Author Topic: The Sakura Immortals: Epilogue- Looking to the Future (Oct 10)- COMPLETE  (Read 94077 times)

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 43- Superstar Actress (Sept 12)
« Reply #150 on: September 12, 2014, 04:32:06 PM »
Now, I really am about to cry. I'm going to miss my generational room-scan. At least the LSD can fill the void.

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 43- Superstar Actress (Sept 12)
« Reply #151 on: September 14, 2014, 01:44:06 PM »
Now, I really am about to cry. I'm going to miss my generational room-scan. At least the LSD can fill the void.

Yep.  With the rolled traits each heir has, it keeps me guessing too.  I have no idea sometimes what I want them to do.  I always had a plan with the Sakura's so it's interesting to say the least  :o

Chapter 44- A Fabulous Farewell

Shikon got on the Honor roll pretty quickly in school and we were all very proud of him.  He made some friends and ended up going with a group of them to prom.  Shikon, in Sakura family tradition, was named Prom King.  Of course, there was no one better suited for the crown than my son, so his classmates made the right decision.  But that's just one Mom's opinion  ;)

Now that I was done with my requirements, I had a lot more free time on my hands, which I spent brushing up on my guitar playing.  I always had an audience to serenade in this household.

Shikon and I made sure to spend some time together during the weekend, at least, when I could tear him away from his computer.  He wasn't a fan of the outdoors but I enticed him by promising to teach him how to drive. 

Shikon passed his driver's test and got his license!  I was so proud of him.  He was happy that he could now drive himself to school everyday.  When we came home, everyone was up to their usual antics.  Grandma Mizu had some good news, though: she maxed the painting skill.

Before I went to bed that evening, I had an important phone call to make.  I called up Michael to invite him over for my birthday tomorrow.  I had to admit: I was not looking forward to this next birthday.  I was going to be...old.  Old and wrinkly.  Ugh.  But I did promise my family that I would do this and become immortal.  So, bright and early the next morning, Michael came over to help us celebrate my Elder birthday.  Michael, always being so wonderful, brought us a plate of sweets to share.

Michael cheered me on as I prepared myself to take this final step to reaching my immortality.  I closed my eyes and stepped up to the cake.

Please don't let me have wrinkles...

Oh's happening...I'm turning...OLD!

Back pain already?!

I make old age look good  ;)

Michael immediately pulled me into his arms and assured me that I was just as beautiful as ever.

As sweet as that was to hear, I was not going to stand around in that outfit and with grey hair all day, so I ran out quickly excused myself from the room and went to go fix myself.  While I was away, Shikon used the opportunity to spend some quality time with his Dad.

I know that they talked to each other on the phone all the time but there was nothing like actually spending time with someone.  Shikon told Michael all about what was going on in his life.

Michael and Shikon were happy to get to spend some quality time together.

As for me, I had dyed my hair back to its natural color and found an outfit that was much more me.

I grabbed Grandma Rena and dragged her up to the art studio so I could get my final museum pieces done.

Once that was finished, I took my seat at the dining room table with the other Elders.  I was ready to have my first plate of Ambrosia and officially become immortal.

As a superstar actress, I had been awarded the Sim Choice Award, the Green Orb Award and even the Simmy for Best Actress.  None of those awards were as meaningful to me as the award I got from Grandma H when I became immortal: a deathflower.  I did it.  I was now immortal.

The curtain on my time as the active heir was now drawing to a close and it was time for me to bow off the stage and had over the spotlight to my son as he carried us all to the finish line.

Stay fabulous,

Mo Sakura

Generation 7- The Seventh Immortal

Name: Momoiro "Mo" Sakura
Lifetime Wish: Superstar Actress
Career: Film- Actress Branch
Supermax Skill: Charisma
Other Skills: Guitar
Building: Sakura Movie Studios
Property: Cherry Tree Art Park
3 Lifetime Rewards: Observant, Office Hero, Attractive
6 Black Ops:

Research Project
Lots of Drama
Best Food in Town
Background Acting
Broadway Cameo
Emergency Interviewer

6 Best Friends:

Oriibuiro Sakura
Darcy Corona
Sean Comer
Jeanette Ashby
Quinton Pereria
Erwin Link

Traits: Friendly, Excitable, Good Sense of Humor, Charismatic, Star Quality
Favorite Color: Irish Green
Immortality Achieved at Age: 69

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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 44- A Fabulous Farewell (Sept 14)
« Reply #152 on: September 14, 2014, 03:06:09 PM »
congrats on your... Um... Oh right, I've given up counting I'm scot-free!

