Author Topic: Sims 4 - First Impressions  (Read 62124 times)

Offline ChowFatt

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #90 on: September 04, 2014, 12:53:30 AM »
Long time Sims player since the very first Sims, and of course all the EP's. This is my first post here in this forum, but have been lurking in the background for a couple years soaking in much of the great info on this website.

First and foremost, TS4 runs absolutely marvelously on my PC, no crashes, no clipping, nothing but smooth as butter performance.

My impressions of TS4 are thus: Pre-ordered and pre-loaded the game, and started playing the second that it was allowed (I live in Hawaii, so I was able to play at 6pm on Sep 1st). Muddled around in CAS and have only created one Sim that I am still playing in Live mode. I definitely enjoy the new CAS, and I for one don't really miss the CASt that much. Thought I would, but there are enough color selections (for a base game) to keep me happy. I definitely like the new look of the Sims over TS3., but more on that in a minute.

Into Live mode, and started with a basic single Sim home. I am thoroughly enjoying the Sim interactions, the multi-tasking, the personalities, and the new relationship meter/progress. At first, I thought I was going to miss the open world of TS3, but the more I have played TS4 the less I miss it. There is absolutely plenty to do in the neighborhoods, and I don't have to waste Sim time waiting for my Sim to run all over the place to dig up something, or to collect. That was always something I disliked about TS3. After about three hours of gameplay, I still kept thinking that it just wasn't going to be as fun overall as the TS3. It was nagging at me. So, I decided on a quick experiment. I uninstalled ALL of my TS3 stuff, and then re-installed just the base TS3 game, loaded it up and played. My intent was to compare barebones TS3 with barebones TS4.

It took all of about 5 minutes to quickly realize just how much better TS4 looks and plays. When comparing in this manner, TS4 was clearly better. It looks decisively better than base TS3, it is decisively smoother than base TS3, the UI is decisively better. I never really thought the TS3 UI was clunky, that is until I used the TS4 UI. Again, no comparison.

So, experiment complete, I have been playing TS4 solidly for about 6 hours now, and the deeper I dig, the more I like it. There are SO many little details buried in TS4. It really is more interesting (to me) to watch my Sim interact with other Sims and the environment. And after all, isn't that what the Sims are all about in the first place? Yes, there are elements from TS3 that I miss, but most of those elements were from TS3 expansion packs anyway. I feel that we will get much of that stuff back. And of course there are things that I don't miss. Like dishwashers. I think the Sims in TS4 actually hand wash the dishes faster anyway. But really, who ENJOYS loading a dishwasher anyway? :P)

Overall, I believe TS4 is a definite improvement, especially when compared with the base TS3.
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Offline KhaineGB

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #91 on: September 04, 2014, 01:45:06 AM »
Used a USA VPN so I can actually access the game. Stupid release dates for different countries...

Anyway. Played for 2 hours. Thoughts so far.


1) The camera. I've played Sims 1, 2 and 3... the camera is like a bad implementation of the one from Sims 2. I can use the keyboard and mouse at the same time (I play a lot of FPS games), but I've gotten used to controlling the camera entirely via mouse. Turning it back to Sims 3 style made me rather happy. :)
2) The new Queue system. I'm not sure if I've got free will set to high or not, but my sims seem to like ignoring what I tell them to do if they're already doing something. 5 items also isn't enough unless you enjoy micro-management. Most of the time, I thought 8 wasn't enough in Sims 3!
3) Art style. Still a little too cartoony for my tastes... but I think this is something that will grow on me. My other half saw me playing the game and said she actually liked it.
4) The small neighbourhoods. I understand why they made it smaller, and it certainly has helped with performance, but it now feels a lot more cramped than Sims 3 did.


1) The multitasking. That's just awesome. :D
2) The new animation style. Very much enjoying that. It just seems to be so much more... well... fluid for lack of a better term.
3) Quite liking the emotion system as well, but I need to play with it more.

