Author Topic: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus (Completed)  (Read 16663 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2014, 10:12:09 AM »
Yeah, well it took 5 weeks to get the first olive out of the bottle. Sim weeks, that is.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2014, 11:22:41 AM »
I feel better now on two day one and just need to find ten billion(or possibly seven)stars and we can start bringing on  the drones.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2014, 12:52:11 PM »
Reproductive Day 5 After

Regina had twins this time, boys named Beetle and Before. When they became toddlers, they looked really cute playing together.

Thanks to the playpen and walker, the twins were ready to become children a day later. This is Before in the walker – no one knows how he ended up with orange hair.

Besides the twins, Regina made a clone of herself, Befriend, and Rex made a clone of himself, Befuddle. They became teens when the twins became toddlers.

The next day, the twins aged up to children. This is Beetle:

Before’s favorite color is pink.

They still look cute playing together.

One night, while Rex was off playing for tips, a burglar showed up. Befriend is a bit cowardly, so she fainted, but not until she called the cops. Unfortunately, the policeman who came hadn’t eaten his Wheaties, so the burglar absconded with one of their all-in-one bathrooms.

Regina wasn’t home. She was at work, trying to eradicate the spirit pests that had begun infesting the homes of Twinbrook. They might call themselves kind and friendly, but Regina knew better – they were after her drones’ honey.

In no time at all, it was time for the drones to graduate. Befriend and Befuddle both had A’s, but Beetle and Before had to take their chances with the traits they got. Luckily, they both got Lucky.

All of them are maxing the logic skill, with help from the Multitab. Beetle is taking a job as a Fortune Teller.

Before is going into Politics.

Befriend has already received her first promotion as an Architect just by painting.

Befuddle has to build up influence with the jocks before he can get a job as a sports agent. He tried to buy his way in, but ran out of happiness points after he picked up the Daredevil trait.

So he has taken up bowling.

Even though his technique isn’t very good, he’s been making an impression.

And now that he’s getting an occasional strike, Befuddle should get that phone call about a Sports Agent job any day now.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #33 on: July 28, 2014, 03:11:32 PM »
Reproductive Day 6 Before

In an astonishing development, Rex and Regina have actually run out of leftover birthday cake.

Beetle was the first to leave the hive. He achieved the second level of the Fortune Teller career, maxed logic and bought Bachelor Stadium.

Befriend went next, a few hours after Beetle, on Week 18, Day 2. She was a level 2 Architect, with maximum logic. She bought and upgraded Twinbrook Community Gardens.

To everyone’s surprise, Befuddle was also able to leave the hive on Week 18, Day 2, requiring only one day to get a promotion as a sports agent, either because he had maxed logic or because he was such a good bowler. He bought the Twinbrook Foundation Hospital.

With everyone out of the house – no, Before was still hanging around. Regina would grab him for a portrait before he left for work, and then produce a brilliant portrait. Rex would take a few moments from practicing the guitar to start his portrait and then produce one that wasn’t anything at all. But eventually, after all the cake was gone, Before was able to leave, on Week 18, Day 6. He maxed logic and reached the third level of the political career. He bought and upgraded River Junction Beach Park.

Here are their masterpiece portraits – Befuddle, Beetle, Befriend, and Before.

With everyone out of the house, Rex and Regina were able to concentrate on their jobs and other requirements. Regina had made the transition from pesky spirits to angry ghosts.

Rex talked his boss, Chase Bayless into giving him another promotion. She’s his best friend, but not eligible to be counted.

Speaking of best friends, Regina threw the potent friend elixir at Lincoln Baker and then asked him to leave before Rex could come into contact with him. Now that Rex is Everybody’s Best Friend, he needs to be kept away from Regina’s acquaintances.

Rex has the distinction of becoming the first sim in this Watcher’s experience to go through a midlife crisis twice. This time he got therapy and cut it short.

(Rex: Well, maybe I'm a little depressed because all my children have moved out of the house.
Therapist: That sounds like Empty Nest Syndrome.
Rex: Hive, actually.
Therapist: And how many children do you have?
Rex: 19.
Therapist: Have you ever considered -- um -- taking precautions?
Rex: No.
Therapist: It sounds like your problem is that you're addicted to children. Would you be interested in working on that?
Rex: No.
Therapist [nervously shuffling papers on desk]: Well, I guess that's it then. You're cured; you can leave.)

Regina has quit hunting ghosts and started making nectar. I’m not sure how good nectar made by someone who is listening to kid’s music will taste, but it seems to sell well at the consignment shop.

They decided to use gems for this RD’s collection. Rex found a suncut jade, a suncut amethyst, a starcut rainbow gem, and a crystal ball opal on his travels; Regina picked up an emerald in the back yard and made an emerald cut emerald at the elixir shop.

