM »
That's when it's good to have the magic trash can. It's worth $10.

Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #298 on: September 21, 2016, 04:17:27 PM »
Sims can also do it after eating Franks and Beans and I think Slob Sims can randomly (but I'm not sure).

Yes, they can [pass gas].  I tried having a slob Sim for a day, and that happened quite a lot.  I had him devour franks and beans, in addition.

Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Weird pictures, funny posts, or something new?
« Reply #299 on: September 21, 2016, 04:56:13 PM »
I tried to get my main family to pose for a picture (8 Sim household) but...