Author Topic: Raven's Legacy - 7: The Heir  (Read 20563 times)

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Raven's Legacy - 7: The Heir
« on: July 24, 2014, 11:18:34 AM »
Raven (the Raven)'s Tale
Legacy of the Sheogoraths

This is the tale of Raven (the Raven). After enduring 6 generations of the Sheogorath Immortal Dynasty, he finally has the chance to tell his own story, of his own legacy.

Some notes:
Playing with all expansions
Celebrities and all supernaturals are on
High free-will
Normal lifespan
All seasons enabled, 7 days per season
Moon cycle enabled, I think it's a little longer than 7 days

Prologue: My Travel Agent
Chapter 1: Settling In
Chapter 2: Getting Married
Chapter 3: Three More Birds
Chapter 4: The Suspicious Babysitter
Chapter 5: Aquila's Meeting
Chapter 6: A Gathering of Avatars
Chapter 7: The Heir

The Avatars:
Aquila Falcon, Avatar of Valor - Isla Paradisio
Cotton Sariko, Avatar of the Arts - Dragon Valley
Eos Price, Avatar of Dawn - No assigned town
Miratrix Price, Avatar of Charisma - Bridgeport
Moltor Baraki, Avatar of Cooking - Monte Vista
Mr. Crow Nightmare, Avatar of Evil - Sunset Valley
Thanatos Price, Avatar of Death - No assigned town

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Raven's Legacy - Prologue
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2014, 11:21:13 AM »
Prologue: My Travel Agent

So... hi. This is Raven (the Raven). You may know me from the Sheogoraths' immortal dynasty account. Or you may not. If not, then you are probably lucky. They are an insane bunch. They got me during their third generation and I was their pet/companion/friend until the end. Well, almost the end. Then the last heir replaced me with a cat. He says he didn't, but I'm pretty sure he did.

This is me. I'm a bird attached to the wall. Don't ask how I accomplish things while being stuck to the wall. It's enough that I do. Well, the Sheos completed their immortal dynasty things and left. They went off to find the Shivering Isles, which is never going to happen. The place doesn't exist! I could have gone with them, but why would I want to go to place full of crazy people? So I stayed behind. Also, I called a travel agent. Because I want to live somewhere nice. Somewhere bright, sunny, with ocean and beaches and palm trees.

And this is the person who showed up. I may be wrong, but she doesn't look much like a travel agent to me. Apparently I was right about that. Because she said, "Hi, I'm Medusa Gorgonzola and I'm here to make you a deal." Which sounds kind of suspicious, but maybe it involves me moving to Isla Paradisio anyway.
"You want revenge for being neglected, ignored, and replaced by a cat?" she said. "Then prove you're better than them. Become a mortal sim and do both what they did and what they didn't. Have many generations and die."

Well, other than the obvious difficulty of my being a plastic bird, that sounded like a good idea. So I agreed, as long as she would send me somewhere nice to do this thing that she called a 'legacy'. Then she said she would turn me into a real sim.

I really, really wanted to be that guy. He looked cool. Like me. Well, I look like a bird. But if I were a sim, I would look cool. Medusa didn't agree. She said that there is already someone like that out there. I don't believe her, but fine. Still, I'm not at all happy with her decision. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it. So I look like this guy:

She said he is someone called Ehlek Barraki and she doubts anyone will notice a doppelganger running around. First of all, who would name someone Ehlek Barraki? That's weird name. Second, he has her nose! I hate her nose! I do not want to live my life with that nose. But unfortunately, I'm going to, like it or not. And then she sent me off to my destination. At last, I shall live in an island paradise!

Or not. This place is suspiciously lacking in palm trees, beaches, oceans, sand, and sunlight. I have a funny feeling that suspicious Medusa double-crossed me. But I have no idea why!
Hey, this is Medusa Gorgonzola. So how do you like your new home?

I don't! It's gloomy. First a desert, now a gloomy valley? All I wanted was a beach! Why did you send me here? And where are you? It's somewhere nice, isn't it?

