Author Topic: The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty  (Read 20109 times)

Offline Geniequeen122

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The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty Chapter 13: Revelations
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2014, 12:37:30 PM »
Aaand, fixed itself. Now let's see the Crisises!

As always, in the midst of death, there is life.

And horses. Doesn't everybody adopt a horse when their dog dies? That actually happens right?

Sara and Cole played "Rock Paper Scissors" over the new foal, Zeus. Cole won with 2 out of 3, and no cheating. As a result, when Zeus
becomes of age, he shall be ridden by Cole.

That night, all was quiet. Only 3 people were in the house, they were Charlotte, Charity, and Jordon. Jordon was asleep, and Charity was
painting, but Charlotte, she was being reunited with an old friend. Cleo had finally returned. "Oh, Cleo... I missed you so much. I just wish
you were still here." She sobbed as she fought to grip onto Cleo's ghostly fur.
"But I am, I'm right here aren't I?" Cleo joked.
"You know what I mean. Cleo, what is the afterlife like? Are you happy?" Charlotte asked, sniffling.
"It's great and all. But Charlotte I have to tell you about your past. You see, your mother's name is Lawanda Paradox..." Cleo explained the story of Charlotte (which can be found here )
"Wow." That was all Charlotte could say when Cleo was done with the tale. "So, can I see her?" Charlotte asked.
"Charlotte, she's dead. You may bring her back after the 5th generation of your dynasty becomes immortal." Cleo sadly explained before
disappearing back into her grave.

Offline Malley

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Re: The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #31 on: August 30, 2014, 06:44:53 PM »
Glad to hear things are running smoothly again! And Zeus is sure to be a lovely horse when he grows up :)

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Offline Geniequeen122

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The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty Chapter 15: Running Smoothly
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2014, 11:33:31 AM »
Glad to hear things are running smoothly again! And Zeus is sure to be a lovely horse when he grows up :)
He already is a lovely stallion.

Zues grew up into a handsome stallion. He's definitely gonna make some beautiful foals after stud service.

Cole was out on the town, doing his first performance. And living up to his title of 'Cole Pyropants'

The show was of course a success. And that success was another reason to kiss his wife full on the lips.

in the mornings the dogs became busy doing what humans do. Pulling together in times of distress.

That night, Sara painted her first brilliant painting. "Do you think my daughter will inherit my artistic expertise?" Sara asked the GW
"I don't know if that baby's gonna be a girl or a boy, and neither should you. Unless you've been eating watermelons behind my back," The
Big G replied.
"Fine, I haven't. But do you think they'll be good at any of the arts?" Sara asked again.
"If my plan works they will. Just probably not in the way you envisioned, The Genie watcher explained.

(author's note: Sorry for the short update. I'm suffering from a bit of writers block. And there's something else I'm working on for this dynasty. You'll see it soon enough.)

Offline Geniequeen122

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The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty Chapter 16: Joey
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2014, 02:52:11 PM »
Best stage name.  Ever.

All was running smoothly, until it was just Sara and her husband. The contractions hit right then. Sara had read and heard all about them.
But it never sounded this bad. "Cole, dear. Please leave the room. You aren't going to help with anything by screaming at me,"
Sara requested.

After what felt like years later, sparkles started to surround her, and she was left with a son.

"Joey. Named after the main character in Neil Gamen's Interworld series," (I think his last name is spelled right) The GW decreed.
"I wanted a you to be a girl, yes Mommy did," Sara cooed to her son, "but I'll wuv you anyways,"
"Oh yes," Sara said, looking up from Joey. "We need a baby room,"
"Not this minute. Maybe later, I got to go do something"

(author's note: Yes another short chapter. But I had to share the good news right away.

Offline Geniequeen122

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The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty Another Remodel
« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2014, 07:42:42 AM »
Welcome Joey!  He is sure to be a cutie  ;D
He's not even a noboo yet, and I'm already "Oohh you're sooo cute!" (shows how far ahead of the storytelling I am.)

Whaaat?!?! We're in a living room?!?! What happened? The GW happened. Then she left. Said something about an important Watcher meeting.
Whatever. Doesn't matter. What does is that we, the sims, get to show you the complete remodel of our house.

Just so you know, she made a new design for our house. We have pods and a main hub now. The living room is in the main hub. Let's start with well, the main hub.

I think you can figure out which pod is whose. (Post a reply)

Now, here's the doggy room.

And then, here's the party room. To the left of the party stuff is our non-supermax skilling room.

Here we are from map view.

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Offline Brooke.

