Chapter 114

Despite his disastrous failure with Kelly and online dating, Orion still held out hope that his love life wasn’t a lost cause. Someday, he would find someone he’d love the way he had Tara, who would love and accept him the way she once did. He still missed her, sometimes, and wondered about her, but aside from occasional wistful peeks at her social media in lonely moments, he accepted that it was over. By all accounts, Tara was happy in Shang Simla, studying martial arts with the Order of the Resolute Fist. It seemed she’d found the peace and space she needed, and he was glad for her. She deserved happiness. They both did, even if it couldn’t happen for them together.

He took a break from Sim Finder after the Kelly fiasco, though, and decided he’d just try meeting someone in a more traditional way. There was a girl he liked in some of his classes. Her name was Sara, and he got to know her while working with her on a class project. She was a technology major, like him, and a dedicated student with a strong aptitude for computers and electronics. He learned through casual conversation while they were researching at the library that she grew up around high-tech stuff like he did. Her father was both a graduate of and tenured technology professor at Sims U, although Sara herself only attended one semester there before transferring out.
“Really? Most people would pick Sims U just for the prestige and status. What made you decide to come here instead?”
“Sims U prestige and status comes with a price tag to match, and I don’t want to be paying off student loans until I’m my parents’ age. Sadly, I’m not from a rich family like you. My parents are comfortable, but they’re on the edge of retirement and still have a pretty big mortgage. They can’t afford to help me much, so I’m on my own footing the bill for my degree.” She gave him a curious look. “How come you didn’t go there yourself? You’re smart enough, and your parents are Sims U alumni, right? My dad mentioned them when I moved out here. He said I should look for promising openings at Wainwright Innovations after I graduate. Apparently, he knew them back when he was a student there.”
“Oh, really?”

“Yeah. His name’s Ludo Vicco, but I don’t know if they ever mentioned him or not.”
“Not that I remember, but I’ll ask sometime. As for Sims U, I thought about going there, but my parents are getting up there in age, and I didn’t want to be that far away if something happened to them.” He tried not to think about the other reasons, like the ex-girlfriend that left him and Sunset Valley anyway, and his spaceship and alien secrets that he couldn’t talk about.
“Ah. I understand. My parents drive me nuts, but I love them. Luckily, they’re pretty spry, and I think their daily arguments actually keep them going. Something to live for, driving each other up a wall,” she quipped. “I’m glad I transferred, though. I love Sunset Valley. The winter’s not nearly as awful here as it is back home, and you’ve got amazing beaches and parks. There’s a lot more variety in things to do, too. Up there, everything’s catered to it being a college town. That’s not to say it’s bad, but it definitely limits opportunities. If I finished school there, I’d just have to move somewhere else to get a decent job that’s not at Sims U anyway.”
“Hey, if you do end up sticking around and applying at the lab, I’ll put in a good word for you. I work there myself.”
“Earning work-study credits and learning the family business. Only part time because I’ve got a full credit load, but still.”
Sara was impressed. “You’re pretty ambitious. You must hardly sleep, or have no life outside of all that.”
“More Column A than Column B,” Orion admitted. “At least I’d like to think so, anyway.”
“Ha. Well, in that case, we can schedule our next session at the coffee shop.” She checked the clock. “Since our time’s about up, and I’ve got to hustle across campus to get to my physics class on time.”
“Sounds good. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?” he asked as they packed up their notes and books into their bags.
“A little after noon, yeah.”
“So am I. Meet you there then.”
“It’s a date,” Sara replied, slinging her bag over her shoulder.
I hope so, Orion thought with a smile as he put on his jacket.

When he got to the coffee shop the next day, Sara was already there. “Hey, Orion! I got us a table. Ready to hit the books?”
“Sure. You get your coffee yet?”
“Nope. Figured I’d set up first and wait on you.”
“What do you like? I’ll pick it up for you.”
“Oh, thanks! Double red rocket. I didn’t get much sleep last night because I was busy working on a friend’s laptop. She’s, uh, well, to be honest, a complete moron when it comes to technology. She clicked on some ransomware, but luckily for her, she called me to see if I could help before wasting a hundred simoleons buying those llamas a gift card to ‘fix’ it.”
“Ugh. I’d have taken pity on her, too. Then probably sent them a fun little surprise back.”
Sara smirked. “Ooh. You’ve got a vengeful side, I see.”
“Not so much vengeful as just dishing back some karma. I don’t have any sympathy for scam artists, even if whoever’s getting scammed should be smart enough to know better than to click on a weird popup.”

