Author Topic: Rigel Duty: Epilogue (Part II)- One Kingdom (April 27) COMPLETE  (Read 108317 times)

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 34- Birthday Wishes (Dec 28)
« Reply #135 on: December 30, 2014, 02:52:10 PM »
What a lucky trait roll!

Glad things smoothed over with Nova too.

I kept my eyes closed because the last couple of rolls were pretty bad (*cough*cough*unstable*cough*) and cheered when I saw Artistic!  Pisces was going to be artsy regardless of if he wanted to or not in the long run so at least it worked out in his favor  ;)

Nice trait! Why does Nova have blond eyebrows but green hair?

It's actually really hard to see but Nova has blond/caramel brown highlights in her hair.  That's why her eyebrows are a different color.  I was wondering that too when I first when to change her hairstyle and opened up the color panel to check.

Chapter 35- The Finer Things

Good afternoon everyone.  My name is Pisces Rigel and I am the fourth heir to my Grandmother's Dynasty.  It is truly quite the honor to be the heir to a dynasty and also to descend from regal blood, courtesy of my Grandmother's royal heritage.  That being said, I would do my duty as heir to make sure that this dynasty progresses quickly and efficiently while enjoying my aesthetic pursuits.

My first matter to attend to was to settle the relationship between Callie and myself.  I did and still do genuinely like her but not in the romantic sense.  I tried to convey that to her when I called her over to talk.

Needless to say, she did not take this news very well.  It appears that since she had also aged up into a Young Adult, Callie believed that we could take our relationship to the next level.  Unfortunately, it was not to be.  My heart belonged to another and I was sure to tell her so.  I also expressed my desire to remain friends, which I hoped that we would in the long run.  Of course, I was aware that Callie would need time to think things over after we parted ways.  I hoped that Callie would come around in the end and we could repair our friendship.

I pray that this does not make me seem like a cad, but the first thing that I did the moment Callie left the house was to go and find my dear Nova.  Now that things with Callie were settled, it was time to make things official with Nova.

Nova and I were very relieved to finally have the opportunity to be together.  She knew that it was important for us to bring in the next generation as a different life state, so Nova thought it was quite comical for the first time in her life that she was actually pleased to be an imaginary friend.  Well, former imaginary friend as she was no longer imaginary. 

Like me, there were so many things that Nova wanted to accomplish.  She desired to see the world and meet new people, things that she was unable to do prior to this moment.  But, Nova also wanted to help people in some way.  She decided that she would like to become a Private Investigator and that her lifetime wish was to be a Pervasive Private Eye and solve numerous cases across Monte Vista.  I encouraged her to do so and Nova applied to an investigation agency that same day.

I, meanwhile, knew that I needed to continue my artistic pursuits.  I applied for a job as a painter.

While Nova and I were getting our careers in order, things began changing in the house.  Father, my sister Selena and my Great-Grandfather Camillo knew that the time had come to move out of the house in order to make room for later generations.  Reluctantly, we understood this and we all parted ways.  It was a sad sight but we knew that it needed to happen in order for the dynasty to succeed. 

The room that my sister and I shared was remodeled for Nova and me.

Nova tried to comfort me at the loss of my family.  I assured her that I knew that they were just in the city and I could visit them whenever I wanted.  Of course, that was not the same as having them in the house whenever I needed them but at least they were not gone forever.  I decided to take this opportunity to make my relationship with Nova official.  She gladly obliged me.

Sure, some may consider me to be a Snob, but I do only want the finest things and the most beautiful.  The same would go for my family.  I found an absolutely exquisite ring for Nova and presented it to her with the most important question I had ever posed to anyone.  I asked Nova to marry me.

I was so pleased and happy that Nova agreed to become my wife.

I pulled Nova into an embrace after she accepted my proposal.

The following day, Nova and I graduated from high school.  I was amazed that she graduated stating that she did not attend a single day of school...

I also graduated.  I was declared the valedictorian of the class and was also voted Most Artistic, a title most befitting.

Nova began to work on her skills that she needed for her career and my Mother, Grandfather and Great-Grandmother found other things to occupy themselves.  I slipped out of the house for a quick swim in the pool.