Why would you possibly think that? I would obviously never send you to Midnight Hollow so I could go to Isla Paradisio. That would make no sense whatsoever.
No. No it wouldn't. Like, logically-speaking. But I'm starting to think you're insane. So it doesn't have to make sense. Anyway, the point is, you double-crossed me! You said I could go to Isla Paradisio and now I'm here! With this stupid nose that you gave me!

Well... I didn't exactly double-cross you. I just lied to you and used you so that I could replace myself with another lunatic and live in Isla Paradisio myself.
I am not a lunatic! I'm perfectly sane. And what you said doesn't even make sense.
It doesn't have to. What matters is that I've been replaced.

Now I can enjoy an island paradise while you and your descendants get to handle being the representatives of Madness in Midnight Hollow. You don't have to understand, you just have to know that you are stuck and can't escape.

I don't see what you mean. I can leave! Ha, now I'm a real sim, I can just move to another town!
No. You can't. Because if you try, then they will find you and take you back. Although you can travel to France, Egypt, China, University, and The Future for limited periods of time without messing anything up. If I could have just moved, I wouldn't have needed a replacement, now would I?

Ah, Isla Paradisio. I fit in so well here. It's like this place was made for me! Well, I'll stay in communication with you via my telepathic powers, if that makes it any better.
This is a telephone conversation. You're not telepathic.
Really? I thought I was. Hmm. Now I have to rethink my life.
You will pay for betraying me! Just like the Sheos will regret replacing me with a cat and not taking me to the Shivering Isles even though I didn't want to go anyway!
That's fine. After all, there's no way you'll ever figure out that the only way to be free and force me back to my job is by having ten generation earn points by completing certain objective.
I shall do this, then, and one day have revenge! By making you come live in this gloomy place!
Hmm... maybe telling you the one way you could defeat my plan was a bad idea. Well, I'll call you again sometime. I kind of doubt you manage it anyway.

Ugh... I've got to live here. Well, I made it through the Sheos dynasty. I can do this.

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Re: Raven's Legacy - Prologue
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2014, 11:39:12 AM »
Great intro!  That is a really cool idea for a story.  Looking forward to more  ;D

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Raven's Legacy - Prologue
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2014, 12:14:39 PM »
Yay! But Boo Medusa! Great start :D. Wait Raven (the Human), representative of madness?? Umm.. poor Raven (the Human), is all I can say.

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Re: Raven's Legacy - Prologue
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2014, 03:01:29 PM »
Go Raven! Get revenge on the Sheos and do not forget the cat.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Raven's Legacy - Prologue
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2014, 04:30:44 PM »
Yay! Another Akon story!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Raven's Legacy - Prologue
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2014, 11:48:07 AM »
Great intro!  That is a really cool idea for a story.  Looking forward to more  ;D

Awesome! I am trying to improve my actual story-telling and have something like a plot. Maybe. :)

Yay! But Boo Medusa! Great start :D. Wait Raven (the Human), representative of madness?? Umm.. poor Raven (the Human), is all I can say.

Definitely not his lucky day. He's gone from living with an insane family, to representing insanity.

Go Raven! Get revenge on the Sheos and do not forget the cat.

While I'm not sure how much sense his plan for revenge makes, Raven will do his very best!

Yay! Another Akon story!

Thanks! I hope this shall prove to be an interesting story!

Chapter 1: Settling In

Our brave and persistent hero decided that, despite being betrayed will trying to get revenge, he would succeed in Midnight Hollow. And get revenge for being betrayed, as well. That brave hero would be me, by the way. Raven. The Raven. Technically, my name is Raven Raven. For some reason, the 'the' isn't in there. I don't have the most interesting name.

First of all, I had to get a job. Because I am very, very poor. I guess that might be annoying, after living with the Sheos who were incredibly rich. But I was a stuck to the wall back then, so this is actually better. I'm mobile now. So I went and got a job at the science facility, since it was the first thing I thought of. Then I set out to meet the locals.