Requirements for Reproductive Day 6
Job: Regina – Paranormal Expert (Ghost Hunter 10)
    Rex – Rock Star (Music 10)
Skills: Regina – Master Planter, Precision Sprayer
    Rex – Everybody’s Best Friend, Master Alchemist
LTR: Regina – Queen of the Fae
    Rex – Nerd Influence
Best Friend: Regina – Lincoln Baker
    Rex – Julienne Knack
Collection: Gems, worth $4151
Travel: 29 days
Reproductive Day 6: Week 19, Day 4
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #34 on: July 28, 2014, 03:37:53 PM »
Congratulations on reproduction day six. Cannot help but sing the reproduction song from Grease 2 whenever I type that.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2014, 03:21:04 PM »
Reproductive Day 6 After

Regina has figured out that the Watcher can’t get a good photo of her face if she faces something tall – like the nectar-making machine.

Regina had twin boys again, even though she was hoping for a girl. Since Rex was the only one with enough points for clone vouchers, they ended up with four boys this time – Beget, Begin, Begone, and Beguile. Here is Beget in his walker.

And here is little Begin:

Once the twins had learned how to walk and talk, Regina brought them downstairs so they could use the fairy house to get pollen punch and sleep.

Both boys had pink as a favorite color, so when they became children they received similar bee outfits.

After getting Celestial Explorer, Regina decided to start tutoring her children. She had the most success with Begin.

So Begin had his birthday early.

Beget was still a child when Begone and Beguile graduated, but he became a teen soon afterwards.

Begone and Beguile picked up the Avant Garde trait as teens, so they both maxed Street Art. Beguile took a job in Business.

He reached level 2 and bought the Cleanesque Laundromat. As soon as his portrait was done, he moved into the Pidgins’ former home on Week 20, Day 4.

Begone’s portrait was finished on the second try.

He took a job at the Llama Corp. Shipping Co., and it wasn’t one as an Art Appraiser. Unlike his half-brother Beach, who was trying to blend in as a Snitch, Begone is dressed perfectly for a Decoy.

Rex hasn’t been home much recently. Because he’s in a band, he spends a lot of time playing for tips in the subway. After two jobs in Music, and one with a band, he’s finally ready to get the Master Guitarist skill challenge.

As soon as Begin becomes a young adult, he’ll get an invitation to join the Bees’ Elbows with his dad and older sister.

But before that could happen, he went to prom, where he and Letitia Culver became an item.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #37 on: August 01, 2014, 03:52:00 PM »
Reproductive Day 7 Before

Begone was the next one to leave, on Week 20, Day 6. He purchased the Science Lab and reached level 2 of the Criminal career.

Beget made quick progress as a Ghost Hunter. He reached level 4 of the Ghost Hunter career by studying logic and maxing it.

Beget bought and upgraded the Twinbrook Esplanade. He had to wait until his portrait was painted to move out, which he did on Week 21, Day 2.

Rex and Regina’s son Becoming showed up for a visit one evening. After spending some time in the fairy house, he decided to study alchemy.

Begin started playing for tips as soon as he reached level 5 of the bass skill. He was able to study on the Multitab while playing, which helped him max logic.

Begin bought and upgraded The Red Rendezvous. Both his mother and father had to make a couple of portraits of him before he could leave, so he reached level 6 of the Band career. He moved out on Week 21, Day 3.

Here are their portraits – Beguile, Begone, Beget, and Begin.

By this time, Rex had reached the top of the Band career and finished his two skill challenges. Regina was only at level 6 of the nectar-making career, so she decided to go back to France and get some more expensive wine. Before she could go, she had to finish the Mix Master Skill Challenge, as her progress on that had already been adversely affected by her first trip to France.

While at the Nectary, she became best friends with Charlotte Bernard.

Searching through the Nectary, she kept reminding herself, that she was doing this so she could have more drones.

Regina also picked up a relic, which she added to the four that Rex had acquired.

Requirements for Reproductive Day 7
Job: Rex – Legendary Musician (Band 10)
    Regina – Master Nectar Craftsman (Nectar-Making 10)
Skills: Rex – Botanical Boss, Master Guitarist
    Regina – Celestial Explorer, Mix Master
LTR: Rex – Office Hero
    Regina – Inappropriate but in a Good Way
Best Friend: Rex – Pansy Prudence
    Regina – Charlotte Bernard
Collection: Relics, worth $1150
Travel: 31 days
Reproductive Day 7: Week 21, Day 6
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #38 on: August 01, 2014, 04:49:15 PM »
Way to go Marian I have to say I love your B names.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #39 on: August 01, 2014, 05:31:57 PM »
Thanks! I thought up a bunch of them before starting -- Befuddle is my favorite so far.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2014, 03:39:18 PM »
Reproductive Day 7 After and Reproductive Day 8 Before

Regina gave birth to triplets Behavior, Behest, and Behold, and Rex brought home a clone, Belated, that evening. Early the next morning they celebrated Belated’s birthday.

Belated: And I wish never to hear the word “birthday” again!

The triplets celebrated, too, and then began learning their skills. I don’t know why Belated and Behavior both had black hair.

