Author Topic: Sims 4 - First Impressions  (Read 62128 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #105 on: September 05, 2014, 07:34:19 AM »
I think I've gotten over my annoyance when something I COULD do in 3 I can't do in 4.  I don't think I will get over not being able to tilt up or down though.  Zooming in and out just doesn't do it and neither does birds eye view.  You really have to fiddle around a lot to get the exact view you want in order to place objects.

At first I was very negative about build mode.  I was one that did not want just the standard EA stuff and their boring colors and prints on my walls.  After asking some questions here in miscellaneous help, and getting great answers from a lot of folks, I played with build mode a wee bit more, although I have not yet created an entire house from scratch.  Again, at first I was unhappy with wall and floor coverings, but then I realized it was pretty much the same with 3 when it first came out.  Our choices were limited until EPs and SPs and store content came about, and then it was whatever your heart desired.  I hope there will be an option to recolor and restyle patterns in the future but for now, using the filter buttons helps me get any matching color scheme I want.  I tend to select 3 colors for an entire house plus black and white, and this is just as easy to do now in Sims4.  It was just as easy, maybe even easier, to move articles of furniture or decor around and get it placed right where I wanted it without having to resort to moveobjects on/off.  I liked that a lot.  Using your keyboard more will take a bit of getting used to but not all that much if you play other games.

I love the adventure of finding/digging/harvesting all kinds of things.  My Sim has quite the collection going, most of which I've sold in order to enhance her tiny, prebuilt house. 

I was a bit disappointed in not being able to just go from building to building in the town center and was further disappointed when the night club had no dance floor.  No dancing in 4?  The park was nice but other than being a great place to socialize , go fishing, catch frogs and cook out, I felt it was a bit lacking.  I miss having play structures for children in the park and did not explore as to whether I could add those items or if they even exist at the moment.

Speaking of fishing, my oh my!  There are fish everywhere and some of them are pretty valuable.  They are extremely easy to catch right off the bat with very little learning curve for your Sim.  No buying and reading tons of bait books!  That was really nice.  I also liked the more realistic fishing actions, including the occasional bunch of weeds you pull up.  Just like real life!  I did notice the quality of the fish deteriorates very quickly.  Keeping them nice and fresh in your inventory is not an option.  They get "foul" quality very fast.  I did not try refrigerating them.

The refrigerator has me a bit puzzled at the moment.  I've put some of my harvested fruits and veggies in it but you don't seem to use them for cooking.  At least not yet for my Sim.

When I worked on my Sims house I wanted to just recolor some of the furniture and wall coverings but could not discover a way to do this.  Instead I had to sell the item and then rebuy one in the colors I wanted.  This caused a small loss of funds as you never sell back for full worth.

I like the gardening actions very much.  She takes a hand spade and actually does digging motions to plant things.  I do miss my automatic sprinklers though!  It takes so long to water each plant by hand.  I am happy with the fertilize actions though as you don't have to have a bunch of stuff in your inventory to do this, you simply pay for fertilizer and sprinkle a powdery substance on your plants.  I don't like the fact you have to do this with each individual plant.  I'm hoping there is a better, faster, smoother way.

Sims needs seem to go down much more quickly than in 3.  It feels like she barely begins doing things before she has to go through pee/wash/eat/shower again.  She can have a very inactive day but gets stinky fast even doing nothing but reading or watching tv.  I do like the different types of showers though.  Nice to energize or relax your Sim just by getting clean.

The townies are much more autonomously social than in 3.  She is always getting greeted and chatted up by one or more townies and often a crowd will appear and it's a huge group all chatting away.  Some are more social than others and seem to constantly appear at her house, uninvited, to just hang out.  However, with the high freewill these Sims have they just go about their needs even with someone there chatting away at them.  Mine ate, showered, used the toilet, fixed a sink and then went to bed while a visitor just carried on.

I do not miss pets, supernaturals or weather at all.  As a matter of fact I found them pretty annoying sometimes in 3 and had most of them turned off, so it's a relief to just have neighbors around.

