Author Topic: Rigel Duty: Epilogue (Part II)- One Kingdom (April 27) COMPLETE  (Read 108316 times)

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.8- Magical Friends (Sept 12)
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2014, 03:39:56 PM »
I don't know who to vote for! Maybe when I see them as teens or YA...

I was pretty sure I knew who the heir was up until they turned YA.  However, I ended up choosing the opposite  :o

Now she's an evil genius?!?! Besides, Orion x Artemis forever.  ;D I always ship IF dolls with their owner, or at least the owner's sibling. You also hinted at it, I think.

Yes, Luna could easily control the world.  I did plan on having IF as the next supernatural state, but things could change  ;)

I also forgot to say thank you to everyone for 500+ views!  We haven't even hit ten chapters yet, so that was pretty awesome to see.  Thanks to everyone so far and I'm looking forward to more comments as we progress to the next generation!

Chapter 9- Time Flies When You're Having Fun

We let Luna and Orion have some fun on the rest of their birthday before preparing them for their next set of requirments.  They seemed to be having a lot of fun with their imaginary friends, but I couldn't tell for sure because I couldn't see them.  They sounded like they were having fun in any case.

The next day, Camillo got to work tutoring the kids so that they could both easily get on the Honor Roll.

Luna and Orion were always together.  They were the best of friends, much to my relief.  Having twins who were both vampires, I was a little afraid that they might not be too close because of them both being potential heirs.  I didn't want them to feel like they had to compete for the position.  Thankfully, they were as thick as thieves.

I often took time out of the busy week to sit in my garden and contemplate things.  It was very difficult for me to think that I would need to choose between my two children.  I loved both Luna and Orion equally.  My only daughter and my only son.  How could I choose between them?  Everything I had gone through before this seemed like nothing now compared to this monumental decision that Camillo and I faced in the near future.  And, with the amazing skills that they both possess, Luna and Orion would be aging up again in no time, making that decision time arrive even sooner than I wanted.  If only they could stay little vampyboos forever...

While I was in my garden, Camillo continued working on creating potions.  He worked tirelessly to discover the potion that would be able to bring an Imaginary Friend to life.

He was so excited when he finally found the right combination.

Since Luna and Orion needed an opportunity for their requirements, I signed them both up for an afterschool activity.  Orion loved the outdoors so he seemed like he would really enjoy Scouting.

Luna was an athlete so I signed her up for ballet.  She wasn't really a fan of the pink tutu though.

With their badging ceremony and ballet recital respectively, Orion and Luna completed all of their requirements and could now age up into teenagers.  They asked Camillo and me if they would have one more day as children in order to get a third day on the Honor roll.  How could I say no to that request?  So, after the kids went to school and got their third straight day on the Honor roll, they were ready to grow up into teens.  We set up two cakes and prepared to say goodbye to childhood.

Luna, as always, went first.

Orion aged up next.

Once they had both blown out their candles and made their birthday wishes, Luna and Orion grew up into two lovely teenagers.

Luna gained the Loner trait.

Orion rolled the Disciplined trait.

I still couldn't believe that we now had two teenagers in the house.  That decision to see who would be the next heir was going to be here sooner than I hoped...

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.9- Time Flies (Sept 14)
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2014, 05:07:52 PM »
What are their teen traits? They are both really quite pretty.

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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.9- Time Flies (Sept 14)
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2014, 05:34:53 PM »
What are their teen traits? They are both really quite pretty.

Thanks, Lisa!  Currently, Luna's and Orion's traits are as follows (these are the order that I rolled them):

Luna: Evil, Athletic, Genius, Loner

Orion: Loves the Outdoors, Genius, Ambitious, Disciplined

With two potential heirs, it can be kind of confusing who rolled what (believe me, I know from just playing the game!) so I hope that helps  ;D  I'll do a recap on them before the heir is selected/announced.

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.9- Time Flies (Sept 14)
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2014, 06:13:13 PM »

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.9- Time Flies (Sept 14)
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2014, 06:33:52 PM »
Join the fan club!

