Author Topic: Rigel Duty: Epilogue (Part II)- One Kingdom (April 27) COMPLETE  (Read 108544 times)

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 19- First is Evil (Oct 14)
« Reply #75 on: October 15, 2014, 07:46:58 PM »
Welp, I know who I'm voting for! *puts on Aurora pin* I am anti-evil trait. And I prefer her name. And her eyes.

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 19- First is Evil (Oct 14)
« Reply #76 on: October 18, 2014, 01:21:39 PM »
Oh, Camillo  ::) Now that Caelum has the evil trait I'm leaning a little towards him.

Welp, I know who I'm voting for! *puts on Aurora pin* I am anti-evil trait. And I prefer her name. And her eyes.

The competition is getting fierce!!

Chapter 20- Bean Poles

Caelum, having the Eccentric trait, was interested in inventing.  We purchased an inventor's table for him to play around with.  Daphne also had some fun playing around with the workbench.  I guess I now know where Caelum gets it from.

On the subject of Daphne, we had a very close call that scared the daylights out of me.  Daphne was working on upgrading one of the computers in the living room to work on her mechanical skill when the computer sparked and started a fire.  I was in the bedroom and I heard screaming, so I rushed out to find the desk and, most importantly, my wife, engulfed in flames.

I quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher and called to my parents to have them help me.  However, they only stood there panicking.  The firemen in town would be proud of their reactions.  Not.  Thankfully, I managed to extinguish the flames and save Daphne.  She was a little singed but no worse for the wear.  Everyone was relieved.

I was also relieved that the kids were at school when this happened.  They have enough to worry about with their requirements that they don't need to concern themselves with their barbequed mother.  Dad took Caelum and Aurora into the kitchen to help them with their homework.

The next day, Caelum and Aurora had their badging ceremonies for their participation in Scouting.  The whole family attended.  It was nice to get out of the house for a little bit after that whole near death experience thing.

However, back at home, our bad luck continued.  We had another burglar come to the house.  Apparently, word has not spread in the criminal underworld that we have a burglar alarm and that they would set it off upon stepping foot onto our property.  Hey, we don't catch the smart ones!

Point proven.

Things calmed down a bit until the twins' birthday rolled around this weekend.  Both Caelum and Aurora finished their requirements so they were eligible to age up to teenagers.  Teenagers...I could hardly believe it.  How could I be the father to two teenagers already?

Caelum went first.  Aurora was right behind him, cheering on her best friend.

A moment of apprehension before aging up.

The apprehension quickly changed to excitement.

The excitement carried over to Aurora's turn as she stepped up to her own birthday cake.

Unlike Caelum, Aurora was immediately excited for her teenage years.

Okay, maybe not as excited as we first thought.

But my sweeet little girl smiled as the sparkles hit.

Here is teenage Caelum.  He gained the Family Oriented trait.

Here is teenage Aurora.  She gained the Charismatic trait.

I don't know where they get it from, but Caelum and Aurora are both ridiculously skinny.  They look like bean poles  :o

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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 20- Bean Poles (Oct 18)
« Reply #77 on: October 18, 2014, 01:34:55 PM »
'Roura! 'Roura!

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 20- Bean Poles (Oct 18)
« Reply #78 on: October 18, 2014, 07:50:23 PM »
Close call with Daphne  :o

Happy birthday to the twins!
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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 20- Bean Poles (Oct 18)
« Reply #80 on: October 20, 2014, 11:32:58 AM »
'Roura! 'Roura!

You were right last time and I wonder if you'll be 2/2?!

Close call with Daphne  :o

Happy birthday to the twins!

It was really weird.  After the fire was put out, I could click on Daphne but no one could interact with her.  She had to initiate all of the interactions.  I was really concerned because I had never seen a glitch, I guess you could call it, like that where while playing as another sim, I couldn't click on Daphne.  The next time I loaded that file, it was fixed so no harm done  :o

Wow, they both got great traits!

I really lucked out that round.  Actually, this set of traits is when I made my decision on who would be the next heir  ;)

Chapter 21- Embarrassment

The first thing that Caelum and Aurora set out to do after their birthdays was to go to the cemetery to get a job working in the masoleum.  They were both still potential heirs, so they would both be completing all of the requirements.

It was already pretty late that night so we let Caelum and Aurora enjoy the rest of their birthday doing whatever they wanted.  It was nice to give them a little time off before the real work started the next day.  Speaking of the next day, right after breakfast we began the twins' tutoring sessions.  I worked with Aurora while Dad worked with Caelum.

Once I was done working with Aurora, I went to find Daphne to talk.  I know from my own personal experience how, despite being a honor, exhausting being an heir was.  You really lost out on some fun things that you would normally be able to do if you were just the average run of the mill Sim.  I expressed those thoughts to Daphne and she agreed that maybe we should get the twins a little something special to let them know how proud we were of them.  So, we splurged a little bit and bought Caelum and Aurora their very own cars.

Caelum and Aurora were both very excited about their surprise.  They immediately begged Daphne and me to teach them how to drive.  How could we say no?

Caelum and Daphne didn't get too far in their initial lesson because Caelum got too stressed and transformed into a werewolf.  Once he did that, he figured that bounding was a faster method to get around.