I haven't opted for a career since I don't know how to have her career be gardener.  No city hall?  No military or police?  Not needed in this Utopian Simworld?

So far for one day of play I have to admit I actually like it.  Not more than 3, but more than I thought I would.
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Offline Saltypaws

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #106 on: September 05, 2014, 07:41:46 AM »
I also realized there is no ceilings again.  Not a deal breaker, but I really liked my ceilings, unless I am missing something.  I have a two story house and on the first floor, you see sky.  Some parts of this game seems like it is going backwards.  Probably when I get a chance to actually play for a longer period of time, I will start to enjoy it.  I am still on the fence about my first impressions, I hate being a creature of habit sometimes, lol. :)
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Offline Joria

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #107 on: September 05, 2014, 07:49:33 AM »
I forgot to add in that long ramble that one thing I really do NOT like at all is everything seems rather Disney world. The Sims are too cartoonish for my taste and while it seems like you can do so much more than you could in CAS, I really don't find that to be true.  Most Sims look pretty much alike.  The scenery is also very cartoonish.  It's beautiful, but it's like being in a very good dream.  Not as realistic as they say it is, at least not to me.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #108 on: September 05, 2014, 08:25:18 AM »
@ Joria - to redesign something you already have, look at the top middle bar in build mode and choose the Design Tool - R.

My first impressions so far are great.  The sims themselves are so much more interesting and the challenge isn't just to stack moodlets.  The daily school and work tasks are good as well.

I love that every day after school, my child gets a progress report on her grades.  Very nice.

The few things I'm missing from Sims 3 aren't a big deal to me as I feel it's outweighed by what I'm getting in the new game - repeat NEW game.  Multitasking is fabulous!  Overall, I'm very happy with my purchase.  I'd give it an 8/10.

Offline jesirose

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #109 on: September 05, 2014, 08:26:41 AM »
I also realized there is no ceilings again.  Not a deal breaker, but I really liked my ceilings, unless I am missing something.  I have a two story house and on the first floor, you see sky.  Some parts of this game seems like it is going backwards.  Probably when I get a chance to actually play for a longer period of time, I will start to enjoy it.  I am still on the fence about my first impressions, I hate being a creature of habit sometimes, lol. :)

Somehow there are ceilings, I read a description of an item that requires ceilings.
- Jessica

Offline Namaya

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #110 on: September 05, 2014, 09:35:26 AM »
To everyone having problems with the camera: there is a setting that allows you to use the old Sims 3 camera settings! I forgot what key combination it was exactly, but one of the blue tips told me about it. It was something like crtl + shift + tab.

I have been playing Sims 4 for a bit more than a day now. I got the game for free from my work to write a review about it and to be honest I don't think I'm going to give it a good grade. Sure, it's a fun game and I'm sure that kids who are completely new to sims will really enjoy playing it, but the majority of Sims players will come from those who have played Sims 3, and for them (and me) it is quite a big step backwards. Now of course we should keep in mind that probably most of us are used to playing Sims 3 with at least a couple of expansion packs. I am pretty sure that future expansion packs of the Sims 4 will improve the game and make it more fun to play. But even so, they left out a bit too many features that should be in the base game if you ask me and to me it just feels like they really want to force you to spend more and more money on DLC and expansion packs before the game is worth playing. Kinda like a 'pay to win' feeling, even though you already paid for the game.

