Author Topic: Rigel Duty: Epilogue (Part II)- One Kingdom (April 27) COMPLETE  (Read 108319 times)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.4- Mission: Stir-Fry (Sept 3)
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2014, 12:59:15 PM »
Yeah for me too... Well it's Thursday night here so that must mean Malley has been operated on (or about to be), I hope it all goes/went well!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.4- Mission: Stir-Fry (Sept 3)
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2014, 04:21:54 PM »
Couldn't see most of the pictures, oh well.  Doesn't matter. Good chapter.
aaand just a glitch. Always is. No worries

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.4- Mission: Stir-Fry (Sept 3)
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2014, 07:40:17 PM »
Couldn't see most of the pictures, oh well.  Doesn't matter. Good chapter.

aaand just a glitch. Always is. No worries

The pictures come up fine for me.

Good to hear all is up and running  :)

Yeah for me too... Well it's Thursday night here so that must mean Malley has been operated on (or about to be), I hope it all goes/went well!

Thanks!  I'm alive and well, so that's good news  :)

Chapter 5- A Tale of Two Vampires

All of my requirements were complete except for one thing: I still needed two 5,000 point wishes.  I tried doing everything gardening and cooking related that I could think of to help myself roll these last two wishes so I could continue on with the dynasty.  I tried learning more recipes to see if I could spark another wish, but to no avail. 

At least I learned some sweet new recipes out of it.

I decided to take a walk outside to clear my head and to hopefully think of some more ideas to spark those last two wishes.  I found some nice harvestables and some special seeds that I collected to later plant in my garden.

I planted my findings in my garden and then went back inside to cook some dinner for myself.  I settled on some autumn salad this evening.  I also thought that maybe I should make some drinks for Camillo and myself tonight after dinner to help both of us unwind.  Wait a minute...drinks?  Mixology?

That gave me a wonderful idea-I could max the Mixology skill!  Hopefully that would allow me to roll another 5,000 point wish and be one step closer to completing my requirements.  As a chef, it would be a great opportunity to learn more about what drinks are paired well with what meals and what to avoid.  Perhaps, when this was all over, I could share what I've learned with the cooks at my palace.

The next few days I spent in a routine: sleep, eat, read mixology books and repeat.  While cooking one of my meals, I managed to max my Cooking skill, thus completing one of the wishes I rolled quite a while ago.

Camillo also accomplished something tremendous that same day.  He had maxed the writing skill.  That, paired with his already completed painting skill, allowed him to complete his Lifetime Wish.  Congrats, darling!

While scurrying to finish my final wishes, Camillo took care of my garden at night.  He was pretty excited to tell me that one of the special seeds that I planted ended up being a money tree seed.  A wonderful find, for sure!

Camillo spent his nights in the garden and his days at the easel.  He did his best to help me in any way that he could.  With all of his paintings that he's done, Camillo actually managed to supermax the painting skill.  His paintings were always beautiful and were now really turning into quite the scene in the art world.  Camillo was getting quite the salary from selling his paintings.

My eyes were nearly ready to cross from all of the reading I had done over the past few days in the attempt to roll another 5,000 point wish.

And it was all worth it!  I rolled my wish and quickly finished the last few pages of the mixology book to max the skill. 

I headed to my bedroom and told Camillo all about my accomplishment.  I had done it.  I had done everything my parents had set out for me to do in order to bring in the next heir.  I was once a Princess with little experience doing things on her own and now, I had accomplished something great and I had done it myself.  I was so very proud and very relieved at the same time.

Now that I was done with my accomplishments, I told Camillo that it was time to bring in the next heir.  Camillo wasn't entirely thrilled about this premise because he Disliked Children.  He, however, told me that he would do whatever it took to help me achieve my goals and I took him up on his offer.

Camillo surprised me with a trip to the spa the next day.  I enjoyed my time there.  It had been a long while since the last time that I had been in the spa so I wanted to enjoy every moment of it.  I had to leave early, however, but if was for a wonderful reason  :)

I really think that Camillo doesn't dislike children as much as he claimed.  He was very excited and was an excellent help to me.

I woke up one morning with some extremely intense pain.  I had never felt pain like this before.  It was quite unexpected.

At least that's what I was thinking when I had brief moments of painlessness.

But those moments were far and few between.