After their study session, Orion and Sara put on their jackets and got ready to leave. Even though they met up for class work, they had a nice time chatting, and he hoped she liked him as much as he liked her. He tossed his empty cup in the trash. “Need another to keep you up in your next class? I’m getting one to go myself.”
“Well, I won’t say no, but after you paid for mine earlier, I don’t want to be a
shameless mooch.” She had gotten out her wallet to pay him back when he brought it to her, but he told her it was his treat, so she didn’t argue.
“It’s fine. I wouldn’t offer if I minded.” He smiled. “Besides, I’m a rich boy with no student loans, remember? I can swing it.”
“If you’re sure. That’s really nice of you. I appreciate it.”
“No problem. In fact,” he met her eyes flirtatiously, “I’d be happy to treat you to dinner or something if you’d like to go out sometime not just to study.”
“Oh… wow! Really?” She seemed surprised but flattered.
“Yeah. If you want.”
“I—sure. That sounds fun.” She paused. “Where do you want to go?”
Orion was thrilled. “Is there anywhere you’d like to try that you haven’t been to yet?”
“Oh, several places! Unfortunately, my student budget doesn’t cover much more than pizza or the diner, so I don’t go out a lot.”
“What kind of food do you like? I’ve been to most of what’s around here. And don’t worry about the money. I said I’d take you, so it’s on me.”
Sara gave him a coy look. “With generous offers like that, I’m surprised you’re still single.”
“I am. I promise. I don’t play those kinds of games.” He wondered if Sara had been burned by guys pulling the same plum that Kelly had with him.
“I didn’t think you did. I was just kidding around,” she assured him. “Have you been to that fusion lounge up on Pinochle Point? I’ve heard it’s nice.”
“Yeah, I was there once. I liked it. Want to try it out Friday night? I get out of the lab at 7.”
“Sounds great! See you then.”
Orion’s heart fluttered with excitement. “See you then.”

Orion met Sara at the lounge on Friday night. He was used to seeing her dressed casually with her hair tied back, so when he saw her in a stunning low-cut designer dress with her dark hair flowing down around her shoulders, he couldn’t help but take a long appreciative look. “Wow! Sara, you look amazing.”
“Thank you!” She smiled back at him. “You look nice, too. That’s quite a… bold jacket.”
“Hey, at least it’s not leather with a skull, right?”
“It’s okay. I meant it as a compliment. It suits you.” She smirked. “Pun intended.”
“Ha. Thanks. I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
“Nope. Just a couple minutes. I like the music. Very relaxing.”
“It is,” Orion agreed. “Usually when I come out to places with live music, it’s where my brother’s band is playing and that’s… significantly more energetic.”
“Ah, yeah. Red Rooster Crisis. I saw them once when they played at the bar up the road from City Hall. They’re pretty good. The guitarist is your brother, right?”
“Yeah. He doesn’t look a thing like me, though,” Orion remarked wryly.
“Not surprising, considering you were adopted.” During one of their first study sessions, Orion had picked up on her curiosity about his odd appearance, so he told her the usual story about his parents adopting him to study his condition. She glanced at the posted menu. “So, what do you recommend?”
“Everything I’ve tried here has been good, but the stir-fry was great. My mother swears by the dim sum, though. Says it’s the best in town.”
“Tough choice. It all sounds delicious. Let’s go.”

After dinner, and a lively conversation about computers and other shared interests, they stayed to have a drink and listen to the live music. “So, your favorite music is western, huh?”
She nodded. “Musically I’m a country girl at heart, but I like other stuff, too. But I wouldn’t have guessed you being such a fan of classical. That motorcycle and skull jacket hide a cultured soul.”
“It comes with growing up with an artsy music geek older brother. He may play hard rock on stage, but he listens to all types, and I really get why the classical stuff is timeless. Some of it helps me meditate, too. And stuff like this.” He gestured to the stage.
“You mean with your martial arts?”
“Yeah.” He left it at that as they approached the bar. “I’ll have a Feng Shui Fountain, and you…?” He turned to Sara.
“The same, please.”
“Two Feng Shui Fountains it is, soon as I see your IDs.” The bartender paused and gave Orion a double take. “Orion Wainwright? Oh, Watcher. You’re old enough to buy drinks now. Hoo boy. You probably don’t remember me, but my name is Iris Fitch. I used to babysit you and your brother and baby sister with the same name as me years ago. Your parents first hired me to watch Patrick way back when they still lived on Maywood Lane. I remember him getting real cheeky with me when he got a little older about not doing what I said even when I told him I was just doing what your parents told me.”
“Oh, wow! Really? I’m sorry I don’t remember, but it was a long time ago. I’ll tell my parents you said hi, though. And Patrick.”
She handed his and Sara’s IDs back to them. “Sure. That’d be great. I hope they’re doing well, and it was good seeing you. Have a nice evening.”
“They are, and I will. You too.” Orion took their drinks and left her a generous tip.

