Author Topic: ADVENTURE: Nectar Research Assistant Needed | Lose adventure when going to Egypt  (Read 5529 times)

Offline Benie

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Can't really explain it in the thread title. I got up to getting the 5 beetles and then going to Egypt. When I do, I hear the "adventure complete" music.
I checked my Opportunities tab, and the adventure of going to the local to continue this one, is gone. Noticed I still had the 5 beetles, yet no icon telling me where to go.

So I went back to France, and there's no way to get the adventure back on the board, like it's "completed" yet it's not.

Now, I used Traveler to bypass the 2 day downtime thing of going home. Hope that didn't mean "ohh, so you want to cheat? Adventure failed!".
I searched Google, and unfortunately don't see anyone else having this problem.

I tried another "go to Egypt" adventure from France, and it stayed here. So, maybe there's a problem with this one. Unfortunately, it's keeping me from exploring my final France tomb to get my LTW fulfilled. :P

Offline Pam

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Unfortunately, sometimes those adventures just glitch out on us.  This is probably what happened to you.  Are you sure this opportunity is required to complete the tomb?  Is there a key or something that you're supposed to get from completing it that will let you open the last room?
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Offline Benie

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According to the text, you get these 5 beetles, go to Egypt, then speak to a local to help you further.
And fortunately for me, I got it to work. I did an adventure that told me to go to Egypt, China, and then back to France, and I was able to get this one back.

Went to Egypt, and it the adventure didn't disappear. So apparently it was a harmless glitch. It's working fine now.

