Author Topic: Rigel Duty: Epilogue (Part II)- One Kingdom (April 27) COMPLETE  (Read 108383 times)

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar... (Oct 22)
« Reply #90 on: October 23, 2014, 06:50:03 AM »
I guess I'm going against the majority if i vote for Caelum? I might change my mind after the adult trait is revealed.

I like Caelum as well, I'm thinking potential future spouses for both of them went into consideration so you never know  ;)
Life State Dynasty: The Blackburns In Monte Vista (Complete)
Domination Dynasty: Down With Lamps: Djinn Takeover (Complete)

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar... (Oct 22)
« Reply #91 on: October 23, 2014, 10:45:38 PM »
I want Aurora. I love her genes!

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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar... (Oct 22)
« Reply #92 on: October 23, 2014, 11:13:09 PM »
Good news everyone: the Rigel's have made Hall of Fame!!!  They should be up momentarily.  You can check them out now or wait until the end so you remain spoiler free  ;D

Thanks to everyone for your support and I wanted to mention that I may or may not be beginning another project in the near future...just sayin'...

EDIT: They are up in the HoF right now  ;)

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar... (Oct 22)
« Reply #93 on: October 23, 2014, 11:25:47 PM »
And by momentarily, you mean it's up now.

Spoilers beware, by the way. :P
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Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar... (Oct 22)
« Reply #95 on: October 24, 2014, 07:03:50 AM »
Congratulations on another HoF entry and I like the spoilers  ;D
Life State Dynasty: The Blackburns In Monte Vista (Complete)
Domination Dynasty: Down With Lamps: Djinn Takeover (Complete)

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar... (Oct 22)
« Reply #96 on: October 24, 2014, 11:33:10 AM »
Rick is DD's clone  ;D Looking forward to their new makeovers.

He must be DD's clone because even at Generation 7, Ricky was still alive.  Guess he's immortal.

I guess I'm going against the majority if i vote for Caelum? I might change my mind after the adult trait is revealed.

You can vote for whomever you like  ;D

I like Caelum as well, I'm thinking potential future spouses for both of them went into consideration so you never know  ;)

Amazingly, no.  I didn't have a planned spouse for the next generation.  I knew what life state I wanted, I just needed to find a spouse to match it.

I want Aurora. I love her genes!

I was so excited when I saw her purple eyes  :)

Congratulations on another HoF entry and I like the spoilers  ;D

Thanks, Brooke!  Glad you enjoyed it.

Chapter 23- The Decision (Part II)

Caelum and Aurora noticed that I was a little too quiet following their birthdays and they came over to ask me what was going on.  I told them that Daphne, their grandparents and I needed to talk to them about something extremely important.  I'm pretty sure they knew what I was referring to so they quickly updated their Young Adult wardrobes and then joined us in the living room to discuss the next heir in the dynasty.

Here is Caelum.  He rolled the Hopeless Romantic trait.

Here is Aurora.  She rolled the Kleptomaniac trait.

We talked to Caelum and Aurora and told them that the time had come to choose the next heir to take over the mission to bring peace in the kingdom.  The twins sat there listening intently to what we all had to say.  I told them that their Aunty Luna and I were given the option to choose between ourselves and I wanted to give them that same chance.  Caelum and Aurora told us that they would talk it over and give us their decision in the next day or so.

It was quite a relief to know that I would not need to do the choosing between my only son and my only daughter.  I loved them both equally so I knew that I could not decide between them.  Besides, they were both capable adults and could make the decision on their own.  I just hoped that it wouldn't take too long to decide.

The next day it was Caelum's graduation.  For some reason or another, Aurora's graduation got pushed back to the next day.  Weird.  Anyway, Caelum graduated valedictorian and was voted Most Likely to Have a Big Family.

Aurora went home following her brother's graduation to work on her writing skill.  She found that she had a lot of fun writing after she took that opportunity back in school.

Caelum, meanwhile, went straight to the alchemy set that Daphne and I bought him as a graduation present.  He decided that he wanted to become an Alchemy Artisan for his lifetime wish.

We let them have some time to themselves before asking them if they had made the decision yet.  Caelum and Aurora said that they still had to discuss it and make the final decision.  They asked Mom to join them to give them her input on the whole ordeal.

They went back and forth for quite some time, weighing the pros and cons of both becoming the next heir.

After what seemed like an eternity, Mom came to get Dad, Daphne and me to let us know that Caelum and Aurora had decided.  The decision on the next heir had been made.