They enjoyed the cocktails and listened to the music together, but while their conversations were good, Orion noticed a subtle hesitation every time he went to take Sara’s hand or put an arm around her. At first, he thought it was his imagination, since she seemed to sincerely like him, and then he wondered if she was just shy or guarded about her personal space. It became more obvious as the night went on, though, and after she casually turned around after a brief touch, he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d done something to offend her. “Hey, is everything okay?”
“What? Oh, sure.” She drank from her glass. “Sorry. It’s… it’s just kind of warm in here. Maybe the drink’s making me feel a little flushed.”
Was she just nervous? Sara had seemed confident enough earlier, but maybe now that it was getting late, she was worried he might turn into a jerk trying to push her into bed or something. Orion hoped he hadn’t given that impression, and considered breaking his self-imposed rule to not use his abilities to sense her thoughts.
It sure would’ve saved me some trouble with Kelly. His powers had also been a big help with understanding Tara. It still felt dishonest, though, and he didn’t want to start a new relationship making the same mistakes he did in his last one.

He set his glass down. “Do you want to sit or go outside and get some air?”
“No. I’ll be fine.” She smiled at him in a way that he couldn’t help but feel was somewhat forced.
“Okay. If you’re sure.” He moved closer. “If you’re not feeling well, I won’t be offended if you want to call it a night. I promise.”

“That’s sweet of you, but I’m all right. I’m just going to go to the bathroom for a minute. I’ll be right back.”
Screw it, Orion decided as he opened himself to read her.
If there’s a problem, I want to know about it now instead of later. If I’m wrong, I’ll tell her I’m sorry and I only did it once when the time comes. Immediately, he was both glad he did, and wished he hadn’t.
It sucks. He’s nice, smart, fun, rich, and I like him. Wish I could be just a little bit attracted to him. I was hoping if we went out and I gave him a chance I could get past it… but I just can’t. Orion felt like he’d been socked in the gut.
She likes me, but I’m too freaking ugly for her. The worst part was that he could tell Sara genuinely regretted her lack of attraction and was berating herself for being shallow. But no one could force that kind of chemistry. It was either there or it wasn’t. And obviously, it wasn’t there for her, even if it was for him.

When she returned, Orion decided to be straightforward and spare them both any further awkwardness. “Hey. Are you feeling better?”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“Good. I’m glad.” He met her eyes. “Look, I’m sorry it took me a while to pick up on it… but I get it.”
“Get what?”
“You’re not really feeling any kind of romantic vibe, are you?” Her expression and moment of hesitation confirmed it, even though Orion already knew. “It’s okay. I’m not offended or anything. But I also don’t want to put you on the spot any more than I already have if that’s it.”
Sara sighed with a mixture of remorse and relief. “Oh, Watcher. I’m
so sorry. I didn’t want to be rude or hurt your feelings, because I do like you…”
“But just as a friend. I understand.”
“It’s nothing you said or did, though. You’ve been great, and I’ve had a good time with you. And I super appreciate how generous you’ve been, buying me dinner and stuff.”

Orion sensed that she felt guilty about that, and for hurting his feelings. In a way, that made it better, because he hadn’t misjudged her character, but it didn’t make the actual rejection sting any less. Especially since it reminded him how much his weird looks
did matter when it came to finding someone, no matter what else he had going for him. “It’s fine,” he said with as much positivity as he could muster. “I’m glad you got to come out and try a new place, at least. What are friends for? I hope we are still friends at least. I like having coffee and geeking out with you about computers and stuff after class.”
“Of course,” Sara assured him. “I like that, too.”
It was nice to hear, although it was obvious that things would still be at least mildly awkward for a while. Hopefully, they would still be able to chat and hang out once in a while, and if it was weird to do more than that, well, at least it didn’t end on a bad note. “Good. Well, I guess I’ll see you in class, then.”
“Sure. Thanks again for taking me out tonight. I really enjoyed myself.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” They picked up their coats. “Have a good night.”
“You too. Good night.”

