Author Topic: Rigel Duty: Epilogue (Part II)- One Kingdom (April 27) COMPLETE  (Read 104639 times)

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 59- The Teenage Years (March 18)
« Reply #195 on: March 21, 2015, 03:12:46 PM »
All girls' school, lol. Chana is still working hard, though if I were her I wouldn't give up the magician gigs but as a Watcher it does get tiring having to manage active careers when heirs are around.

Yeah, that's pretty much why I sent her into a real career. I didn't feel like having to watch over her all the time and make sure she attended her gigs. Plus, she was leaving the house soon anyway, so it really didn't matter what I put her up to  ::)

Chapter 60- The Decision...(Part III)

I used to be indecisive...but now, I'm not so sure. Just kidding. I totally can't make up my mind when it comes to certain things. Like having to choose between my two daughters on who would become the next heir. What do you do in situations like this? My Dad would say panic, but I went with a different route. I went and talked to Great Grandma Andi. I asked her what she did when it came time for her and Great Grandpa Camillo to decide between Great Grandpa Orion and Great Aunty Luna. She told me that she let Orion and Luna choose between themselves on who would become the next heir. I talked it over with Chana and she agreed that it would be a good idea to let Elara and Mira decide between themselves. So, when it came time for the girls to celebrate their young adult birthdays, I didn't feel as bad.

As always, Elara went first.

Mira followed after her sister.

Here is grown up Elara.

Her final trait was Hydrophobic.

Here is grown up Mira.

Her final trait was Good.

I sat down with the girls and told them what would happen next. After I told them that we would leave it up to them to decide who would become the next heir, I left the room so that they could talk it over between the two of them. Hopefully it wouldn't be too long before they make a decision...

But for now, this is Jupiter Rigel, signing off.


Jupiter R.

Since this is Jupiter's final chapter as narrator, here are his final stats:

The Fifth Heir

Name: Jupiter Rigel
Life State: Imaginary Friend
Lifetime Wish: Paranormal Profiteer
Traits: Eccentric, Artistic, Unlucky, Inappropriate, Excitable
Toddler Requirements:
                  Skills: Xylophone, Peg Box
                  Best Friends with Parents: Complete
Child Requirements:
                  Honors: Complete
                  Opportunity: Stinky Bugs
Teen Requirements:
                  Honors: Complete
                  Romantic Interest: Kerry Free
                  Level 3 Job: Complete
1 Best Friend: Marisela Hancock (Vampire)
2 Career Gifts: Ghost Hunter Honor Trophy, Ghost Hunter Service Award
3 Black Opps: Master Invention, Best. Haunted. House. Ever., Valuable Sculpture
4 Unique LTR: Efficient Inventor, Inappropriate but in a good way, Artisan Crafter, Fireproof Homestead
5 5K Wishes:

Marry Chana
Max the Inventing Skill
Build Time Machine
Donate 100 Ghosts
Earn 10K Sculpting

6 Skill Challenges:

Widget Wonder
Diabolical Detonator
Prolific Sculptor
Ice Personality
Discover the Ultimate Invention

7 Unique Items: Inventions

Here are the girls' final traits:


Hates the Outdoors
Hopeless Romantic

LTW- Superstar Athlete


Hot Headed

LTW- Alchemy Artisan

Pick your favorite and leave a comment if you want to share who your pick is  ;D

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 60- The Decision...(Part III) (March 21)
« Reply #196 on: March 21, 2015, 03:18:27 PM »
Congratulations again to Jupiter! I vote Elara, looking forward to finding out who is heir.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 60- The Decision...(Part III) (March 21)
« Reply #197 on: March 21, 2015, 08:18:36 PM »
Elara. Hopeless Romantic trait (for a free wish, Get Married) and non-pudding face.

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 60- The Decision...(Part III) (March 21)
« Reply #198 on: March 23, 2015, 12:38:54 PM »
Elara. Hopeless Romantic trait (for a free wish, Get Married) and non-pudding face.

Congratulations again to Jupiter! I vote Elara, looking forward to finding out who is heir.

Two votes for Elara!

The final calculations are.... Mira= 3 votes.... Elara= 2 votes.... Mira is the winner! Let's see if that's who I picked  ;)

Chapter 61- The Winner Is... (Part III)

What's up everyone! I'm Mira Rigel and I'll be your narrator as we round home base of this dynasty for my Great Granny Andi. So, anyway, we begin with my best friend, my twin sister, Elara, having to move out. Not cool, but it had to be done in order for me to eventually find a spouse, have a child, and so on and so forth.

