Late to the party, but I still caved in sooner than I thought I would.
I have mixed feelings about the game so far. Parts of it remind me of earlier sims games, for better and for worse.
loathe the camera zoom. It's really jerky and even though I have the option checked for TS3's camera, I still can't get a handle on the controls. Put it on my "to learn" list. I also don't think I'll ever fully get over not having Create-a-Style. My sims' clothes don't entirely match and it hurts me on the inside.
Don't know how I feel about the transition from LTWs to aspirations. I didn't really pay attention to them in TS2, and I last played that game in 2005 anyways. It does seem to "fit" the game, though.
A lot of the interactions are cute. The sims in general look pretty nice, even if the facial sculpting options are limited, and the base-game fashion isn't godawful for once. Money and needs seem more challenging, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
A lot of this sounded negative, but I'm also hopeful that I'll find more things that I like as time goes on.