Wow, the finale is already here! Can't wait... go, Gertie, go!
Yes, it's here - right now, in fact.
Week 11: The FinaleThe final week obviously has to be different from all of the earlier ones. Sportsfan’s rules leave the details up to the individual player, so I decided right back at the beginning that this week they’d revisit all of the previous skills and that the winner would be the one with the highest total number of points (including in hidden skills). About halfway through the game, I realised that I’d missed out science and was going to add a science station to this week’s objects - but then I changed my mind. With Charlie and Dilys both gone, I’m not letting them near anything dangerous
While I’m waiting for midday, Gertie crawls into the one remaining tent and Herbie follows her. Curious, I have a look at Herbie’s action queue.
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Ooh! The ship is sailing.
Nothing obvious happens, at least from the outside (but then, would it?) I click on Gertie instead and discover that she’s reading. ‘Cuddle’ is there in her queue but books come first, it seems
. Eventually, Herbie gives up and crawls out again – and I discover that the skilling objects should have gone out half an hour ago. Oops.
A quick pause later and they’re there, together with an old friend.
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I think Zorro’s lifetime wish would be Renaissance Horse, if only horses were allowed to have LTWs.
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Not only does he appear to want to learn chess but he’s clearly been practising his existing skills in his time away from the island. Partway through the week, he becomes the only Sim in this game to complete a skill challenge. Two, in fact: Endurance Equine and Long-Distance Runner.
Herbie’s tendency to gaze at new objects in amazement instead of using them appears to be catching…
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…but eventually Herbie picks up the guitar, while Gertie gets reacquainted with Zorro.
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Once he’s brushed and happy, she practises chess for a few hours.
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(And this is a completely pointless screenshot, just because Monte Vista’s sunsets are pretty.)
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Wednesday brings another call from Jancis. Yasmin’s had twins this time.
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Herbie suddenly decides to try out sculpting and is having a happy and productive time…
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…until Gertie walks over and berates his ignorance. (Dratted nerd influence!)
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He gives as good as he gets but then tries a friendly hug (while still saying “you too”).
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Unsurprisingly, this doesn’t go down well.
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Herbie’s nothing if not persistent. He follows Gertie over to the bathroom area, waits politely until she’s finished and then tries again.
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Friendship repaired. For now.
Gertie has clearly forgotten the essentials of equestrianism over the last two weeks:
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In fact, both of them seem to be a little vague about horse care. By midweek, Zorro is being followed by clouds of flies.
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Finally, Herbie does something about the smell and the buzzing, much to Zorro’s relief.
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And now that they’re friends, he puts in some serious riding practice…
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…while Gertie strums away.
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Thursday evening: less than a day to go.
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Oh dear.
And then we’re into the final half-hour. Time to try to gain a last desperate point or two?
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Herbie elects to work on his social networking and Gertie cleans the toilet.
So that’s it. Twelve o’clock. Time to add up the skill points.
Zorro’s at level six of jumping and nine of racing. Oops, sorry, that doesn’t count.Herbie:Athletic 2
Bass 1
Charisma 7
Chess 4
Cooking 3
Fishing 1
Gardening 1
Guitar 3
Logic 3
Nerd influence 5
Sculpting 1
Social Networking 2
Total: 33Gertie:Athletic 5
Bass 3
Bowling 1
Charisma 5
Chess 3
Cooking 3
Darts 2
Firewalking 1
Fishing 3
Gardening 1
Gnubb 3
Guitar 3
Logic 2
Nerd influence 5
Painting 3
Piano 3
Pool 1
Riding 2
Sculpting 2
Social Networking 4
Trampoline 1
Total: 56And so the champion of
The Island is... (ridiculously elongated pause for dramatic effect)... Gertrude Grissom.
Herbie and Zorro teleport away…
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…leaving Gertie sole owner of the island – and its newly-constructed bridge.
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What will she choose to do with her new property, now that she’s free to do what she likes?
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Who knows?