This is apparently one of my neighbors. Her and two other people I didn't actually meet live here and apparently they are rich. Well, just for that, I will not associate with you anymore. I need to find someone to marry, but I'm not going to marry someone who's rich. I shall defeat the Sheos by being better than them. Which somehow makes sense here... you know what, forget it. Besides, she said I had a girl's name.

I visited this person next. Olive Spectre. Specter? I don't know how to spell her name. She has three graves in her yard. I don't think I'll be visiting again. Why must Midnight Hollow be so creepy?

While I am pretty much just looking for someone to marry/help make money so I can have a real house, I am also trying to meet just about everyone in town. I have a plan: if I can earn enough money to buy science books and learn to get dna samples, my descendants will only have to marry the original-ish people from this town. And they will  never, ever look like the Sheos. I refuse to have descendants who look like the Sheos.

Does anyone in this town not look pale and scary? How am I ever supposed to find someone to marry when everyone is so gloomy? And why did this Aliza have to take an immediate liking to me? Did she not see my nose? Also, why must she be my co-worker?

I did not need to know there were mimes in this town. Enough about that. I'm going to try to forget it. Mimes scare me.

Yes, I finally found someone who isn't scarily pale or rich! Samanatha... I forgot her last name. Maybe she'll be good. Hmm, though maybe I ought to think about how to propose and stuff. 'Please marry me because I'm trying to do a legacy to get revenge on all the people who have wronged me' doesn't seem like it would work.

Annie Lau is so... not scary! Maybe she is the one! Rather than Samantha. Who is also my next-door-neighbor, incidentally. She's not there much because apparently she's in the medical field. Ms. Lau is in the military. She has such interesting hair.

Well, I think that was a pretty good day's work for my first day here in Midnight Hollow. Medusa, you will soon see that I am not going to fail! So enjoy you're time in Isla Paradisio, because it's limited.

Then I had to get up much too early to go work. Who wants to be a test subject? Well, evidently I do. At least it's fairly close to my home. The work is boring, which is odd. You'd think being a test subject would at least be interesting. Maybe it'll get better.

Why can't the gardening classes be discounted today? If I want to get promoted, I'm going to need to learn about plants. And apparently I'm going to have to find some and actually plant them.

But before I visit the local community garden, I decided to get to know some more residents. Like this cook, who was apparently sleepy. Too bad, I'm trying to meet lots of people. I have an important mission.

Then I meet a werewolf. That was kind of scary. I've never really seen a werewolf before. The only supernaturals that ever came inside the Sheos' house were witches, imaginary friends, and mermaids. Maybe she's less scary when she's not scowling? Or is that just the way her face is?

The community garden is a gloomy place. Just like the rest of the town. I really don't fit in here. Just because I used to be a Victorian/gothic bird on a stand doesn't mean I belong in this town. At least I'm not looking at immortality, because staying here for a long time does not sound fun.

Now I actually have my own garden. Of lettuce plants. Maybe I'll learn to take better care of them eventually. Right now, I can't even weed them. Hopefully the weeds will grow slowly so I'll have time to learn. My time here seems to be going pretty well so far. 

I went to work again, with my balding, strangely-eye-colored carpool. Weird guy. Luckily, I never have to see him otherwise. I met the rest of my co-workers as well. One of them is a ghost. That's kind of strange. I think he and his family live across the street from me. Maybe I should go meet them too.

When I got home, a deer was eating my lettuce! I can't afford a fence, though, so my garden will just have to suffer. It's not that important anyway, as long as I learn a little about taking care of plants. That should be enough for my employers.

The full moon and a broken sink at the same time. This is a definite turn for the worse. Now I have to learn to fix things, too. Well, I shall persevere. Because I'm better than the Sheos. I'm better than Medusa. And I will have revenge! Through proving I'm better.

Why have my neighbors decided that my lawn is a shortcut to their house? Get off my yard, trespasser! I shall go and inform them of their rudeness one of these days. Not only are they rich, but they are annoying. Still, I have more important things to do.