Aurora and I got a little further until it got too late in the evening that it was time to return home.  Aurora actually got an opportunity from school to work on her writing skill and she decided to take them up on their offer.

Of course, learning to drive+skilling= major stressor.  Major stressor=werewolf transformation.

Okay, Daphne and I had been married for quite some time now and I had seen her change into her werewolf form many times.  Yet for some reason, seeing my daughter transform made me...kind of, sort of, you know, faint...

Daphne just threw some plasma juice in my face and told me to get up.  I shook my head and then proceeded to change out of my plasma juice soaked tux.  How embarrassing...

To make matters worse, we had ANOTHER burglar show up to the house that night.

The police showed up but the officer's thoughts prior to the fight didn't inspire much confidence...

Maybe the shoes meant she thought she was going to kick the burglar's behind?

Hey, whatever works.

After her near death experience, Daphne had become melancholy for a bit.  She wouldn't let any of us really talk to her for a few days.  I know she was shaken up; so was I.  I was very frightened that I lost her but thankfully, that didn't happen.  However, the next morning, Daphne came into the kitchen and things appeared to be back to normal between her and the rest of the household but particularly with me.

I was completely honest with her.  I didn't know what I'd do without her.

Apparently she really appreciated that sentiment.

She appreciated it a lot.

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 21- Embarrassment (Oct 20)
« Reply #81 on: October 20, 2014, 01:11:04 PM »
Those burglars will never learn  ::) I'm really glad Daphne wasn't glitched for long. I love Orion's reaction to his daughter's transformation, I wonder if he'll do it again when Caelum transforms in front of him.
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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 21- Embarrassment (Oct 20)
« Reply #82 on: October 20, 2014, 09:07:05 PM »
I do really like how you don't show any bias between the potential heirs(esses) :)

Oh, I'm going for a two for two.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 21- Embarrassment (Oct 20)
« Reply #83 on: October 21, 2014, 07:49:39 AM »
Voting for a charismatic, neurotic daredevil! Yup, Aurora for the win!!!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 21- Embarrassment (Oct 20)
« Reply #85 on: October 22, 2014, 10:41:50 AM »
Those burglars will never learn  ::) I'm really glad Daphne wasn't glitched for long. I love Orion's reaction to his daughter's transformation, I wonder if he'll do it again when Caelum transforms in front of him.

I think that was the only time that Orion fainted because of a werewolf transformation.  I thought it was funny, especially since he doesn't have the coward trait or anything like that.

I do really like how you don't show any bias between the potential heirs(esses) :)

Oh, I'm going for a two for two.

I try to give them both a fair chance to become the next heir unless there is something that really makes them the clear winner.

Voting for a charismatic, neurotic daredevil! Yup, Aurora for the win!!!

Yes, and purple eyes. Mark my ballot for Aurora.

It seems like Aurora is the hands down winner  ;D

Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar...

Since they were now teenagers, both Caelum and Aurora had to get romantic interests for their requirements.  Caelum met a nice girl named Lyndsay.  The only problem is that, being evil, it was a quick relationship.  It was "oh, hey, I like you," to seconds later "let's just be friends,".  Talk about a turnabout.  I should have expected that though.  I saw it with Luna, after all.

As for Aurora, she met a guy named Ricky.  He seemed awfully familiar for some reason...

(He looks like a teenage DD Sakura  :o)

Prom fell on one of their days off so Caelum and Aurora were both able to attend.  Caelum, surprisingly, ended up going with Lyndsay.  I guess she forgave him.  Aurora went with Ricky because, like me, she was going to stay with her romantic interest until at least the end of high school.

On the weekend, the twins' finished their driving lessons.

Caelum spent his weekend working on his inventing skill.

The kids both had one more shift at the graveyard to complete their job requirement.  Once they both got their final promotions, they were able to age up to Young Adult.  Caelum, as always, went first.

We all gathered around in the kitchen to celebrate with my son.

Cheers and smile all around!

One last twirl of the spinner and then it was time to age up.

After Caelum, it was Aurora's turn.

The sparkles kind of took Aurora by surprise this time.

I think she was pleased with the result though.

The twins had one last carefree meal before the decision would need to be made on who would become the next heir.

I couldn't believe that the moment to choose between my children was already here.  I now understand the difficulty that Mom and Dad had choosing between Luna and me.  I think that's why they had us decide amongst ourselves.  Hey now, that's not a bad idea...

We've got one more chapter with Orion and then it will be time for the next heir.  After the next chapter, I will ask for everyone's official vote so I can tally it up and see how your choice compared to mine  :D

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar... (Oct 22)
« Reply #86 on: October 22, 2014, 12:31:58 PM »
Rick is DD's clone  ;D Looking forward to their new makeovers.
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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar... (Oct 22)
« Reply #87 on: October 22, 2014, 04:47:13 PM »
Roar!!! I am the monster that demands Aurora be heiress!

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar... (Oct 22)
« Reply #88 on: October 22, 2014, 04:55:29 PM »
Roar!!! I am the monster that demands Aurora be heiress!

I had to respond to your comment now instead of at the beginning of the next chapter: that made me laugh  ;D

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 22- He Looks Familiar... (Oct 22)
« Reply #89 on: October 22, 2014, 11:05:18 PM »
I guess I'm going against the majority if i vote for Caelum? I might change my mind after the adult trait is revealed.

