Author Topic: The Immortal Fairy: Greener Gardens  (Read 33855 times)

Offline KhaineGB

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The Immortal Fairy: Greener Gardens
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:00:51 PM »
This is my first ever attempt at a Sims 3 story. I'm using a pre-existing character that has been split off from her main household and moved to an entirely new town. Anna Watkins is a Fairy that purchased the Age Freeze potion LTR after completing the Heartbreaker LTW. Thanks to the suggestion from a forum member, I am planning to have Anna go through every single LTW the game has to offer. All going well, each one will be a separate chapter.

I'm not 100% sure on how much discussion is allowed within story threads, but I would love some constructive criticism and will answer any questions regarding Anna or the game... but not my plans. ;) With that said, here's the beginning...


There was nothing wrong with the town of Roaring Heights. It was picturesque, quiet and the perfect place to raise a family.  For siblings Matt and Anna, it seemed to be the perfect place for them to live out their lives after leaving the family home. Unfortunately for Anna, there was no such thing as a natural life. While her brother was a Witch, she was a rather rare Fairy, one with a ‘gift’ of being immune to aging.

She knew that her kind aged slower than mortals, but the nature of her gift wasn’t present until much later. Anna saw her brother get married, have kids, and both him and his spouse die on the same day from old age. Her niece and nephew also grew old and died, leaving behind a single child. So much loss and grief weighed heavily on the immortals heart, which even drinking at the bar couldn’t solve. Once her great niece was old enough to live alone, Anna took her laptop, a small amount of cash and left the family home.

No destination was in her mind, but upon setting her silver eyes on Bridgeport, the Fairy knew she’d found her new start.

With only 30,000 simoleans and her laptop, Anna knew she had to be rather picky about where to live. Part of her was tempted to move straight into one of the high rise buildings, since there would be a lot of people in close proximity, but she wasn’t quite ready to deal with that yet. Instead, she opted for a small house on the outskirts of the city. It was close enough for her to mix with people when she felt like it, but far enough for solitude when required.

Anna was home, and now she had to decide what to do with her immortal life. Setting up a little nest egg seemed like a good start.

Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2014, 01:09:44 AM »
I'm so glad that you chose to use that idea! I like your writing so far and good luck.

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Offline KhaineGB

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2014, 01:43:10 AM »
I loved the idea! It's certainly not something I would have thought of. :)

Should be a nice, long game. I already have her next two planned out, the LTW that has a higher cash requirement (I think it's Living in the Lap of Luxury) and the one that requires you to be celebrity level 5 (She managed to hit level 3 already today, the how will be revealed later).

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 04:11:45 AM »
This sounds very interesting.  I'll be reading.
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
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Offline KhaineGB

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2014, 03:52:24 PM »
The first day and night of Anna’s new life in Bridgeport were mostly boring, but productive. Picking a house on the edge of the city was certainly a wise choice, as it meant no-one came to welcome her while she got everything in order. Buying new furniture and setting everything up where she want took most of the day, leaving the Fairy with only enough time to serve up a meal, put the leftovers away, grab a shower and then head to bed for some much needed sleep.

And it was the best night’s sleep she’d had in a long time.

Rising bright and early the next morning, Anna knew that she had more important things that needed to be dealt with. Breakfast was the most important, so she grabbed a bowl of left over mac & cheese from the fridge, and soon cursed the fact that her new home came with… a pretty poor fridge. Maybe spending money on a better fridge and cooker would have been wise instead of a flat screen TV. Anna simply shrugged while she ate her food, figuring she could deal with the taste of fridge for a while until she made some extra cash. Of course, making money required writing a book, and that needed an idea.

Back in Roaring Heights, Anna found that her sci-fi novels used to sell fairly well, along with trashy ones. It was a sci-fi idea that popped into her head, and so the Fairy headed straight to her laptop to make a start on her new masterpiece.

Of course, writing could be quite taxing, and having a little fun would certainly be a wise idea. Anna got a good chunk of her book finished and decided to grab a nap. She was feeling a little better after a good night’s sleep, so maybe investigating the night life of Bridgeport would help. A couple of hours later, she awoke from her nap and popped to the bathroom to freshen up before heading out into the city. She didn’t really know where to go, so the taxi driver recommended she try a dance club known as ‘The Grind.’ Anna enjoyed dancing, and drinking, so she took his advice and headed straight there.

Once inside the club, she took a few moments to watch the people dancing and familiarizing herself with the place. She noticed that the mixologist seemed to be struggling a little taking orders, and that was an area the Fairy was quite accomplished in.  So, she offered to help out… and quickly proved popular with the customers.

The night proved to be a busy one, with Anna meeting many new people and making a good hundred simoleans in tips. She worked until the club closed, going home, slinging some laundry in the machine and going to bed. The night hadn’t been quite as fun as she hoped, but at least she met some new people.

Offline Malley

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2014, 04:08:47 PM »
Nice start.  Anna certainly seems to have a tremendous task ahead of her!  Going through every LTW seems like it would be tricky, but fun.  Plus, you'll be prepared for whatever a future dynasty or legacy may throw at you :)  Good luck, Anna!

Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2014, 08:25:39 PM »
What EPs do you have? Read: how many LTWs are there to fufill?

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Offline KhaineGB

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2014, 09:13:59 PM »
Every. Single. One.

I will be at this for a very long time. Good thing she took an Age Freeze potion!

Offline KhaineGB

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2014, 10:21:33 AM »
A surprise awaited Anna the next morning, and not the type that makes a person happy and puts a spring in their step for the rest of the day. The fairy got up, went for her morning shower and found the washing machine had leaked all over the floor. Irritated, she gave it a good kick, then literally hopped to the shower as kicking a machine bare-foot isn't wise. She got about her typical morning routine of finishing her shower, grabbing some leftovers from the fridge and then fixed the infernal washing machine before slinging the clothes in the dryer.