No, I have to try. I think she's your *does addition on fingers and toes* 15th immortal.

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 44- A Fabulous Farewell (Sept 14)
« Reply #153 on: September 14, 2014, 05:08:16 PM »
So so close to the end... I'll miss this dynasty.  Congrats for Mo immortality!!!

I loved the scene where Mo was doing serenade in her unders. LOL

Offline Malley

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 44- A Fabulous Farewell (Sept 14)
« Reply #154 on: September 16, 2014, 11:26:53 AM »
congrats on your... Um... Oh right, I've given up counting I'm scot-free!

No, I have to try. I think she's your *does addition on fingers and toes* 15th immortal.

*Counts on own fingers and toes* You are correct!  In the grand scheme of things, Mo is the 15th immortal.

So so close to the end... I'll miss this dynasty.  Congrats for Mo immortality!!!

I loved the scene where Mo was doing serenade in her unders. LOL

My Elders have a thing for walking around all day in their pajamas.  Must be nice.

Chapter 45- The Beginning of the End

Hello everyone.  My name is Shikon and I am the final heir in an Immortal Dynasty.  So what exactly does being the final heir entail?  Well, quite frankly, it entails a lot. 

While the Seventh may love but never marry
the Eighth must go beyond and give up a family
Unfair it seem to live by a destiny that is not theirs,
the Eighth must not neglect the work of the previous heirs

There it is in plain Simlish.  My destiny.  Sure, it wasn't ideal but I know the others gave up so much for me to be here right now and, with my help, they could get everything they lost back.  I may not know the exact lengths the other Elders went to to ensure that I would one day be here, but I do know what my Mom and Dad gave up for me to be here.  They gave up an opportunity to be together and to be happy.  I know my Mom says that she and Dad are technically "together" and she says they're happy, but I know how much she wants to be with him.  I wished he was here too.  Don't get me wrong, I love my family.  I have the best grandparents ever, no contest.  But it would be nice to live in a house with my Mom and my Dad and they would be there as I eventually found the love of my life and got married, had kids, etc.  The only problem is that I'm the 8th heir and I have to give all that up.  Did I really want to?  No.  Was I going to?  Absolutely.  I owe it to my family, especially my Mom.

Speaking of family, here's Grandma Mizu and me playing some SimCity.

Now that I was getting older, the some of the grandparents were becoming sort of secretive.  I was completely in the dark as to what was going on and anytime I'd ask someone, they'd tell me to not worry about it and to just focus on my requirements.  I did spy Grandma H outside on the patio quite often, working at the chemistry table.  I have no idea what she could possibly be concocting.

Whatever she was making, Grandma H seemed pretty pleased with the result.

Grandma Rena was also acting strangely.  She set up an easel outside near the cherry trees and flowers that Grandma H and Grandpa DD planted.  Grandma Rena would call over one Elder per day and paint their portrait.  I was confused when I saw this because I thought that they all had their museum pieces done. 

Grandma ChaCha painted Grandma Rena's portrait too.

Again, they told me not to worry about it.  Since I was a teenager, I could usually get away with just shrugging my shoulders and then going upstairs to my room.  But those days were soon over as I was suddenly ready to grow up into a Young Adult.  We held my birthday that weekend.

I aged up with my Dad's hair again.  That always made Mom and me smile.

I contemplated maybe leaving my hair like my Dad's but ultimately decided against it.  I did keep my hair on the longer side though, in honor of him.

After I got changed in my new duds, it was down to the art studio with Grandma Rena for my YA pieces.  Three down, two to go.