While Orion endured a run of bad luck in his love life, Iris remained confident in hers. Sure, sometimes she lamented that she and Lester didn’t have much in common beyond their physical attraction, and there were times she wanted a little more. And maybe, occasionally, she indulged in some harmless side stuff, like online flirting, but she only ever
really cheated the once, in Egypt. She knew it was kind of sneaky to still be messaging Zaki, but he was so brilliant, and they had such deep and interesting conversations, that she couldn’t help herself. And it wasn’t like it was always flirtatious. Besides, he lived halfway around the world, so it wasn’t that a big deal even if it got a little risqué sometimes. It didn’t mean things weren’t still rosy between her and Lester. She loved being with him, especially when their lips were engaged in more than just chit-chat.
“So, how you like my new art studio?” Lester proudly showed off the tower room in his new house that was set up for his artwork. The Sekemotos had just moved to the smaller, fancier home with a distant view of the ocean. Now that Tom lived with Bianca, it was just Lester living with his retired parents, so they only needed two bedrooms. Leighton and Monika were happy to let him use the window-filled tower room to paint in.

“It’s cool! You’ve got a great view.” Iris turned away from the window and approached him flirtatiously. “Come springtime, you’ll be staring at the ocean and the treetops more than me, I bet.”
“Nah. You’re more inspiring than any landscape.”
“Oooh. Does that mean you’re going to paint me?”
He ran his finger down her cheek. “Aw, you know portraits aren’t really my style. Besides, you’d be hard to do justice to in spray paint anyway.”
“Nice out there, but I’ll take the compliment,” Iris teased as she wrapped her arms around him. “So, what do I inspire you to do, then?”
He gave her a sly look. “Lots of things, although not necessarily art-related.”
“Like what?”
“Like this.” He kissed her and smoothed his hand down her back until it came to rest suggestively on her backside. “And since my parents are still out, maybe we could finish your tour with a more thorough look at my room. It’s a lot cozier in there.”
“It’d have to be, considering the only place to sit up here is that folding chair in the corner,” Iris pointed out coyly.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. Guess I don’t sit much while I work.”
She twirled her finger in his hair. “And in your room?”
“I’m pretty sure you know already know that one,” he flirted back.

“You can show me anyway. After this.” She inhaled and blew him an intimate and sensual flower kiss. Its heady floral scent was arousing and intoxicating, and like always, Lester found it irresistible. He took her hand and tugged her toward the stairs.
“Let’s go!”

“Your new room is very nice,” Iris said after they arrived and tumbled onto his bed for a make-out session. “Though I expected you to have more of your art up.”
“Haven’t had time to unpack everything yet. Been busy setting up the studio and going out with you.” He smooched her. “Did you notice the bed’s new?”
“I did. Much more spacious.” She traced her foot along the edge of the mattress.
“I talked my parents into an upgrade when we were packing. That old twin I had was shot anyway.”
“I wonder how it got that way.” Iris tickled his back. “You must be rough on things.”
“You never complained about that before,” he teased, eliciting a delighted sigh from her as his hands wandered in enticing ways.
“Who said I was complaining?”

After a frisky romantic interlude, Iris and Lester snuggled up together. His room wasn’t as warm as she kept hers, but that just made cuddling with him even nicer. “I have to say, I like your room more than your studio. The view may not be quite as impressive, but there are other things worth seeing.” She traced a finger across his bare chest.
“I’ll say,” Lester agreed, admiring her scantily clad form. “The only downside is my parents’ room is right on the other side of the wall, and it connects through that bathroom.”
“Speaking of which, I could use a splash of water. Mind if I go get some?”
“Go ahead.” He looked at the time. “We should probably get straightened up anyway. That movie they went to see is over by now, and they could be back anytime. It’d suck if they walked in on us like this.”
“True enough.” She smooched him, picked up her clothes, and went to the bathroom while Lester got up and got dressed.

He had just put his shoes back on when he heard a phone beep. At first, he thought it was his, but then he realized it was Iris’. When he picked it up to bring it to her, he saw the notification.
It was a messenger popup on the lock screen from a name he didn’t recognize: Zaki Taymur. That alone wouldn’t have bothered him, since he and Iris both had active social media accounts with large friend and follower lists. What
did bother him was what he saw of the message from this guy he didn’t know.
Love the pics, gorgeous! They finally came through after 16 hours. Worth the wait though, especially that last one. A second message with a flirtatious emoji indicating that he found said picture quite hot popped up a moment later.
Shocked and hurt, Lester called over to her. “Hey, Iris!”

