Author Topic: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus (Completed)  (Read 16664 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2014, 09:38:48 PM »
Reproductive Day 9 Before

Both Rex and Regina struggled to complete the masterpiece portraits of their drones. Here are Bemoan, Belief, and Beloved, on easels.

And here are Bemuse and Belittle.

Beloved was the first to leave home, on Week 25, Day 4. She maxed logic and was able to get a promotion as a sculptor after selling two clay pieces. She bought and upgraded the Ivy Hills Graveyard and moved into Twinbrook’s last empty house.

Belief received a promotion in the Professional Sports career. She maxed logic, and bought and upgraded Guppy Gills Pond. She went over to the Hi-Tech Friends house, where she started to tell jokes to Lang Gwydd.

After a few minutes, Belief realized that she could speed things up with a Potent Friend elixir.

She then evicted Lang and moved into the house on Week 25, Day 5.

Belittle took longer to max logic and reached the 3rd level of the Education career. He bought and upgraded Twinbrook Lakefront Wellness Center. He made friends with Pansy Prudence and moved into the house she shared with her brother Parker on Week 25, Day 6.

Bemoan didn’t have to buy any property, but she did have to spend three days looking after toddlers in order to get a promotion in the Day Care career. She became best friends with Elisha Ridgeway and moved in on Week 25, Day 6.

Bemuse is still at home, working on the Painting skill. For some reason, Street Art has been progressing slowly, even with the Fast Learner reward.

Regina was offered a promotion in Politics, so she transferred over. After working at home, she invited her son (and boss) Before over to ask him for a promotion. Unfortunately he was stuck in the ground, but eventually he decided to play in the sprinkler and materialized. She was now at level 9 in Politics and Rex was a level 9 Firefighter, so they decided to try for baby. With Bemuse hanging around, the only place they could go was into the shower.

At that point, Rex’s progress in his job slowed to a snail’s pace. He had maxed Handiness and Athletics, and each fire he went to added only a couple of millimeters to his promotion bar. Rex received permission from the Supreme Queen to visit Oasis Landing, although she couldn’t help pointing out that Aurora Skies, Sunset Valley, Starlight Shores and Appaloosa Plains had already been joined to the Great Hive.

Rex found it ironic that where he’d never been burnt while fighting fires, he got singed when he tried to reverse engineer a nanite.

Requirements for Reproductive Day 9
Job: Rex – Prime Motivator (Bot Builder 10)
    Regina – Leader of the Free World (Politics 10)
Skills: Rex – Tinkerer, Marathon Runner
    Regina – Ice Personality, Prolific Sculptor
Lifetime Reward: Rex – Speedy Cleaner
    Regina – Eye Candy
Best Friend: Rex – Dominic Hancock
    Regina – Kaitlin Bernal
Collection: Nanites worth $1690
Travel: 41 days
Reproduction Day 9 – Week 26, Day 7
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2014, 08:07:43 PM »
Reproductive Day 9 After and Reproductive Day 10 Before

Regina gave birth to twins, Benign and Bequest. Rex obtained a clone, Bereft, and Regina, one named Beseech. Early the next morning, Benign and Bequest became toddlers.

They soon learned their skills and became children. Here’s Benign:

And here’s Bequest:

Bereft and Beseech became teenagers, but I didn’t get any pictures. One night another burglar came to the house and promptly was attracted to Rex.

Bemuse finally reached level 10 of painting and was able to move out on Week 27, Day 5. She bought Lolly Racket’s house, Lolly having recently died. Bemuse was a level 2 Stylist.

All teens became young adults at the same time. They went to graduation when a protest against llamas was in progress. Most of the people protesting were their older siblings.

Benign maxed logic soon after graduation.

Rex produced a Masterpiece portrait on his first try, and Benign bought enough Nerd Influence to get a job as a Video Game Developer. She received a promotion on her first day and moved into Zo Whelohff’s house on Week 28, Day 1.

Bequest was the next to move out, on Week 28, Day 3, when Regina produced his masterpiece portrait.

