Author Topic: Rigel Duty: Epilogue (Part II)- One Kingdom (April 27) COMPLETE  (Read 108318 times)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.12- The Winner Is... (Sept 20)
« Reply #45 on: September 20, 2014, 12:26:32 PM »
Aaw man  :'( Although I totally understand Luna's reasons behind not becoming heir! Hope we get to see some more of her as the story continues though...
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.12- The Winner Is... (Sept 20)
« Reply #46 on: September 21, 2014, 09:28:10 AM »
Okay, I don't want to brag, buuuut... YAY YAY Hooray!! Team Orion FTW!  ;D  ;)  ;D

Yes, definitely the wrong Rigel. Definitely.

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.12- The Winner Is... (Sept 20)
« Reply #47 on: September 21, 2014, 09:49:55 AM »
I would have been happy with either, but whereas Evil is fun to watch, it can be a trial to play. I had an evil spouse in my LSD (the werewolf) who wished to see the ghost of her moments old son. Yikes!

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.12- The Winner Is... (Sept 20)
« Reply #48 on: September 24, 2014, 11:33:07 AM »
Aaw man  :'( Although I totally understand Luna's reasons behind not becoming heir! Hope we get to see some more of her as the story continues though...

Definitely!  Luna will make some cameo's, even in later generations.

Okay, I don't want to brag, buuuut... YAY YAY Hooray!! Team Orion FTW!  ;D  ;)  ;D

Yes, definitely the wrong Rigel. Definitely.

I have to admit that I had Luna pegged for the heir until the last minute  ;)

I would have been happy with either, but whereas Evil is fun to watch, it can be a trial to play. I had an evil spouse in my LSD (the werewolf) who wished to see the ghost of her moments old son. Yikes!

I know, right?  I'm doing a domination dynasty as a side project and one of their kids is evil.  He wanted to see the ghost of one of his sisters (he is a triplet) moments after they aged up into children.  That is a little scary  :o

Chapter 13- What a Gift...

When I became a Young Adult, I decided that my Lifetime Wish would be to become The Tinkerer.  I would work on maxing my Logic and Mechanical skills.  That actually turned out to be a really good decision because that set me up to complete my lifetime wish while working on my skill challenges for the dynasty.  My parents said that they had a special graduation present for me: all of the plumbing and electrical items that had broken so far.  My parents told me that when I finished, I would have two skill challenges complete.  What a graduation gift...

Off I went, still in my graduation robes, to begin fixing all of the clogged toilets.

I spent most of my time outside, at night of course, fixing all of the broken appliances.  My days were spent indoors working on my Logic skill or at work.  Apparently, bath towels are all the rage in the gaming industry, so it was my work outfit.

I did make sure that I kept in touch with Luna now that she was out of the house.  It was kind of lonely, not having her here anymore.  She was my twin sister and we did everything together.  I did miss her, but I knew she was happy off doing her own thing.

And I made sure to invite her to the wedding this weekend.  She could be both the maid of honor and the best man since she is my best friend.

Once I finished talking to Luna, it was back outside to fix some sinks.

While I was outside working, Mom and Dad were having fun together.  They like to dance together a lot.  And badly.

I did have to admit that Dad had some moves, though.

Daphne was moving along very well in her military career.  It was kind of stressful, however.  It always surprised me slightly when she would come home in her werewolf form.

But once she came home and I calmed her down, she was back to usual herself.

Working out was usually how Daphne lowered her stress levels.  It worked out well because she needed athletic skill for her job anyway.  Might as well get two birds with one stone.  As for me, I worked on my mechanical skill after work.  I complete the Plumber skill challenge so I had now moved on to the Electrician skill challenge.

Daphne and I both had a really good start on our careers and we had both rolled a wish to marry each other.  Once we did that, we set up our wedding date for that coming weekend.  Mom and Dad surprised us with a beautiful wedding area that we would use for the rest of the dynasty.

