Author Topic: Sim keeps failing exam after game crashed  (Read 4439 times)

Offline strongsoylatte

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Sim keeps failing exam after game crashed
« on: August 04, 2014, 10:16:10 AM »
My Sim is currently in her 2nd University term and passed her 2 mid-term exams with flying colors. After the exams, she goes out and everything was going great for her. Unfortunately, my game crashed just before I was able to save. When I loaded it up again, she retook the exams and she failed both! I was afraid that would affect her overall grades (I want her to be a straight-A student) so I quit without saving. She took the test and passed the first test but failed the second. I quit and restarted again and she failed both! In the last retake, she failed the first and passed the other.

I don't know why she's failing because her mood is high and she studied hard the night before. Nothing happens before the exam to let her mood down because my last save point is just right before she leaves the dorm to head to class.

Also, after the crash, everything seems to be going wrong. One of her roommates dies on the spot right after they take the 2nd exam. During the 2 retries, my Sim's teacher says something negative to her (something like you should try harder and that she was disrespectful). Now her mood is so low. It's so frustrating.

Will one failed test affect her final grade? I want to quit and retry until she passes both tests again but it's tiring. This game isn't necessarily quick to load. Or should I just continue playing and just focus on letting her mood up again. 

Offline Stormi71

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Re: Sim keeps failing exam after game crashed
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 06:02:06 PM »
Do you get the option when the icon thing comes up saying she is taking her exam, where it says "try hard" "use cheat sheet" etc? Maybe that has somehow gone onto something that would make her fail?

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Re: Sim keeps failing exam after game crashed
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 08:05:51 PM »
Check her current grade progress.  Maybe the crash caused it to go back to the starting position which is around a C grade I think?

Offline strongsoylatte

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Re: Sim keeps failing exam after game crashed
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2014, 10:58:24 PM »
Okay, never mind. I tried playing it until finals without saving in between just to see if it'll affect her final grade and it didn't. She still got an A and the dean's list moodlet despite the failed midterms. I still don't know what happened there but I saved it anyway. It became too frustrating to keep restarting.