He took a job as a firefighter and maxed logic, reaching level 2 of his career and level 10 of his skill.

Bereft maxed handiness and reached level 2 as an inventor.

He moved into Penny Pincher’s old home as soon as his masterpiece portrait was completed on Week 28, Day 3.

Beseech was the last to leave. Her progress in fishing had been slow, due to the fact that she was a technophobe who didn’t like using her Multitab.

Her masterpiece portrait was completed and she had reached level 4 of the Angler career when she reached level 10 of fishing.

She became best friends with Cristy Jones-Brown before evicting her on Week 28, Day 4.

Here are their portraits – Benign and Beseech:

Bequest and Bereft:

With the children out of the house, Rex and Regina were able to complete their requirements. With the help of some job elixirs, Rex finally reached the top of the Firefighter career by helping out at an X-Ray Disaster at the hospital.

While he was doing that, Regina managed to set herself on fire, but was able to put herself out in time.

They collected beetles, but I didn’t get a screenshot.

Requirements for Reproductive Day 10

Job: Regina – Legendary Musician (Band 10)
   Rex—Fire Chief (Firefighter 10)
Skills: Regina – Money Maker (piano), Master Sculptor
    Rex – Fitness Nut, Body Builder
Lifetime Reward: Regina – Jock Influence
    Rex – Complimentary Entertainment
Best Friend: Regina – Tonia Tyler
    Rex – Notzo Curious
Collection: Beetles, worth $141
Travel: 41 days
RPD10: Week 28, Day 7
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #47 on: August 14, 2014, 09:29:08 PM »
Reproductive Day 10 After

Regina gave birth to triplets Betimes, Betoken, and Between.

Rex picked up a clone, Betwixt, and then Regina went to pick up two clones, Beware and Bewilder. When they returned home, Rex went to a ceremony where he received a key to the city for his work as a firefighter. Some of his children and step-children came to celebrate, too.

The next day was a Monday, so the clones went to school while the triplets became toddlers. Here are Betoken and Between.

The next day the clones again went to school, while the toddlers had their birthdays after completing their skills. Here is Betimes getting ready to blow out her candles.

The clones all came home from school with A’s, so they all became teens after the toddlers became children. Here are Betimes, Betoken and Between in their bee outfits.

Rex has been working as a Private Investigator, mostly solving cases for his adult children.

He’s also been getting experience by tutoring.

Regina has been working as a sculptor.

One day, everyone came home with A’s. The clones became young adults, and the children became teens.

Beware has the Artistic and Avant Garde traits, so she is working on the Street Art skill and getting a job as a Painter.

Bewilder is also Artistic and in the Avant Garde. She got a job as a Stylist and is also trying to max Street Art.

Betwixt is maxing logic and has already reached level 4 of the Alchemist career.

The triplets have also been aged up to young adult but are waiting to get their jobs until after graduation. They are all maxing logic.

Here is Betimes:

Here is Betoken:

And here is Between:

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline KRae

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #48 on: August 14, 2014, 10:39:07 PM »
One of the things I like best about the domination dynasty is running into your kids all over town.

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #49 on: August 15, 2014, 09:14:56 AM »
Yes, that is fun, especially if they're still wearing the outfits I designed for them. But it seems like once they change into their career clothes or athletic outfits, they never change back.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #50 on: August 17, 2014, 09:17:58 PM »
The Last Reproductive Day

Here are the portraits that were painted of Betoken, Betwixt, and Beware:

And here are Bewilder, Between and Betimes:

Beware was the first to move out, on Week 30, Day 2. She maxed the Street Art skill and became a level 2 Painter. She was best friends with long-time friend Tay Bayless.

Betwixt became best friends with Davin Merchant after maxing logic and reaching level 4 of the Alchemist career. He moved out on Week 30, Day 3.

Bewilder was the next to move after maxing Street Art and reaching level 2 of the Stylist career.

She became best friends with her father’s old friend Thomas Castor, and moved on Week 30, Day 4.