I, meanwhile, got a job. I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do but I remembered Grandpa Pisces telling me about how Grandma Nova was a private investigator. That always sounded so cool. I sent a message to her and applied for a job at her investigation agency.

Grandma Nova hired me and I got started right away.

Pretty soon, I was rocking some new threads as I starting digging deeper into my career.

I had to put my cases on hold for a day, though, because it was my graduation. Even the maid attended the ceremony.

I graduated Valedictorian, as expected.

I went home and finished the case I was working on. Once I sent in the paperwork to Grandma Nova, she told me that I had been contacted by City Hall. For solving so many cases, I was getting an award. So, it was right back to City Hall for me.

Grandma Nova said that one of the best things about being a private eye was being able to help out family members. I got to hang out with Aunty Moona during a case, which was pretty cool.

Okay, so, during one of my cases, I met a guy, who was really nice. And a witch. Spouse material? You bet he was.

I chatted up the guy and then invited him over. I think he understood where this conversation was headed.

I then asked Uriah to be my boyfriend.

And he said yes. Smart man.

After that, I asked him to be my hubby.

And again, the smart guy said yes.

So, Uriah came to live with us. Great Granny Aurora and Grandpa Pisces gave him a makeover and a wardrobe upgrade. Not too shabby.

His traits are Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Gatherer, Grumpy and Hates the Outdoors. His LTW is to become a Professional Author.

My private eye cases will make an awesome story, for sure, so that LTW is in the bag!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 61- The Winner Is... (Part III) (March 23)
« Reply #199 on: March 23, 2015, 04:20:48 PM »
Mira wastes no time, hope we get to see a little of Elara in future. Good luck to Mira with her career, PI is just too bugged for me  :-\
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 61- The Winner Is... (Part III) (March 23)
« Reply #200 on: March 24, 2015, 12:56:02 PM »
Go, Mira, go! I think the PI career ended up permanently bugging my Gen 2 heir, crossing fingers for Mira to be okay. Also, not too shabby a choice of husband, Mira.

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 61- The Winner Is... (Part III) (March 23)
« Reply #201 on: March 27, 2015, 05:37:03 PM »
Mira wastes no time, hope we get to see a little of Elara in future. Good luck to Mira with her career, PI is just too bugged for me  :-\

Go, Mira, go! I think the PI career ended up permanently bugging my Gen 2 heir, crossing fingers for Mira to be okay. Also, not too shabby a choice of husband, Mira.

I got to try out the PI career with Nova and it wasn't too bad, so I tried it again with Mira. There were only a couple of cases that were buggy that I couldn't complete but, otherwise, it wasn't too frustrating.

Chapter 62- PI Action Sequence

Granny Aurora got Uriah a job as a writer and he got started right away on working on his writing skills.

I, meanwhile, went off to solve some more cases. Granny Nova taught me all of her investigatory skills, so I was ready to tackle the world. Kicking butt and taking names? You know it!

I am stealth. I am the ninja.

I also took some time to make some friends. One of Uriah's family members was a fairy, which was pretty cool.

We took a photo together but there was no way that the photo was ever going to see the light of day. Embarrassing...

Besides hanging out with Uriah's family, I got to meet some members of my own family. Here is Great Aunty Luna.

Great Aunty Selena.

I also ran across one of my siblings. Well, half siblings? My Dad's Simbot, Jacqueline, was out and about one night and it appears that she was more sim than simbot.

I chatted with Jackie for a bit before heading back to the scene of the crime. It was time to search for the latent prints of the perp and solve this crime!

I finished the case and handed in my case file to Granny Nova. After that, I went home to work on some of my skill challenges. Ever since I was a teenager, I loved alchemy. If there was one thing that I loved more than solving crimes and mysteries, was alchemy. I researched all of the recipes I could and eventually maxed out the skill.

The next thing I needed to do was learn some of the special alchemy recipes. I picked them up while I was out being an awesome private eye. I took a break at the bistro where Great Granny Andi worked and had lunch while I perused the books.

Skill challenge complete. I finished at the perfect time because I got another call from City Hall. Apparently, I was so awesome at being a PI that I was getting another award.

But then it was back to the house to brew up some potions.

Now to put those potions to good use.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 62- PI Action Sequence (March 27)
« Reply #202 on: April 01, 2015, 09:05:18 PM »
Haha loved the comment I am the ninja. It was nice to see some old dynasty members make a guest appearance.Overall, great chapter and I look forward to another one.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 62- PI Action Sequence (March 27)
« Reply #203 on: April 02, 2015, 08:21:05 AM »
Good to see Mira at least enjoy her career and so many family members around town. Jacqueline just looks super creepy  :o
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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 62- PI Action Sequence (March 27)
« Reply #204 on: April 02, 2015, 08:30:32 PM »
Haha loved the comment I am the ninja. It was nice to see some old dynasty members make a guest appearance.Overall, great chapter and I look forward to another one.