I was enjoying the fact that I had been allowed to dye my scales the colors I desired.  My favorite happened to be yellow.

My first moments of being the heir, not too shabby if you ask me.

Offline Ry3219

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 35- The Finer Things (Dec 30)
« Reply #136 on: January 05, 2015, 07:32:51 PM »
Whooooop! Nova and Pisces are together finally! ;D Although I do question how Nova got a diploma since she never showed up..... I honestly wish school was that easy in real life. Great chapter can't wait until another chapter.

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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 35- The Finer Things (Dec 30)
« Reply #137 on: January 05, 2015, 09:32:37 PM »
Whooooop! Nova and Pisces are together finally! ;D Although I do question how Nova got a diploma since she never showed up..... I honestly wish school was that easy in real life. Great chapter can't wait until another chapter.

That would have been awesome to get my diploma without showing up  :o

Chapter 36- Super Nova

Nova quickly acclimated herself to her new career as a private investigator.  She seemed to be enjoying herself immensely.

Though I question how digging through the trash can be considered "fun"...but if Nova is happy, then I am happy too.

For me, my fun came from other activities and past times such as swimming.  My father taught me early on how to not dive in such a way that it would cause pain.  Thank goodness.

When I was not swimming in our pool, I divided my time between my artistic pursuits.  I was a painter and was beginning to make quite the name for myself, which I was very pleased to discover.  My works were beginning to sell for a pretty penny, allowing me to quickly progress up through the ranks of my career.

The other part of my art did not utilize a traditional easel.  One of the things that I enjoyed the most about street art was that it could be done anywhere and on anything.  Anything could be transformed into a beautiful piece of art work, which was also something that delighted me.  In fact, I decided that the local tavern could use some sprucing up.

While I progressed in my painting career, Nova progressed in her investigations.

She took on quite a few cases, which was great to see because that meant that the residents of Monte Vista trusted her investigatory abilities.

Plus, if any of our extended family members needed help with something, they knew exactly who to call to help them.  Here is Great Aunt Luna with a case for Nova.

Aunt Luna was interested to see if Nova could detect any latent prints in her house from the culprit that pilfered an item from her possession.

Nova also needed to search high and low for any clues to close the case.

Once that case was closed, Nova was contacted by another family member.  She had been offered a case by my dear sister Selena.

Nova also had to speak to Great Grandfather Camillo during her case.  It was so great to hear that our family members were doing well now that they were out of the house.

Selena's case required more trash digging.  While that may not be my cup of tea, Nova did whatever it took to solve the case.  She was a Super Nova for sure.

I love Nova dearly, but I will have to break the news to her at some point that her camouflage is not very effective...

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 36- Super Nova (Jan 5)
« Reply #138 on: January 11, 2015, 09:55:13 AM »
I'm baaaack! And you sure Nova doesn't have the insane trait?

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 36- Super Nova (Jan 5)
« Reply #139 on: January 11, 2015, 04:29:38 PM »
I'm baaaack! And you sure Nova doesn't have the insane trait?

Welcome back!  ;D

Yeah, it seems like Nova would have something like that but she actually has rather good traits. They are: Genius, Lucky, Neat, Perceptive and Sailor. Not too shabby!

Chapter 37- Blue and Gold Wedding Bells

Nova and I set our wedding day for that coming weekend. We made sure to invite all of our family members to the ceremony so that they would be able to partake in our beautiful day.

The ceremony was wonderful and my darling Nova looked absolutely stunning.

Her favorite color, blue, was a wonderful complement for my favorite color, yellow.

It was also so very wonderful to be able to share this moment with all of our family members.

The smiles on the faces of our friends and family members delighted Nova and me and we smiled just as brightly as they did.

Once the cake was cut and everyone was given a piece, everyone enjoyed being able to chat and spend time with each other. Nova took the opportunity to spend some time with my Grandmother Daphne.

I also got to converse with my Great Aunt Luna. She told me about what a tremendous help that Nova was to her in her time of need. I was so proud to hear that.