Betimes maxed logic and reached level 3 of Law Enforcement. After becoming best friends with Milton Saucedo, she moved out on Week 30, Day 6.

Between also moved out on Week 30, Day 6. She maxed logic and reached level 3 in Business, then became best friends with her mother’s friend, Kaitlin Bernal.

Betoken was the first to have his portrait finished and the last to move out, mainly because his job in Medicine (where he reached level 5) slowed him down when it came to maxing logic. He became best friends with Conor Urban and moved out on Week 30, Day 7.

By that time Rex and Regina had already tried for baby. Here were how they met the requirements for Reproductive Day 11:

Job: Rex – Private Eye (Private Investigator 10)
    Regina – Master Sculptologist (Sculptor 10)
Skills: Rex – Teacher Extraordinaire, Chipping In
    Regina – Skill Professor, Menu Maven
Lifetime Reward: Rex—Portal Immunity
    Regina – Professional Slacker
Best Friends: Rex – Therese Desmarais
    Regina – Conor Urban
Collection: Butterflies worth $133.

Travel: 41 days
Reproductive Day 11: Week 31, Day 2

Regina produced three baby fairies, Bewitch, Beyond, and Bezique, and Rex brought home a clone, Beebee.

Once the three infants became toddlers, they learned their skills quickly. Beyond and Bewitch taught each other how to speak.

Rex and Regina tutored the children to get A’s, and they had another birthday. Here are Bewitch, Beyond, Beebee, and Bezique.

Beebee was the first to become a young adult.

He maxed the photography skill and became a level 5 photographer. After becoming best friends with Notzo Curious, he moved out on Week 32, Day 1.

Beyond maxed Street Art and became a level 2 Sculptor.

He became best friends with Ian Luther and moved out on Week 32, Day 2.

Bezique studied gardening and became a level 8 gardener.

She wasn’t able to move out because there weren’t any houses for her to move into.

Bewitch was the last to move. She was a level 2 writer who maxed street art.

She became best friends with Clarence Beauchamp and moved out on Week 32, Day 3, completing the reconquest of Alveus Novus, formerly known as Twinbrook.

Here are their portraits – Beebee, Bezique, Beyond, and Bewitch

And so we say good-bye to Rex and Regina:

Regina: I’d like to have another baby.

Rex: I’m a little tired.

Completed: Week 32, Day 3, with 41 travel days -- 261 days total.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #51 on: August 17, 2014, 09:32:52 PM »
Congratulations on completing, Marian

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Offline KRae

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #52 on: August 17, 2014, 10:10:16 PM »
Congrats! Out of curiosity about how long was it taking your file to load by the end? Mine was about 30 minutes.

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #53 on: August 17, 2014, 10:40:00 PM »
Thanks, Dekitch!

KRae, I didn't actually time it, but I could fix breakfast, feed the cats, and start the laundry while I waited.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #54 on: August 18, 2014, 12:52:36 PM »
Congrats! Out of curiosity about how long was it taking your file to load by the end? Mine was about 30 minutes.

KRae, I didn't actually time it, but I could fix breakfast, feed the cats, and start the laundry while I waited.

Oh wow!  I'm only about to move out the fourth generation of my first ever dynasty - I guess load times like this are what I have to look forward to.  I didn't realize it would get that long just to load. 

So . . . finishing is an even bigger challenge than I realized and deserves an even bigger

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus (Completed)
« Reply #55 on: August 18, 2014, 02:49:18 PM »
Hurrah! A big congrats on finishing.

I'm moving this to the Completed Dynasties board. :)
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Offline Brooke.

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus (Completed)
« Reply #56 on: October 02, 2014, 05:13:55 AM »
Congratulations  :) I love the bee costumes and theme you were going for.
Life State Dynasty: The Blackburns In Monte Vista (Complete)
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus (Completed)
« Reply #57 on: October 20, 2014, 01:52:05 PM »
That was really fun! I think my favourite part had to bee when Regina put the notice in the paper.
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