Poor Charity We never really got to see Mr. Mystery Man but if he made Charity happy, he must have been a pretty good guy.
That is true. At least he gets put in Sara's Property later (hint Hint)
On an ordinary Sunday, 4 sims gathered around the table. 4 Birthday Cakes. Jordon went first. He sucked in a breath, stepped through the
counter, and blew on the candles. he realized all too late that he was going to be old, an Adult! Mid-Life Crisis time!
As for Sara, she just gripped Cole's hand and walked towards the counter, she dragged Cole over to his as well. Sara just stood by the
cake for a moment, and blew on the candles. "I want to make the world more beautiful, by making the sims look amazing." She wished.
The sparkles danced along her body, egging her into Young-Adult-hood. Once the sparkles evaporated, she turned to Cole and watched
him become a Young-Adult. She could just hear him whisper "Acrobatics" onto his candles.
Suddenly Charlotte grabbed the last cake, time to bring this dynasty up a notch. She also hated Adulthood, and got a midlife crisis, boo!! Man up!!
But unfortunately, a bunch of the Midlife Crisis clan wasn't the only thing getting out of hand. Sinbad was into Charity, and hated her.
The next day, the kids graduated. They were officially free of school. Woot Woot!
Sara fiddled with her hands. Finally, she got down on one knee. "Cole, I've wanted to do this ever since I learned what a proposal was,
and since then, I've been trying to figure out how to say this to you. So, here goes something. Cole, I've adored you since I was a toddler.
You used to be a big brother to me, but when I learned you weren't my big bro, well... It made me so happy, can you make me even happier
by marrying me?" She said, no some of it didn't make sense, but Cole understood exactly what she was saying.
"YES! YES! YES! YES!" He squealed.
Whoa, Cole quiet down, you're hurting my ears!" The GW shouted to no avail.
He was so happy he took his bride-to-be in his arms and spun he around. He dropped her into dip and kissed her on the lips. This was
the dest day of his life, even better than when Charity adopted him.
"Charity, I'm getting married!" Sara shouted happily.
"To whom, may I ask?" Charity questioned, even though she already knew the answer.
"Cole! If that's O.K with you that is..." Sara answered nervously.
"I'd love to have you as a daughter-in-law! Of course you can marry him!" Charity replied with a full smile on her face.
In the kitchen, the boys were having a man-to-man chat. "I've heard Charity and Sara screaming out front, and I suppose you're here
for my blessing?" Jordon asked.
"Yeah." Cole replied sheepishly.
"I'm fine with it, she loves you so much, it'd be a crime for you
not to marry her." Jordon said, smiling.