Hi Iamforeva,
What tips have you already tried? I see nothing mentioned. So that's why I'm asking, so I don't give tips/tricks that you've already tried.
--- Have you tried a factory reset? = Copy your Sims 3 folder to the desktop. Rename your current Sims 3 folder to something like Sims 3 Current. Click the Sims 3 icon to create a new Sims 3 folder. Then copy your game saves, files and such over to the new game to see if that helps. (This is different from a total-game reinstall - This just sets the game back to factory default.)
If you need to know what to save/backup. Have a look at this thread.
How To: Saving folders/files to use on a different computer or to use as backup
http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,16414.msg313134.html#msg313134--- Run a register cleaner program. (Something like Ccleaner, It's free -
This helps clean up temporary files, internet cache files and other files that are left behind that are no longer being used, after uninstalling.
--- If you have a game save that you've been playing for a 2+ months straight, it maybe a good idea to save the family/families and houses you've been playing and create a new game. This will help refresh the game.
--- How long has it been since you've uninstalled/reinstalled? It's recommended to do so every few months to give the game a fresh start.
Some in-game tips that might help also.
* Keep inventories as empty as possible. But be careful of storing a lot of items in chests, cabinets etc. As to many things stored in those places may make the game lag, crash or slow to load.
* Try not to over decorate the house. Keep it simple. As this helps keep load time down as well.
* Try not to do a whole lot of yard landscaping. The less your computer has to load the better it is for the overall game.
* Try not to use a lot of mods or CC, as these may cause problems with your game over time.
Hope this helps, if it doesn't please post back and we'll see if we come up with some more tips.