Here are Orion's final stats:

Name: Orion Rigel
Life State: Vampire
Lifetime Wish: The Tinkerer
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Genius, Ambitious, Disciplined, Vehicle Enthusiast, *Computer Whiz (*Nerd Influence)
Toddler Requirements: Skills: xylophone, peg box
                                       Best Friend with Parents: Complete
Child Requirements: Honors: Complete
                                  Opportunity: Badging Ceremony
Teen Requirements: Honors: Complete
                                  Romantic Interest: Janet Yeager
                                  Level 3 Cemetery Worker: Complete
1 Unique Best Friend: Adrienne Bianchi (Witch)
2 Career Rewards: Laptop, Logic Skill Certificate
3 Black Ops: Save the Herding, Jammin' on the Streets, Best Restaurant in Town
4 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Speedy Cleaner, Hardly Hungry, Opportunistic, Immortal
5 5k Wishes:

Own 5 Venues
Marry Daphne
Max Handiness
Be Worth More than 500,000
Reach Lv. 10 of the Video Gamer Career

6 Skill Challenges:

Skill Professor
Master Chemist
Celestial Explorer

7 Unique Items: Potions

Get your votes in to choose between Caelum and Aurora!  I want to see how you vote compared to who I chose.  Here are their final traits and their lifetime wishes for your consideration:

Caelum: Eccentric, Heavy Sleeper, Evil, Family Oriented, Hopeless Romantic
LTW- Alchemy Artisan

Aurora: Neurotic, Easily Impressed, Daredevil, Charismatic, Kleptomatic
LTW- Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law

Happy Deciding!!!

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Offline Lisa46

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 23- The Decision (Part II)... (Oct 24)
« Reply #97 on: October 24, 2014, 04:11:31 PM »
Based on traits I would've chosen Caelum but he has a bit of pudding face.

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 23- The Decision (Part II)... (Oct 24)
« Reply #98 on: October 24, 2014, 08:11:28 PM »
I stand by my earlier claim. Y'know

Roar!! I am the monster who demands Aroura be heiress!

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 23- The Decision (Part II)... (Oct 24)
« Reply #99 on: October 25, 2014, 05:16:01 AM »
I still vote Caelum - hopeless romantics are my favourites  ;D
Life State Dynasty: The Blackburns In Monte Vista (Complete)
Domination Dynasty: Down With Lamps: Djinn Takeover (Complete)

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 23- The Decision (Part II)... (Oct 24)
« Reply #101 on: October 27, 2014, 02:07:27 PM »
Based on traits I would've chosen Caelum but he has a bit of pudding face.

Yeah, Aurora definitely has more unique features but Caelum wound up with better traits overall.

I stand by my earlier claim. Y'know

Vote for Aurora  ;)
I still vote Caelum - hopeless romantics are my favourites  ;D

Vote for Caelum!

Aurora! I have not changed my mind.

Another Aurora!

If I recall correctly, based on the votes that have been posted throughout the chapters, the result should be 5 for Aurora and 2 for Caelum.  Based on that, Aurora is the winner!!!  Let's see if she is the one that I chose...

Chapter 24- The Winner is...(Part II)

Hello!  My name is Aurora Rigel and I am the third heir in a Life States Dynasty that my Grandmother is doing to bring peace between the different races in the kingdom of Monte Vista.  I think that's a tremendous goal and I am so excited to be a part of it.  My twin brother, Caelum, despite being older, decided that I would be a more suitable candidate to be their heir.  He, like Aunty Luna, was evil and did not want to jeopardize Grandma Andi's mission with his evil intents.  I thought that was very nice of him to do.  I had no problem becoming the next heir because I knew that I could use my charisma and writing skills to demonstrate what a wonderful idea it was to bring unity into our kingdom.

The first thing I needed to do as the next heir was to break up with my current boyfriend, Ricky.  He was still in high school and I could not wait for him to finish.  Also, he was not a supernatural so it wouldn't have worked out in the long run any way. 

Unfortunately, Ricky didn't take it very well.  Then again, he was still a teenager so I didn't expect him to have matured that quickly.  And in any case, Caelum was right there with one of his alchemy potions just in case Ricky caused any problems. 

For some reason or another, even though we aged up at the same time, my graduation got pushed back one day from Caelum's.  So, the next day, I received noticed that it was time for my own graduation.  Of course, trying to get a house full of people out the door at the same time never works well.  I eventually gave up trying to shove them all through the door and just had my graduation in the living room. 

I guess they scheduled our graduations for two different days in order to make both Caelum and me the valedictorians.  I was also voted Most Likely to Save the World.  I guess that's pretty accurate since I became the next heir and all.

Of course, following my mini graduation in the living room, I had a panic attack because I missed my big graduation ceremony at city hall.

But all was well because I was able to complete one of my requirements later that night.  I met a girl named Kaela and she was a vampire.  We quickly became friends.

With one completed requirement in the bag, I decided to move on to my next set of requirements.  I was going to work on my Charisma and Writing skills for my skill challenges.  I would also be joining the Journalism career and using my writing and charisma skill certificates as my career rewards. 

