Ahhhh, Leisure day. A time to sit back and do… well… nothing!
The left-overs Anna had made a few days ago had gone bad now, so she threw them away and decided to treat herself to a meal at the Bistro. But she needed to check her mail first. Maybe Alexy had gotten back to her by now?
No response, but then Anna realized the post person would have collected it today, so she was being a little hasty. There was a complimentary copy of her book though, which she took inside and placed on the bookshelf. Going to the Bistro meant she’d need to look smart, so the Fairy changed into her formalwear and then caught a taxi to the establishment.
It was quiet and the food was good. That was all she really wanted. With hunger sated, the young woman decided to check out the local festival and see if anything was going on. A few people were there, but the skating ring was free. Anna used to enjoy skating with her brother, so she figured a few laps around the rink would be nice.
Soon enough, the Fairy was bored of that. Another local celebrity had been spotted, and since she was now included in their ranks, Anna thought it might be a good idea to go and say hello.
The chap was Reuben Littler, who apparently found young Anna rather attractive. She wasn’t very impressed with him, so they just chatted, learnt about each other and eventually became good friends. It was dark soon though, which meant it was time to hit the bar as far as the Fairy was concerned. This time, she decided to try The Prosper Room, an actual lounge rather than a dive bar or a club. First point of business, get a drink!
Being a celebrity means having to deal with an agent. Even though it was 11pm, Anna received a call from said agent, a fact she wasn’t very impressed about.
Anna: “Hello?”
Agent: “Hey Anna! It’s your agent! Listen, I’ve had a really good…”
Anna: “Stop right there. Do you realize what TIME it is? I’m trying to get juiced here!”
Agent: “Yeah, yeah, it’s late. You answered didn’t you? Now listen, you need to hit the gym…”
Anna: “Waitaminute… are you calling me fat?!”
Agent: “Not at all! You’re gorgeous. You know it. I know it. The people know it. That’s the problem, cameras… cameras everywhere.”
Anna: “…go on…”
Agent: “So you need to STAY in shape. Those paparazzi will try their hardest to get a bad photo of you, plaster it everywhere and ruin your image, just to make some money. Trust me, hit the gym tomorrow.”
Anna: “Ok, ok… You have a point. I’ll go as soon as I get up.”
Agent: “That’s my rising star!” *click*
There was a long sigh from the Fairy, and she spent the rest of the night just dancing the night away, going home to sleep only when the venue shut and she was kicked out.