She came out of the bathroom, already dressed. “Yeah?”
He held up her phone. “Your phone beeped. Who the hell is Zaki Taymur and what kind of pictures are you sending him to get messages like this?”
Iris felt a stab of dread. She and Zaki had been messaging each other late last night. It started off as a casual conversation, but it took a flirtatious turn, and before saying goodnight, they exchanged some pictures. Nothing
too naughty, but he was shirtless in one and she had modeled her pretty new bra in his favorite color in the final one she sent. She got some connection errors back when she sent them, however, and she didn’t even think the last two had gone through. It seemed that messenger got its act together hours later, though, and with atrocious timing. “He’s just someone I know.” She frowned defensively. “Were you going through my phone?”
Her evasively guilty reaction upset him even more. “No. Like I said, it beeped. I was bringing it to you in case it was something important, and this was on the screen! But now I’m wondering what those pictures are, and who you’re sending them to! Who is he?”
“Just someone I met in Egypt. We still talk online sometimes.”
“And send each other pictures, apparently. Pictures he thinks are rather hot, ‘gorgeous,’” he ended on a sarcastic note.
“That’s just him being… look, it’s not a big deal. Really.”

“It’s not? Well, in that case, want to unlock your phone so I can see them, then? I always like pictures of you. Or what about your conversation? Can I see that, too?”
“No, really. If it’s not a big deal, show me. You know I won’t care if it’s just some friendly chat with this guy.” He brought up the unlock screen so she could put in the code. “Show me I’m misunderstanding this.” His voice choked up with emotion. “Because I’d like to be wrong.”

Iris knew there was no graceful way out, so she resigned herself to the inevitable and explained. “Okay. I—he and I had a little thing when I was there, in Egypt. But it wasn’t at all serious,” she emphasized. “It was just something that kind of happened.”
“Something that kind of happened?” Lester repeated incredulously, hurt and angry. “Let me guess. The guy in that picture? The one you said you were just dancing with?”
Iris nodded guiltily. “It was a little more than dancing.”
“A little more, or a lot more?”
“Are you asking if I slept with him?”
“Did you? How much
more is in those pictures? I know what kind of pictures you send me in our private chats!”
“Lester, please, I know it looks bad, but—”
“But what?” he demanded.
“This thing with Zaki, it really didn’t mean anything! I swear. I wasn’t in love with him! I wouldn’t lie to you.”
Lester scoffed.
“Not about that,” she insisted, hurt by his lack of trust despite her guilt. “All it was, was a little fling, a vacation… whatever! But it’s over! It was over when I came home, and I never thought in a million years that he’d ever come between us. He lives halfway around the world! I’ll probably never see him again.”

“Well, he’s still messaging you, and you’re sending him pictures as recently as 16 hours ago that you
still haven’t shown me aren’t that bad. So, even if he lives all the way over in Al Simhara, it doesn’t sound very ‘over’ to me.”
“No, Iris. Come on! I’m not stupid,” he snapped, hurt and angry. “Just admit it. You fooled around while you were away and thought it was okay to keep talking or whatever to him online because you thought I’d never find out.”
“I knew you’d just be hurt or jealous, and since nothing real is ever going to happen with him again anyway, no, I didn’t tell you,” she admitted tearfully. “I’m sorry. I really never meant to hurt you. But it’s not like we’re married or engaged or anything, or even ever promised to be a hundred percent devoted in so many words.”
“Seriously? So, if I was with someone while you were off in Egypt, you’d have been totally cool with that because, hey, we’re not married and you were out of town and I had needs?! Funny, that’s not how I remember you taking it when Lane hooked up with Rashida behind your back.”
“That was different,” Iris argued. “She’s my friend, not some girl from out of town that he’d never see again!”
“That’s a llama load! Besides, you
are still seeing him, at least online!” It was obvious how hurt and betrayed he felt as he glared back at her. “Why? It wasn’t that long a trip. I missed you, but I didn’t go off and hook up with someone to keep me warm in the cold here while you were away heating up the desert with this guy. I thought we loved each other! At least, you said you love me. Was that a llama load, too?”
“That’s not fair! I
do love you! Do you really think I’ve just been saying that this whole time?!”
“I don’t know what to think! But if you love me, why are you screwing around with other guys behind my back?”