I figured you would  :)

Good to see Mira at least enjoy her career and so many family members around town. Jacqueline just looks super creepy  :o

I wasn't sure if that was really her or not but then everyone did the "eww, a simbot" reaction and then I knew it was her  :o

Chapter 63- Wedding Bells

Uriah and I got married that coming weekend.

We invited all of the family to the big event.

Everything was perfect!

And the cake from Great Granny Andi was perfect too.

Cake aside, Uriah and I sneaked away to go and celebrate our wedding night together.

The next day, I went to work on my skill challenges and my lifetime wish. Thank goodness I had so many family members in the house to work with.

After tossing a potion at Granddaddy Pisces, I completed my lifetime wish and a skill challenge.

With that in the bag, I moved on to my next set of skill challenges, science.

While everyone was out helping Dad looking for palladium to build his simbot, we gathered a lot of gems and minerals. That worked out pretty well because I had a ton of stuff to analyze.

Offline dontmindme

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 63- Wedding Bells (April 2)
« Reply #205 on: April 03, 2015, 12:16:37 AM »
Good luck, Mira, keep at it!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 63- Wedding Bells (April 2)
« Reply #206 on: April 05, 2015, 08:52:22 AM »
Mira is one busy Sim, thankfully she has so many family members to abuse with potions, lol. Congrats to her and Uriah  ;D
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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 63- Wedding Bells (April 2)
« Reply #207 on: April 06, 2015, 06:18:31 PM »
Good luck, Mira, keep at it!

Mira is one busy Sim, thankfully she has so many family members to abuse with potions, lol. Congrats to her and Uriah  ;D

The finish line is in sight for Mira  :)

Chapter 64- The Cycle Continues

To help me fly through my career, I started studying up on my logic skill.

But as soon as Great Granny Andi came home with some more bugs or whatnot, it was off to analyze.

I analyzed pretty much every bug and plant available, so I moved on to my next batch of things: fish.

I finished up that part of my science skill pretty quickly- no surprise there- and continued working on my career. I rolled a wish to max the PI career, so that was another requirement checked off my list.

After that, I returned to the science skill to do my next skill challenge. I got to play around and experiment on bugs, plants, seeds, etc.

I completed my last few experiments and then moved on to my last skill challenge. My Dad suggested that maybe I try playing an instrument, so I did. I rocked that keyboard.

One of the last things I had to do before I could go find Uriah and we could celebrate me completing my requirements was to head to City Hall. Granny Nova let me know that the Mayor wanted to give me yet another award for being an awesome private investigator. Can't really say no to that one.

The absolute last thing was to learn some new compositions for the piano. That was a breeze.

And, I was done. Mira Rigel totally rocked the requirements, not that it was at all a shock. So, the next thing I had to do was find my hubby and we could start a family.

Now that we were getting ready to bring in our own little witchyboo, Uriah thought it might be a good idea to start working on his wizarding skills so he could teach our offspring.

The next day, I used my investigatory skills to confirm the fact that I was expecting my first nooboo.

Things went by pretty quickly. Great Granny Aurora and I hung out at the spa for most of the time, which was really nice.

But, I had to cut my spa day short when I went into labor.

Uriah and I headed straight to the hospital.

Well, the cycle seems to be continuing. I had a bunch of siblings that could not be the heir because they were imaginary friends. My first baby was a genie, like me.

So, we headed home and aged up my baby, Sirius, right away. Dad brought him to the cake.

Sirius had my hair and my eyes, but Uriah's skin tone. Speaking of Uriah, he immediately got started with Sirius on his toddler skills.

He wasn't going to be with us for that long, since he had to move out as soon as he was old enough, so we wanted to enjoy Sirius for as long as we could.

Better luck next time, I guess.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 64- The Cycle Continues (April 6)
« Reply #208 on: April 06, 2015, 06:31:44 PM »
Yay, congrats to Mira! Sirius is an absolute doll, hope he gets a brother or sister heir next time even though he won't be in the household.
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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 64- The Cycle Continues (April 6)
« Reply #209 on: April 06, 2015, 06:44:47 PM »
Cute kid! Too bad he's a genie. Good luck with the next one and I hope Sirius gets to be a good big brother (outside the household, of course).