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.13- What a Gift... (Sept 24)
« Reply #49 on: September 24, 2014, 01:23:25 PM »
Congratulations to Andi. I'm too late to vote but sort of glad, I don't know who I would have chosen. Best of luck to Orion!
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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.13- What a Gift... (Sept 24)
« Reply #50 on: September 24, 2014, 04:21:48 PM »
The wedding setup looks lovely.

And what a gift  :P

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.13- What a Gift... (Sept 24)
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2014, 12:15:19 PM »
Congratulations to Andi. I'm too late to vote but sort of glad, I don't know who I would have chosen. Best of luck to Orion!

There will be another unofficial heir vote in a later generation so you can vote in that one if you'd like  :)

The wedding setup looks lovely.

And what a gift  :P

Thanks!  I have a lot of fun coming up with wedding set ups.  I want them to look nice because the family will be using them for so many generations.  Might as well make it asthetically pleasing!

Chapter 14- Mr. & Mrs. Rigel

Daphne and I set our wedding day for that weekend.  We were both pretty excited about finally tying the knot.  Even though we had the opportunity to invite a lot of our friends over, we ultimately decided to keep things small.  We only invited a few guests to join us in our celebration.

We were official: Mr. & Mrs. Orion Rigel.

I was happy, so very happy.  I didn't care who was watching.

We interrupt this broadcast for an important announcement: Dad's brother, uncle Carlo, is a vampire and HE IS EATING A PLASMA FRUIT.  HE IS NOT JUST RANDOMLY GOING TO DIE OF HUNGER!  Way to go Uncle Carlo!!

And here's a shot of a very special wedding guest: my best friend and twin sister, Luna.

While we loved our close friends and family, Daphne and I excused ourselves from the party early.  We wanted to go celebrate our wedding night togther.

Daphne and I took advantage of the few days off we were given from our respective jobs and worked on our skills.  Daphne worked on her athletic skill and I continued working on my final mechanical skill challenge.  I had to give 10 unique upgrades to appliances throughout the house.  I started with the stereo.  Mom loved music, so I figured I'd wire the house with speakers so she could have the radio on wherever she was in the house.

Dad was pretty impressed by the upgrade I gave to the kitchen sink.

Daphne did take a break now and then from working out.  She wanted to learn the painting skill, so Dad let her use his easel.

Mom also took some time out of every week to catch up with Luna.  She said that she was enjoying her new place and that work with Uncle Carlo, who is her boss, was going well.

That was always a relief to hear that she was doing so well.

Now thinking about it, maybe wiring the whole house with speakers was a bad thing because Mom and Dad could dance badly all throughout the house...

That was the last thing on my mind, however, as I worked on upgrading a fireplace we had set up outside for me to work on. 

Thankfully, my Dad came and put me out.  That was a close one!  I was also aided by a lady who looked strangely familiar.  In case anyone was wondering, the lady was Artemis Rigel, my Imaginary Friend.  That's, apparently, what she would look like if she had become real.  I don't know why she suddenly decided to show up at the house but, whatever the reason, she had perfect timing.

After a quick shower, I went back outside and finished the upgrade of the fireplace.  There were no fires this time, much to my relief.  I needed one more upgrade, so I decided to fiddle with the stereo again.  Final mechanical skill challenge complete!

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Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.14- Mr. & Mrs. Rigel (Sept 28)
« Reply #52 on: September 28, 2014, 12:50:15 PM »
I love the wedding venue with the water jets. Poor Orion, that fire could have been disastrous. It that a bug with Artemis, she has the IF thing above her head? And well done to that vampire, I never get those in my game  :o
Life State Dynasty: The Blackburns In Monte Vista (Complete)
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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.14- Mr. & Mrs. Rigel (Sept 28)
« Reply #53 on: September 28, 2014, 03:31:58 PM »
What?!? A responsible vampire? Give him an award! Now!