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Offline _Annika_

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #92 on: September 04, 2014, 02:57:55 AM »
I haven't got the game yet, but I'm keeping well informed as I read as much as I can about the game. It's difficult seeing so much disappointment, but I'm honestly not surprised because I myself was already disappointed knowing what the game is missing. The best phrase I saw that summed it up for me was "they are called expansion packs, not completion packs". That is to say, we should not have to wait for EPs to make the game feel complete.

Unlike many I don't think the camera controls will be that much of an issue for me. From what I hear, the TS4 controls sound like the way I use the TS3 controls anyway. I turn edge scrolling off, and use the right mouse button, I click and hold the scroll button, I use the <> keys on occasion, and I use ~123 and wasd extensively.

I think the weewee walk is going to get very old very quickly. Much like the stride of pride. Annoying. That said, it's not like you have to worry as much about your sim getting slowed down by their walk, because they're not wasting time travelling all over the countryside to get to places. Travel time was a killer, and teleportation and the jetpack were lifesavers.

When I think about it, the smaller world option doesn't sound so bad. I was always looking for ways to make my Sims 3 worlds more streamlined and efficient, smaller, less taxing on my system (It's a great system, but Sims 3 is taxing on just about any system).

The loss of pools doesn't bother me too greatly - I built them, but rarely actually used them. When I think about my sims in SSV the main lots that they used were the Big Park, the Library, the Gym and the Shops. The only reason they visited anywhere else was for the rabbitholes, or to track down a sim I needed them to talk to, and less lots to search makes that a whole lot easier, though I don't think it will work this way, so no problems there.

The loss of Toddlers is unforgiveable.

The loss of CASt is unforgiveable, though it will at least refocus the game from an aspiring architect's paradise to the doll house that it was originally meant to be.

I love the look of the new career system, and can't wait to try that out.

I'm also looking forward to trying out skilling up a sim, and completing collections. At least we still have that, and it is new and different, not all the same things as before.

The action queue looks like it will be annoying (only 5! and some actions superseding others) but I think I can learn to live with that.

The moodlets panel will annoy me no end, so I'm hoping that they patch that asap.

I love that they included breastfeeding, but I'm sure that they could at least have included some coding to send the mum to a lounge chair or rocker to feed the baby. I mean, if sims can walk around on the phone, and then hang it back up, surely they could have done similar for the Mum (phone is an object, baby+crib is an object, so why not?).

I like that they brought back the dual relationship bar, and I do look forward to finding the fastest way to fill that up :D

The graphics doesn't bother me that much. It's different, and cartoony, but then I didn't like Sims 3 graphics compared to Sims 2 either. That's the least of my worries.

Emotions to me just seem like a different way of distributing moodlets, but different in a good way. Not overly different in concept though, just a slight change in user interface and a slight change in mechanics of what it means for game play. I think I will need to play the game to get a real feel for it though.

I still think it falls down in comparision to Sims 3 base game, which I have been playing a lot recently for a project I am working on, but will reserve judgement until I get a chance to play. On one hand I am dying to get it to try out the new things, but on the other hand I want to hold off until the first challenge is posted in the hopes that the price will drop.

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #93 on: September 04, 2014, 06:36:04 AM »
I will say this.  If I was to play sims3 base game only and sims4 base game, I would have to say I would choose sims3.  Let me explain.  Don't get me wrong, I really like most aspects of sims4, it is amusing to watch and the interactions are a scream, but game play and a few other things makes sims3 better in some respects.  In sims4, I have never seen so much popping up and down after they sit.  The giggling in their sleep was cute for a time, but it is just weird, lol.  If a sim walks in on a sim eating, they take their plate, put it somewhere, talk to the other sim, grab the plate out of no where and starts eating again.  Not sure if I like that or not.  So far, the game doesn't grab me like sims3 did, but I am not saying it won't eventually.  Maybe we have played sims3 for so long and just got so use to it.  When you want to pull back by moving your cursor to the bottom of the screen, that doesn't work either, have to use the wheel.  So it does take some getting use to.  I am not slamming the game, by all means, but I think I expected more out of a game that I paid almost 70.00 for, but I am sure once I play more than two hours at a time, I get more into it.  These are just my opinions.  I do really like the game, just noticed some things is all. :)
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Offline grimsoul