I may be biased, but Luna is going to be an evil genius when she grows up, or maybe a mad scientist!

Offline KRae

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.9- Time Flies (Sept 14)
« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2014, 07:12:42 PM »
I've got no preference at this point. I like evil geniuses, but by the end of a dynasty they can be a bit wearing.

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.9- Time Flies (Sept 14)
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2014, 12:05:33 PM »

Join the fan club!

I may be biased, but Luna is going to be an evil genius when she grows up, or maybe a mad scientist!

Orion has a fan club?  Cool!  Works for me.  Two votes for Team Orion.

I've got no preference at this point. I like evil geniuses, but by the end of a dynasty they can be a bit wearing.

Luna actually had a pretty good relationship with everyone.  The real problem is the Nerd influence.  Everyone constantly wants to do the "Berate Ignorance" interaction to each other, which lowers their relationships. 

Chapter 10- Teen Years

Luna headed to the local cemetery to get a job there while Orion was putting his new teen outfit together. 

She was so sweet to pick up some seeds for me that she found on her way back.

Orion eventually headed down to the cemetery to get a job as well.  They were both still in the running to be the heir, so they were both going to complete all of the requirements.

Both Luna and Orion came home quickly so that Camillo could tutor them before school began on Monday.  Luna went first because she was the oldest.

Orion made good use of his time by working on his Logic skill.  Between the peg box and the tutoring from his father, he was already at level 7 of the skill.  Because they were vampires, I feared that both Luna and Orion would learn skills too quickly in some cases and eliminate the chance of rolling a 5,000 point wish, which would only serve to make their requirements harder.  I know that one from experience.  I made sure to remind them both to take things slowly so that they don't make things harder on themselves.  I also did it because I wanted to delay having to make the decision between them on who would become the heir.

Orion had more success than Camillo did at first...

He didn't get much more time to work on any more potions because Camillo came calling for him.  Luna had an A, so it was now time for Orion to get prepared for school.

While Orion enjoyed pursuits of the mind, Luna preferred pursuits of the body.  She was naturally athletic, so she quickly picked up the Athletic skill.  I mean "she picked it up quickly" both literally and figuratively.  She was a vampire, after all.

Tutoring over, Orion headed to his room and began to work with his telescope.

The twins did very well in school and quickly got on the honor roll.  Camillo and I were both very proud of them.  Since we had a little more money is the family, we decided to splurge a little bit and buy some cars.  We bought one for Luna and Orion because of all of their hard work in school and with their requirements.

Camillo volunteered to teach both Luna and Orion how to drive.  This is how far out the door that Orion got before he had mastered the driving skill.  They didn't even get into the car.  Neither of them.

Another requirement that Orion and Luna had to complete was to have a romantic interest.  Orion met a nice girl named Janet Yeager and invited her over so he could make her his RI.  He felt bad about having to ask her out simply because of a requirement, so they stayed together all throughout high school.

Luna, on the other hand, was a bit more...well, evil about it.  She got a nice boy named Cecil Beltran to become her RI and then asked him to just be friends all in one fell swoop.  Hey, at least she's honest.

Now thinking back, I think she made the right decision because he was a babysitter and his aging was buggy (he was still in high school when the next generation was there and then was suddenly and old man when Gen.3 was an Adult).

Camillo had a lot of time to himself when the kids were at school and I was out in the garden or at work.  He had a couple of points of the Charisma skill when he and I first met and he decided to continue working on it.

On the weekend, the twins spent some time brushing up on their skills before heading off to their cemetery jobs.  Luna maxed the Athletic skill but my smart girl wouldn't do it until she rolled the wish first.

Unline Luna, this burglar was not a genius. 

She was quickly apprehended by the police, but not without first waking up the whole household.

The nerve of some people.

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.10- Teen Years (Sept 16)
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2014, 02:05:54 PM »
Vampires are very tricky to manage with their quick skilling, but I love the learning to drive with out ever getting in the car.