The main features that I miss are:
- Obviously a swimming pool but I believe it's pretty clear that everyone misses that one
- The colourpanel, though I understand they left this out for better rendering purposes.
- Community lots like the school, the hospital, the police department and the city hall. Even though they were rabbit holes in the Sims 3, I liked to use their exterior for story purposes. I also don't like how small the worlds are. I guess they did that for better rendering purposes as well, but the worlds in Sims 3 like Monte Vista are so stunning to look at from a far... it's a shame that now we can only look at our own little neighbourhood. I also don't like that all the lots seem to be fixed, although I have to admit I didn't really check the world manager that closely yet.
- A dishwasher. Even though you can just drag dirty plates to your sink or trashcan, it just feels silly that a million dollar house doesn't have a dishwasher.
- Toddlers. They were the most adorable thing in Sims 3 and I was completely addicted to taking screenshots of these little monsters. The fact that my first sims 4 baby was also a glitched demonbaby didn't really help either.
- The lack of maternity leave or vacation days. Especially the fact that these two features are so simple and do not effect rendering at all make me wonder why they left it out. It almost feels like they... forgot about it?
- Fire that works normally. I had a fire with a fire alarm installed and it all made so much noise that my game crashed completely. I had to turn off the sound to be able to continue playing and it took me around 20 mins to get the game started again. Also the fire department didn't show up even though I had an alarm installed. My sim was luckily able to extinquish the fire herself. By doing this, she actually stepped into the fire herself but didn't get burned. All of this just didn't feel right to me.

Though overall I am a bit disappointed with the game so far, there is some stuff that I do like!
- The graphics! Though many have complained about the cartoony feel of the Sims 4, I absolutely love it. I am able to play the game on ultra settings and it just looks stunning to me. Especially the lighting and the colours are just amazing. I also love how the distance becomes kind of blurry when you are looking at a certain scene from ground level.
- The amount of sims in the neighbourhood. Especially when you are doing stuff in your house and you can see outside in the distance how life continues onwards on the street. People are jogging, talking to each other and children are playing, etc. etc. And none of it affects the game's performance.
- Which brings me to the most important part: the game performance. Even though my FPS is only around 25, the game still feels very smoothly. The sims also act smoothly and hardly get stuck. Also they react so fast to the assignment you give them! Especially conversations between two sims are very fluent because of this. Instead of talking, then standing quiet for 2 seconds and then move on to the next social interaction, they do it immediately. Sims are able to do things way more quickly without any flaws. Up until now, it only happened once that a sim couldn't move towards a certain point and complained about it in the way we all know so well.
- The way they walk. Especially when they have to go to the bathroom really badly or are pregnant and have one of those typical walks. My sim was very pregnant but still walked her 'feminine' walk, which looked really funny.
- Personalities. Even though traits and stuff were already there in the Sims 3, I feel that they are expressed more and better in the Sims 4. When me sim feels flirty, she really acts like it and I just love all her facial expressions and body language. I haven't tried flirting with my loner bookwurm genious yet, but I am very curious to find out if she flirts in the same way as my flirty sim.

Still, dispite these good things, for me the game just misses out a little bit too much to call it an 'enhancement' compared to the Sims 3. Sequels should always feel like a step forward, but this one definitely doesn't feel like that at all. I actually got 'homesick' to Sims 3 while playing Sims 4 and started up my old game again. Hopefully, expansion packs (please come soon!) will be the solution to this.
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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #111 on: September 05, 2014, 11:07:48 AM »
I have to say again how much I love the multitasking and social interactions.  Example.  It's Sunday so my sim family has gone to the park.  The child is playing on the pirate ship along with two other children which is raising her social while at the same time she's having fun.  It's very seemless.  I just clicked on other children in the area and invited them to play pirate.

The mother saw two ladies playing chess at a table and went over to give a friendly introduction to both of them.  They didn't stop what they were doing (playing chess) but were happy to strike up a conversation with my sim.  One of the ladies eventually walked off, vacating her seat.  My sim immediately sat herself down in the chair all the while maintaining the conversation with the lady still there.  It's a joy to watch.

Edit:  The child was also gaining motor skill at the same time.  Wonderful :D

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #112 on: September 05, 2014, 11:12:59 AM »
Not to pick your post apart, but I think there are some things that personally I'm just a bit tired of hearing all the hate about, so I just wanted to point out a couple of things in your post.


