Author Topic: Rigel Duty: Epilogue (Part II)- One Kingdom (April 27) COMPLETE  (Read 108321 times)

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 28- Big Sister (Nov 10)
« Reply #120 on: November 14, 2014, 02:46:04 PM »
Congratulations on finding her traits!

Thanks  ;D

Aw, Selena's a big sis now. I can't wait to see what Pisces looks like, he'll be just as adorable as his twin  :)

Your wish is granted: Pisces' genetics shall be revealed shortly!

Before I delve into the chapter, I just want to say thank you for 2000+ views!  Thank you everyone!!

Chapter 29- Going Rogue

Pisces' birthday was right around the corner.  Since he was going to be aging up into a toddler, we would be aging up Selena shortly afterward.  So, as her toddler days were winding down, we made sure that Selena got to enjoy her childhood by getting in as much play time as she could.  She had a lot of fun playing with the xylophone.

As per tradition, Grandpa Camillo brought Pisces up to the cake for his birthday.  We were all so excited to see what our little boy looked like and who he would resemble the most.

Pisces looks just like me but with Grandpa Camillo's hair.  The other strange thing is his eyes.  He has these beautiful green eyes but we're not really sure where they came from.  I have purple eyes, which come from Grandma Andi, and Samir has brown eyes, which Selena got.  Well, that just proves that my little boy is special  :)

Selena and Pisces both got these dolls in the mail from some obscure relative.  I thought, perhaps, that these might be from Samir's relatives back in Egypt but he said no.  Oh well.  The kids are very attached to them so how can I say no?  Pisces was particularly attached to his doll.

Pisces' doll was named Nova.

Right after his birthday, we got to work on teaching Pisces his necessary toddler skills.

A little reluctant at first, but Pisces eventually got the hang of the whole talking thing.  He didn't seem too interested in anything but the water and swimming.  Not that I was surprised by that. 

Grandma Andi and Selena had some play time while I worked with Pisces.

Right now, Pisces' scales were red, orange and yellow.  It was a lovely gradient color scheme for sure.  It worked for Pisces too because his favorite color was yellow.  I hoped that they would stay that color too.

Wobbly little sea legs quickly became sturdy land legs.

Once he could get around on his own, we took a break and Pisces immediately pulled out his favorite toy to play with.

Pisces is just too cute with Nova  ;)

And some more toddler cuteness just because.

Offline Ry3219

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 29- Going Rogue (Nov 14)
« Reply #121 on: November 20, 2014, 11:32:26 PM »
Woo!  Camillo's hair completely chlorinated the gene pool :)

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 29- Going Rogue (Nov 14)
« Reply #122 on: November 22, 2014, 11:42:01 AM »
Pisces is so adorable! Can't wait to see how cute he is as a Teen and YA!

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 29- Going Rogue (Nov 14)
« Reply #123 on: November 22, 2014, 11:53:58 AM »
Hmm.. I can tell the future generation occult life state.... I am foreseeing.... IF!

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 29- Going Rogue (Nov 14)
« Reply #124 on: November 24, 2014, 01:23:24 PM »
Woo!  Camillo's hair completely chlorinated the gene pool :)

No kidding.  His hair survives for a while longer.

Pisces is so adorable! Can't wait to see how cute he is as a Teen and YA!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9720 using Tapatalk

Pisces is actually quite handsome.  He passes on his good genes to the next heir/heiress (I won't say which).

Hmm.. I can tell the future generation occult life state.... I am foreseeing.... IF!

Ooh!  I wonder if you're right  ;)

Chapter 30- It's Genetic

We held Selena's child birthday the next weekend.  Grandpa Camillo brought her to the cake.

Selena joined in to our cheering and clapping before the sparkles hit.

The sparkles hit and Selena spun around...

...and she was suddenly a big girl.  Of course, she wanted to enjoy some birthday cake with us before she went off to the vanity to update her wardrobe and hair for her new age.

Here is my little wereboo as a big girl.  Selena gained the Never Nude trait.

Selena and Dad got together later that day to get in some tutoring so that Selena could start off with an A in school.  We also signed her up for Scouting because it would be nice for her to get outside and enjoy some werewolf hunting practice.

Pisces, meanwhile, continued to work on his skills.  He completed the peg box and so now he moved on to the xylophone.  Just like his sister, Pisces was always amazed when it made noise.

Also like his sister, Pisces enjoyed attempting to eat the hammer.

Pisces took a break once in a while for food or play time with Nova.

