The mystical sisters continued their efforts.Sleipnir: I'm having oh so very much fun.
Fennie: It's raining, tiny plant. That's right, I am a rain goddess!!
Midy: Yes, plumbing service? I want to learn handiness, but my toilet won't break. Do you have any suggestions? Hello?
And Hel was also seeking advice.Hel: Hold on, Flint, are you saying no one else runs around town wearing armor? So, that makes me look conspicuous and less approachable? I think I can deal with this.
Hel: Okay, Hugi, how do I blend in with this strange, mortal society?
Hugi: I think I can handle this. Stand sstill.
Hel: Wait, what..?
Meantime, Fennie completely ignored her father's instructions to never leave the property and went out to gather seeds.While she was there, she met Pip Goodfellow.Fennie: You smell fertile. I should introduce you to my sister.
Pip: I'm sorry, what?
The aforementioned sister was showing off her new fashions to her seduction mentor.Hel: So?
Flint: That's great. Well, halfway great, but progress.
Hel: Should we head back to your place and you can teach me how to do that whole lovemaking thing?
Flint: Umm, I really can't. I'm a married man with about 15 children. I can't do that to my family.
Hel: Oh. Well, I could do that to your family. Does that count?
Flint: No.
He did, however, take her to the Toadstool to work on her socializing.Following that, he took her to the park, though she was distracted from socializing.Hel: Squee!! I have the Bifrost Bridge...ON MY FACE!!!!
And back at the house, Sleipnir finally made it out of her room.Sleipnir: Why is our food in the shape of the letter "L?"
Midy: Well, dad's name
is Loki!
Sleipnir: So, it's a mistake and that's your excuse?
Midy: ...yes.
But Fennie inviting a fairy fellow over was no mistake.Pip: What a strange-looking house...
Hel applied her fantastic powers of seduction, though not exactly as Flint taught her...Hel: Good. Flint said I needed to get you to the bed.
Pip: What was that?
Hel: What?
Fortunately, Hel had a few things going for her other than the considerable "game" she has: good looks and a potential partner with low self-esteem.Pip: I'm such a stud!
Hel: So, I could build a wall with you?
Pip: Umm, not that type of stud...
Hel: Well, that's enough pillow talk. You can leave now.
Pip: But I...
Hel: Okay, bye!
And in the kitchen...Midy: Coffeecoffeecoffee!!!!!
and other than that, Fennie was rewarded for her efforts to find appropriate babydaddies.Fennie: Om nom nom!!!
But the big question was, of course, would Hel conceive the child needed for her father's plan.Hel: Oh great and powerful Mimer, wisest of all giants, will I conceive an appropriate child from this pregnancy?
Mimer: Well, "appropriate" is kind of a vague term.
Hel: Okay, a pink girl baby with wings.
Mimer: What about it?
Hel: Will I have one?
Mimer: One what?
Hel: A pink baby girl with wings.
Mimer: What about it?
Hel: Will I have one?
Mimer: One what?
Hel: Ugh! I'm going home. My tummy hurts anyway.
Mimer: Yes! Talked my way out of that one.
Hel: I can still hear you.
Mimer: Oh, I mean, one what?
Hel: Ooo, my stomach feels so icky!
Hugi: You realize this is probably morning sickness, right?
Hel: No, silly, it's still nighttime!
But Hugi's insights proved rather insightful as Hel spun into rather interesting maternity wear shortly thereafter.Hel: Aww, this is so sweet. I get to be dressed as Raven from the Teen Titans.
Hugi: And you have a baby coming.
Hel: Wait, what?
Hugi: Why not relax and listen to some music? Maybe the kid's station?
Hel: Why?
Hugi: No reason...
But Hel's was not the only baby news.Fennie: You will join my pack, small dog. I shall give you a fierce, warrior name. How about...Fufu?
Fufu: Woof!
Fennie: You're welcome.
And Midy also had exciting news.Midy: Thanks for breaking your sink, Hel! Now I have learned that handiness skill! Shall I clean up your broken water too?
Spilled water. Water breaking means something else.
Sleipnir: And just to change things up, I think I' another book. I know, I'm so unpredictable.
And on that sarcastic note, we end our visit with the monstrous daughters of Loki.