“It’s not ‘guys,’ it was one guy, who lives all the way in Egypt!” Iris retorted hotly as tears welled up in her eyes. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you! I swear I didn’t! Because I do love you!”
“Not enough to not hook up with this Zaki guy when you were away.” He turned away, upset. “And worse, keep messaging him after.”
“Look, I—I don’t know what to say. I screwed up. I’m sorry! I guess I thought if you never found out about the Egypt thing, it wouldn’t matter because it was over. And the messages after were just that. Messages. Like I said, it’s not like I’ll ever see him again, and I’m not in love with him or anything.”
“Does he even know about me?” Lester asked bitterly.
“He knows I have a boyfriend, yeah.” She left off that was mostly thanks to Travis running his big mouth, although she supposed Zaki would’ve found out when he friended her on SimBook anyway, since Lester was on her profile as her boyfriend there.
“So he just doesn’t care, then,” he scoffed. “One of those guys. Nice to know.”
Iris frowned. “I don’t think either of us can really play that card with a straight face, considering how
we got together.”

“Yeah, well, the difference is, I knew how I felt about you and felt like absolute plum for what it did to Krystal. Because I cared about her, too, even if it wasn’t the same or as strong as how I couldn’t stop thinking about you and wanting to be with you. I wouldn’t have… I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t think we were going to have something amazing. Something too good to not go for, something that made it worth it. I wouldn’t have hurt her like that just to have a fling that didn’t mean anything.” His voice wavered. “I thought it was the same with you and me and you and Lane. Even if he hadn’t made your breakup easier by hooking up with Rashida. Which is why he did it, because he knew how we felt about each other. I guess I thought I could play that card because while I’ve been with you, I haven’t been looking for someone else. Even when things
weren’t a hundred percent perfect. And I didn’t think you would, either.”
“Lester, I’m so sorry! I swear I didn’t ever want to hurt you.” She sniffled as he turned away, trying not to show the glint of tears in his own eyes. “You may not believe it, but it’s true. I love you!”
“But you still hooked up with that guy anyway, and kept talking to him and sending him pictures after. Even after you were back with me. So even if you do, I’m still not enough for you. Obviously.”
“Then I’ll stop talking to him. I won’t message him anymore. I promise.”
“And the next time you’re away? Or I am? And someone else comes along that you like?” Lester shrugged. “Let’s be real. You said yourself it wasn’t like we were married or engaged or promised anything. If I let this go and asked you right now to promise we’d be exclusive from here on out, no exceptions, would you?”
The moment she hesitated in answering answered for her.
“Yeah. I thought so.” A terrible silence fell between them for a moment until Lester spoke again. “Maybe you have the right idea. You always were the smarter one. Maybe we should see other people.”
It hurt more than she ever imagined, and she struggled not to burst into tears. “Is that really what you want?”
“I don’t think I can have what I really want. Not with you also having what you want.”

Iris wanted to argue and change his mind, and put things right between them again, but deep down she knew he was right. As much as she loved Lester and loved being with him, in his arms, staring into his dark eyes and enjoying his warm kisses, she couldn’t deny that she still yearned for something more.
And I’ll just hurt him more if I keep looking for it while we’re together. “I guess this is it, then. I’m sorry.” Her voice choked up. “I never meant to hurt you. I really didn’t. I hope you believe that, at least. And that I do care, that I do love you.”
“Yeah,” Lester said regretfully, taking a long last look at her. “I do.”
Iris turned toward the door, her heart breaking. “Goodbye. I hope you find someone who makes you happy.”
He watched her leave, feeling much the same. “You too.”
Author’s Note: As you might have guessed, I added a handful of new sims to my town in the last couple days of the seventh game week. Although NRaas SP populated my town pretty well, a lot of the sims are related to each other, which limits their dating pools. I also wanted to add in some new characters and genetics to the town for my sims and SP to play with. Sara Vicco, who appeared in this chapter, is one of them. She’s the daughter of Ludo Vicco and Tammy Parker, who SP hooked up way back when Boyd and Susan were at Sims U in the first week of the game. Orion’s online dating disaster Kelly, her fiancé Jerod, and her horse Dragon are also SV residents now, and there are a few more that you’ll meet in upcoming chapters.
Lastly, the bartender Iris Fitch was a babysitter for the Wainwrights in the early weeks of the game. She aged up and was replaced shortly after Iris was born, and now she’s one of the NPC mixologists.