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Re: The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #38 on: September 24, 2014, 11:53:31 AM »
Really glad you got things sorted out! Welcome, Joey. I love Neil Gaiman, he's a brilliant writer. I don't ever play with pets so it's nice to see stories with pets featured in them, I laughed over them trying to decide who gets the horsey  ;)
Life State Dynasty: The Blackburns In Monte Vista (Complete)
Domination Dynasty: Down With Lamps: Djinn Takeover (Complete)

Offline Geniequeen122

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Re: The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #39 on: October 13, 2014, 10:16:29 AM »
Really glad you got things sorted out! Welcome, Joey. I love Neil Gaiman, he's a brilliant writer. I don't ever play with pets so it's nice to see stories with pets featured in them, I laughed over them trying to decide who gets the horsey  ;)
Yup. I have a sort of slow computer. But my (unfourtantely kind of big amount) glitches tend to fix themselves. Except for my sim statues. They have never been fixed.

I agree NG is a great author. My 11 year old daughter, who reads books meant for adults at a youngish age (must have gotten it from me), read his first InterWorld novel and loved it.

I agree, pets are quite scarce in dynasties.

It was mainly me trying to decide there.

Love the new house. Very colorful  :)
Thank you. I can barley build anything but colorful boxes with flat roofs. Colorful is my middle name. Genie Colorful Queen.

Offline Geniequeen122

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The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty Chapter 17: Watcher Meeting
« Reply #40 on: October 25, 2014, 02:05:37 PM »
"OK, is everyone here?" the GW asked.
"Everyone except Vanessa. Y'know, the Vampy Watcher," replied the IF Watcher.

"What are you talking about, hon?" a silky voice drawled. And with a flash of lightning, she was there, in the living
flesh. Wait, no, non-living flesh.
The Genie Watcher rolled her eyes. "Fashionably late as usual."
"No, just waiting for the sun to set" the Vampire explained, gesturing towards the window.

"Well, let's get started," the Were-Watcher offered.
"Would you like to star us off, Cori?" the Watcher of Witches asked.

"Well, the Genies are doing fine, though, Serena," she said, looking towards the Witch. "Y'know that music group, The Genies?"
"Yes," the Watcher replied.
"Apparently they're in an argument about who's more magical. You know the Watcher Code. Wanna try and get them to settle it this time next
"Yes," Selena sighed. "How're the Crisises?"
"Doing fine, generation 3 out of 5. They could use more social interaction, considering they live on the top of a hill."

"May I go?" asked a frost-bitten blue ghost.
" 'Course Alexandra," the GW said.
"Well, ghost count is normal in everywhere except Sunset Valley. Meteorite. Also, Cori, I have some bad news," she paused. " Willard Wright
has lost his grip on your world. And he unfortunately, we can't do anything for him. At least to get him back to you. My husband and I have
been trying."

"No... Not now..." Cori whispered, tears stinging her eyes. "Please excuse me," she said before she started running down the hall.

"Well, I finally get to sit down," the Vampire laughed. "Tim?" she asked the Fairy Watcher. "The vampires are experiencing a plasma fruit
shortage. Would the fairies help with that?"
"We would. But some warlock cursed our best grower and main educator of young fairies. We're busy enough trying to fill the void."
he said, his face falling for a quick second. Then, his smile came back. "But I think all the occults will gladly help fill the void. Right, guys?"
He said, glancing around the room.

After the meeting, as all the watchers filed off the couch, the Fairy stopped the Witch. "Serena! That was my daughter! How in the name of all
that is good in simkind could you let that guy do that to Chrysalis!" he yelled.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, he's a rouge warlock. I have no power over him. He did what he did, and I had no say," Serena defended.

"Then reverse it! Give. Me. Back. My. True Daughter. Not some cursed one! The one I raised! NOW!" He screamed at her.
"It's too powerful. Consider yourself lucky I sent my great-great-great-great grandson Timothy to help her," she spat back at him. Then, she raced back to her room.

"I think someone needs some help," said someone from behind Tim.
He whirled around. "Oh, it's just you."
"Go. You're not the only one who has a very loved one just out of their reach. Go," Vanessa commanded.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, the sun is rising." And with a flash of lightning, she turned into a bat and flew upstairs.

"Knock, Knock," Tim asked.
"Come in," replied an unsteady voice
"Ok, you have three more seconds to deny my entry."
No reply.
Still nothing.
"Just come in already!"

"How you feeling?" Tim asked.
"What's the point of being a Watcher when you can't even save the people you care about?" Cori asked, sprawled across sideways on the
bed, her head hanging down.
"But you are. Both Genies and the Crisis-paradoxes-Jeans alike would be lost without you," he paused, thinking. "The Genies would probably
uprise against sims and ultimately fail, never being freed without you. The Crisises and the Paradoxes would be on their own. And the
chance that Charlotte would be abled to see her mom would be none if you weren't their Watcher. Sara wouldn't have met Cole and Joey
wouldn't exist. Now that I think about it, if it weren't for your watcher-hood, Sara wouldn't exist either."
"True, true." Cori gave a tiny smile.

