Author Topic: Rigel Duty: Epilogue (Part II)- One Kingdom (April 27) COMPLETE  (Read 104720 times)

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 25- Graceful (Oct 29)
« Reply #106 on: October 29, 2014, 05:12:50 PM »
Hmm... I wonder which challenge you're doing  ;) It's always sad when family members move out. Congratulations to Aurora and Samir  ;D Did you not build a fence around the pool? My non-mermaid heirs kept wanting to swim 24/7 and I finally gave up and demolished the pool, lol.
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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 25- Graceful (Oct 29)
« Reply #107 on: October 29, 2014, 06:03:55 PM »
Just wanted to let everyone know that I posted my new project: The Sakura 4x4.  I posted part I of the prologue.  Enjoy!!

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 25- Graceful (Oct 29)
« Reply #108 on: October 30, 2014, 06:40:40 AM »
Yay Aurora! And I've never played a merman before, is it difficult? How do you find all the kelp they need?

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 25- Graceful (Oct 29)
« Reply #109 on: October 30, 2014, 01:09:44 PM »
Yay Aurora! And I've never played a merman before, is it difficult? How do you find all the kelp they need?

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 25- Graceful (Oct 29)
« Reply #110 on: October 30, 2014, 01:25:48 PM »
Yay Aurora! And I've never played a merman before, is it difficult? How do you find all the kelp they need?

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As much as I like getting mermaids, they require a lot of attention. You can buy kelp at the grocery store and they can eat fish too (which is helpful). If you don't get the permanent mermaid ltr then you'll have to let them swim in the ocean every few days or they'll get the "adapting to land" moodlet and transform into a human. If you get the reward, then any swimming will do to take care of their hydration needs. Hope that helps :)  let me know if have need any more info.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 25- Graceful (Oct 29)
« Reply #111 on: November 01, 2014, 05:36:40 PM »
Yay, new project! I'll be watching for it.

Thanks KRae!

Hmm... I wonder which challenge you're doing  ;) It's always sad when family members move out. Congratulations to Aurora and Samir  ;D Did you not build a fence around the pool? My non-mermaid heirs kept wanting to swim 24/7 and I finally gave up and demolished the pool, lol.

No, I didn't build a fence around the pool.  No one besides Samir and my mermaid heir really used the pool.  I think Andi and Orion both used it once but otherwise, they're all attached to the computers and gaming system that I put in the living room.  The yard is fenced in, however, to keep out nosy paparazzi.

Chapter 26- Better Late than Never

We all settled in to a routine fairly quickly.  For Samir and me, it was skilling and work.  For everyone else, they pretty much did what they wanted most of the time.  That was okay though because both Samir and I wanted to max the logic and athletic and writing and charisma skill respectively.  Samir was pretty lucky because Dad volunteered to tutor him in the logic skill to help him learn it faster.  No one else in the household-besides Grandpa Camillo-could learn my skills so I was on my own.

Grandma Andi has developed a new hobby.  She spends most of her free time dancing in the living room in front of the radio in her undies.

I'm not quite sure what dance move she's doing.

At least she's always entertaining to watch.

Now that Caelum and Mom were out of the house, we redid the bedroom that my brother and I once shared.  Samir and I remodeled everything but kept it in my favorite color scheme because Samir knew that at some point, he would need to move out of the house as well. 

Never a dull moment in the Rigel house.

The maids we hired to work for us always got a kick out of coming to our house.  They would always stop one of us to get an autograph or get a photo.  In this instance, the maid asked Dad to pose for a photo, which he agreed to do.

Samir enjoyed spending a lot of time in the pool we built for him.  He was able to work on his athletic skill while still just being able to swim around as a merman.  A win-win situation for sure.  His diving also improved with his continued use of the diving board.  No more belly flops!

And we had yet another burglar come to the house.  I swear, we get one every other day.  No exaggeration at all.

Some people just never learn.

Once that was all settled, Grandma Andi got an invitation from Aunty Luna to come to her party at her house the next evening.  Of course Grandma Andi said yes.  It's always great when we get to see Aunty Luna.  I know how Grandma Andi, Grandpa Camillo and Dad feel.  I lost Caelum and Mom to the dynasty and also am very happy when they call or I get to come see them.  However, my duty is to the dynasty and to the kingdom since I am a descendant of royalty and I would complete my regal duty.