The main features that I miss are:
- Obviously a swimming pool but I believe it's pretty clear that everyone misses that one

No, actually I don't miss them at all. In fact, I just was playing Sims 3 before Sims 4 came out and my elder sim, who had retired, did absolutely NOTHING but play in the pool all day long and all night long (needless to say he had a lvl 10 in Athletics after all that before he finally croaked off). My nitpick here is the term "everyone". Not "everyone" misses them.

- The colourpanel, though I understand they left this out for better rendering purposes.

Was not about rendering at all actually, was about load times. When you have that many options and that many lists to sort through on a computer system, it is bound to get bogged down. Whether it's online or built into the client itself, it will always eventually bog down. You could see it when you hit Materials as it slowly sorted them out, and the fact it had to reload each list as you changed back and forth was intense, and this on a new Alienware with SSD drives, while the CAST was great, it was not a optimal solution for the game. Color wheel was never a problem, but if they removed one part, and left the other, they still would have never heard the end of it. Although the color wheel is probably the least intensive bit of CAST, they opted to pull the entire thing. I understand that decision from a software design perspective. I also grasp that this game was not originally intended to be just PC, and it was changed mid way.

- Community lots like the school, the hospital, the police department and the city hall. Even though they were rabbit holes in the Sims 3, I liked to use their exterior for story purposes. I also don't like how small the worlds are. I guess they did that for better rendering purposes as well, but the worlds in Sims 3 like Monte Vista are so stunning to look at from a far... it's a shame that now we can only look at our own little neighbourhood. I also don't like that all the lots seem to be fixed, although I have to admit I didn't really check the world manager that closely yet.

I really don't miss them that much. I was just thinking about this in fact with my Sims 3 game in University as my kids went through Graduation (and as high schoolers previously) that it's just a big rabbit hole, I don't get to SEE their graduation, I just hear some sim drone on endlessly then they come out and yay? I don't think the lots are gone permanently, I think it's a matter of seeing how best to incorporate those back into the game and in what function since they've said NO rabbit holes. Which personally, if that means no more hospital, or police department, or city hall, I'm good with. I hate, hate, hate and did I mention hate, rabbit holes with a wicked passion.

While Monte Vista and others were beautiful to look at, I never felt they were "alive" if you will. I would go to locations and maybe have another sim or 2 there, and that would be it. No massive life wherever I went.

- A dishwasher. Even though you can just drag dirty plates to your sink or trashcan, it just feels silly that a million dollar house doesn't have a dishwasher.

I can skip on dishwashers for the moment. I let my sims clean their dishes in the sink as that's pretty realistic for me, so that means I don't do the whole throwing them in the trash. I get your point on dishwashers in a million dollar home, but right now, with all my breakables on the lot, it would just be one more thing to repair/replace. So hopefully they make a come back, but it's not a game breaker situation to me.

- Toddlers. They were the most adorable thing in Sims 3 and I was completely addicted to taking screenshots of these little monsters. The fact that my first sims 4 baby was also a glitched demonbaby didn't really help either.

Toddlers are a really mixed bag for people. I hated them in TS3. There are a lot of people like myself that just did the bare essentials to get them walking, talking and potty trained and then aged them up. I never thought there was enough "rambunctiousness" or things for them to get into to make them worth playing. As a mom of 2, I don't say this lightly as I was not fond of my toddlers back then when they got into things and prayed for the whole age to pass through as quickly as possible.

- The lack of maternity leave or vacation days. Especially the fact that these two features are so simple and do not effect rendering at all make me wonder why they left it out. It almost feels like they... forgot about it?

I worked all through both my pregnancies in real life, I always thought "forced" maternity leave in the game was a bit sexist. I did do my FMLA for after the births, for 6 weeks, which was unpaid time off but that was MY choice, and one I could afford to do. Now, I have not played with NOT going to work in the game after giving birth, but then I really don't need to as I can age them up right to kids and get on with sim life again. Which of course, breaks realism, I get that, but I really like the non forced maternity leave aspect.