Once she and Dad finished studying together, Selena headed outside to play in the new sandbox that we bought.  She had a lot of fun playing in the sand and building sandcastles.

Of course, Selena wasn't the only one who enjoyed playing in the sandbox.  Grandma Andi did too.

And so did Dad.

I guess that the love for playing in the sandbox is genetic.

Offline Ry3219

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 30- It's Genetic (Nov 24)
« Reply #125 on: December 04, 2014, 08:27:27 PM »
Pisces merman legs are a nice color,....they are very sunbursty. I love Andi, playing in the sand, she is setting a great role model for the children. Andromeda Regal is honoring her namesakes memory to the extreme.... Can't wait until the next chapter!  ;D

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 30- It's Genetic (Nov 24)
« Reply #126 on: December 05, 2014, 10:20:20 AM »
Pisces merman legs are a nice color,....they are very sunbursty. I love Andi, playing in the sand, she is setting a great role model for the children. Andromeda Regal is honoring her namesakes memory to the extreme.... Can't wait until the next chapter!  ;D

Oh yes.  Very much so.

For those who don't know, the name Andromeda Rigel comes from two of my sister's sims known as the "Insane Whoopsie Twins."  The title is pretty self explanatory but they were surprise twins that were both insane that came from an absent-minded imaginary friend mother.  The girl was Andromeda and the boy was Rigel.  Needless to say, it was not pretty :o

I'm back!  November is over so now I can focus on my simming a little bit more.  In case anyone was wondering, I did hit 50k words for NaNoWriMo  ;D

And a thank you to everyone for the views.  We have pushed past 2500+ views throughout the month, even though my updates were far and few between.  Thanks!!!!

Chapter 31- Instability

Pisces' birthday had arrived and we were all sad to see his toddler days come to an end.  He was such a sweet little boy and picked up on all of his skills quite quickly.  Dad sneaked into Pisces' room before his birthday celebration to get in some last minute play time with his only grandson.

Then it was downstairs and time for the twins' birthdays.  Yes, Selena would be aging up again.  She had obtained an A in school and made the honor roll so she was ready to go to high school.  We were all so proud of her.

Selena seemed to be very excited about entering into her teen years.  She was a Virtuoso, so she was really looking forward to finally getting her hands on some musical instruments.

Here is teenage Selena.  She gained the Genius trait.

After Selena returned from the bedroom with her new outfit, Grandpa Camillo was just bringing Pisces up to the cake for his birthday.

Since we were getting tight on space in the house, this would probably be the last opportunity for Grandpa Camillo to bring any children up to the cake so Samir and I agreed to let him do it one last time.

Here is Pisces, all grown up.  I was a little concerned that all of the pressure associated with being the heir in the dynasty was getting to Pisces because he suddenly became a little Unstable.

I so hoped that he would be alright...

Selena worked with Grandpa Camillo on her studies while Dad worked with Pisces later on.

Samir and I made every effort to make sure that Pisces would be able to do things as normal without his instability getting in his way.   

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Offline Lisa46

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 31- Instability (Dec 5)
« Reply #127 on: December 05, 2014, 10:23:58 AM »
Pisces is adorable!

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 31- Instability (Dec 5)
« Reply #128 on: December 08, 2014, 12:16:32 PM »
Pisces is adorable!

Thanks, Lisa!  Pisces turned out to be quite handsome.  Thankfully, he passes down some of his good genes to the next generation, who is definitely one of my favorites  ;)

Chapter 32- A Special Birthday

While Dad worked with Pisces on preparing him for school that Monday, there was a special birthday going on in the bathroom (of all places).

Pisces quickly excused himself from the tutoring for a moment to see that his best friend, Nova, had aged up as well.  He was very excited that he and his good friend were still the same age.

Nova seemed pretty happy to have aged up as well.  Not that we could tell.  We couldn't actually see her but could tell by Pisces' interactions with her that she was.

Once the excitement had calmed down a bit between Pisces and Nova, my little boy returned to working with Dad to help boost his grades.

Meanwhile, Samir was doing some studying of his own.  He had already maxed the athletic skill and was now focusing his attention on his logic skill.  Later that evening, Samir maxed his logic skill and thus completed his lifetime wish.  Congrats, honey!!

I gave Samir a celebratory kiss and then Selena played her father a special song on her guitar.  Grandpa Camillo gave it to her as a special present for her birthday.  He knew that she would love it and she absolutely did.