Like pay bills. At least they are very cheap. Because I have almost nothing. Since it was a leisure day, I decided to continue looking for a spouse. After all, that is a very important mission for a legacy!

I tried to invite Annie Lau over, but she said she didn't want to hang out! Well. That was rude. So instead I invited Kara over, because she seemed nice enough. We talked for a bit and then she left. So it was time to invite someone else over! Not Aliza though, because she's scary.

Samantha. She's in the medical field, right? That has a lot of money. And she's not scary-pale like a lot of these townsfolk. Plus, she's friendly.

We got to be pretty good friends, and then it was time for her to leave as well. Why does Annie have to be so mean? Well, I must continue my search for someone to marry. At least I haven't heard from Medusa since getting here. Things are going well, over all.

Raven (the) Raven
Lifetime Wish: Jack of All Trades
Traits: Dramatic, Vegetarian, Grumpy, Genius, Insane
Favorites: Autumn Salad, Pop music, Irish green

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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Raven's Legacy - 1: Settling In
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2014, 11:56:20 AM »
Go Raven (the Human)! Yes, that is what I shall forever refer to him as. I'm happy he's getting a good start. I kind of want to see him getting a blackbird or something turned into his true love, it would be really cute. At least to me, and I'm a weirdo :D

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Raven's Legacy - 1: Settling In
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2014, 11:56:51 AM »
OH EM GEE! You made Raven insane hahahahaha I so love the irony of that!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Raven's Legacy - 1: Settling In
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2014, 03:41:41 PM »
LOL!  Yes!  I love the fact that you made him insane!  I was hoping you would!  I love this so far Akon!  Totally bookmarked!

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Raven's Legacy - 1: Settling In
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2014, 06:04:58 PM »
Go Raven (the Human)! Yes, that is what I shall forever refer to him as. I'm happy he's getting a good start. I kind of want to see him getting a blackbird or something turned into his true love, it would be really cute. At least to me, and I'm a weirdo :D

He would probably like that very much, since he's a bird. But that would probably be very difficult to pull off... Or to find someone else who happened to be a bird and get turned human.

OH EM GEE! You made Raven insane hahahahaha I so love the irony of that!

LOL!  Yes!  I love the fact that you made him insane!  I was hoping you would!  I love this so far Akon!  Totally bookmarked!

I needed something to take the place of my Sheo Dynasty with insanity :) So Raven (the Raven the Human) was the obvious choice.

Chapter 2: Getting Married

Well, I'm surviving in Midnight Hollow. I went out to visit some more of the places around town and found most of my coworkers in the museum. As well as my boss, who looks grumpy and has a mustache.

Even the ghost was there. I've never really seen ghosts before. They apparently aren't popular to have around in Immortal Dynasties for some reason. It was kind of weird working with a ghost at first, but then I got used to it. The bald guy is still creepy though. And he's insane.

I was hungry, so I invited Samantha out to eat. And the coffeehouse, which does not fit in with this town at all. That's why I like it best. Anyway, Kara was busy working and Annie still won't answer any of my calls. She's mean and I don't like her. So I invited Samantha.

When we came out, this vampire was going in. Why do supernaturals have to exist? As if these people weren't creepy enough to begin with? And now they are going to stick around... And this is why I like Samantha. Because she is not creepy. Well, relatively speaking.

I gave her some flowers. She liked them a lot. Samantha is really nice, Much nicer than that awful Annie Lau. And Kara Carter, who always seems to be going to work. And she's a cook, not a doctor like Samantha.

We were having a nice date when Aliza ran by. That was alarming. Aliza still scares me. At least she doesn't like the outdoors, so I don't see her around much. Unfortunatly, I have to see her at work.

Then we watched the stars and I asked her to be my girlfriend. Because she was more likely to say yes when it was dark and she couldn't see my nose. Apparently that was the right thing to do, because she actually agreed. So I asked her to move in and she agreed to that too! Even though she knows I live on a really empty lot.

