Just another bit of information for everyone... the larger your game file, the more chance you're going to have the Error 12, 13, or 16 crashes, too. I've started having them in my Dynasty file now. I always start getting those errors in files that I've been playing for a long time. They happen when you try to save and there's nothing to be done about it. You just have to quit without saving and reload your game. It's incredibly frustrating, let me tell you! Be sure to save often so that when it does happen, you won't lose as much of your play time.
It also seems like the game will crash to desktop more often as the files get bigger. I've had to replay the last bits of my Dynasty game two, three, or even sometimes four times because of crashes or because the save didn't take.
Even though we can't prevent these issues, better to know ahead of time that they are likely to happen and try to take precautions with extra saves!