Author Topic: Can't Collect From Deeds?  (Read 12787 times)

Ya Cheese Buddy

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2009, 09:21:27 AM »
Ugh, these patches make me so angry. The shouldnt of braught out sims until EVERYTHING was fixed, same with the expansion, they should have hundreds of testers and ANY problems should of been reported and FIXED before they even considered bringing it to the stores. Hopefully they make a new awesome expansion that not only adds new journeys and items but fixes all the games problems.

Sometimes i just want to kick all their staff for not doing that, weather it would take them another month to bring out sims or 27 1/2 years. :(

Offline HelenP

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2009, 09:23:44 AM »
Collecting from deeds usually works fine when vanilla sims is patched to 1.4, so I'm sticking with this until Christmas when I get WA  :D

I'm also hoping the new patch coming out later this month will have been tested properly, and fix the numerous issues that have been reported in the official forum.

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Offline Bogie74

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2009, 07:58:04 PM »
should have hundreds of testers and ANY problems should of been reported and FIXED before they even considered bringing it to the stores.

I couldn't agree with you more! But, here's the problem. Ok, just so you all know, I am such a total nerd it's unreal!  ;) I am so one to look for an answer to my questions. IE; internet search, reading etc. Because I work in Finance, I'm probably even moreso interested in the Financial goings on, and the impact it has on "the big picture". So, being the nerd that I am I did some digging.

Frankly, I was LIVID when I started having all these problems. I had a 3rd Gen family I lost because of the patches etc. Had to reinstall. Had that weird freak pregnancy thing after starting over, game #2. Now, keep in mind, I'm 35 - grew up with Atari 2600, then Sega, Nintendo,Playstation etc..even now, I am a true gamer at heart. I have played many, many EA games and was always quite impressed with them until now. I think someone mentioned Age of Empires on a previous post - one of my fav's.

Did some research, and here is my take on this: Oct-December 2008, EA's financial losses were $644M. Yes million!  :o The same time the year prior, losses were only $33M. Now, TS3 was originally scheduled for release Feb 20th, 2009. This gets pushed back to July. Financial losses are in triple digits at this time. Ever heard of that saying "Work smarter not harder" ? Apparently, EA has not. So, they have staggering financial losses. What does the company decide to do as a next course of action? They lay off 16% of their workforce. Guess who gets the ax? RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT...but wait.. it gets better...

What do they do with the $? They aquire Playfish, a company already reporting a 17% decline financially. They buy it for $275M in cash + $25M in retaining Playfish bigwigs..sound familiar? The deal also includes an incentive for Playfish - $100M in BONUS's should the company meet financial goals..yeah ok.. ??? Bank bailout anyone? Haven't we seen this before?  :-X

So, what do we have left? We have no testers, an aquisition of a company whose primary target market is online gaming and those social websites everyone seems to be on..(no names mentioned of course) We have no experienced R&D team, and a brand new game release.. hmm..where is CUSTOMER FOCUS? They already have losses. What does that say? Keeping the customers they do have should be FOCUS # 1! Is it just me? This seems like a no brainer here.  ::)

Why go after a "target market" when the company clearly is failing? This makes no sense to me at all! If you can't keep the customers you already have -(look at the complaints about these patches on the EA forum, just to give you all an example) why go after more people?

/rant off LOL!  ;D

I will love him and squeeze him and pet him and call him George!!

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2009, 08:11:07 PM »
Good points, Bogey. You know it's a shame Bernard Madoff is unavailable to help out Electronic Arts. I bet he could turn that company around!  ;D

Ya Cheese Buddy

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2009, 09:04:54 PM »
Bogie you should write an email then post it on this website then EVERYONE who looks on this post should send it to them like 10 times so they get hundreds of the same email telling them they need testers and more staff to make sure the game is working and its playable.

Everything you said seemed to make more and more sense. But WHY would they be stupid enough to do all of that? I can only say im dissapointed in their efforts. And on top of that i find it abousolutely DISGUSTING that children sims cant jump on beds.