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.14- Mr. & Mrs. Rigel (Sept 28)
« Reply #54 on: September 29, 2014, 01:10:41 PM »
Holy moly. A vampire that actually feeds himself that's so cool lol
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.14- Mr. & Mrs. Rigel (Sept 28)
« Reply #55 on: October 02, 2014, 11:26:08 AM »
I love the wedding venue with the water jets. Poor Orion, that fire could have been disastrous. It that a bug with Artemis, she has the IF thing above her head? And well done to that vampire, I never get those in my game  :o

I'm not really sure why IF's will suddenly appear.  I've had that happen a couple of times.  The IF will just randomly show up in a human form and then stalk follow their Sim around.  In this case, it worked out for the better.

What?!? A responsible vampire? Give him an award! Now!

Holy moly. A vampire that actually feeds himself that's so cool lol

Carlo gets the "Responsible I'm-Not-Going-To-Turn-To-Dust Vampire Award."  Well done, Carlo!

Chapter 15- Only in a Dynasty

I only ever really view my Mom as well, my Mom.  I forget sometimes that she is actually a princess.  Some of her mannerisms are indicative of her royal status, such as her table manners.  Mom was always very proper when eating.  Daphne, on occasion, would come in after work and eat a snack while in her werewolf form.  I cringed the first time I saw Daphne eating beside Mom in her werewolf form.  This may not end well.

Dad and I both laughed when we saw that Mom just completely ignored Daphne's werewolf eating habits and struck up a conversation with her.  That is a relief.

Daphne, of course, would not disrespect her royal mother-in-law, so she would sit down to respond to her.  When she finished speaking, she would get back up on the chair to eat like an animal again.  It was quite a spectacle to watch, actually, Dad and I considered while drinking some plasma orange juice together.  Only in a dynasty could something like this happen.

Anyway, after dinner, I went outside to work on creating some new potions.  Daphne transformed back into her human form and then called over her boss for a chat.  She was very close to getting a promotion, so she wanted to see if the boss could give it to her tonight inside of having to wait a whole extra day for it.  Daphne made to sure talk to her boss outside by me so I could chuck a potion at her just in case she denied her a promotion.  Just kidding.  But not really.

Thankfully she said yes, so I didn't have to throw any potions at anyone.

It was a good thing I didn't have to take a break from my work because I managed to create another new potion.

I managed to create all of the potions that I could, which completed another skill challenge.  Another requirement checked off.  I still needed to complete a few more, however.  One skill challenge that I could complete is to tutor someone in a skill for a few hours.  I talked to Daphne and she volunteered to be my student.  I taught her all about the mechanical skill because she needed to know if for her job at the military.  It was definitely a win-win.

We took a break when when got hungry.  Mom cooked up some firecracker shrimp for Daphne and herself while she prepared some plasma fruit for Dad and me, fresh from the garden.  I think she made the shrimp a bit too spicy as Daphne literally was breathing fire after she ate.

Unfortunately, breathing fire, Daphne set the kitchen table on fire.  She managed to put it out, though.  Crisis averted.

Daphne then went and worked out for a bit to calm herself down.  She managed to max the athletic skill while she was exercising.

I headed into my room to work with my telescope.  I stared at the wall and contorted my arms in a surprisingly comfortable way.  I did discover some new stars, though.

I went to work the next day and I got my final promotion.  Getting my final promotion completed my final 5,000 point wish.  The only thing I had left to do now was purchase my final lifetime reward.  I purchased the immortal reward so I could now go out in the sun.  The only downside was I was now very sparkly.  Great.

So, I had completed all of my requirements.  I talked to Daphne about having kids and she asked me if we could wait another day or two because she wanted to get in one more promotion before she took off on maternity leave.  I agreed.  I now had some free time on my hands so that was no problem.  Speaking of free time, Dad gave me his guitar to fiddle around with while I was at home.

I decided to head outside and enjoy my new ability to be outdoors during the day and play some music for the passersby.

And I put on a little performance outside a nearby coffee shop.  Not a single tip for my music.  The nerve of some people.

That instance was quickly forgotten as I got a call from Daphne and she told me the good news of her newest promotion.  She was over half way done with her career and her lifetime wish.  I rushed home because my wife and I had some important business to take care of.

