After looking at the list of things missing I'm more disappointed than ever. Granted, there aren't really 89
different things, surely if you exclude toddlers you don't need cribs, change tables or toddler toys.
The lack of some basic skills and careers, and standard objects does upset me though (dishwashers!? Really?!). Most of all, the thing I hadn't yet seen mentioned (I tuned out for a while though) was the completely flat, unalterable landscape and one foundation level for the entire house.
Suffice to say I am very very disappointed with what has been left out.
I too will be following the experience of others before I decide to buy the game. @Dellana I will look forward to reading about your experiences and what you learn about the game. If by the time the first tournament challenge is written I have found something I like, I may buy the game, but at this point it is not looking good.
*Edited to remove some negativity - I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. You really must look at the list of new things that have been added to balance out what has been removed before letting this list bring you down. I guess I was secretly looking forward to Sims 4 after all if it made me feel so bad!
Looks like someone will be buying it after all, if at least not straight away.