And, on the subject of regal duty, Samir and I better buckle down and hurry to finish my requirements because our age was quickly catching up with us.  Before we knew it, it was time for our Adult birthdays.  Samir went first.  He had just come into the bathroom to take a quick shower after working out for a few hours when it happened.

He may have a few wrinkles coming in but I think he still lookes as handsome as ever!

My birthday was a few days later.  I actually gave myself an early birthday present because I had maxed the writing skill.

Maxing the writing skill really helped in my work.  I managed to get another promotion that next day.  I was very happy to get one step closer to becoming a star news anchor.

The next thing I was going to be working on was my charisma skill.  However, that's when I had my birthday.

We had to lock the door to our bedroom because Grandma Andi always tried to sneak in and play with the chess set that Samir used for his logic skill, so no one was there to celebrate my birthday with me.  That was just fine because I didn't need a big celebration; I needed more time to get my requirements done instead.

I aged up with the same hair I had as a child.

Samir came into the room after I finished aging up to cheer me on.  Better late than never, I guess  ;)

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Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 26- Better Late Than Never (Nov 1)
« Reply #112 on: November 02, 2014, 07:35:08 AM »
Aw, Samir  :) Andi cracks me up, if only Sims 3 had Zumba  ;)
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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 26- Better Late Than Never (Nov 1)
« Reply #113 on: November 02, 2014, 01:13:15 PM »
Sorry I haven't been into S3 lately. Either way, happy birthday!

Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 26- Better Late Than Never (Nov 1)
« Reply #114 on: November 06, 2014, 12:54:23 PM »
Aw, Samir  :) Andi cracks me up, if only Sims 3 had Zumba  ;)

If the Sims 3 had Zumba, Andi would totally be taking classes.

Sorry I haven't been into S3 lately. Either way, happy birthday!

I haven't played much either.  All of my free time goes to writing right now  :)

Hooray!  I have some time for a new chapter!!  Woo!!  Look for a new chapter of the Sakura's too  :)

Chapter 27- Merboos

One of the last things that I needed to do before Samir and I could bring in the next generation was to complete my Charisma skill.  I still had a bit of a way to go before I maxed it.  However, I found a very good way of working on my skilling while still having fun at the same time.  I "chatted" with Samir  ;)

While Samir was at work, I had to find other ways to occupy myself while I pushed toward maxing my last skill.  Finally, after work one day, I maxed the Charisma skill!

I was so happy and so relieved at the same time.  I told Samir the good news the moment that he arrived home from work.  Samir knew that once I completed all of my requirements, it would be time to bring in the next heir.  He and I were both looking forward to the opportunity to have children of our own.

The next morning was pretty uneventful.  I felt a little sick but Samir made sure to set up a luxury spa appointment for me so that I would be back on my feet in no time.  What a darling!

It was later that evening that I discovered what had been plaguing me all day.  Samir and I were going to be parents!

Now that I knew that the next generation was on the way, I took some time to focus on my lifetime wish.  I had put it on the back burner for the time being so I could finish my requirements before I became an Elder.  My lifetime wish, courtesy of my Kleptomaniac trait, was Possession in Nine-Tenths of the Law.  In other words, I had to go around and swipe things.  (I have to say that Aurora has the cutest "I'm-about-to-steal-this-so-I-hope-you-won't-miss-it" face)

Once I "liberated" some of my neighbors' items, I returned home.  I immediately went in search of Samir to share with him the good news of our impending parenthood.

He was ecstatic.

Dad was also really excited to become a grandfather.  He talked to Mom on the phone all the time about it.  Caelum was also looking forward to becoming an Uncle.

Even though I had managed to complete my requirements before I became an Elder, I still feel like I could have completed them a little sooner.  I saw wrinkles creeping in everywhere!  *Eye twitch*  Darn that Neurotic trait.

Being cooped up in the house during my maternity leave made me learn something about myself.  My newly discovered love of dancing is apparently genetic.  I definitely got this trait from Grandma Andi.  Hopefully I don't dance as badly though...