We weren't sure if we were successful right away.  Daphne went to work as normal the following morning and said she felt fine.  However, right before the end of her shift, she stepped outside, feeling a little funny.

Daphne came home and I was a little surprised that she was back so early.  I asked her if everything was okay and she nodded with a bright smile on her face.  We were going to be parents!

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.15- Only in a Dynasty (Oct 2)
« Reply #56 on: October 02, 2014, 11:40:17 AM »
Oh, werewolves and table manners  ;) Congratulations to Ori and I can't wait to see who the next heir(s) will be.
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Domination Dynasty: Down With Lamps: Djinn Takeover (Complete)

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.15- Only in a Dynasty (Oct 2)
« Reply #57 on: October 02, 2014, 01:08:35 PM »
Congratulations to the parents-to-be!

There were too many accomplishments in this update to congratulate you on each one so instead, Congratulations on any and all accomplishments you made in this update!

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.15- Only in a Dynasty (Oct 2)
« Reply #58 on: October 06, 2014, 12:01:50 PM »
I just wanted to do a quick post to say thanks to everyone who has read so far- we've hit 1000 views already!  Thanks  ;D  Looking forward to reading more of your comments and thoughts as we continue to the next generation!

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.15- Only in a Dynasty (Oct 2)
« Reply #59 on: October 06, 2014, 12:28:09 PM »
Oh, werewolves and table manners  ;) Congratulations to Ori and I can't wait to see who the next heir(s) will be.

That interaction between Daphne and Andi just struck me as funny so I thought I'd include it into the chapter.

Congratulations to the parents-to-be!

There were too many accomplishments in this update to congratulate you on each one so instead, Congratulations on any and all accomplishments you made in this update!

Works for me!

Chapter 16- Wereboos

Though I had already suspected, Daphne came home from work and told me the good news.

That being said, I was still very excited to hear the news from Daphne.

After she told me, I immediately spun her around for a kiss.

I was just so excited.  Daphne and I had rolled the wish to have our first child a while ago but had to hold off until I completed all of my requirements for the dynasty.

Since she was technically royalty now by marrying into the family, I made sure I treated Daphne like a queen during her pregnancy.  I spared no expense on her daily spa treatment.  I wanted to make sure that she was relaxed and very well taken care of.

Dad knew how happy I was.  Seeing me so happy made him feel the same way.  He hugged me and told me that he was proud of me for all that I'd done so far and said that I would be a great father. 

Later that night, we all went to bed early.  We wanted to get in as much rest possible in before the baby came.  However, a visitor had other plans.

I think all of the excitement had an effect on Daphne because, a few hours later, she went into labor.

I, of course, did what any responsible husband and father-to-be would do and panicked.

Daphne smacked me out of it (literally) and I came back to my senses.  We rushed to the car and I drove us to the hospital.  After a bit of time, Daphne and I were pleased to welcome our son, Caelum, into the world.  Caelum is Eccentric and a Heavy Sleeper.  He is a werewolf.

We were also pleased, albeit a bit surprised, to welcome our daughter, Aurora, into the world.  Aurora is Neurotic and Easily Impressed.  Like her brother, Aurora is also a werewolf.  We had two wereboos. 

Despite the happiness and glow of new parenthood, I had a nagging sadness in the back of my mind.  Since both Caelum and Aurora were werewolves, I would one day have to decide between them on who would become the heir.  I now understood how difficult that decision was when my parents had to make it.  I love both of my children equally; how could I choose?  I shook my head and pushed that thought out my mind.  Right now, I just wanted to enjoy my children and their baby days.  We added a room onto the house for the twins to share.  We decorated it in Irish Green and Spice Brown, Caelum and Aurora's favorite colors respectively.

And we also had to make some minor tweaks to the kitchen and dining room for the twins' room.

And there you have it: another heir vote in the future!  Caelum versus Aurora.  I can't wait to see who you choose as the next heir when it comes time for the heir to be chosen  ;D.