Nova and I decided that we would spend our honeymoon working on our skills for the dynasty. We were both aware that we were the halfway point of the dynasty and the faster we finished, the faster we could bring in the next generation and subsequently get to the metaphorical finish line.

It was time well spent, I assure you. I maxed my painting skill only a short time after the wedding.

Nova also progressed quickly in her job. She was offered many cases and she did as much as she was able to do to help the residents of our fair kingdom. In one case, Nova spotted Uncle Caelum sunbathing on the night...under a tree...

To each his own, I suppose. Regardless, Uncle Caelum decided that was enough for one evening and sped off in his boat.

But it appears that Uncle Caelum was off in such a rush to visit someone...

Had Uncle Caelum found someone special?

She was a vampire and Uncle Caelum allowed her to drink from him. It was an unusual sight, Nova told me, especially since Grandpa Orion was not into that. Grandpa Orion was more partial to plasma fruit and plasma fruit juice.

I believe that it was my Mother that said it best: if Uncle Caelum was happy, then we were all happy. I was certainly in agreement with that. Nova was as well, or perhaps it was just her birthday...

Nova aged up into a lovely adult and magically gained a headband, which she promptly removed and returned her hair to her preferred state.

I aged up outside while working on some of my street art works.

Like Nova, my hair changed and I changed it back at once.

A quick dip in the water to slick my hair back and all was right once again.

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 37- Blue and Gold Wedding Bells (Jan 11)
« Reply #140 on: January 12, 2015, 07:33:40 AM »
Look at that street art! Somebody's been busy!

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 37- Blue and Gold Wedding Bells (Jan 11)
« Reply #141 on: January 14, 2015, 12:31:47 PM »
Look at that street art! Somebody's been busy!

I supermaxed the street art skill with ChaCha, but for some reason, it took SO much longer with Pisces.

Chapter 38- Fish Scales

A good portion of my time was spent improving and working on my skills and requirements. I knew that it was my duty to do so, but that did not make it any less difficult and taxing. When Uncle Caelum extended an invitation to me to attend his party, I almost declined but Nova encouraged me to get out of the house for a bit to unwind. I reluctantly agreed to do so, but, after arriving at the party, I was happy that I went. It was nice to get out for a bit and enjoy some activities other than art.

I also was granted the opportunity to spend some time with other family members that Uncle Caelum invited to his place. I got to see Great Grandfather Camillo.

The party ended much too soon and it was time for me to return back to the dynasty. Later that evening, I returned home and continued my work on my street art skill. With a little more time invested, I was able to max the skill. Now, I could get a better chance of creating masterpieces when I created my art works.

Nova, meanwhile, continued her work as a private investigator. My sister Selena had another case for Nova to assist her with.

Nova readily accepted this case and immediately set out to work her magic.

I, thankfully, managed to paint the last few masterpieces I needed in order to complete my last skill challenge. The only problem was that I still needed one additional 5000 point wish. I wasn't entirely sure what I could do for this. Then, Grandfather Orion came up with a good idea. He lent me the guitar that Great Grandfather Camillo gave to him to max my guitar skill. As a merman, I had playing the scales down to a science.

I began to work tirelessly on my guitar skill so I could register my final wish for my requirements. Nova reminded me that it was important for me to finish what I needed to do and I took that to heart. Of course, I was saddened that I had to miss Nova's special commendation from the Mayor of the city but Nova assured me that the completion of my requirements was more important than a little trophy or medal.

I spent the time working on composing a new song for Nova so that when she returned home from her awards ceremony, I would have a special gift for her to demonstrate how proud I was of her accomplishments.

A short time later, I was so relieved to finally complete the guitar skill.

By completing this final skill, I completed my requirements to the dynasty.

My first order of action after doing so was to find my darling Nova. I immediately shared the good news with her.

Nova and I were very excited about bringing in the next heir. It was a short time later that Nova started to not feel very well.

On her way home from an appointment with her physician, Nova encountered Great Aunt Luna. Thrilled with the news, Nova shared the special news with Aunt Luna.

Mother also came home with good news of her own. She swiped some more goods from around the town and completed her lifetime wish as well.

