Author Topic: Finding a Mate for a Sim  (Read 10758 times)

Offline Schipperke

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Finding a Mate for a Sim
« on: September 22, 2010, 07:30:32 PM »
I am wondering what other people look for when choosing a mate for their sims, especially in multi-generational games like Legacies or Dynasties.

In reading the Dynasty stories, it seems one of the things a lot of people look for at first is a partner with money - Agnes Crumplebottom comes to mind.  In my Dynasty, the first spouses were chosen for their Artistic trait and their lack of any seriously objectionable traits.  Now that my Generation 4 is a teenager, what I really want is someone whose hair isn't black!  Not that I have anything at all against black hair, I just don't want them all to look the same. 

So, as you get farther along in your Legacy or Dynasty and money isn't an issue, what do you look for in your sims' spouses?
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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2010, 08:40:45 PM »
So, as you get farther along in your Legacy or Dynasty and money isn't an issue, what do you look for in your sims' spouses?

Good topic, Schipperke. I was just IMing with Pam about Sound's needing to get married asap and have the next son because I really want Bella to be a grandmother. For me as long as he finds a compatible classmate early in school and keeps the relationship going to become a Romantic Interest when he turns Teen, then he'll be fine (and that's the same plan for future immortals — marrying school sweethearts). Traits are not an issue in my Dynasty because Recipe does all cooking, and all museum pieces. As long as the spouse isn't really wacked out I should be able to make it work. And even if they do have some loser traits, that's nothing that a quick Mid-Life Crisis can't fix since that's allowed for spouses.

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Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2010, 08:50:28 PM »
I am about the same.  My founder does all sculptures and the first heir is going to do all paintings.  Basically, I would like to keep them all nice looking, no big ears or noses, thank you very much.  I love red hair, so I am hoping to find someone with red hair, I know I can change it, but would rather get it honestly.  As the dynasty gets longer and new people move in, it gets harder to know what traits they do have, unless you can befriend them in school, like Metro said.  I am doing good at just juggling what I have to juggle right now, but it is about time to start taking some serious notes or I am going to end up repeating something and I do not feel like starting over again, lol.
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Offline LlamaMama

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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2010, 11:28:15 PM »
I try to avoid Mean-Spirited, Dislikes Children, Losers, and Grumpy (maybe slobs too) for legacies. I want partners of about the same age, and skin color doesn't matter at all, but also because as time goes by, the town blends all shades and turns most sims cafe au lait color anyway. I do avoid hideously ugly sims for legacies, but have enjoyed playing them for fun.

As with real people, I like smart, interesting, fun, talented sims, and Family Oriented is great for legacies.
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Offline samoht04

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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2010, 02:04:58 AM »
I go with a good looking sim who has okay traits, I check some Foreign Locations out as well but that was before the Family Tree bug came back.
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Offline RubyLovesSims

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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2010, 06:32:29 AM »
I like sims who good and have interesting traits. Sims that my sims can build a relationship with easily.
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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2010, 07:03:20 AM »
Yes, Metro is now going to copy my method of finding mates for my Dynasty.  ;D

I don't really worry a lot about traits of spouses.  Like LlamaMama, I would avoid the really horrible traits, but I can work with almost anything else.  Even if a Sim isn't Artistic, he can still learn to paint all the way to level 10.  Same with Sculpting and anything else.  It might take a little longer, but the Dynasty isn't a race like most of our other challenges.  It's not necessary to reach level 10 in three days.  I even have a spouse with the Can't Stand Art trait who paints.  And he didn't have any issues at all with his Artistic wife.
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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2010, 07:09:14 AM »
Yes, Metro is now going to copy my method of finding mates for my Dynasty.  ;D

Hey, go with the pros, right?  :D I'm sure I've taught you a thing or two in the money-making or skilling department in the last year. But, when it comes to relationships and family stuff, I humbly bow at your alter.


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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2010, 08:19:13 AM »
My self-employed Sims have a tendency to marry the maid, they turn up right at the house, generally have pretty good traits and a lot of them are cute as anything as well. Employed (rabbit-hole careers) Sims have been known to marry the boss or a co-worker. Childhood sweethearts work well too, but only if they're not paperboys/girls or to a lesser extent baby sitters, the aging on npcs is weird and I like my move in spouses to be young adults when I get them so I have more time to train them and get their life time wishes completed. I don't worry too much about having spouses the same age as my Sims and my female Sims frequently become single mothers supported by their families to save on worrying about the father's traits at all. I think the keyword here is convenience.

Offline John Allen

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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2010, 11:25:25 AM »
As far as what I look for:  No snobs, not grumpy. Prefer they have no money so I can build the family finances on my own.

Multi-generational is much more interesting since there are new sim npc generations and you get to see more of the game.

The random Sims that appear at times, like the papergirl, or townies that are there in different houses on occasion are fun to get to know because they are new.

A lot of times I try to let my Sim pick because the random attractions are fun and its more like real life- a random meeting and introduction...


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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2010, 06:16:29 PM »
I like to let my sims marry those with a hidden trait, like the NPC fireman (do these still exist in Ambitions?) with the fireproof or pyromania trait (which isn't even that great because you only can set things on fire on your own lot.). Or the maid so your future generation would not make messes anymore. A burglar could be a questionable option on the third generation because I don't really see the point on sneaking beside just looking cool.

Offline samoht04

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Re: Finding a Mate for a Sim
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2010, 02:28:43 AM »
NPC - Fire fighters still exist they put out every fire at the home lot even with a fire fighter in the house.
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