My king is waiting (im)patiently for his queen to max her cooking career so they can bring their first group of Tribblets into Sunset Valley. She is at level 6 of the career, while he has managed to complete all of his requirements, including job maximisation already. So his was standing around the place looking bored. Then I had a brainwave ... I needed something that he can do that doesn't let him stockpile or similar and I decided that the answer to his needs was a set of one armed bandits in their house. He's been using them non-stop during the day time hours, getting in lots of money for the spreading of the tribblets into Sunset Valley for the ultimate takeover of the town. At night? Well that is when he transforms into his werewolf form and goes a hunting for elixir potion ingredients, and bites townsfolk to turn them into his packmates.
So, my point is that Gambling is your friend in Sims 3, if you have the necessary premium content.
Oh, by the way, my king has found that complaining to a lady about how long she is taking to max her career, is almost as dangerous as complaining to a lady about how long it is taking for her to get dressed, and does not recommend doing it, especially if said lady is a genie.