Author Topic: Rules: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)  (Read 18098 times)

Offline saltpastillen

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Rules: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« on: August 18, 2014, 05:27:46 PM »
The aim of this project is to combine a more casual play style with some of my favorite sims 3 projects and dynasties.

During this project you have to live in all the EP towns you own (and maybe some store towns too), completing all the LTWs, maxing all careers and skills (getting the skills supermaxed), as well as, buying all the LTRs.

You must stay 3 generations in each town (until the 3rd heir in each town has found a spouse/partner related to an original townie), then you move on to the next town together with all the family members that have not yet completed their move out requirements.

Once you have completed a rotation of all your available towns you can choose between starting to play a rotation of any store towns you own, or just starting a new rotation of your EP towns.

Winning :)

The game ends when all the LTWs are complete, all the skills supermaxed, all the LTRs bought and all the careers maxed.

Loosing :(

You fail this legacy if you are unable to find a suitable partner for your heir (original townie or descendant of original townie) and thus are unable to move to another town once the 3rd generation becomes a YA.


If you leave a sim who has not qualified to move out of the home behind (see the note on bringing urns with you when you move under Moving out Requirements).

If you want to see how I am playing the project, check out my story here.

Offline saltpastillen

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The Rules!
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 05:41:06 PM »
Before you start:
-make a list of all your EP towns and store towns
-decide in which order you are going to play the towns (EP towns first)
-randomize the list if you have a hard time deciding (remember EP towns first)

Note: The town you start in can influence what lifestate you should choose for your founder (see rules on LTWs below)

Setting up the town:
-sims on medium lifespan
-pet lifespan is players choice*
-free will on high
-agin on
-story progression on
-errortrap and overwatch can be used if you wish

-the ITF EP can be turned of because it suppresses opportunities (it is the only EP that can be turned of) if you choose to turn it of, you can only turn it on when arriving to a new town
-once the ITF EP is turned on it can never be turned off again
-SPs can be turned on/off as you go along (but once you make a choice you have to keep it on/off until you move to a new town)
-all content from the sims 3 store is allowed (this includes premium content)

-you may only access edit town when you open a new town for the first time
-you may place new empty lots
-you may only add EA made lots in edit town
-you may add pre-made EA houses when in edit town
-saved lots from any EA made world are allowed (including WA, UL and ITF)
-venues from the sims 3 store are allowed
-empty un-designated lots and lots designated as small parks can have their designation changed to anything you want
-auto-placed lots can be moved or deleted
-any other changes in the town must be done through buying a property and upgrading/building on the lot
-seasons must be enabled, length is players choice*
-weather is players choice*
-lunar phase is player choice*
-celebrities is player choice*
-supernaturals are player choice*
-pets are player choice*

*=Note: Once you make a choice you have to keep it until you move to a new town. Keep in mind that some of these choices will effect what LTWs will be available for you in a specific town. I would recommend to always enable the features that came with the town, such as supernaturals for Moonlight Falls, celebrities for Bridgeport and pets for Appaloosa Plains.

General rules:
-all traits must be randomized (including pets)

-all lifestates allowed
-changing lifestate through use of potions is allowed

-any way to prolong a sims life is allowed (including resurrecting their ghost and making them playable)
-ending a sims life (planning for a sim to die) is not allowed

-all travel allowed

-sims can be moved in and out**
-pets can be moved in and out**
-sims and pets that have moved out once can move back in
-sims can be moved out to a specific house or kicked out, it's up to you
-plantsims, clones, time travel children, adopted children, adopted pets and designed babies are not counted as born into the household and can be moved in and out as you wish

-you may have as many pets as you wish

-sims born into the household (born in the active household and direct descendants of the simself founder) have to complete certain tasks in order to move out or become heir**
-a sim related to the simself founder but born outside of the active household is not counted as born into the household
-pets born into the household (born while in the active household) must follow the same rules as regular sims when it comes to skills and LTRs.

**=Note: Sims born into the household have to complete an original LTW buy and original LTR and join a career in order to move out. Sims invited into the household to maintain the townie genetics or spouses/potential spouses are not restricted in this way, the same goes for plantsims, clones, time travel children, adopted children, adopted pets and designed babies. Pets born into the household need to complete the skill and LTR requirements before being able to move out.

-the founder must be a simself version of you
-the simself must be YA
-the simself can be any lifestate you choose
-the simself must have randomized traits (1st roll counts)
-the simself must have the Home Design Hotshot LTW (if you do not have Ambitions, you must randomize all your available LTWs and complete the nr1 on the list)
-your simself must marry and have children with an original townie or a child of two original townies
-the founder can have 1 pet companion at the start of the game***

***=Note: This pet is counted as born into the household and falls under the skill and LTR requirements.

LTW rules:
-all LTWs need to be completed in order for the legacy to be complete

-each sim born into the household must complete a unique LTW
-LTWs should primarily be chosen from the LTWs that came with the EP that your current town belongs to, for example, if you play in Moonlight falls you should prioritize the LTWs that came with Supernatural. The only exception is the simself founder who gets the dubious pleasure of trying to become a Home Design Hotshot (if you do not have Ambitions, you must randomize all your available LTWs and complete the nr1 on the list)
-it is recommended that sims and pets are kept alive until their LTW is completed
-if a sim dies before the LTW is completed you have to redo the LTW with a new sim or resurrect/make the sim a playable ghost in order to count the LTW as complete