So she moved in! With her computer and yoshimoto evasion and resident-level medical career. It's not about her money though. This is about revenge! Also, her money.

Well... she didn't sell the car or the laptop. Apparently she wants them. She was not really impressed by my 'house', though. She said, "Don't worry, I'll build a really nice house. Well, a fairly nice house. There probably isn't enough money to buy siding or wallpaper, but I'll work at that."

And she did. She was right, we didn't have enough money for wall coverings of any kind. According to Samantha, she's going to keep adding stuff as we get more money. So it looks like we'll be really poor for a long time. Ah well. It's nice to have a real house. Though I wish it weren't so gloomy. Why can't I have a nice beach house? I don't care if it wouldn't fit in. 

Since Samantha had already agreed to be my girlfriend and moved onto my lot, I decided it was a good time to ask her to marry me as well. Before she realized this was probably a really bad idea. Although she doesn't seem to mind being poor. Or mind my nose.

She actually accepted, too. That was surprising, since she has commitment issues.

And we got married then and there. She already had a wedding dress! How could she already have a wedding dress when she doesn't even like committing to something like marriage? I find this slightly suspicious.

Then again, I guess I shouldn't question it. I'm married to a doctor and I'm in the science career and soon we will earn lots of money and be able to buy wallpaper and siding. Maybe we can get bright green shingles for siding. That sounds nice.

I asked Samantha if I can just call her 'Sam', because her name is so long. But she didn't like that idea. So I'm still calling her by her real name. At least I haven't heard from Medusa. That makes things better. I don't want to talk to a lunatic. I don't, I don't, I don't. I'm sane, I tell you!

Well... where was I? My garden. I tended my garden and planted some new seeds. Samantha came over and said something about her yoshimoto evasion and tattoos. I wasn't exactly paying the most attention. I was thinking about how everyone is going to regret being mean and neglecting me when I turn out better than all of them!

I should have listened. Apparently she was selling her car to buy a tattoo machine in order to get new tattoos to describe her life. So I had to explain to her that tattoos cause your age to go down, which is why immortal dynasty people can't get them unless they are immortal. And since I'm trying to defeat immortal dynasty people, I'm going to follow some of their rules. Like the no aging down thing!

We got grey siding. It's so gloomy... it's like she's trying to rebuild her old house. Or any house that fits in here, really.
Hey, Medusa calling. Because I'm not telepathic. That still makes me sad. I was so happy I was telepathic! Anyway, quick message for you today: aging down is not allowed if you want to defeat me. So, hahahaha, I'm going to win.
Not if Samantha ages up when she would have anyway. At least, that makes sense to me.
No! No! I don't like that. No. I think you fail! That is what I think... wait, someone's here. Excuse me. I'll be back, Raven. But first I have to go talk to someone who doesn't look pleased I'm here in Isla Paradisio.

So that was an unpleasant conversation. But I cheered up some when I got to take a shower inside in the outside shower! It was funny. Samantha didn't think it was very funny though.

Well, it's nice having a kitchen inside. Things are looking up. I'd just better not be stuck here. I need to force that insane Medusa back here, as revenge for betraying me! And I've got to actually finish my legacy thing, to defeat the Sheos. So I'm just going to have to convince Medusa that it will work if Samantha has her birthday in seven days like she was supposed to.

For now, she's painting. I guess maybe I should tell her that she'll have to have her birthday when she was supposed to? But that seems kind of mean. Especially since I pretty much just married her because she's friendly, not creepy, and works in the medical field.

Why does this place have to be so gloomy? It's making me feel even gloomier. I'll have to not let this place get to me if I want to get my revenge! Yes. Soon... well, not soon at all. Eventually everyone will see that I, Raven Nguyen, am the best! Oh, I almost forgot, I took her last name, because it was way better than mine.

At least I don't have to fix the sink the rain or deal with people running through my kitchen anymore. That's a definite improvement. Medusa, you will fail! Sheos, you will regret leaving me behind even though I asked you to!