For my birthday, Mom had a surprise for me: we were going to China!  I was pretty excited because this would be my first time ever travelling abroad.  Mom was excited too because she had never been to China either.  Grandma ChaCha came with us because she had a Level 3 Visa and could extend our vacation to quite a few days.

Now that I was a YA, the real work for me was just beginning and I had to get to work on my requirements.  I was relieved to be on vacation right now so that I had some time to think about exactly what I wanted to do with my life.  I always loved writing, so I knew that I wanted that to be my supermax.  However, when I thought about what career I wanted to do, I drew a blank.  Grandma H told me that her Dad was a famous director in Twinbrook.  I could maybe do that.  I could even write scripts and direct movies for my Mom!  It was a possibility but I was not sure if it was right for me.  I fired up the video game system and played some games while I thought about what I wanted to do.

Even though it would be really fun, I didn't want to waste my entire vacation just playing video games.  I sat down in front of the computer and decided to start working on my stories.  I thought about ideas for what I could write about when it hit me: my family.  Everything that they had been through would make for an awesome story!  I immediately got to work on my first novel: The Sakura Immortals.

I spent the remainder of my vacation glued to the computer.  The words just flowed.  I finished The Sakura Immortals and immediately got to work on documenting the trials and tribulations, the love and the loss, and the smiles and sadness of all of the immortals.  I started with Grandma H and was going to make my way down.

Vacation came to an end faster than I thought and it was time for all of us to return home.  As we were being driven home from the airport, I received a call from a video game company.  They said that I had become a pretty big influence in the Nerd community and that my books were great reads.  I thanked them and they asked me if I wanted to come work for them.  I always loved playing video games, so I said yes!  I told Mom and she was so happy for me.  I called my Dad that night too and told him about the job offer.  He said that he was proud of me. 

To celebrate my new job and the success of my first couple of books, Granda Ori, who had decided to take up the Mixology skill, tried to whip up some juice for us so we could toast to my good fortune. 

He didn't seem too pleased with whatever he created, though...

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 45- The Beginning of the End (Sept 16)
« Reply #155 on: September 16, 2014, 01:44:36 PM »
Wow, Shikon is a hottie! If his story is half as good as this one, it will be a bestseller!
Congrats Mo on her immortality, she sure did make old age look good! :D
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline KRae

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 45- The Beginning of the End (Sept 16)
« Reply #156 on: September 16, 2014, 02:00:25 PM »
You're getting so close to the end. I'm planning on using writing as a supermax for my last heir as well, but not as a career. Never as a career.

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 45- The Beginning of the End (Sept 16)
« Reply #157 on: September 16, 2014, 02:12:57 PM »
I used to fear writing as a career, but I did it in two dynasties and it could have been worse. I've never finished the Video Game Designer career, though I haven't tried hard with it either. Go Shikon! I like his new makeover.
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Offline CeresIn

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 45- The Beginning of the End (Sept 16)
« Reply #158 on: September 16, 2014, 04:12:30 PM »
I am also thinking of using writing as my last skill, but that is still far, I still need to make Ambar reaches immortality. :P

You have left me intrigued with the secret of the elders. We'll see what will come of it, I'm sure you are planing a great end to this great story. ;D

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 45- The Beginning of the End (Sept 16)
« Reply #159 on: September 16, 2014, 06:49:33 PM »
*Counts on own fingers and toes* You are correct!  In the grand scheme of things, Mo is the 15th immortal.
Speaking of the grand scheme of things, I am going to start counting your LSD immortals. Wish me good luck!

Wow, Shikon is a hottie! If his story is half as good as this one, it will be a bestseller!
Congrats Mo on her immortality, she sure did make old age look good! :D
Plot twist! I think we are already reading the bestseller. The book and this Dynasty Story can't have the same name without a good reason.

I have no idea what the paintings are for, but I think that Hario's (Probably didn't get that name right) potion was a young-again potion.

Offline Malley

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 45- The Beginning of the End (Sept 16)
« Reply #160 on: September 18, 2014, 11:03:10 AM »
Wow, Shikon is a hottie! If his story is half as good as this one, it will be a bestseller!
Congrats Mo on her immortality, she sure did make old age look good! :D

Thanks butterfly  ;D

You're getting so close to the end. I'm planning on using writing as a supermax for my last heir as well, but not as a career. Never as a career.

