Island Caspian married the house next door at 32 Sweetwater Loop. Oh, and also Jeffrey Castor, one of its occupants. She met Jeffrey and befriended him when she was a teen and he a young adult. I had not considered him spouse material, but when she met him again as a young adult it was like Some Enchanted Evening - they were drawn to each other - spontaneous flirting, flower gifting, hugging, kissing. I mean after all his discovered traits at the time were Coward, Hotheaded, and Evil. What's not to like. At any rate, on day four our heir, Snohomish, was born followed a few days later by his sister, Julie.
Heir 10
Snohomish Caspian - Friendly, Perceptive, Bookworm, Loves the Outdoors, Genius
Both Honor Rolls - Yes
Ten NPC Friends - Martin Macon-Paparazzi, JC Cox-Babysitter, Aron Landrum-Newspaper Deliverer, Mitzi Warden-Elixir Consignments, Maricela Salas-(the world's worst) Maid, Sugar Free-Party Dancer, Alex Lemon-Social Worker, Adriana Dickens-Burglar, Arthur Banda-Mail Carrier, Pete Addison-Tattoo Artist
Ten Best Friends - Julie Caspian, Tonya Kaiser, Luther Wood, Rod Goddard, Kelsey Riddle, Diego Eddy, Kathleen Steiner, Ernie Havens, Mitzi Warner, Geoffrey McHugh
Unique Max Career - Private Investigator
Unique Supermax Skill - Writing
Ten Unique Black Ops - After School Employment, The Mystery of the Backwashed Toothbrush, The Case of the Hacked Off Client, The Case of the Tattooed Thief, The Case of the Snail Mail Jam, The Case of the Freshwater Pumps, The Bad Call, Ballot Buffoonery, Bye Bye Flamingo, The Case of the Price Gouged Produce
Purchased Building - Always Studious Bookstore
Upgraded Property - The Red Rendezvous
Adult - Yes
Tombstones - Jeffrey Castor Medium (93), Island Caspian Large (103)
Ten Unique Items - Heart-shaped Gems, Collected and Cut by Island Caspian value 14,530
Travel Days 4 to China
So on Week 91 Day 6 the Caspian Townie Decadynasty was completed with a total collection value of 254,056. Big Sigh of Relief!