However, the best news still came from Nova. She was expecting!

Everyone, but especially me because of how much work I put into getting to this point, was overjoyed at this news.

The fifth generation was on its way, much to the delight of the family.

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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 38- Fish Scales (Jan 14)
« Reply #142 on: January 14, 2015, 02:10:49 PM »
Welcome wittle dolly!

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 38- Fish Scales (Jan 14)
« Reply #143 on: January 17, 2015, 11:38:58 AM »
Welcome wittle dolly!

It should be dollies  ;)

Chapter 39- If at First You Don't Succeed...

A few days later, Nova was ready to bring our child into the world so we made our way to the hospital posthaste.

We were pleasantly surprised to receive the news that we were expecting two bundles of joy. Here is Star.

Here is Moona.

We added a brand new room on the second floor next to the room that Nova and I share for the girls to share.

Our girls were sweet and beautiful. They had only one flaw, if you could even call it that: they were both mermaids. Therefore, both Star and Moona were ineligible to be the next heir to the dynasty. So, Nova and I aged up the girls shortly after their arrival back at the house and immediately set forth on teaching them their necessary skills.

Here is Star. She has my hair, which stems all the way back from Great Grandfather Camillo, and Nova's stunning ice blue eyes. Star has the Disciplined and Clumsy traits.

And here is little Moona. She has my Mother's black hair, which comes from Grandmother Daphne, and Great Grandmother Andi's purple eyes. We were all so excited that the purple eyes made a comeback, but we were also disappointed because Moona was not the heir, so she could not pass down this gene to the next generation. Moona is Grumpy but a Heavy Sleeper.

The Grandmothers were very thrilled to have some children around the house that they could spoil unmercifully. Mother was especially thrilled because these were her first grandchildren.

Sea legs are usually wobbly on land at first.

But the girls got the hang of it quite fast.

Once the girls had successfully learned all of their skills, it was time once again for the girls to age up into pretty young ladies.

Star, the eldest, went first.

Moona followed suit.

Star gained the Computer Whiz trait and Moona gained the Eccentric trait. We let the girls enjoy the rest of their birthday with the family. Nova and I, meanwhile, slipped away to attend to some important matters. The next morning, we had confirmation that we were expecting once again.

Offline Ry3219

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 39- If at First You Don't Succeed... (Jan 17)
« Reply #144 on: January 20, 2015, 04:39:13 PM »
Yay Pisces and Nova nooboos. Too bad Moona and Star weren't the heirs. They were really pretty, I liked Moona's eyes. Can not wait to see the next child, hopefully it's the heir.

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 39- If at First You Don't Succeed... (Jan 17)
« Reply #145 on: January 20, 2015, 05:39:52 PM »
Yay Pisces and Nova nooboos. Too bad Moona and Star weren't the heirs. They were really pretty, I liked Moona's eyes. Can not wait to see the next child, hopefully it's the heir.

I was so excited when I saw that Moona had purple eyes but disappointed when I saw that she was ineligible to be the next heir.

Chapter 40- Moon and Stars Rocketing By

It was quite disappointing that my daughters Moona and Star would not get to really enjoy their childhood because they needed to grow up and then set out on their own quite quickly. However, there was no question in my mind or Nova's that we would make the most of their time with us before our girls have to move out. Grandfather Orion and Nova tutored the girls so that they would have good grades before they aged up again into young ladies.

Once both girls had their stellar grades, we let them enjoy the remainder of their birthday just being kids.

As we all retired for the evening, ready to start fresh on a new day, we had a very unwelcome visitor to our abode.

What is mind boggling about this criminal is that he crept on to our property and then proceeded to walk outside of our gate to only then complain that he could not enter into it. Strange...

Regardless, he was arrested and taken off to jail.

We managed to get a decent night of sleep in order to wake up early, prepared to celebrate Star and Moona's teenage birthdays.

Star, the eldest, aged up first.

Moona followed suit, cheered on by the family and her twin sister.

I don't recall the aging process being quite so painful when I was growing up myself...