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #94 on: September 04, 2014, 06:45:44 AM »
When you want to pull back by moving your cursor to the bottom of the screen, that doesn't work either, have to use the wheel

Instead of moving your cursor all the way to the bottom of the screen you have to stop just above the interface bar at the bottom of the screen.
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Offline Marishkah

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #95 on: September 04, 2014, 09:12:38 AM »
So far, I really like the multitasking they added.  It is so nice for my Sims to sit and eat together and have a conversation, rather than eat and wander off.  Also the fact they will talk in a group by themselves, rather than being prompted to.  The graphics are pretty awesome.   Not having to wait for the game to load is really nice as well! 
I don't have any details as far as when expansions are coming and what is in them.. but, I am disappointed they made a brand new Sims game and took out so much stuff.  Toddlers, swimming pools and no cars?  I always loved it when my Sims could afford to buy a brand new car and always followed them to their destination.   When my Sims family would rush to the hospital to have their baby, was so cool to see them in action and be so happy.  Loved watching them hold the babies.  Now, we get a basinet with a baby in it.. and for my game, I can not see my Sims baby lol  You can hear it cooing and see some movement along the bottom, but baby is missing from inside it lol  Oh and their baby is a Sims demon baby...!!!!!!  :(  I would post a screenshot but I couldnt for some reason.   

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #96 on: September 04, 2014, 09:55:09 AM »
I just tried the move option to see how it worked. I chose to keep my furniture and when I got to the new lot I was pleasantly surprised to see I even had all the plants from my garden in the family inventory. :)
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Offline Alisailiah

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #97 on: September 04, 2014, 11:12:40 AM »
I've only played for a few hours, so here's my initial thoughts.

It's different than what I expected. Once I got out of the mindset of it being similar to Sims 3, I enjoyed the game a lot more.

The loading screens don't really bother me - they last approximately 20 seconds.

For some reason I adapted to the camera really quickly. Maybe that's because I play other games as well :)

I found getting money to be harder than other Sims - e.g. my first bill was almost $500 for my single sim. I think that adds more realism into the game though.

I loved watching my sim get pregnant!

I also love the little details like seeing exactly how long the food will take to spoil (even in the fridge) or how woohooing decreases your hygiene bar.

That's it for me now - will play some more tomorrow with a proper family and house.

Offline audbooh

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #98 on: September 04, 2014, 11:16:12 AM »
I don't have the game yet but I have played it on a friend's computer. It is AWESOME. I love the emotions and the storytelling aspect. It is really fun. The only thing that really bothers me is the mouse controls. Is there an option for Sims 3 mouse controls?I think so. Anyhoo, I can't wait to get my copy! (Just have to make it to Friday...)
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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #99 on: September 04, 2014, 12:50:06 PM »
So I have put in about 13 hours of game play. So far i just love the game, i have almost no problems with it except that it takes a bit to load when traveling to different venues but im putting the blame on my pc annnnd making a friend is reallly much more difficult, you need to put a little more effort into it. I downloaded a sim from the Library to add to the household and taking them on a date really helped boost their friendship level in a few short hours of course gold star from dating helped too. Also getting money to improve the household items even the house itself is proving a tad bit difficult. Overall, i really enjoy playing this new version.

Offline Ellenser

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #100 on: September 04, 2014, 01:38:53 PM »
I'm really enjoying it, much more than I thought I would.

I had initially planned on waiting several months before I purchased (if I ever purchased) in order to wait for patches, more thorough reviews and the like, though I was watching some streams on Twitch on the Sims 4 and I was sold. I had a brief moment while I was downloading the game thinking, "What in the world have I done? I'm never going to play this.." but I was wrong. I've even uninstalled all of the Sims 3 content on my computer (which I'm so glad to be rid of that laggy, buggy, unoptimized game).

The game has a different feel from the previous in the series, which is great. The emotions and aspiration advancement add and an interesting new element to explore. I'm finding myself much more emotionally connected to my sims now than I was in the previous games. There are many career options to explore, a whole new world, new sims to meet, and this game really helps make it feel like you're "discovering" something new - there really is so much to do.