But first I must go read the science book I bought with what little money we had left. I've got to learn to clone things so that my descendants can just marry the clones of creepy townsfolk! And maybe foreigners or university students? I don't know, is that thing? Point being, no Sheo-faces. I will not stand for that. Nothing like the Sheos, nothing to do with the Sheos. I hate the Sheos! If you didn't read their story, then you are lucky!

So yeah... Samantha got new tattoos. I really, really wanted to do something with her because the original ones were so random... Leading this to be the one main thing in this legacy that does not go with the rules at all. Since I knew when she was supposed to age up already, I'm just going to have her age up then anyway. Otherwise, though, I will not be causing anyone to age-down. I don't know if that makes this legacy completely weird or not, but I just had to do it...

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Re: Raven's Legacy - 2: Getting Married
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2014, 01:15:45 AM »
Gosh Raven is adorable. He's like a puppy slowly drowning into the pool of madness that is his life. Is it weird that when I read, I think his voice would sound like a child's? Anyway, love it love it love it. Want more. On the double.
"Whoa, Ok Whoa. No one said nothing about extortion or blackmail ok. Just a simple beautiful Christmas star that if you bought from me right now at a hefty price of $140 would ensure that I don't destroy your house or threaten your family."

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Raven's Legacy - 2: Getting Married
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2014, 03:46:20 AM »
Oh Raven... you are in denial XD And I love it!  Actually, in the legacy, there really isn't anything in the rules about aging down.  It was never really updated after the base game, so it's mostly up to the player to decide.  Can't wait to see the nooboo!

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: Raven's Legacy - 2: Getting Married
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2014, 07:33:45 AM »
Wait Samantha was throwing up in one picture! She's pregnant. No, that was announced at the end, never mind. :P

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Raven's Legacy - 2: Getting Married
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2014, 12:12:38 PM »
Gosh Raven is adorable. He's like a puppy slowly drowning into the pool of madness that is his life. Is it weird that when I read, I think his voice would sound like a child's? Anyway, love it love it love it. Want more. On the double.

He is rather child-like in some ways. And he does have a very high-pitched voice for completely random reasons.

Oh Raven... you are in denial XD And I love it!  Actually, in the legacy, there really isn't anything in the rules about aging down.  It was never really updated after the base game, so it's mostly up to the player to decide.  Can't wait to see the nooboo!

Okay, that makes me feel a lot happier :) Now Raven can feel free to tell Medusa she is wrong.

Wait Samantha was throwing up in one picture! She's pregnant. No, that was announced at the end, never mind. :P

Yes indeed. And now to introduce some new characters!

Three More Birds

Something is wrong in Isla Paradisio. Something is off. Someone is here who doesn't belong. Not me, I am Aquila, Avatar of Valor and a long-time resident of these islands. Someone else.

Luckily, this is someone whose presence I recognize. Which makes it even stranger than she is here, in my city. So I'd better find her before she starts causing chaos.

Medusa Gorgonzola. Madness. What is she doing in my city?

I told her as much. "Medusa, you aren't supposed to leave Midnight Hollow. How dare you come to my city uninvited, without any reason? You know we are not to leave our cities unless there is a meeting!" She never seems particularly bothered, though. Madness is annoying. Hard to understand and difficult to communicate with. 

But she finally explained. Apparently she has replaced herself. Though that is also something we aren't supposed to do, it is possible. She didn't even bother to inform her replacement what she had planned for him. Using a poor, plastic bird. And, unfortunately, I believe her story. But I'd like to check.

So I called Midnight Hollow and talked to a Samantha Nguyen. It appears that Medusa told the truth. That doesn't make me any happier. She probably realizes that. Raven is not the first bird to become a Representative, but he was tricked.

Still, she is right. She is no longer the Avatar of Madness and there is nothing I can do about it. I have to let her live in my city and spread her madness and chaos everywhere she goes. I can only hope that the raven manages to send her back.