-sims born into the household may only move out once their LTW is complete (sims not born into the household can leave at any time – this includes spouses or partners brought in to produce a possible heir)
-an alien baby born into the household by a descendant of the founder is counted as born in the household and must complete an LTW in order to be allowed to move out

-spouses and partners may not change LTWs and must complete the one they have already rolled, regardless of weather or not it has already been done by another household member or not
-a spouse's LTW can be counted as a completed LTW if it has not been completed by anyone before (note that you can only count this LTW if your heir or member of household has married the sim in question)
-spouses and partners can be moved out without completing their LTW

-if all LTWs have been completed before the game is over (all the LTRs bought, skills supermaxed and careers maxed) the LTW requirement is removed for future sims

Skill Rules:
-all skills need to be supermaxed in order for the legacy to be complete****

-each heir must max a skill before they die
-only skills that you can supermax count as a skill to max
-if a heir  dies before maxing a skill the skill needs to be maxed by the next heir
-once a skill is maxed it wont count as a maxed skill again until all other skills have been maxed once (make a list of all skills and check which skills are available)
-a heir may max as many skills as they wish, but can only claim one as their maxed skill
-if a heir maxes a skill that another heir has already maxed or supermaxed they need to max an additional skill

-each heir should strive to supermax their skill
-once a skill is supermaxed it is removed from the list, never needs to be maxed again and can't be counted as a maxed skill in the future

-if all skills have been supermaxed before the game is over (all the LTWs done, LTRs bought and careers maxed) the skill requirement is removed for future heirs

-each pet born into the household must max a skill
-pets may max more than one skill but can only count one skill as maxed
-once a pet-skill is maxed it never needs to be maxed again
-if all the skills have been maxed the need to max a skill is removed (note there are different skills for different kinds of pets)

****Note: Some of the skill challenges for photography requires you to play in towns with single rabbit holes, so choose when to do this skill with care.

LTR Rules:
-all LTRs need to be bought in order for the legacy to be complete

-each sim born into the household must buy a unique LTR
-a sim may only buy additional LTRs once another sim has bought it as their LTR first, unlocking it for all future household members

-each pet born into the household should strive to buy a unique LTR
-a pet may only buy additional LTRs once another pet of the same kind has bought it as their LTR first, unlocking it for all future pets

-if all LTRs have been bought before the game is over (all the LTWs done, skills supermaxed and careers maxed) the LTR requirement is removed for future sims and pets

Career Rules:
-all careers need to be maxed in order for the legacy to be complete

-each sim born into the household must join a career and stay employed in that career until they move out, max them or die (Jack of all trade LTW exempt)
-both rabbit hole and self-employed careers count
-part-time careers do not count
-only sims who have maxed a career may retire or quit work

-each heir must max a unique career
-if an heir dies before maxing a career the next heir must max this career
-once an heir has maxed a career, that career becomes off limits to all other sims

-if a sim needs to join a career in order to complete a LTW (but the career is already maxed) the sim may join a career that is otherwise of limits

-if all careers have been maxed before the game is over (all the LTWs done, skills supermaxed and LTRs bough) the career requirement is removed for future sims

The heir:
-only a natural born child of the last heir can become heir
-who will be heir is is up to each player
-alien descendants can not become heir

-the heir can never leave the active household
-once a potential heir leaves the household s/he is disqualified to become the heir

-the heir must marry/partner up with an original townie or a descendant of one of the towns original townies to bring in the next generation
-it's up to you to make sure that the original genetics don't die out, so keep on your toes!
-a clone of an original townie will count as an original townie, but the clone can not have been raised in the same household as the heir (needs to be moved out to grow up in another household once it is brought to life)

Moving out requirements:

Sims and pets not born into the household can:
-move out and in as you wish
-move out or be kicked out as you wish

Sims born into the household have to:
-complete an unique LTW
-buy a unique LTR
-have been employed in the same career since reaching YA*****
-can move out as soon as their requirements are met

Pets born into the household have to:
-buy a unique LTR
-max a skill
-can move out once their requirements are met

*****Note:Failing to stay employed in the same career for their duration of the time in the house disqualifies a sim from moving out. This sim now has to live out their natural life in the house and can only free up space when they die. The grave/urn needs to be displayed in the home at all times so the sim can come and go as it wishes. When you move to a new town you need to bring the urn with you because this sim has not completed the move out requirements needed to be left behind.