- Fire that works normally. I had a fire with a fire alarm installed and it all made so much noise that my game crashed completely. I had to turn off the sound to be able to continue playing and it took me around 20 mins to get the game started again. Also the fire department didn't show up even though I had an alarm installed. My sim was luckily able to extinquish the fire herself. By doing this, she actually stepped into the fire herself but didn't get burned. All of this just didn't feel right to me.

Haven't had a fire yet, so I can't express anything on this although in Sims 3, my sims would also "walk into the fire" to put it out as well and would be ok usually.

<snip all the great stuff>
Still, dispite these good things, for me the game just misses out a little bit too much to call it an 'enhancement' compared to the Sims 3. Sequels should always feel like a step forward, but this one definitely doesn't feel like that at all. I actually got 'homesick' to Sims 3 while playing Sims 4 and started up my old game again. Hopefully, expansion packs (please come soon!) will be the solution to this.

I think this sums up the problem in a nutshell. Everyone expected this to be an "enhancement". I didn't. As much as I adore TS3 for it's big beautiful open world, the wonderful things they could bring to the expansion packs (I loved them all, seriously), I never felt as if my sims were "alive". They were mini robots I had to direct every aspect of their lives every minute. Compared to Sims 2 and 1, that was just unrealistic to me. I loved letting my sims go and see what trouble they could get into, in Sims 3, that was gone. This was also a problem with the outrage from Sims 2 to Sims 3. I didn't go into Sims 3 thinking it was an "enhancement" to Sims 2. So many of the things I loved about Sims 2 was permanently gone from Sims 3, but I went into Sims 3 with the idea that it was it's own separate concept from Sims 2, different platform style of playing, and then I was ok with it. But as I played Sims 3, I just got bored. My total play time on Sims 3 as per my Origins account is now only 430 hours. My hours for Sims 4 is already over 50.

I was having a blast last night, just letting my sims do their own thing. I had a dinner party going on, hubby came home grumpy and needing fun, decided to have fun with their two little boys, while my sim hosted the ladies for dinner... next thing I know, my little girl is off over at the park babbling to people and finding out about them. I had no idea she had even left the house until I got a notification that she had discovered Johnny Cheney was "mean". Next morning, all three kids got up at exact same moment, and to my surprise, they all went hugging each other. My reaction was, hey, you wanna come to my house and teach my two teenagers this familial love thing?

I think the biggest issue, is that EA really tried to give people what they thought they wanted in TS3, which was open world, better graphics, etc. But a lot got lost in that (mainly the "life" of the sims) transition. So if you're someone who loves to absolutely control every aspect of your sims, TS3 was an "enhancement" and "more realistic" than Sims 1 or 2. But I fell in love with Sims 1 and 2, not because I love to control every aspect of them, but because of what they would do when I wasn't controlling them.

And just as a last note on that, when Will Wright developed the Sims, it was originally because he was working on the pathing code of avatars. All the other stuff that eventually made up Sims 1, was to entertain himself while he experimented with the pathing code, to watch what kind of crazy stuff they would get into. That was the real heart and intent of Sims 1.

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #113 on: September 05, 2014, 11:44:16 AM »
I can understand your difference in opinion on the things I said in my comment, since they are subjective preferences. I guess everyone has their own way of looking at the Sims since it's such a diverse game. But there's one thing I don't really agree on and that is that you say that the sims in Sims 3 are robots and never do anything on their own. One of the most fun things in Sims 3 for me was to recreate my real life group of friends, put them in a house, free will at maximum and sit back and watch them do their own thing. And they did! Sure, some had a gaming addiction to the point that once in a while I had to quit that action to keep things going, but they interacted with each other all the time. I was fun to see how some of the sims became friends (or romantic) quickly and comparing it to my real life situation. I never felt that the Sims 3 sims were not alive. I was always able to create very emotional stories with them. Some of their facial expressions were great and felt very natural. Sometimes only a little detail in their expression changed, still giving them a slightly sad, happy, evil or flirty expression. To me it always seemed like the sims were really thinking about something while talking to other sims, and it was up to me to imagine what their thoughts would be.