One thing that is starting to get on my nerves is the multitasking. It's great that sims can do multiple things at once now, but it's annoying when I have my family of 3 sit down to have dinner, and mid-dinner they feel the need to get up and switch seats. This is not a deal breaker, but I do hope they patch it a bit. I do love the multi-tasking, though. It's so nice to have one sims painting, while his wife is sitting on the side of the bed eating while they chatter away.

I do like the new world system. I can see how new expansion content can effortlessly be added on without having to worry about having enough room. The loading screens are very short (2-10 seconds) and do not bother me one bit. I do wish we could have some sort of way to flip between the home lot and the lot some other sim is visiting, though. Not to mention, wherever you go, there are sims everywhere. Plenty of sims walking by your house, plenty of sims populating the lots you visit, etc.

The optimization is great. My laptop, which is about 3 and a half years old now, can play it smoothly on high settings. Going to try to bump that up even more and see how it runs. This is especially nice because many players in the sims community tend to not be so computer-hardware-wise (anyone else remember forums being overrun with, "will my computer be able to play the Sims 3?" or other similar questions?) The game looks fantastic.

I don't miss CASt at all, especially since there are plenty of recolors for clothes available. I love the mix-and-matching of clothes capabilities in the Sims 4, for sure. Much more developed than Sims 3.

I do worry about the future of the series, though. I'm not to fond of the money-grabbing technique of EA (i.e. 10+ expansion packs, +stuff packs, +store content), so I'm not getting my hopes about the future up too much, but considering this is just the base game, I'm more than excited to see what new content the expansion packs will bring.

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #101 on: September 04, 2014, 03:49:46 PM »
I really like these new sims and the way they go about their day . I'm getting use to the new controls as well , it took a while to figure some things out though . Overall I'm loving it !
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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #102 on: September 04, 2014, 04:51:23 PM »
I'm really enjoying it. I've had my standard welcome to the sims event occur to my first sim in Sims 4 as in Sims 1, 2 and 3 - he caused a fire while cooking. At least unlike in Sims 1 he didn't die as a result. :)

It is different to Sims 3, but I am pleased about that, to me, different is good.

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #103 on: September 04, 2014, 07:21:15 PM »
I just realized there are no basements. What?

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #104 on: September 05, 2014, 12:30:31 AM »
I've played for about 13-14 hours so far, and I'm still only just scratching the surface! The first meal my sim cooked caused a fire... and I'd forgotten to place the fire alarm/sprinkler system so that was a refreshingly familiar start!  :D

I really love the look of Willow Creek, the sunlight through the trees and little dust motes floating around are just lovely.
Loading screens are so short that I don't really notice, it gives me a few moments to think about what I want my sim to do next actually. The game runs beautifully, I've only had one moment of what I thought was going to be a 'freeze' but it turned out that just as my sim walked through her garden gate, she also reached two of her life aspiration goals, her phone rang and a neighbour wanted to chat to her so she just sort-of stayed still for about four seconds. Just long enough for me to think "oh no!" and then away she went again.

I adore the new facial expressions. I've had quite a few 'Awww, that's so cute' moments, especially when my sims been chatting to the neighbourhoods kids. The kids are just so gorgeous, and I wasn't expecting to like them so much!

I'm finding managing the emotions really challenging. My poor sim looks like she's having a personality change every different room she walks into. I've got all my gems and finds around my house and its just too much. Her mood changes so often it's like she's having a personality crisis! I guess once I've figured out what mood each item enhances I'll be able to manage it all a bit better, but I don't think I'll be able to have all my 'collectables' on display like in TS3 if I want to only trigger certain emotions.

Making money is quite challenging. My sims lives off her garden, fishing and the collectables she finds. So she is surprisingly poor considering its about week 3. I can't find where the display for each week is so I lost track a bit after playing for so long in one sitting!  I can't wait to make enough simoleons to buy a mansion, its going to be an epic effort!

So all, in all, I've enjoyed my first dip into TS4. It isn't what I expected. I do miss certain expansion objects that I'd become really used too... but they (obviously) weren't in the base game so it's not really a fair comparison. I think it's a really solid base and I'm looking forward to trying all the careers etc until I find my favourite.  :)
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