Moving to a new town/within the town:
-once the 3rd heir in a town becomes YA and finds a suitable spouse/partner the family will move to the next town in the rotation
-moving to a new town can be done either the old fashion way (saving family to library and starting a new game) or by using the in-game moving feature
-all family members that have not yet completed their LTWs must come with you to the next town
-once you arrive in your new town you need to choose a pre-made EA house to move into

-you may only access edit town when you open a new town for the first time
-you may place new empty lots
-you may only add EA made lots in edit town
-you may add pre-made EA houses when in edit town
-saved lots from any EA made world are allowed (including WA, UL and ITF)
-venues from the sims 3 store are allowed
-empty undesignated lots and lots designated as small parks can have their designation changed to anything you want
-auto placed lots can be moved or deleted
-any other changes in the town must be done through buying a property and upgrading/building on the lot

-a premade house can be altered but not bulldozed or completely torn down (you can for example add an extra floor or a room)

-if your want to move your household within a town, they must always move to a pre-made house, they can move as many times as they want, but only if there is an empty pre-made house available
-you may own an additional house if you so wish (came with IP)
-it is fine if you want your household to live on a houseboat

If you get problems in your file
I hate to say it but it does happen. Since this is a pretty lax project (rules wise) I see no problem with you going back to a previous save to fix it, as long as it's not a player error. Quitting without saving is still technically cheating. Please feel free to ask questions about how to solve problems on this thread.

Here are some potential problems and how I have dealt/recommend you deal with them:

  • I had sims turn invisible and I was also unable to direct their actions and other sims were unable to interact with them. I solved it by splitting the affected sims off from the household in edit town mode (for this it's OK to enter edit town mode) and immediately merge them back in. I first tired to evict the whole household and move it back in, but that reset the count on my architects reviews so I don't do that!
  • Remember to use save as often so you have several backup versions of your game. This is particularly important when you will be traveling in your file. If you encounter any of the dreaded travel bugs, your best bet is to just go back to a previous save. Or, to quit the game, clear all caches, restart the computer and then start the game up again (this has worked for me in the past).
  • If a particular sims is glitched (aging or otherwise) see if you can move the sim out asap, sometimes your sims might just have to have a long distance relationship to improve game performance.
  • Use your watcher powers to move sims that don't need to be in the household out in order to improve game performance. I know it can be hard to let go of sims you really like, but a household with fewer sims is easier for your computer to manage. When I went from a full household to just 4 sims the performance on my computer was really noticeable. I know the project is set up so you often have a full house, but see how you can optimize things. Also, babies, toddlers and children tend not to lag the game the same way that adults going around doing autonomous actions do.

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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 05:43:28 PM »
Simple list to keep us and you organized

What EPs are you playing with:

Unique LTW + sims name:

Unique LTR + sims name:

Maxed Skill + sims name (is it supermaxed? If so add a *):

Unique Career + Sims name:

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2014, 05:44:37 PM »
Please post any questions and comments in this thread. I would love for you to share your stories about this project or discuss strategies in this thread.

Offline Trip

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2014, 06:03:21 PM »
Hi Salti, it's nice to see you active again!

Just to be clear, did you send the ruleset to Pam and Metro for approval?
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Offline Lisa46

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2014, 06:44:16 PM »
This looks really great... But if I ever do it, I will skip Home Design Hotshot. I tried it once. Then I died of boredom.  ;D

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2014, 12:52:34 AM »
Hi Salti, it's nice to see you active again!

Just to be clear, did you send the ruleset to Pam and Metro for approval?

Of course  did  ;)

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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2014, 12:54:08 AM »
This looks really great... But if I ever do it, I will skip Home Design Hotshot. I tried it once. Then I died of boredom.  ;D

I'va also tried it and never completed it - but that is why it is a challenge (and why the founder has to do it) so I will finally complete it at least once  ::)

Offline JudesSims

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2014, 08:52:44 AM »
I'm going to have to try this. If I can make myself into a sim. I've never really played with the Create a Sim much. I usually just use whatever sim pops up from the bin. Even my Avatar is EAs version of me...LOL.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2014, 11:38:11 AM »
I'm going to have to try this. If I can make myself into a sim. I've never really played with the Create a Sim much. I usually just use whatever sim pops up from the bin. Even my Avatar is EAs version of me...LOL.

I have never really played my simself either, which is why I made it a requirement.

I know I will probably still play sims 3 even after sims 4 is out, but in a way I see this as a final huzza to the sims 3, and I wanted to cram all the things I had never done into the same play project. I don't really do much with supernaturals for example, so this is going to be a great way for me to get magical ;)

Offline JudesSims

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2014, 11:41:37 AM »
I've Twinbrook. And, married Marc Brandt :P

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2014, 11:46:19 AM »
I'm loading my game right now. I have rolled Moonlight Falls, to be or not to be a fairy?!

Offline JudesSims

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The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2014, 01:10:35 PM »
Looks like I'll be restarting. I have to do a factory reset. Poo!  And, I lost my Simself :(

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2014, 01:11:37 PM »
Looks like I'll be restarting. I have to do a factory reset. Poo!  And, I lost my Simself :(

Oh no! Hope your new self will be even better.

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Re: The All You Can Play Simself Legacy Project (tAYCPSLP)
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2014, 02:14:49 PM »
Would you have to play 3 generations in each town Even though you complet all ltw's etc. earlier Or is the challenge complet When all ltw's etc. Are completed?

