After some time spent as a tragic clown, Hel came to a conclusion: she was not pregnant.Hel: NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But shortly thereafter, the effects of the tragic clown curse wore off and she was able to blow off some steam.Hel: Come on, fuzzy bunny. I am gonna get the fuzzy bunny!
And while his neglectful mom was away, young Jasper had a significant life event.And apparently, some gender confusion?Midy: Who's my pretty little boy? Who's my pretty little boy?
Jasper: Pity!
Hmm, that might be accurate, Jasper.Hel: Dang it! I didn't get the bunny. I just got this head-size chunk of gold.
And speaking of getting things, Sleipnir got this certificate for maxing the logic skill.Sleipnir: Yeah, I'm kind of the smartest person in Moonlight Falls. No big deal. I'm just awesome. That's all.
But it seems there are some other people in Moonlight Falls who are a bit clever as well.Dahlia: So, my husband started acting all sorts of cocky and self-absorbed right after meeting you and that was shortly before your sister had a baby. Anything you need to tell me?
Fennie: Fufu! I said no visitors!
Fufu: Whine.
Dahlia: So, is your sister having an affair with my husband?
Fennie: What? An affair? Oh, that's all you're worried about. No, they aren't having an affair, just a baby.
Dahlia: Wha...? NOOO!!!
Fennie: Why are you running away crying? Isn't it good news? They're not having an affair!
Fufu: Woof.
Fennie: I know, right? It's not even like she's still making babies with him.
Yes, she was now trying to have babies with Branch. Again. And without the tragic clown curse this time. And immediately sending him away.Branch: I'm such a stud!
Hel: Aren't you gone yet?
And shortly thereafter...Midy: Umm, did you just break the door?
Hel: Blurg!!
Midy: Okay, we'll talk later.
pregnancy is confirmed.Hel: Hopefully, I'll actually have a pink fairy girl this time instead of another worthless non-pink, unfairy, anti-girl.
Speaking of the non-pink, unfairy, anti-girl, he'd already learned all of his skills and is now enjoying some book time.As reigning queen of literature, you'd think Sleipnir would approve.Sleipnir: I have now completed the entire Jimmy Sprocket series and I must say the character development is lacking and the plots are so thin you could slice them to pieces with a toothpick.
Jasper: Pity!!
Sleipnir: Yes. Yes it is.
And Sleipnir got in some time with the other youngster in the household as well.Sleipnir: Wait, so who did you say has been eating your food?
Fufu: Woof.
Fennie: *Om nom nom*
And that same part of the yard was a nice spot for some socializing later that night.Hel: I'm pregnant!
Flint: Umm, then should I really be whacking you with a pillow?
Hel: And you're old!!
Flint: Alright, it's on!!
But it seems pillow fighting is an entirely safe activity for a pregnant Sim as this happened shortly thereafter...Hel: Owww!!!
Hugi: Oh good!
Hel: Good?!? You try squeezing a watermelon through a garden hose and then tell me this is a good thing!
Sleipnir: Hey!
Sleipnir: Quiet down! Some of us are trying to read and your silly labor pain noise is extremely distracting! Stop being so selfish!
Hel: Sorry.
And a baby girl was born...Hel: Ugh. A pink girl, but not a fairy. I have no use for this one. And I already gave her a cool name: Brynhildr, like the Valkerie. I'm going to go pass this burden on to Midy.
But as Hel put the first baby in the crib, a second arrived...Hel: A pink girl...and sparkles!! She's a fairy!
Hel: You are the child I...can tolerate! I will name you Sigrun, like the Valkerie.
And so, we have two soldiers for Loki's army and one of the four necessary babies to complete this challenge...and the odd scent of wet dog...Fennie: I would bathe, but my back's just so sore...