So to repeat myself you HAVE to write a proffesional email so we can all copy and paste it and send it off to EA. They might not listen or care but why shouldnt we try? So i say lets do this, with you brains and information and our... email accounts we can work together!  :D

Offline igzigpuff

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2009, 09:20:04 PM »
It would be nice if they could just get something fixed without breaking something else.  :'(  With CAW (create a world) coming supposedly this month and the new SP in Feb.  I'm dreading what new problems we may be seeing.  Oh yeah and they are adding some new EA store access in our games, so when you are playing your game, you can go into build/buy mode and shop in their EA store :o ...I see nothing but trouble, with that addition. :P :'(

Ya Cheese Buddy

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2009, 09:28:58 PM »
TOUBLE! I agree thats just TROUBLE! I like the sound of create-a-world but i bet its going to be filled with problems. I dont like the sound of the Sims store while were playing the sims. I would much rather just leave that whole thing alone and use the store when i want it. I bet theres going to be more patches we need soon after both of them come out  :'(

It would be nice if they could just get something fixed without breaking something else.

Oh that would be wonderful! I wish they could do that but unfortunatly knowing the game so far thats NEVER going to happen. Unless of course they pick up their act and work much HARDER. SORRY for RANDOMLY using CAPS LOCK someTIMES. I just USE it FOR SHOUTING when IM ANGRY!!

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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2009, 09:34:26 PM »
Oh yeah and they are adding some new EA store access in our games, so when you are playing your game, you can go into build/buy mode and shop in their EA store

Please tell me you're joking.

Offline igzigpuff

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2009, 10:37:43 PM »
@Metro....sadly no I am's all the buzz over on the EA forum one is happy about it!  I am certainly scared what it's going to do to the game.... :'(

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2009, 10:44:53 PM »
Yuck. I don't want to turn this thread into a dog pile on top of EA, but a EA store link right within Buy/Build mode just comes across as.....well, as almost desperate.

Ya Cheese Buddy

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2009, 10:46:33 PM »
I have an awesome idea that EA would of never thaught of... they could think about things before they do it! IM A GENIUS

Offline igzigpuff

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2009, 10:49:58 PM »
LOL...that's so funny you say that...Cuz that's what they are all saying over on the EA forum...Which it does seem to come off as desperate.  8)  I don't get it, but the higher ups must really be pushing for this, moar money!!!  :-X

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2009, 10:54:14 PM »
Okay, I'm as guilty as anyone for steering this off course, but we need to get back to the original topic and leave EA out of it.

Offline Bogie74

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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2009, 07:48:22 PM »
Okay, I'm as guilty as anyone for steering this off course, but we need to get back to the original topic and leave EA out of it.

Actually, Metro, this was my fault...I apologize. Sometime's I go off on these tangents! I need to learn to focus- though I must say your comment on Madoff cracked me up  :D

I appreciate the feedback..Cheese, I love your enthusiasm! *sigh* I miss being 24! Young, ambitious, eager, and ready to change the world! 10 years from now, the focus will become "How can I fix the immediate fires" me on this!  ;)

As far as being able to collect from deeds - has anyone been able to sucessfully been able to do this with all the patches? I think the latest is 2.2 something right? I haven't tried it.

I will love him and squeeze him and pet him and call him George!!


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Re: Can't Collect From Deeds?
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2009, 09:08:53 AM »
Gosh, so many of the comments made about business on this thread remind me sooo much of some of the things said about the company I work for. I just don't get the choices some companies make....

But anywho! I'm sooooo glad to hear that the deed glitch has been fixed. (hopefully). That was bothering me more than the spoiling food issue. I can finally start buying out the town again!!  8)

And I did notice the button to take you to the EA store. I have a bad habit of downloading patches and not reading anything about them and I also have a bad habit of clicking on new buttons (ooo, shiny!). I have to say I had no problems so far with that new aspect of the game. Tho as soon as I saw it was the store I closed it and went right back to playing.

So all in all, I haven't had any problems with the new patch.