I decided that enough was enough and had Camillo take me to this hospital.  We were pleased to welcome our daughter, Luna, into the world.  She was Athletic and Evil.  Most importantly, she was also a vampire.

But the real surprise came moments later.  The reason?  We were also pleased to welcome a son, Orion.  He was a Genius who Loves the Outdoors.  The big surprise was that he was also a vampire.  Camillo and I were now the proud parents to two little vampyboos!

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.5- A Tale of Two Vampires (Sept 6)
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2014, 08:19:10 PM »
LUNA! Sorry, little miss Pegasister (me) is absolutely obsessed with anything that has even the slightest possibility of being a reference to MLP. Even if I know it isn't. Oh well.  :P

Congratulations on your two vampyboos, the requirements and his LTW.  ;D

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.5- A Tale of Two Vampires (Sept 6)
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2014, 05:27:19 PM »
I can't believe you get such amazing rolled traits. Lucky!

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.5- A Tale of Two Vampires (Sept 6)
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2014, 05:24:34 PM »
LUNA! Sorry, little miss Pegasister (me) is absolutely obsessed with anything that has even the slightest possibility of being a reference to MLP. Even if I know it isn't. Oh well.  :P

Congratulations on your two vampyboos, the requirements and his LTW.  ;D

I'm not 100% sure what that is (though I feel like I should?) but I'm glad you like Luna's name!

I can't believe you get such amazing rolled traits. Lucky!

I absolutely agree.  Orion and Luna (I won't say who's the heir/heiress yet) both got decent traits, though Loves the Outdoors is not the best for a vampire  ::).  Generation 3's traits aren't the best, in my opinion though.  He/She has maybe 2 or 3 really good ones.  I think I lasted until Gen. 4 in my first Lifestates attempt until the bad traits started popping up.  Since I'm almost to that point, I cross my fingers, close my eyes and hope for the best when I roll  ;)

Chapter 6- Dad of the Year

Since we had two new additions to the family, Camillo and I needed to remodel the house.

We redid everything except out bedroom.  That was still fine like it was.  Everything else, though, got some much needed updating.

While I had only thought that Camillo would be a good father since he didn't really like children all that much, I was blown away by what a tremendous father he was.  I have never seen anyone autonomously care for their children so well like Camillo.  The moment Luna or Orion cries, Camillo is right there.  I think that whole dislikes children thing is just a bluff  ;)

Now that I was no longer the active heir, I took the final step required to ensure the dynasty would not fail: I took an age freeze potion.  I had to be around for the next six generations and also to see my dream of peace come to fruition.

Taking care of Luna and Rigel didn't just fall to Camillo.  I did make sure to spend as much time as I could with them...when I could beat Camillo to their cribs!

Vampire speeds trumps fairy flying...

When we had some brief moments of peace when the twins were sleeping, Camillo and I made sure to spend some time together.

It was a short dance break because our attention was quickly needed elsewhere.

The baby days flew by very quickly.  It must have been because the twins were vampires.  Regardless, Camillo proudly brought Luna up to the cake first.  We were both so excited to see how the twins would look.

Luna, the oldest, went first...

...And she has my hair and eyes, but has Camillo's face.

Next up was Orion.

He has Camillo's hair, but my eyes and my face.

The twins were certainly a nice blend of the two of us.  They were so beautiful, but then again, I'm their mother, so I'm biased.  Luna does resemble me quite a bit.

While Orion looks far more like his father.

Since they were both vampires, both Luna and Orion were eligible to be the heir.  Camillo and I made sure that both kids would meet the requirements put forth by the council so they would both have an equal chance to carry on the dynasty.  I wanted them both to be ready for what lay ahead of them as potential heirs.

Luna didn't seem too pleased to hear about the sunshine, though.  Since she was a vampire, I completely understood.

Orion made sure to have a full tummy before starting on his skills.

Then it was down to business with Daddy.

Well, maybe not.

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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.6- Dad of the Year (Sept 8)
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2014, 07:01:43 AM »
They both look scary, just a tad bit. *shudders*

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.6- Dad of the Year (Sept 8)
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2014, 12:10:46 PM »
They both look scary, just a tad bit. *shudders*

Especially Luna since she's evil  :o

Chapter 7- Training Montage

Camillo and I definitely had our hands full taking on two toddlers.  We tried to work quickly to make sure that both Luna and Orion got the skills they needed so they could age up into children.  We quickly decided on a strategy of divide and conquer.