"Now get up and do something!" Tim laughed as he shoved Cori off the dream-pod.
"Hey! You'll pay for that!" Cori joyfully yelled at him from her spot on the floor against the side of the bed.
"Oh yeah? How so?" he playfully taunted as he looked down at her, lying on his stomach.
"This is how!" Cori yelled as she grabbed his hand and pulled him off the bed.
"Ouch! I'm gonna get you for that!" Tim launched himself at Cori. After a bit of fighting, he managed to hold her down. Not very tightly,
but she didn't make any attempt to escape. "So, are you gonna go back to your home after this? It's only one reality hop and a
couple blacks away."
"Nah, too many memories. I think I'll stay here. I'm guessing you'll go back to the fairy realm?"
"Yeah. At least you can stay and clean up after us," he teased.
"It's simple and you know that."
"Hey, you gonna go on an ice-cream eating binge or something?"
"I thought about it, but no. Besides, I think I found a new crush already."
"Really, who?"
She gave him a kiss on the cheek. " I know it's a little early after Willard. But ever since Charlotte and Jordon got together, I started to
rethink having a relationship with a ghost. And a little later, I heard about Chrysalis. So, I ended up thinking about you a lot. At first in
sympathy, then. Well, yeah."

Offline Brooke.

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Re: The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2014, 12:02:48 PM »
I love the meeting between the watchers.

"Knock, Knock," Tim asked.
"Come in," replied an unsteady voice
"Ok, you have three more seconds to deny my entry."
No reply.
Still nothing.
"Just come in already!"

I found this really funny, they are just too cute.
Life State Dynasty: The Blackburns In Monte Vista (Complete)
Domination Dynasty: Down With Lamps: Djinn Takeover (Complete)

Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2014, 12:12:25 PM »
Such a great interlude!

Offline Geniequeen122

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The Storybook (short) Immortal Dynasty Chapter 18: Here Comes the Sun
« Reply #44 on: January 10, 2015, 03:02:45 PM »
I'm so sorry for my delay! My pose player hasn't been working. So I just have to do without it. Sorry!

Such a great interlude!
Thanks, I tried hard with that!

I love the meeting between the watchers.

I found this really funny, they are just too cute.
Thank you for that! I just felt like I shouldn't be the only watcher. And besides, what's more fun than saying that your sims play Sims?!

I'll be honest, I only added that bit because I felt like that chapter was too short.

Aww, Tim and Cori are pretty cute together  ;)
Annnd if they marry, Charlotte and Chrysalis are distantly but still legally related!

Sara wrapped  her arms around Cole, "Do great out there. This should be the last gig before your promotion."
"You know I will," Cole gave a wink as he left for the stage.

On that stage, he sat down in the throne at the back of the setup. "Today you shall witness Cole doing what Coal does best, Make fire!" he
then stood up on his feet. Cole next back-bended and kick-overed to the front of the stage. He lit a baton on fire and went on to spin it around.

"Who is that guy? He's exactly the kind of man I want," swooned a women next to Sara.
Sara just frowned at her and replied, "He's my husband! Stay off him." Sara then started shouting "You're doing awesome baby!"

Back at home, Solaris, Veta's new pup, was looking up at the portrait of his dead grandmother and painting of Cleo and William. "Mama, are
any of these my dad?"
"Solar, that one," she began, pointing with her muzzle at Cleo's portrait, "is Cleo, your grandmother. The other painting is her and your
grandfather. His name is William."
"Then who is my Dad?" Solaris asked, gazing up with questioning eyes.
"His name is Champ McKay. He lives down in town,"Veta replied nonchalantly.

Veta then started towards one of the 3 dog beds"now c'mon pup, it's time to go to sleep."
"Mommy, did you're parents sleep in the other two beds? Is that why we only sleep in that one dog bed?" Solaris asked.
"Solaris, yes they slept in those beds. And sometimes, they still do. They're always with us."
Solaris looked at his mother and said "Can I meet them?"
"Some day. Some day, Solaris."

Once Solaris finally climbed into the dog bed, Veta said, "Cleo and William are always watching over you. They look out for you. They love
you. And they're proud of you."
"What about you, mama?"
"me too, but I always knew that from the moment I was born."

"Y'know, our daughter is a great mother," Cleo said, looking over her ghostly shoulder at her mate.

Authors Note: Yes, there's a ghost tail in a certain photo. I'm aware of it. I put it in because it looks weird. Also, short chapter. Sorry.