There are still some issues that the SimsVIP fix doesn't resolve. I don't know if it's against the rules to post tech support for the Sims 2, but since we're in the Babble Board, I'll post what I found that worked with Windows 8.1. If it's inappropriate, moderators may feel free to remove it.
To fix your screen resolution, what you do is this from the link below: to Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Config\
(or where you set up your game under Program Files\Electronic Arts)
Copy and paste the original Graphics Rules.sgr file somewhere as backup.
From the leefish link above, download the appropriate RAR file for your integrated graphics and in Windows Explorer, right-click and open to extract the Graphics Rules.sgr file.
Copy and paste this new file into the Config directory above (I think you only need it in Config, not CSConfig too, but if it doesn't work try both).
Now open this Graphics Rules.sgr file with Notepad.
Ctrl-f "simpleterrain" without the quotes and set to false. This occurs in 3 places. this link, follow step 3 (change seti Low, Medium, High all to 3).
Ctrl-f "ScreenModeResolution" without quotes and change ALL of the settings (low, medium, mediumdefault, high) to match step 5 in the link above.
Open the game and after loading a neighborhood, under the options button, click on "Graphics/Performance Options". Change screen size to 1920x1080 (or desired max resolution) and set "smooth edges" all the way down to more. Apply changes.
**Follow step 1 and step 4 under the leefish link to check the config log file (under My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Logs) for boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels true (antialias on) and check the Pleasantview neighborhood in game to see that the beach area appears smooth. In the config log file, check that Texture memory is NOT 32Mb (Windows error). It should be over 1000 Mb.
Hope this helps.