The girls were now nearly fully grown and Nova and I were looking forward to having a new little bundle of joy in the house once again.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 40- Moon and Stars Rocketing By (Jan 20)
« Reply #146 on: January 23, 2015, 06:24:24 AM »
I love the backstory. Your Sims are all so gorgeous, and looking forward to the next set of babies (hopefully you have an heir!)
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 40- Moon and Stars Rocketing By (Jan 20)
« Reply #147 on: January 24, 2015, 06:10:31 PM »
I love the backstory. Your Sims are all so gorgeous, and looking forward to the next set of babies (hopefully you have an heir!)

Thanks! I love writing so this sort of stuff is fun for me  :)

Chapter 41- Goodbye Girls

Immediately following their teen birthdays, Star and Moona were tutored so that they would receive exceptional grades in school before aging up into Young Adults.

I secretly hoped that the tutoring would take a long time in order to keep the girls in the house a bit longer. Alas, they both received their grades and it was time for Star and Moona to age up yet again. Star, as always, went first.

Here is Star as a young adult. Her final traits were Disciplined, Clumsy, Computer Whiz, Socially Awkward and Can't Stand Art. Star decided that she wanted to become an International Super Spy.

Moona, who had the Inappropriate trait, laughed at her sister until she realized that after her sister's birthday, it was then time to grow up herself.

Here is Moona as a young adult. Her final traits were: Heavy Sleeper, Grumpy, Eccentric, Inappropriate, and Equestrian. Moona decided that she would like to become a Renaissance Sim.

We knew that the moment had arrived for Star and Moona to leave us. If there was a silver lining to this matter, it was the fact that Star and Moona had each other. They found a nice place together that they could move into. Nova and I felt better knowing that our girls had each other.

It was much quieter in the house now that Star and Moona had moved out into their own place. Nova and I settled down to rest but we didn't get much sleep in.

For a Neat Sim, Nova ignored my panic and was more concerned about making sure that the bed was made before we left to go to the hospital.

I finally managed to convince Nova that the bed could wait and so we made our way directly to the hospital.

A short time later, we were so very proud to welcome our son, Jupiter, into the world. I was relieved to discover that Jupiter was an Imaginary Friend like Nova and thus the next heir.

Jupiter fancied the color white, so we redecorated his room accordingly.

Jupiter is an Eccentric little boy and also very Artistic. He is a chip off of the old block. In my case, a chip off of the old scale.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 41- Goodbye Girls (Jan 24)
« Reply #148 on: January 24, 2015, 07:43:52 PM »
Love that Nova made sure to make the bed first and then have the baby  ;D You've got great genes and the girls even have lovely coloured eyes.
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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 41- Goodbye Girls (Jan 24)
« Reply #149 on: January 26, 2015, 12:12:58 PM »
Love that Nova made sure to make the bed first and then have the baby  ;D You've got great genes and the girls even have lovely coloured eyes.

Got to love Neat sims  ;)

Chapter 42- Turnstile

Jupiter was a wonderful and much adored addition to our family. The entire family bent to his every whim.

In fact, it became so bad at times that I could have sworn we needed to hire a bouncer or at least put up a turnstile to keep the family members from fighting each other to get to Jupiter...

One would think that a family of royals would be better behaved...

It all worked out in the end, however. I pulled the "I'm-his-father" card and always won time with my son.

Nova made sure to tell our girls all about their little brother when she came to visit them during a case.

Star and Moona were quite excited to have a little brother to fuss over. We invited the girls over the next day so they could meet little Jupiter.

It was wonderful to have my whole family together for a few hours.

It was perfect timing for the family to be together. Nova received a call from the mayor of the city, notifying her that she would be honored with the key to the city for her dedication and commitment to her career as a private investigator. We were all so proud of Nova.

In addition to our family, there was one other random gentleman that showed up to cheer on Nova.

The next morning, the celebrations continued. It was already time for Jupiter to grow up into a toddler.

Grandfather Orion brought little Jupiter to the cake. A short time later, Jupiter had aged up.

Jupiter was such a little darling.

Here is little Jupiter. He received my hair, which stems back to Great Grandfather Camillo, and Nova's lovely turquoise eyes.