But I agree with you that in Sims 4 the social interactions and realistic movements etc. of the Sims has been improved. Sims do seem even more 'alive', and if this is your most important aspect when playing Sims, then Sims 4 is a great game for you.

For me, the new sims are a bit too stereotyped though, and for a story creator that can be slightly annoying, since it gives you less space for your imagination. For example, my flirty sim is ALWAYS flirty when talking to the guys from her neighbourhood, which makes it really hard for me to create scenes for stories in which she has a serious conversation with the other sim.
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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #114 on: September 05, 2014, 12:27:10 PM »
I am loving how much more interactive the kids feel.  My starter house is a single father and daughter.  it was easy to create mom in CAS, combine the genes, and then delete her for the purposes of my storytelling.  Dad is neat, outdoorsy, and family oriented and has a bunch of rosebushes growing while he works on his culinary career.

He gets flirty pretty much every time he works on the roses, so maybe a step mom isn't far in the future.

The little girl tried to bond with the neighbor kids.  She met the boy and hit it off immediately then invited the little girl over to join their conversation.  The girl neighbor was not having it.  I invited her over alone later to play and she was offended and mean about everything.  It upset my Sim so much she autonomously went to calm herself down in the mirror while the neighbor kid aggressively started doing sit-ups in the father's bedroom until he asked her to leave.

I feel like the set-up of this universe is going to be good for managing multiple households in the same town, which I didn't do in Sims 3 at all.  Getting one family preggo then moving to the neighbors and working on their careers for a few days, etc. 

The controls will take a little getting used to but so far so good!

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #115 on: September 05, 2014, 01:33:29 PM »
One thing I was really enjoying last night was the fact that it isn't an ordeal to remodel the house when new kids are born.  In sims 3 I would often stop playing for large chunks of time when faced with the daunting task of remodeling the house for my growing family.

Now it's like, new kid, go select a bedroom and plop it into place, keep playing!  It doesn't break up my game play at all, which I really enjoy!

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #116 on: September 05, 2014, 01:42:39 PM »
 Well, I don't like that you can't put out a fire on your lot. So far, almost the entire patio has burned up. I'm waiting for it to spread to the house. Ugh! No fire department either. At least my sims ran out to the road away from the fire.

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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #117 on: September 05, 2014, 02:01:37 PM »
My sim died because he was trying to extinguish flames but another sim did it no problem! I noticed the pre made kitchen do not have fire alarm!


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Re: First Impressions
« Reply #118 on: September 05, 2014, 02:23:32 PM »
Well, I don't like that you can't put out a fire on your lot. So far, almost the entire patio has burned up. I'm waiting for it to spread to the house. Ugh! No fire department either. At least my sims ran out to the road away from the fire.

You can click on the object on fire, and there will be an option for your Sims to extinguish it. If you would rather not put your Sims in the middle of a fire (who would, they aren't very bright) there is also a sprinkler system. Let me open up the game and see where it is located under...

Okay, in Objects by Function, Electronics, Alarms, and there is a Fire Prevention System Utility Panel. You can also just use the search for it. Hopefully that helps with your fires.

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First Impressions
« Reply #119 on: September 05, 2014, 02:26:56 PM »
You can click on the object on fire, and there will be an option for your Sims to extinguish it. If you would rather not put your Sims in the middle of a fire (who would, they aren't very bright) there is also a sprinkler system. Let me open up the game and see where it is located under...

Okay, in Objects by Function, Electronics, Alarms, and there is a Fire Prevention System Utility Panel. You can also just use the search for it. Hopefully that helps with your fires.

Thank you.  I wish I would have known that sooner. Their whole house burned down. I hadn't saved it yet so I lost everything when I exited without saving. That'll teach me.

Edit: there wasn't an option to extinguish it :(