LTHR bought: Opportunistic, Never Dull, Multi-Tasker, Fast Learner, Attractive, Steel Bladder, Carefree.
Sunday -- Bought empty lot, then a broom and approach Lola Belle, need to catch her before she goes into the house (celebrity gate sucks). Lola is perfect, she is a 5 star celebrity and in the music career, hence easy to befriend, romance, and get celebrity level high. After romancing then ask her out on date - tour theatre, then back to my lot (small square house with minimal items) and woohoo with her. Didn't woohoo in the theatre, high risk of getting disgrace for woohooing in public. After Lola I was already a 3 stars celebrity (almost 4 stars), I find 2 more high level celebrity and best friend them, made me 4.5 stars. After that join law enforcement career and spent 3000 on spa package, needed the good moodlet which will make it easier to level skills. Read logic books at the library with portable radio (music moodlet), play computer games at library for fun, nap on rocking chair at home lot when sleepy, and eat lettuce (from grocery store) when hungry.
Monday -- My first celebrity opportunity phone call came in, I completed it and that made me level 5 celebrity.
Tuesday -- Before going to work everyday, I make sure all needs are good. Hygiene moodlet, fun moodlet, and well rested moodlet. I use "work hard" at work and it takes 2 days to get one promotion, got career level 2.
Thursday -- Another promotion, career level 3 now. Went to China, getting visa level 1 was easy with opportunistic, but getting the 3 friends was harder. I didn't have enough points to buy attractive yet, so I bought "never dull" and just spam "make silly face". Leveling martial arts is not too bad either, watch TV at the academy for fun, sleep in tent, and use the equipment at academy to level martial arts.
Friday -- Couldn't get promotion in just one day, but my work bar was high enough that after work I invited boss over and ask for promotion. Got career level 4 so I can move town.
6 days in bridgeport, received 4 opportunity phone calls and 1 celebrity gift worth $12,000.
Sunday -- First thing is to approach my boss and best friend him, next is approach partner and best friend her. Also romance my partner, took out to date (theatre) then back to home lot to woohoo. Also befriended some townies in the library and question them so I can do reports in the library using the computer.
Monday -- I have skills caught up and also have multi-tasker, hence one day of 6 hours work was enough for me to get promotion, got career level 5.
Tuesday -- 2nd promotion, got career level 6.
Wednesday -- no work. Travel to France and after getting 3 friends, visa level 1, and nectar making to level 3, I spent some time below the Nectary to get some nectar bottles. There is a room down in the basement of nectary and if you go all the way to the end you can get about 7 nectar bottles from rack for free, and these nectars are high quality nectars (perfect). I could have bought perfect nectars from the register, but I didn't want to spend money.
Thursday -- Couldn't get promotion at work, since it is only 5 hours of work. But no fear, work hard and then invite boss over after work to ask for promotion. Got career level 7 so I can move town.
5 days in twinbrook, received 2 opportunity phone calls and 1 celebrity gift worth $3,000.
Sunset Valley:
Sunday -- Same thing, boss best friend, partner best friend, romance tour theatre back home woohoo.
Monday -- Very lucky to receive the nectar oppportunity during work. Left work then went right back in work to turn in the nectar bottles (from france), received promotion to career level 8.
Tuesday -- Couldn't get promotion, but I did get another opportunity from work, to read some book. After work I invite boss over ask for promotion to career level 9.
Wednesday -- No work. Went to egypt, this was my easiest vacation trip, had "attractive" so making friends was easier and photography is just way too easy to level compared to other skills.
Thursday -- With the opportunity from work (read book), I was able to get promoted to the last career level 10 in one day.
I finished my career fast, but then I could have slow it down and get my mixology up, my planning isn't optimal, wasted 2 days on work. Had to go work on friday and the following monday (even after I maxed career) and spend my free time at the library reading mixology book.
9 days in sunset valley, received a lot of opportunity phone calls but I only did 2 of them and 3 celebrity gifts worth $15,000 - $12,000 - $5,000 respectively.