When Camillo and I the kids needed a rest from all of the training, there were plenty of toys for them to play with.  Both Luna and Orion also received these strange dolls in the mail shortly after they were born.  The note on the gift box said it was from Great Aunt Bertha or something like that.  Camillo thought it was my Aunt and I thought it was Camillo's Aunt.  Strange...

Orion also had fun with some of the toy cars and tanks from his toybox.

Both Luna and Orion did play with the xylophone and peg box too, which was a good thing because they needed to learn two toddler skills before they could age up.  Being vampires, they maxed the skills in no time.

And they also enjoyed attempting to eat the blocks from the block table.  So adorable.

Luna was already on to her second toddler skill.  I believe she completed both in one day.

But it wasn't all fun and games.  There was some serious skilling that took place.

Success!  Luna was now able to walk all by herself.

Orion wasn't far behind his sister.

The last thing that needed to be done so both kids could age up was for Orion to learn his toddler skills.  Being a vampire, he completed them quickly.

Camillo and I still couldn't believe that the twins were nearly ready to age up into children.  While we were excited for that, we took the time to enjoy them as cute little nooboos for one more chapter.  ;D

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.7- Training Montage (Sept 10)
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2014, 05:39:12 PM »
WHaaat?!?! She's evil! That wouldn't bode well for the second generation... I vote Orion as heir. No doubt.

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.7- Training Montage (Sept 10)
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2014, 07:55:19 AM »
I don't care who the heir is as long as the future nooboos are as cute as these two :D
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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.7- Training Montage (Sept 10)
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2014, 12:32:55 PM »
I'm hearing the theme from Rocky in my head.

Is that bad that that's what I was hearing in my head while I was typing the chapter?

WHaaat?!?! She's evil! That wouldn't bode well for the second generation... I vote Orion as heir. No doubt.

I'm going to take an unofficial heir poll when it comes time to decide between them just out of curiosity.  Right now, one vote for Orion.

I don't care who the heir is as long as the future nooboos are as cute as these two :D

I actually am pretty pleased with how the next generation turned out.  He/She has some nice features that are different from the standard EA townie.

Chapter 8- Magical Friends

Camillo did some research into those dolls that Luna and Orion received from some distant cousin or what not.  Apparently, these dolls were special and could become real.  I had always heard about the supernatural race of Imaginary Friends but never really saw them for myself.  Camillo also read that these Imaginary Friends could be turned real through some potion.  He began working on our chemistry table to see if he could come up with this potion just in case someone, somewhere down the line, wanted to bring an IF into the dynasty.

So far, no luck.

Speaking of the special dolls, Luna and Orion just adored theirs.

(I never noticed that vampyboos simulate biting the necks of their IF dolls.  Orion did this a lot and it was kind of cute in a kind of creepy way)

Once Camillo cleaned off all of the soot he was covered in when something exploded, he headed inside and came to help Orion with the last of his toddler skills: the peg box.  Once he completed that, Orion and Luna could age up.

The next day, with all requirements and skills completed, I whipped up two cakes for the twins to celebrate their birthdays.  Luna, being the oldest, went first.

Little Luna clapped and smiled.

The sparkles hit, Luna twirled around and then... was time for Orion's birthday!

Daddy Camillo brought his son up to the cake as well.

Orion clapped and cheered like his sister...

...and suddenly our two little vampyboos were now big vampyboos.  Here is Luna.  She gained the Genius trait.

And here is Orion.  He gained the Ambitious trait.

We weren't done with birthdays, however.  Unbeknowst to Camillo and me, the twins' IF dolls had also aged up.  Orion's doll, named Artemis, aged up.

And Luna's doll, named Pal, aged up.

Now that they were no longer toddlers, Camillo and I moved out all of their baby furniture and exchanged it for some new stuff perfect for two big kids.  Orion loves the color Irish Green and Luna loves the color Blue, so we decorated accordingly.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.8- Magical Friends (Sept 12)
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2014, 01:41:51 PM »
I don't know who to vote for! Maybe when I see them as teens or YA...
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: A Lifestates Dynasty- Ch.8- Magical Friends (Sept 12)
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2014, 04:36:37 PM »
Now she's an evil genius?!?! Besides, Orion x Artemis forever.  ;D I always ship IF dolls with their owner, or at least the owner's sibling. You also hinted at it, I think.