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.10- Teen Years (Sept 16)
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2014, 06:38:26 PM »
Yes, I started a fan club. I am the president. And possibly the only member until I get the RSVP from Lisa.

The driving! I wish I did that. I swear, I almost crashed the car. Twice.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.10- Teen Years (Sept 16)
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2014, 12:36:33 PM »
I like Luna for heir. Maybe I'm an evil genius at heart lol
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.10- Teen Years (Sept 16)
« Reply #40 on: September 17, 2014, 12:42:55 PM »
Team Luna! I mostly just like the genes she got from Camillo. ::)
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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.10- Teen Years (Sept 16)
« Reply #41 on: September 18, 2014, 11:51:48 AM »
Vampires are very tricky to manage with their quick skilling, but I love the learning to drive with out ever getting in the car.

Both Orion and Luna got to the doorway and they already learned how to drive.  They were so lucky!

Yes, I started a fan club. I am the president. And possibly the only member until I get the RSVP from Lisa.

The driving! I wish I did that. I swear, I almost crashed the car. Twice.

I did my driving test in the winter and my car slid on a patch of ice on the way there.  Not a great way to get me ready for the test  :o

I like Luna for heir. Maybe I'm an evil genius at heart lol

Team Luna! I mostly just like the genes she got from Camillo. ::)

Two votes for Luna!  Orion now has some serious competition!

Chapter 11- The Decision

The moment had arrived.  Luna and Orion had completed all of their teenage requirements and were now both ready to age up into Young Adult.  I slowly prepared two birthday cakes for them and set them up in the kitchen. 

Unlike previous birthdays, Luna let Orion go first this time.

Both kids were excited to be done with school and to enter into Young Adulthood.

Orion aged up first.

Luna followed suit.

We let the kids, well, they're not really kids anymore...we let Luna and Orion have a slice of birthday cake before Camillo and I told them that we needed to have a serious discussion with them.  Camillo and I sat on one couch and Luna and Orion sat together on the other.

"I've been dreading the arrival of this day," I told them. "You both have grown into lovely young adults and so now one of you must take over as the active heir."

"Your Dad and I talked about it and we've made a decision," I continued. "We've chosen to let you two decide between yourselves who should become the heir."

Camillo and I left the room and went outside to go tend the garden while Luna and Orion discussed the heirship between themselves.

When Camillo and I came back inside, the house was quiet.  We weren't sure if a decision had been reached but it appears that Luna and Orion had updated their wardrobes to suit their new age group.

Luna's final rolled trait was Supernatural Fan.

Orion's final rolled trait was Vehicle Enthusiast.

The moment had arrived to choose the next heir.

Here are Andi's completed stats (in the order that I have them on my sheet):

Name: Andromeda Rigel
Life State: Fairy
Lifetime Wish: Celebrated Five-Star Chef
Traits: Artistic, Brooding, Gatherer, Genius, Natural Cook
Toddler-Teen Requirements: N/A
1 Best Friend: Giovanna Costa (fairy)
2 Career Gifts: Food Processor, Cooking Skill Certificate
3 Black Opps: All-New Bi-Pedal Dishwashing Machine, Chinese Stir-Fry, Memorable Meals
4 Unique LTR: Super Green Thumb, No Bills Ever, Queen of the Fae, Born to Cook
5 5K Wishes:

Reach Lv. 10 of the Culinary Career
Master the Gardening Skill
Master the Cooking Skill
Master the Mixology Skill
Be Worth More than 300,000

6 Skill Challenges:

Master Planter
Botanical Boss
Master Farmer
Star Chef
Menu Maven
World-Class Chef

7 Unique Items: Perfect harvestables

*Vacation Days Used: 1

Right now, Luna and Orion are tied!  If you have a favorite, vote now!  I want to see who you want for the heir compared to who I ended up picking.  Whoever is the next heir will also be the next story narrator, so be prepared  ;D

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.11- The Decision (Sept 18)
« Reply #42 on: September 18, 2014, 05:13:07 PM »
Orion Orion Orion! Please,please,please vote for him! He's my wiafu! Okay, not really. But I still adore him.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.11- The Decision (Sept 18)
« Reply #43 on: September 19, 2014, 11:26:29 AM »
Luna!!!!!!!!! Vote evil genius for the win!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.11- The Decision (Sept 18)
« Reply #44 on: September 20, 2014, 12:14:41 PM »
Orion Orion Orion! Please,please,please vote for him! He's my wiafu! Okay, not really. But I still adore him.

