Wow, the twins' traits would have made them interesting Sims to play had they been the heir.
The thing I didn't notice until I posted them one after another was that they were so different. Despite being twins, their traits were complete opposites
Chapter 56- Fifth (and Sixth) Time's the CharmAt this point in time, Chana and I had a routine down when it came to impending nooboos. As soon as the labor pains hit, we were off to the hospital.
Also at this point in time, we were not surprised when we discovered that we were expecting twins. We had twin girls. Elara was born first. Her traits were
Absent-Minded and Hates the Outdoors.
Mira was born second. Her traits were
Neurotic and Excitable.
The thing that did surprise us about our girls? They were both genies! Both Elara and Mira were eligible to become the next heir to the dynasty. Needless to say, everyone in the family was thrilled that the dynasty plans were back on track.
The family nearly fought each other to spend time with the girls.
We were excited to be able to enjoy their baby days without having to rush through them to age up the girls, like we were forced to do with their siblings. However, their birthdays did come rather quickly but we were still looking forward to seeing what the girls looked like. Elara went first.
Followed by Mira.
Here is Elara. She looks pretty much like me, except she is a little more pale, like Great Grandpa Orion.
Chana got started with Elara on her skills while I went to get Mira dressed in her new outfit.
Here is Mira. She is all Chana.
Unlike me, Mira didn't seem to really have a fondness of art.
It really didn't matter because both girls were making excellent progress on their skill requirements. Then again, after doing with so many times with their siblings, how could we not be pros at this?
Even though the girls looked completely different, they did have many things in common, like their favorite color.
And the fact that they were both unbelievably cute.