Checking her mail, Anna found a secret admirer letter from a man named Larry, probably one of the people she’d served the night before. That was nice, and certainly cheered her up, but she wasn't interested right now. Instead, she worked her magic on all those people she’d met the night before.

All sixteen people gained a new best friend, and Anna gained sixteen best friends herself. That had the interesting side effect of making her a celebrity. She hadn’t realized some of the people she met last night were famous, being far more concerned with serving good drinks rather than recognizing faces. The rest of her day was spent quietly, sitting in her room and working on her book more.

But in the evening, there was a surprise visitor.

Alexy Fresco, a stunning young man she’d met the night before, decided to pop over for a visit. Even though Anna invited him in, the two ended up talking about everything and nothing on the porch. Both sims appeared to be interested in each other, but they kept the chat friendly and only went their separate ways at 4am. Alexy went home, Anna went to bed.

Thursday was crunch day. Anna wanted to get her book finished in time for the weekend so that nice royalty check would arrive. But Alexy had been invading her dreams and on her mind, something would need to be done about that!

Once the letter was mailed off, Anna could finally concentrate. She got her usual morning chores done and then retired to her bedroom, finishing the book fairly quickly and leaving her the rest of the day to just relax with some computer games.

What she didn't expect was a visitor at 10pm! Katrina Pala, a local celebrity, turned up.

Of course, Anna invited her in and the two women sat watching the TV, generally chatting and getting to know each other better until the small hours of the morning. Katrina went home, Anna went to bed. Tomorrow would be Friday… the weekend… party time!

Offline Malley

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2014, 12:24:50 PM »
The part about Anna kicking the washing machine and then having to hop into the shower was too funny :)  Nice to see Anna get some love with Alexy.  Hopefully he'll be making more appearances as the story progresses *crosses fingers*

Offline KhaineGB

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2014, 12:40:25 PM »
That's my hope. :) She apparently wants to go on a date with him so I intended to organise that for her the next day (which is leisure day).

Instead she ended up at the festival, followed by one of the lounges.

Offline KhaineGB

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2014, 06:03:28 PM »
Ahhhh, Leisure day. A time to sit back and do… well… nothing!

The left-overs Anna had made a few days ago had gone bad now, so she threw them away and decided to treat herself to a meal at the Bistro. But she needed to check her mail first. Maybe Alexy had gotten back to her by now?

No response, but then Anna realized the post person would have collected it today, so she was being a little hasty. There was a complimentary copy of her book though, which she took inside and placed on the bookshelf. Going to the Bistro meant she’d need to look smart, so the Fairy changed into her formalwear and then caught a taxi to the establishment.

It was quiet and the food was good. That was all she really wanted. With hunger sated, the young woman decided to check out the local festival and see if anything was going on. A few people were there, but the skating ring was free. Anna used to enjoy skating with her brother, so she figured a few laps around the rink would be nice.

Soon enough, the Fairy was bored of that. Another local celebrity had been spotted, and since she was now included in their ranks, Anna thought it might be a good idea to go and say hello.

The chap was Reuben Littler, who apparently found young Anna rather attractive. She wasn’t very impressed with him, so they just chatted, learnt about each other and eventually became good friends. It was dark soon though, which meant it was time to hit the bar as far as the Fairy was concerned. This time, she decided to try The Prosper Room, an actual lounge rather than a dive bar or a club. First point of business, get a drink!

Being a celebrity means having to deal with an agent. Even though it was 11pm, Anna received a call from said agent, a fact she wasn’t very impressed about.

Anna: “Hello?”
Agent: “Hey Anna! It’s your agent! Listen, I’ve had a really good…”
Anna: “Stop right there. Do you realize what TIME it is? I’m trying to get juiced here!”
Agent: “Yeah, yeah, it’s late. You answered didn’t you? Now listen, you need to hit the gym…”
Anna: “Waitaminute… are you calling me fat?!”
Agent: “Not at all! You’re gorgeous. You know it. I know it. The people know it. That’s the problem, cameras… cameras everywhere.”
Anna: “…go on…”
Agent: “So you need to STAY in shape. Those paparazzi will try their hardest to get a bad photo of you, plaster it everywhere and ruin your image, just to make some money. Trust me, hit the gym tomorrow.”
Anna: “Ok, ok… You have a point. I’ll go as soon as I get up.”
Agent: “That’s my rising star!” *click*

There was a long sigh from the Fairy, and she spent the rest of the night just dancing the night away, going home to sleep only when the venue shut and she was kicked out.

Offline nullifidian

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2014, 08:20:24 PM »
I like this story and idea. You take some really nice screen shots. I'll be following this one.

Offline KhaineGB

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2014, 08:27:42 PM »
Thanks! You can thank Lisa46 for the story idea... it was her suggestion. :)

I'm still trying to get the hang of good screenshots, but I've been using the guide on here, taking them at 1600x900 (My laptop's native resolution) and then scaling them down. Photobucket already partially scales them down so they end up at 800x400-and-something. I think I still have some learning to do though.

Should be another story part tomorrow... hopefully. Got a ton more shots and a couple of sim-days play time. But... eh... cat to the vet and I'm expecting bad news... so it may not happen.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Immortal Fairy: Swimming in Cash
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2014, 04:12:50 AM »
Poor Anna.  That agent will be the bane of her existence if she keeps answering the phone.  ::)  I'm really enjoying this KhaineGB!
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