Behest had her father’s blond hair.

Behold is actually the first witch to be born to Rex and Regina; all the others have been fairies.

It didn’t take long for the toddlers to learn their skills, thanks to the walker and the playpen, and a family-oriented mother, with firm ideas about potty-training.

Here are Behavior, Behest, and Behold as children. They were all geniuses who loved the outdoors, but they later became workaholics.

Regina managed to complete the Teacher Extraordinaire skill challenge by tutoring Behavior.

Belated spent much of his time in high school learning how to cook. When he became a young adult, he took a job in the Culinary profession.

He had to wait a little while before he could go to work, so he was around the night the burglar came. Both the burglar and the policewoman were attracted to Rex, but the burglar’s affection was diminished somewhat by her arrest.

Belated went to graduation with his half-brother and sisters.

That evening Belated received a promotion, and his portrait was finished. He bought and upgraded the Twinbrook Community Swim Center, maxed cooking, and moved out on Week 23, Day 1.

Behest maxed logic before she graduated from high school.

She became a self-employed nectar-maker and reached level 3 of the job by selling the first 3 bottles she made. Behest bought the Twinbrook Buy and Bargain Consignment Shop and was able to move out on Week 23, Day 1 when her portrait was completed.

Behavior also maxed logic while in high school.

She took a job in journalism and worked at home while she waited for her first day on the job. After her portrait was painted, she bought and upgraded the Curios Memorial Museum, which required $85,000 in new paintings and sculptures. She was promoted her first day and moved out on Week 23, Day 3.

Behold didn’t max logic until after he graduated, possibly because Behavior and Behest were always hogging the chess table.

He took a job in the military. They made him put a hat over his hair, but allowed him to keep his mask.

Behold had to wait until Rex accumulated enough money for him to buy a house. He bought and upgraded the Twinbrook Town Center, and was able to move on Week 23, Day 4 after getting a promotion.

Here are their portraits: Behold, Belated, Behest, and on the easel, Behavior.

With the latest swarm moved out, Rex and Regina got ready for the next Reproductive Day. Here’s their collection of nectars. The two bottles on the top shelf were contributed by Rex, and the lower 3 by Regina.

Requirements for Reproductive Day 8
Job: Regina – Alchemy Artisan (Alchemist 10)
    Rex – Alchemy Artisan (Alchemist 10)
Skills: Regina – Teacher Extraordinaire, Chiselmeister
    Rex – Timber Terminator, Master Farmer
LTR: Regina – Legendary Host
    Rex – Master of Seduction
Best Friend: Regina – Franklin Wray
    Rex – Celina Beaumont
Collection: Nectar worth $250
Travel: 31 days
Reproductive Day 8: Week 24, Day 1
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2014, 03:57:54 PM »
I know it has been said,or typed,so many times but your drones certainly do have an amazing sense of style.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Reconquest of Alveus Novus
« Reply #43 on: August 08, 2014, 10:22:59 AM »
Thanks, Rachel and KRae!

Reproductive Day 8 After

Rex: Help! Help! Fire! Someone call a fireman! Wait! I’m a fireman!

Regina: You’d think that after 7 of these, you’d be able to figure out what’s going on. I’m having a baby, possibly more than one baby. I hope it’s more than one because I have to admit that even though kids’ music is my favorite, I’m a little tired of it.

Regina gave birth to triplets Belief, Belittle, and Beloved. She then took a potent cure elixir, and went to the Science Lab to pick up clones Bemoan and Bemuse. The next day there were five birthday parties. The Llama mascot came to deliver the university bucket and stayed for cake.

Belief turned out to be bald, so she was given hair immediately.

Belief is a fairy and her sister Beloved is a witch. They look cute playing together in the playpen, and apparently they can teach each other to talk as well.

Belittle is the only boy in this swarm. He’s a witch, too.

Even though Regina switched back to being a fairy as soon as she returned home, her brief stint as a human took its toll. That evening, there was a sixth birthday as well.

Fortunately, she had an extra Fountain of Youth elixir on hand. It took the toddlers about a day to learn their skills. Here they are, wearing their bee outfits:




Regina is in the Business career this time, so the triplets were quickly aged up to teens, and the next day, all 5 became young adults.

Bemoan and Bemuse both had A averages, but the other 3 were less fortunate. They all managed to graduate, however.

No one has maxed a skill yet. Bemuse arrived with the avant garde trait, but apparently it hasn’t helped her develop her Street Art skill. She was given the artistic trait as well, but that hasn’t had an effect. She’s going into the Stylist career.

Belief is working on logic and has taken a job in Professional Sports.

Belittle is going into Education and is working on logic.

Beloved is working on logic and trying to make her way as a sculptor.

Bemoan is studying gardening. She signed up for the Day Care career, but that hasn’t started yet.

Rex is working as a firefighter and still playing for tips in his spare time. The last 13 houses are going to be expensive.
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