Things have been going well in Midnight Hollow. It's a decent city. When you don't look at it too closely. And try to pretend that its colorful and bright. Okay, I just don't like this city. It's not where I wanted to go. But I'm managing.

Samantha is much happier than I am. That's good, I suppose. She actually likes it here. Apparently she plans to try to make the whole world a better place, or something. I don't still don't know why she married me, but I'm not questioning it. Maybe she thought that she could help? Which is true, I guess.

I've never been to the hospital before. Samantha works there, so obviously she has. So we went off there. It's somewhat less creepy than most the buildings in town. But I guess what's more important is that now there is a second generation of Nguyens.

We had twins. Our son is Crow and our daughter is Shrike. Samantha let me give them bird names, so that was nice. She's a really nice person. I guess one of them will have to be the heir, but I'm not sure which. I guess I'll have a while to decide. Or maybe they can choose? That would be a lot easier.

Apparently they were born on Spooky Day, because when we got back there was a kid waiting for some candy. I guess his costume was not-creepy-person? Anyway, I gave him some candy. It was a nice, less creepy than usual day. Which is probably strange for Spooky Day.

Samantha loves little Crow and Shrike. Hopefully they will look more like her than me. Even if she is kind of scary, it would be better than my weird nose. Or my voice. I have a high-pitch, annoying voice. I'm pretty sure Medusa was doing her very best to make me the most annoying person ever.

Shrike doesn't mind though. Neither does Crow. They are just little bundles, though, so maybe they will when they're older? I hope not, I want them to not be annoyed by me. We should be a better family than the Sheos! Which is kind of hard because they all got on so well... 

I don't make much money, but we're slowly adding to the house. It doesn't help that I still want to buy the last science book, though. It's probably very expensive. I'm just happy that Samantha doesn't mind. Also, still wondering why we're married. Ah well, don't question good things.

Then if was off to work again. I need to get to level five of my career! So I can quit and work somewhere else. I'm going to be a jack of all trades, whatever it takes. The Sheos could never do that!

Apparently my co-workers also thought it was a good idea to visit the library after work, because most of them were there. I really wish I didn't have to spend so much time here, with all these creepy townsfolk hanging around, but it's the best way to learn science. I'd rather be with Shrike and Crow.

It was already time for the twins' birthday. Shrike went first because Crow was sleeping and she wasn't.

She is adorable. Except she has creepy, light-blue eyes. Like Samantha. Also, she has pointy ears like me. Though you can't tell with that hair. Why do I have pointy ears, anyway? It's incredibly random.

Then Crow woke up and it was time for his birthday. They both know Samantha better than me because I've been at work and reading in the library. That makes me sad. I'm going to spend more time with them now!

Crow has my eye color. I think he has Samantha's eyes though. I'm going to keep hoping that they get her nose and voice. Then they will be less annoying than me and probably have an easier time getting married and stuff.

We bought them some toys to play with. Neither of them seem to really understand the blocks. I don't get it either, shouldn't the round peg be able to fit into the square hole if they have the same dimensions? As the square would just have corners that the round one doesn't?

After playing, we put them to bed. I'm extremely fond of little Crow and Shrike. I hope that they like Midnight Hollow, it would be sad if they have to spend their entire lives in a city they don't even like.

We moved the nursery into the large, upstairs room. I started teaching Crow to walk, as Shrike was determined to figure out the block thing. I wish her luck, because contemplating it make me feel like I might be losing my mind. Which I haven't. I'm sane, perfectly sane. My sanity is a touchy subject!

Well... anyway... the lights help a bit with the gloominess of this place. They are nice and colorful. Too bad Samantha will probably take them down when winter is over. I'll make it anyway. I will not let Midnight Hollow defeat me! Any more than I will let Medusa or the Sheos defeat me!

Crow Nguyen Notes
Traits: Grumpy, Friendly
Favorites: Epic, Chili Con Carne, Orange

Shrike Nguyen Notes
Traits: Insane, Friendly
Favorites: Digitunes, Dim Sum, Spiceberry