I could see the headlines now: "Star News Anchor frightens viewers and readers with horrendous dancing..."

I decided to go for a walk to clear my head.  Of course, that is when I went into labor.

I managed to call Samir to come get me in my panic.

Samir rushed me to the hospital were we welcomed our twins.  Our first born was Selena, a werewolf like me.  I've misplaced her list of traits so I will have to find it before the next update...whoops

Our second born was Pisces, a merboo and our heir.  He is a Virtuoso and Excitable.  I think Samir was pretty excited, judging by his reaction.

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 27- Merboos (Nov 6)
« Reply #115 on: November 06, 2014, 05:12:56 PM »
Yay! For once you don't have to decide! But too bad Selena isn't in the Running.

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 27- Merboos (Nov 6)
« Reply #116 on: November 07, 2014, 05:06:53 AM »
Love Aurora's expression! Welcome to the nooboos, glad you got one of each life state.
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Offline Malley

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 27- Merboos (Nov 6)
« Reply #117 on: November 10, 2014, 03:13:03 PM »
Yay! For once you don't have to decide! But too bad Selena isn't in the Running.

Selena turned out very pretty.  You'll see in this chapter that she looks a lot like Aurora.

Love Aurora's expression! Welcome to the nooboos, glad you got one of each life state.

Pisces turns out pretty cool and Selena is very pretty  :)

Chapter 28- Big Sister

Now that we had two new nooboos in the house, we needed to do some renovating.  Here is the new ground floor.  Practically everything was updated except for the room that Samir and I share.

We made a combined kitchen and dining room for Grandma Andi to use.  I couldn't wait for the dynasty to be over so I could learn to cook too.  Grandma Andi has a lot of great recipes that I want to try my hand at.

We moved the bathroom next to the kitchen.  This is where my Dad's room used to be.  We tore down the wall and move it over to make the bathroom and kitchen/dining room.

Dad's room moved to the other side of the house.  Everything stayed pretty much the same, just rearranged due to the new shape of the room.  His room was where Grandma Andi and Grandpa Camillo's old room and the downstairs bathroom used to be.  We tore down the wall between the rooms and made it one large one for Dad.

We added a room on the back of the house just past the foyer for Grandma Andi and Grandpa Camillo.  They said that they really didn't need that much room any more so their room was a bit smaller than before but otherwise the same.

We also transformed the living room and former kitchen into one large foyer.  We rearranged everything and added a lot more space around the staircases.  We put in two staircases so we wouldn't have to fight tooth and nail-and I mean that literally with vampires and werewolves in the family-to get to the children upstairs.

The biggest change was the new second floor to the house.  This was Selena and Pisces' room.  They're going to be sharing for a bit, just like Caelum and I did.

Here is the foyer to the second floor.  Nothing too special, but a nice little place to come if you want to escape the craziness for a few minutes.

And we added a second bathroom so we don't have to all fight over the two bathrooms downstairs.

Once the house was finished, we moved on to other important business.  Since Selena was not the heir, she could be aged up right away.  Grandpa Camillo brought her to the cake.

My little wereboo looks just like me, except with Samir's eyes.  I found her traits, wooo! For the record, Selena is a Slob and a Virtuoso.

It was funny to think that even though my children were twins, that Selena was now older than Pisces.  She was suddenly the big sister in the family.  We all got to work with her immediately on her toddler skills so that she would be all set to age up when the time came.

What a little cutie pie!

Dad was enjoying his new grandparent role very much.  He never missed an opportunity to spend time with the kids.

Selena had her skills down in no time.  Of course she did, my little girl is very bright!  Pisces also got a great deal of love and attention from the family too.

It wouldn't be very long until both kids would be aging up once again.  I was really looking forward to seeing who Pisces looked like!

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 28- Big Sister (Nov 10)
« Reply #118 on: November 11, 2014, 11:00:36 AM »
Congratulations on finding her traits!

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Rigel Duty: Chapter 28- Big Sister (Nov 10)
« Reply #119 on: November 12, 2014, 04:40:52 AM »
Aw, Selena's a big sis now. I can't wait to see what Pisces looks like, he'll be just as adorable as his twin  :)
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