congrats on your... Um... Oh right, I've given up counting I'm scot-free!
No, I have to try. I think she's your *does addition on fingers and toes* 15th immortal.
*Counts on own fingers and toes* You are correct! In the grand scheme of things, Mo is the 15th immortal.
So so close to the end... I'll miss this dynasty. Congrats for Mo immortality!!!
I loved the scene where Mo was doing serenade in her unders. LOL
My Elders have a thing for walking around all day in their pajamas. Must be nice.
Chapter 45- The Beginning of the EndHello everyone. My name is Shikon and I am the final heir in an Immortal Dynasty. So what exactly does being the final heir entail? Well, quite frankly, it entails a lot.
While the Seventh may love but never marry
the Eighth must go beyond and give up a family
Unfair it seem to live by a destiny that is not theirs,
the Eighth must not neglect the work of the previous heirsThere it is in plain Simlish. My destiny. Sure, it wasn't ideal but I know the others gave up so much for me to be here right now and, with my help, they could get everything they lost back. I may not know the exact lengths the other Elders went to to ensure that I would one day be here, but I do know what my Mom and Dad gave up for me to be here. They gave up an opportunity to be together and to be happy. I know my Mom says that she and Dad are technically "together" and she says they're happy, but I know how much she wants to be with him. I wished he was here too. Don't get me wrong, I love my family. I have the best grandparents ever, no contest. But it would be nice to live in a house with my Mom and my Dad and they would be there as I eventually found the love of my life and got married, had kids, etc. The only problem is that I'm the 8th heir and I have to give all that up. Did I really want to? No. Was I going to? Absolutely. I owe it to my family, especially my Mom.
Speaking of family, here's Grandma Mizu and me playing some SimCity.

Now that I was getting older, the some of the grandparents were becoming sort of secretive. I was completely in the dark as to what was going on and anytime I'd ask someone, they'd tell me to not worry about it and to just focus on my requirements. I did spy Grandma H outside on the patio quite often, working at the chemistry table. I have no idea what she could possibly be concocting.

Whatever she was making, Grandma H seemed pretty pleased with the result.

Grandma Rena was also acting strangely. She set up an easel outside near the cherry trees and flowers that Grandma H and Grandpa DD planted. Grandma Rena would call over one Elder per day and paint their portrait. I was confused when I saw this because I thought that they all had their museum pieces done.

Grandma ChaCha painted Grandma Rena's portrait too.

Again, they told me not to worry about it. Since I was a teenager, I could usually get away with just shrugging my shoulders and then going upstairs to my room. But those days were soon over as I was suddenly ready to grow up into a Young Adult. We held my birthday that weekend.

I aged up with my Dad's hair again. That always made Mom and me smile.

I contemplated maybe leaving my hair like my Dad's but ultimately decided against it. I did keep my hair on the longer side though, in honor of him.

After I got changed in my new duds, it was down to the art studio with Grandma Rena for my YA pieces. Three down, two to go.

For my birthday, Mom had a surprise for me: we were going to China! I was pretty excited because this would be my first time ever travelling abroad. Mom was excited too because she had never been to China either. Grandma ChaCha came with us because she had a Level 3 Visa and could extend our vacation to quite a few days.

Now that I was a YA, the real work for me was just beginning and I had to get to work on my requirements. I was relieved to be on vacation right now so that I had some time to think about exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I always loved writing, so I knew that I wanted that to be my supermax. However, when I thought about what career I wanted to do, I drew a blank. Grandma H told me that her Dad was a famous director in Twinbrook. I could maybe do that. I could even write scripts and direct movies for my Mom! It was a possibility but I was not sure if it was right for me. I fired up the video game system and played some games while I thought about what I wanted to do.

Even though it would be really fun, I didn't want to waste my entire vacation just playing video games. I sat down in front of the computer and decided to start working on my stories. I thought about ideas for what I could write about when it hit me: my family. Everything that they had been through would make for an awesome story! I immediately got to work on my first novel:
The Sakura Immortals.

I spent the remainder of my vacation glued to the computer. The words just flowed. I finished
The Sakura Immortals and immediately got to work on documenting the trials and tribulations, the love and the loss, and the smiles and sadness of all of the immortals. I started with Grandma H and was going to make my way down.
Vacation came to an end faster than I thought and it was time for all of us to return home. As we were being driven home from the airport, I received a call from a video game company. They said that I had become a pretty big influence in the Nerd community and that my books were great reads. I thanked them and they asked me if I wanted to come work for them. I always loved playing video games, so I said yes! I told Mom and she was so happy for me. I called my Dad that night too and told him about the job offer. He said that he was proud of me.
To celebrate my new job and the success of my first couple of books, Granda Ori, who had decided to take up the Mixology skill, tried to whip up some juice for us so we could toast to my good fortune.

He didn't seem too pleased with whatever he created, though...