There are a few other temporary files you can safely delete that will help make loading certain information faster.
If you ever play in Riverview or Barnacle Bay don't forget to clean out your '
WorldCaches' file. Don't delete the folder just the cache items inside. The same holds true if you play a world that you created or downloaded from the exchange - the cache files for those worlds will also appear in this folder. **** Don't do this step if you are on a MAC.
You also need to delete your other cache files (possibly up to four (4)) when you quit your game as they will regenerate when you start your next game. These files and what they contain are as follows:
CasPartCache.package (CAS parts that appear in Create-A-Sim)
compositorCache.package (objects that would appear in Buy/Build mode)
scriptCache.package (if you have any mods or hacks)
simCompositorCache.package (for New Sims, default skins)
You can delete the '
userPresets.package' when it gets above 2 KB. This file will also regenerate when you start your next game.