While Selena immediately took to her new guitar, Pisces took to the easel.  He had a lot of fun painting on the one that Grandpa Camillo used downstairs, so I had Samir make a quick trip out to the store to purchase a last minute birthday gift for him.  Here is Pisces working with his new personal easel.

Both kids did very well in school that week.  They made the honor roll quite quickly and we were all so proud of them.  When Selena asked me to teach her how to drive, I immediately agreed.

Of course, it was quite stressful for her so she stopped the car, got out and proceeded to transform into her werewolf form.  I, meanwhile, panicked (which you can kind of sort of see at the bottom...).

Samir was having more luck at home with Pisces.  Since he was a merman, Pisces was going to be spending a great deal of time in the pool.  Wanting to start his son off right, Samir tried to teach Pisces some of the dives he knew how to do so he could avoid the painful belly flops that Samir had experienced.

Before Pisces could try any of them out, they had to cut the lesson short because Pisces had to attend his badging ceremony at school.  We had signed him up for scouts because, as a merman, knowing how to fish would be very valuable to him.

With all of his requirements completed, Pisces was ready to age up into a teenager.  We let him enjoy one more day of childhood and then prepared for his next birthday celebration the following day.

That smirk concerns me a bit...

...especially since Pisces was now a teenager...

Pisces quickly ran out of the room to go change his outfit.  He was suddenly very concerned with his appearance.  Then again, I suppose I should have seen that coming, as he gained the Snob trait this time around.


Oh well.  I guess it could have been worse.

Offline Ry3219

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 32- A Special Birthday (Dec 8)
« Reply #129 on: December 12, 2014, 07:25:17 PM »
Yay Samir! Pisces original outfit was very interesting...... Overall Pisces is a handsome looking guy. Can't wait to see you update!

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 32- A Special Birthday (Dec 8)
« Reply #130 on: December 15, 2014, 12:44:49 PM »
Yay Samir! Pisces original outfit was very interesting...... Overall Pisces is a handsome looking guy. Can't wait to see you update!

No kidding!  I like his YA a lot, but you're going to have to wait to see that one  ;)

Woo!  We've hit over 3000 views!  Thank you everyone!  Looking forward to reading more of your comments as we progress to the second half of the dynasty  :D

Chapter 33- Lover's Quarrel

Selena had her birthday right after Pisces had his.

Selena aged up with the same hairstyle that she did when she aged up into a teenager. 

Here is Selena as a Young Adult.  Her final trait was Frugal, much like her father.

(I've never had a sim look good in this hairstyle so I went with it)

While we had some more cake to celebrate Selena's birthday, Pisces went off to the cemetery to get a job at the mausoleum, as per his requirements.

Pisces and Selena got to enjoy the rest of their birthday that night.  The next morning, Selena got to work on maxing her guitar skill while Samir worked with Pisces on preparing for his first day of high school on Monday.

We took a break halfway through the day to attend Selena's high school graduation.  She was valedictorian and voted most likely to be a rockstar.  Very accurate, if you ask me!

Now that he was a teenager, Pisces actually transformed into a merman when he swam instead of retaining his legs while in water.

His scales were grey, which he wasn't too thrilled with.  Pisces was much more of a yellow person.

Nova swam right alongside her merman.

After breakfast the next morning, Selena played a quick song for Pisces that she composed to wish him luck on his first day of school.

Since Selena was an adult and Pisces was a teenager, Samir and I knew that our time together was slowly dwindling down.  He and I made sure to spend a lot of time together when our schedules would allow.

Pisces also realized that and subsequently had an episode.

Once he calmed down, Pisces turned his attention to working on his requirements.  He was doing well in school, so he was sure to make the honor roll before it came time to age up.  Pisces also was doing well at his job.  He had already earned one promotion and was now working on making it to level three.  The one thing that was remaining was a love interest.  Pisces invited over a nice young lady named Cally.  Pisces decided that she would be his love interest because she was a great girl (with a great name!). 

Even though he was a snob, Pisces decided to stay with Cally all throughout high school.

With his requirements coming along nicely, Pisces and I made some time to just hang out and have some fun together.

Pisces also mentioned to me while we were playing video games together that things between Nova and him were a little awkward right now.  He said that he wasn't sure why but I think that I had idea why.  One word: Cally.

I hoped that things would work out between the two of them...