I used to fear writing as a career, but I did it in two dynasties and it could have been worse. I've never finished the Video Game Designer career, though I haven't tried hard with it either. Go Shikon! I like his new makeover.

I tried doing the writer career for one of my heirs in my first lifestates dynasty.  I did manage to complete it, but that was such a hassle.  She would publish best seller after best seller and would hardly make a dent in the progress bar. 

As for the video gamer career, I like it.  I think it's actually a pretty easy career track.  One of my sims would get promoted just about everyday, which was a huge perk for a dynasty career.

I am also thinking of using writing as my last skill, but that is still far, I still need to make Ambar reaches immortality. :P

You have left me intrigued with the secret of the elders. We'll see what will come of it, I'm sure you are planing a great end to this great story. ;D

I am a sucker for happy endings so there will definitely be one in this story.

Speaking of the grand scheme of things, I am going to start counting your LSD immortals. Wish me good luck!
Plot twist! I think we are already reading the bestseller. The book and this Dynasty Story can't have the same name without a good reason.

I have no idea what the paintings are for, but I think that Hario's (Probably didn't get that name right) potion was a young-again potion.

Speaking of my lifestates, if you want a challenge, you could count my original lifestates dynasty members just like you would count the original eight immortals  :o

I will only say this: you are right on one of your guesses.  Which one, I won't say  ;)

Chapter 46- Forbidden Love

Being the final heir, I wasn't allowed to get married and have a family.  However, that did not mean that I couldn't fall in love.  I was on my way home from work one day and I happened to meet a wonderful woman.  She and I chatted for hours, getting to know each other, not wanting to leave and go home.  As the sun went down, she and I exchanged phone numbers.  I went home, smiling from ear to ear.  Grandpa Ori noticed my expression and asked me about it.  I could hardly contain my excitement and told him all about what happened.

I asked him what to do.  Grandpa Ori told me to follow my heart but don't forget my duty to the dynasty.

The next morning, I decided to go for it.  I called her up and she agreed to come over.  I showered and got dressed as fast as I could and ignored the confused look on the Elders' faces as I literally ran out of the house to meet her.  Her name was Jeanna Grimes.

We talked for a while, just like did the night before. 

But then, I decided to go for it.

Jeanna seemed stunned at first.  Did I make a mistake by kissing her?  Did she not feel the spark between us?  Did she only want to be friends?

I was so relieved when she pulled me into her arms.

Yes, it was forbidden love, but that wasn't going to stop me.  I presented Jeanna with some flowers.

Grandpa Ori's words floated around in my head as I spent time with Jeanna.  Before things went any further, I made sure to explain all about the dynasty and my role as the final heir.  We could never get married and we could never have a family while the dynasty rules were in place.  Jeanna listened quietly while I explained everything to her.  She stayed quiet for a few minutes afterward.  The few minutes she was silent seemed like an eternity to me, the seconds ticking away agonizingly slowly.  But then she smiled.  And nodded.  And said that didn't matter.  That she wanted to be with me regardless.  And that she would wait for me until the dynasty was over so we could have our chance at happiness.  I was stunned.  I asked her to be my girlfriend; the most official we could make our relationship while in the dynasty.

She said yes.

I wanted to commemorate this day somehow.  Jeanna and I decided to get some photos from the photo booth to have as a keepsake as our first day together.

But that's not all the fun with the photo booth that we had  ;)

I was horrified at the photos that came out of that.  The Elders would have a heart attack if they saw those...

Over the next few days, I just spent all of my time, smiling.  I was happy.  I was smiling even while listening to Grandma ChaCha ramble on about Logic.

But a swift Grandma Mizu roundhouse kick to the head knocked me back to my senses.  I told the family about Jeanna and they said that they were so excited for me.  Grandma H told me that, with any luck, there could be a chance that Jeanna and I could be together.  I desperately hoped that she was right.  Grandma Mizu reminded me that my happiness-everyone's happiness for that matter-was resting on the completion of my requirements.  If there was ever a doubt in my mind, it was now gone.