Luna!!!!!!!!! Vote evil genius for the win!

Luna and Orion are tied!  But the winner is...

Chapter 12- The Winner Is...

Hello everyone.  My name is Orion Rigel and I am the next heir in the Rigel Lifestates Dynasty.  My Mother is a Fairy Princess and she was chosen to embark on this dynasty to see if peace could exist in the kingdom.  Both my sister, Luna, and I wanted to help our Mom in her mission.  Luna and I were both in the running to become the next heir and Mom and Dad left it up to us to decide who wanted to take over as active heir.  Luna and I had a long discussion about it.  I thought she should be the heir since she was older than me and Luna thought I should be the heir because I wasn't evil.  She told me that she was evil, but not that evil that she would jeopardize Mom's peace mission.  She would rather use her skills to join the dark side and live her life how she wanted, free from the dynasty restrictions.  I understood and agreed to become the next heir.

So, as acting heir, I had a lot of things to accomplish.  Since I was a vampire and I learned things quickly, it shouldn't be too hard, right?  My first order of business was to break up with my current girlfriend, Janet.  She was still a teenager and she was human.  I did like her and she would always be special because she was my first girlfriend and I hoped that she and I could remain friends.  Janet wasn't too thrilled about that though.

Mom said to give her some time and that she would come around eventually.  I'll take her word for it.  Not to sound heartless, I wasn't going to dwell on it because my mind was elsewhere.  I was gaining notoriety in the Nerd world and was offered a job by a gaming company.  I accepted the job and met a nice girl named Daphne Durant.  Daphne, I came to discover, was a werewolf.  We became fast friends and I invited her over one night.  We chatted for a while and then things took a more romantic turn.

I asked Daphne to be my girlfriend and she said yes.

It didn't stop there.  I got down on my knee and pulled a box out of thin air and propsed to Daphne. 

She said yes!

Daphne moved in with us and Mom and Luna gave her a makeover.  Her traits were Great Kisser, Loves the Outdoors, Bookworm, Athletic and Grumpy.  Her Lifetime Wish was to Become an Astronaut.

Now that Daphne and I were engaged, we redid the bedroom that Luna and I shared. 

Where was Luna staying now?  Well, Luna was staying in her own house that she purchased near town.  She wanted her own place to work on her illegal activities without interfering with Mom's peace mission.  We all were sad to see her go but knew she would be happier on her own.  Luna was a Loner, after all.

Daphne got a job in the military so she could begin working toward her dream to become an astronaut. 

She needed to begin working on her Athletic skill as a requirement of her new job.

The next day was graduation.  We were all so thrilled to see Luna get her diploma as well as me.

My twin sister and my future wife were two of the most important women in my life (besides my Mom, of course).  I always hoped that when I found the love of my life, she would get along with the family.  I was so relieved that Luna, despite being evil, took to Daphne.

They even compared fangs.  I guess that means they're friends?  Either way, my two favorite girls became fast friends and I could breathe a little easier.

As for me, I also received my diploma that day.  I was the valedictorian and was voted Most Likely to Take Over the World.  I think they got the wrong Rigel with that one...

And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen: Orion is the next heir.  I do have to admit that up until Luna and Orion became YA, I was pretty sure that Luna was going to be the heir.  However, I ended up picking Orion at the last minute.  That will not be the only heir that will need to be picked however...there will be another heir vote in the future.  Keep reading to find out  ;)