Author Topic: Scarlett's Asylum | Chapter Three - Light My Fire  (Read 8031 times)

Offline notjustabook

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Scarlett's Asylum | Chapter Three - Light My Fire
« on: June 18, 2014, 08:54:40 AM »

Scarlett has her share of problems. Like that time she stole a schoolbus (hey, she made sure there were no children on board!) or her robbing a bank (attempting to rob it, actually) but after years of hard work with psychiatrists, it’s finally looking up. She’s got a chance to prove that she can be a productive member of society – all she has to do is stay at the Vanderburg Mental Institution and get the job she’s always dreamed of, and the doctors will finally believe that she’s perfectly sane.

If only she can keep the voice in her head quiet for long enough to get things done…

This is the first story I’ve written based on the Asylum challenge for the Sims 3. I’m playing by these rules (and I swear it’s a coincidence that the user who posted the rules there is called Scarlett – Scarlett is named after Scarlett O’Hara from Gone with the Wind).

The Vanderburg Mental Facility was downloaded from the Sims 3 Exchange: Soothing Hills Asylum by SavetheTigers7121 – thank you to the user for making it available as I am too lazy to build my own asylum.

I sometimes copy the town to take screenshots for the story elements so that I don’t interfere with the file I’m playing. Other than that, I pretty much play it the way it’s supposed to be played.

Here are Scarlett’s stats:

Scarlett Gryffith:
Insane, Loser, Can’t Stand Art, Athletic, Bookworm.
LTW: Become a Superstar Athlete

Note: for once I'm linking to the chapters on a blog I created. I've wanted to have a blog like that for a while so that I can follow other stories and because I think the layout makes the stories nice to read, I decided to post it there.

Offline Malley

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Prologue - Quiet, Stable, Sane
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2014, 01:20:42 PM »
Yay! Another story from you!  I like the beginning of your asylum challenge.  I haven't seen too many asylum challenge stories, so I shall be reading  :)

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Offline notjustabook

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Prologue - Quiet, Stable, Sane
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 02:13:08 PM »
Yay! Another story from you!  I like the beginning of your asylum challenge.  I haven't seen too many asylum challenge stories, so I shall be reading  :)

Wee, I'm glad you're going to be reading :D And thank you for your kind words!
There aren't that many asylum stories, are there? Perhaps because it's such a short and fairly chaotic challenge. I love it, though - it's so much fun.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Prologue - Quiet, Stable, Sane
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2014, 05:04:39 PM »
On my way to the Asylum now! Uhm... I mean on my way to READ the asylum now  :-[
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline notjustabook

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Prologue - Quiet, Stable, Sane
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2014, 10:36:35 AM »
On my way to the Asylum now! Uhm... I mean on my way to READ the asylum now  :-[

He, he, glad to have you reading along :D

And sorry I haven't updated this much at all. Dramatic stories always take more time than the funny ones (for me, at least).

Offline notjustabook

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Prologue - Quiet, Stable, Sane
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2014, 10:51:44 AM »
Yes, time for a little mayhem!

Time for all the mayhem!

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Offline notjustabook

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Prologue - Quiet, Stable, Sane
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2014, 10:55:54 AM »

Chapter One - Through the Crazy is online!

"Seated on the edge of the bed that wasn’t hers, Scarlett took a deep breath. This was unexpected. This was actually terrible. They expected her to climb to the top of her career when she couldn’t even be sure to get sleep at night?"

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Chapter One - Through the Crazy
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2014, 12:50:07 PM »
I really enjoyed that chapter! You are such a good writer, Louise.

Offline notjustabook

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Chapter One - Through the Crazy
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2014, 02:34:46 PM »
I really enjoyed that chapter! You are such a good writer, Louise.

Thank you so much, Lisa! ^_^

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Chapter One - Through the Crazy
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2014, 01:13:59 AM »
Chapter one was awesome!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Chapter One - Through the Crazy
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2014, 04:56:49 PM »
Wow.  Very different from some of your other stuff I've read, but really good.  I've never read an asylum story before, so I'm pretty intrigued to see how this goes.

Offline notjustabook

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Chapter One - Through the Crazy
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2014, 02:16:04 PM »
Chapter one was awesome!

Thank you Mags :D

Wow.  Very different from some of your other stuff I've read, but really good.  I've never read an asylum story before, so I'm pretty intrigued to see how this goes.

It is quite different, yeah. Not made easier by the fact that the Asylum challenge is fairly short and so it's not always easy to squeeze story elements in there. I'm enjoying the challenge regardless.
Thank you for your kind words ^_^

Offline notjustabook

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Chapter One - Through the Crazy
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2014, 02:19:35 PM »

Chapter Two - Sterner Stuff is online!

"She hated it when the only thing she felt like she could do was talk to Her. But sometimes, She truly was the only one who understood."

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Scarlett's Asylum | Chapter One - Through the Crazy
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2014, 10:00:33 AM »
Yayness! That was super cool! I'm really warming up to the (in)sanity that is Scar and Her...

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

