Chapter 21: Life and Death
After a trip to the dresser, Elton is probably the most attractive out of all the dynasty spouses! He's gorgeous with his tan skin and bluegreen eyes.
Anubis became pregnant with the fifth generation. She told Versailles the news.
She put on quite a bit of baby weight!
The fifth generation was soon born. Everyone meet Swan, the fifth generation heir.
Grandpa Rupert takes care of his little gran-baby.
Versailles watches over the little heir. She knows she brings redemption ever closer.
During all this, Anubis skilled away at the alchemy station. Alchemy, to my surprise, has been very easy to supermax so far. She jumped to level 9 in her career after one trip to the elixir shop!
Swan aged into a toddler in no time. Swan and Anubis are tied for the cutest heirs so far. Little Swan looks just like Elton with his hair, skin, and eyes. She is even cuter dressed in her favorite color spiceberry!
Everyone pitches in to take care of little Swan. Including the annoying butler who wouldn't leave her alone for a second! I guess he was just as obsessed.
Swan is just too cute!
It amazes me how much Swan looks like Elton because most of the heirs have tended to not take after their father.
Elton got a new car to celebrate his induction into the dynasty home. It’s a hot ride.
Swan ages to child with no problems. She gained the Disciplined trait to go with Friendly and Ambitious.
Elton works out a lot to maintain his physique.
Then the worst of the worst happened. Rupert’s time was up. The house has watched Rupert grow from a tiny baby into the grandfather of the fifth generation. He’s served this dynasty well, like his mother before him. Delilah will never be the same.
To lighten the burden of death, Anubis opened up a daycare to pass the time. She had already maxed her alchemy career, so why not?
Anubis is very frustrating at times (however she is probably my favorite heir). Her relationship with Elton is constantly up and down because she autonomously flirts with the butler so often! Anubis had to console Elton.
Elton takes excellent care of his carbon copy daughter. He reads her to sleep, in true Knowledge tradition.
Toddlerhood and childhood seem to fly by. Swan aged to teen. She makes for a cute future athlete.
Her prom outfit is exceptionally adorable.
As a birthday present to Swan, their little family travelled to China to begin Swan’s skilling. I didn't initially plan on travelling, but I hope with proper saving and backup files, it will be safe. Anubis gets a level 3 visa in no time and they buy a home. Swan begins martial arts training as well as Elton, so they can spar together. Anubis can’t learn because it would disqualify the skill for a supermax.
Shortly after their trip, Elton aged to elder. *teardrop* I am going to try to have my heirs marry earlier or marry people closer to them in age because it seems there is always a huge age gap.
Swan got busted by the cops for being out too late, and Elton chewed her out for it. This further messed with their up and down relationship because Elton is also a flirt and sends his relationships into the red when he's autonomously flirting around. *sigh*
Nevertheless, this still is a happy family!