From that moment on, I did everything in my power to complete my requirements.  When I received a call to take some pictures of the pyramids in Egypt, I hopped on the next plane to Al Simhara.

I got my pictures in a snap and took the remainder of my vacation to complete some opportunities.  Grandma H told me that Grandpa Hiller had tried to get a Level 3 Visa in Egypt, but only got to Level 2.  I did some quests and got to Level 1 at the end of my trip.

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 46- Forbidden Love (Sept 18)
« Reply #161 on: September 18, 2014, 12:09:18 PM »
He found another redhead! What is it with your dynasty? ::)
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Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 46- Forbidden Love (Sept 18)
« Reply #162 on: September 18, 2014, 05:08:52 PM »
He found another redhead! What is it with your dynasty? ::)
Redheads are epic!

Glad Shikon could find his happy ending after all.

Okay, I accept your challenge. 15+8=23 immortals.

Offline Malley

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 46- Forbidden Love (Sept 18)
« Reply #163 on: September 20, 2014, 11:21:20 AM »
He found another redhead! What is it with your dynasty? ::)

They have a secret plot to take over Appoloosa Plains I guess  :o

Redheads are epic!

Glad Shikon could find his happy ending after all.

Okay, I accept your challenge. 15+8=23 immortals.

Shikon's got things going for him but Mo might not...

Chapter 47- Unexpected Loss

After I completed my opportunity in Al Simhara, I had fun taking on some missions and adventures from the locals.

I also had time to explore some tombs.

I was just amazed at some of the places I uncovered.  It was just unbelievable!  (Shikon has the best 'amazed' face I've ever seen)

I also came across some flame fruit bushes in one of the tombs I explored.  I made sure to harvest those for Grandma H and Grandpa DD.  I'm sure they'd enjoy having some new plants in their garden beside money trees and life fruits.

(Here's one more shot of Shikon's amazed face for your enjoyment)

I really enjoyed my time in Egypt.  I only got to Level 1 Visa on this trip, though.  Who knows, maybe I'll come back one day and continue working on my Visa level so we could purchase a house here too.

It was time to return back home before I knew it.  Things went back to normal pretty quickly.  Everyone was off to work and when we came home, we worked on skills.  The Elders practiced their music and I worked on my novels.  One night, however, Mom got a call from Dad asking her out to meet him.  He said he really, really needed to see her.  Mom and Dad would go out together a lot, so it really didn't seem unusual at the time.  Mom was surprised, however, to see that Dad had aged into an Elder.

It was soon apparent why Dad desperately wanted to see Mom on this night.

Dad begged Grim for more time.  We were so close!  Just a little while longer and he could see the dynasty reach its goal!  But Grim wasn't having any of it. 

Mom was just stunned.  She went to grab Dad's grave to bring him home, but his grave disappeared.  Mom panicked and called Grandpa Ori, asking him what to do.  He suggested going to the cemetery to see if she could find his grave there.  I'm sure Mom broke every speed limit flooring it across town to the cemetery.

But no luck.  Dad was gone.  Mom was utterly heartbroken.

Rest assured Dad, I'll make you proud.

A note from Mo Sakura

I am so mad at you Michael.  We were so close to making it to the end of the dynasty and we would have a chance to finally be together.  How dare you leave me now! 

...I'm sorry, I know it's not your fault.  I know that you loved me and that, out of everyone you could be with at the end, you chose me.  I kept hoping that I would never get this notebook back once I handed it off to Shikon because getting it back only meant one thing...that you were gone.  Unlike my Mom, I don't know how you're going to come back.  I don't even know if you can come back.  I can't lose you, Michael.  I love you too much.  Shikon loves you too much.  I will find a way to bring you back to us.  To me.  You hear me, Michael?  I WILL bring you back.  You know me, once I set my mind to something, nothing will stop me.  Not even death.  Love, Mo

RIP Michael Romero, gone way too fast

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Re: The Sakura Immortals: Chapter 47- Unexpected Loss (Sept 20)
« Reply #164 on: September 20, 2014, 11:36:14 AM »
Awwww... I feel for Mo, it's sad losing a loved one.