After earning some points in charisma, I signed up to work at the journalism office.  I went to work over the next couple of days and managed to get a couple of promotions, which I was pretty excited about.  One day after work, I met a nice man and befriended him.  He and I kept contact and I invited him over one day.  The man, Samir Hinton, agreed to come over. 

I didn't waste any time making my intentions about our relationship clear.

Thankfully, Samir had the same feelings.

I probably should have asked Samir if he was in a relationship before I kissed him but it worked out fine because he currently was single.

He wouldn't be single for long if I had anything to say about it.

See what I mean?

Once Samir and I were a couple, I wanted to make it official.  I got down on one knee and asked him if he would marry me.

Samir seemed pretty excited and immediately agreed.

After we got engaged, Samir joined the household.  He has the Night Owl, Perfectionist, Neat, Frugal and Grumpy traits.  Samir's Lifetime Wish is to have a Perfect Mind, Perfect Body and max the logic and athletic skills.

When Samir got his makeover, he let me in on a little secret.  Since I was going to be his wife, he wanted to make sure that I knew something very important about him.  Samir was a merman.  Perfect.

Good news: I have started working on my next project  ;D  I'm hoping to have it posted before the end of this week because once National Novel Writing Month begins, I'm putting my Sims playing on hiatus until I hit 50k words or until I absolutely need a break from writing.  Keep an eye out for it  ;)

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 24- The Winner is...(Part II) (Oct 24)
« Reply #102 on: October 28, 2014, 06:19:16 AM »
YEESH! Yay! This is the best day ever! Aurora is heiress, Old Man McGucket is one of the authors (Gravity Falls Refrence. And sorry if I spoiled it for anybody), and it's 6:18 AM.

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 24- The Winner is...(Part II) (Oct 27)
« Reply #103 on: October 28, 2014, 02:09:21 PM »
Well done to Aurora, it's great that they were both able to be valedictions - the boost is always a huge help  ;) Samir is so handsome though I do feel for poor Ricky.
Life State Dynasty: The Blackburns In Monte Vista (Complete)
Domination Dynasty: Down With Lamps: Djinn Takeover (Complete)

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 24- The Winner is...(Part II) (Oct 27)
« Reply #104 on: October 29, 2014, 11:27:31 AM »
YEESH! Yay! This is the best day ever! Aurora is heiress, Old Man McGucket is one of the authors (Gravity Falls Refrence. And sorry if I spoiled it for anybody), and it's 6:18 AM.

Hooray for a good day!

Well done to Aurora, it's great that they were both able to be valedictions - the boost is always a huge help  ;) Samir is so handsome though I do feel for poor Ricky.

Ricky lives a really, really long time so hopefully he found love at some point  :o

Chapter 25- Graceful

Samir decided that he wanted to become a police officer.  I thought that was a really good idea because he would need to learn the athletic and logic skills in the process.  Might as well kill two birds with one stone, right?  So while Samir was out at work, I went out to work on some of my charisma skill challenges.  I met a nice fairy while out at the park on one of my days off.

I managed to befriend one of the local citizens while visiting the diner but he ended up passing away right then and there.  Not a great start to the afternoon by any means.

I went home and starting working on my Comedian skill challenge.  I needed to tell 100 jokes.  Since I lived in quite an active household, that challenge should be quite easy.

Since Samir was a mermaid, we figured that it would be a very good idea to install a pool.  The next heir in the dynasty would be a mermaid or merman as well so we planned ahead.

Samir was so very happy to have a pool of his very own to swim in.

He also had a lot of fun trying out the new diving board that we installed with the pool.  For a merman, you'd think he'd be more graceful.  Apparently not.

But I love him any way  ;)

Speaking of love, Samir and I both rolled wishes to get married.  We set up the wedding for this weekend to ensure that he and I had enough time to get in one more promotion before receiving some vacation time from our jobs.  I invited over our family for the wedding.

We exchanged rings and then we were officially announced as Mr. and Mrs. Rigel.  In a dynasty, you always take the heir's name.

Mom, Caelum and Aunty Luna were all so happy for Samir and me.

Samir and I then got to cut our wedding cake while being able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Monte Vista.

While everyone was enjoying the wedding cake, Samir and I quietly excused ourselves from the wedding party to go and celebrate our first night together as husband and wife.

Despite the happiness we had from our wedding, it was also somewhat of a sad evening.  We needed more room in the household so that meant that the spares in the family had to move out.  Mom and Caelum knew that they would need to leave for Samir and I to have the next heir.  Since we were married, they figured that now would be the best time to do so.  Mom and Caelum found a nice place together to move into.  Dad was very sad and reluctant to have to let his family go but knew that it had to be done in order to bring peace to the kingdom.  Before Mom could leave, Dad made sure to tell her that he loved her and that they would be back together once this was all over.

I started my next project last night and I'm hoping to have it up relatively soon (possibly tonight?).  Look for the Sakura's to possibly be making a return  ;)