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 33- Lover's Quarrel (Dec 15)
« Reply #131 on: December 27, 2014, 09:22:04 PM »
No why Pisces why! How dare he get with Cally and leave Nova. Poor Nova, Pisces has a love interest with another girl and she is jealous. If they do end up together Pisces must pay for his betrayal (proceeds to eye twitch) ....... Any-who nice chapter can't wait for more. ;D

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 33- Lover's Quarrel (Dec 15)
« Reply #132 on: December 28, 2014, 04:51:53 PM »
No why Pisces why! How dare he get with Cally and leave Nova. Poor Nova, Pisces has a love interest with another girl and she is jealous. If they do end up together Pisces must pay for his betrayal (proceeds to eye twitch) ....... Any-who nice chapter can't wait for more. ;D

Blame the requirements  :o

Chapter 34- Birthday Wishes

Pisces was aware that painting alone would not compensate for all of the skill challenges that he would need to accomplish for his requirements.  So, he decided to continue with his art, just with a different canvas this time.  Grandma Andi said that Pisces could use the open space near the dynasty museum and the pool for his street art.

Selena wanted to improve her skills too.  She wanted to work on her werewolf skills, specifically her fighting skills.  Being the only other werewolf in the house, I agreed to be her sparring partner.

Not too shabby for her first fight...that's definitely going to sting in the morning...

Pisces spent majority of his teen years working on his requirements.  He really enjoyed his art so it was no bother to him.  That being said, when it came to his birthday to age up into a Young Adult, Pisces was more than ready.

I'm not sure what Pisces wished for when he blew out his candles, but I made two wishes myself.  I wished for a good trait to help him with his chosen skill path.

And that he could patch things up with Nova.

Hopefully one, or preferably both- of the wishes would come true.

Surprisingly, Pisces' first order of business as an adult was not to update his wardrobe, since that was always an important thing to him, but to address his issues with Nova.

"Nova, I'm sorry for not telling you about Callie." Pisces explained. "I had to be with someone because of the dynasty requirements."
"So it didn't mean anything?" Nova questioned.
Pisces shook his head.
"No.  Callie was a nice person but I didn't want to be anything more than friends but my duty as heir made me need to be with her." Pisces continued. "And I want to prove that to you."
Pisces pulled out a special gift that Grandpa Camillo had prepared for this moment so long ago.  "Here," he handed the gift to Nova. "This will make you real."

Nova accepted the potion incredulously, somewhat shocked at the premise of being real.  She drank the potion and her transformation into a real person began.

Suddenly, Nova was an official member of the household.

Pisces then took Nova's hand and they went off to update their outfits together.  Here is Pisces.  His final trait was Artistic (I cheered when I rolled this trait  ;D).

Pisces also took this opportunity to change his scale colors.  He went with a lovely yellow gradient color scheme.

And here is my future daughter-in-law, Nova.  She is quite lovely.  I am so happy that she is now with the family!

Now that Pisces is a Young Adult, he is now the official heir.  It has been quite the journey and I am happy that my time as active heir is over.  I can rest easy, knowing that the dynasty is in good hands...err, fins?

Signing off,


Here are Aurora's stats:

Name:Aurora Rigel
Life State: Werewolf
Lifetime Wish: Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law
Traits: Neurotic, Easily Impressed, Daredevil, Charismatic, Kleptomaniac
Toddler Requirements:
                  Skills: Peg box, Xylophone
                  Best Friends with Parents: Complete
Child Requirements:
                  Honors: Complete
                  Opportunity: Badging Ceremony
Teen Requirements:
                  Honors: Complete
                  Romantic Interest: Ricky Pullen
                  Level 3 Cemetery Worker: Complete
1 Best Friend: Kaela Bianchi (Vampire)
2 Career Rewards: Writing Certificate, Charisma Certificate
3 Black Opps: Why Did the Journalist Cross the Road?, Reading for Proof, Today's (and Tomorrow's) Current Events
4 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Observant, Office Hero, Alpha Wolf, Acclaimed Author
5 5k Wishes:

Own 7 Venues
Marry Samir
Max Charisma
Max Writing
Reach Lv. 10 of the Journalism Career

6 Skill Challenges:

Everybody's Best Friend
Super Friendly
Specialist Writer

7 Unique Items: Books

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 34- Birthday Wishes (Dec 28)
« Reply #133 on: December 28, 2014, 08:53:27 PM »
What a lucky trait roll!

Glad things smoothed over with Nova too.
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Offline Lisa46

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 34- Birthday Wishes (Dec 28)
« Reply #134 on: December 28, 2014, 10:53:16 PM »
Nice trait! Why does Nova have blond eyebrows but green hair?