Author Topic: Adventure: Burnt, soaked and cursed  (Read 9650 times)

Offline malteser60

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Adventure: Burnt, soaked and cursed
« on: September 19, 2010, 05:59:38 AM »
Ok, so I've had this adventure pop up before, and tried it once, but cancelled it for various reasons. However I'm playing a new game and it's sure to come up again. My question is, my adventuring sim is a black belt in sim fu and athletics. She hasn't lost a single fight with a mummy. So how can she get cursed?

Offline samoht04

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Re: Adventure: Burnt, soaked and cursed
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2010, 07:04:41 AM »
Well the simple answer is you can't, I don't know if sleeping in the cursed sarcophagus of the kings will help you though?
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Offline Ausette

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Re: Adventure: Burnt, soaked and cursed
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2010, 11:27:12 PM »
Hmmm, I found that fighting enough mummies would usually get my sim cursed eventually. What I do is set up a "Mummy Motel" (not the official name, just what I call it), that is, a tomb with tons of sarcophagi with switches to trigger mummies from them. You can probably download one off the exchange, or else build one yourself like I do. There's a pretty good guide to that here:

Just read through and follow the links forward, it teaches you how to set triggers and build your own tomb. It should help with getting scorched by a trap too, because you can just set up a bunch of hidden traps as well as the mummies. If you don't want to build one yourself, I've got a dodgy little tomb which I usually use, and I can put it on the exchange for you if you want. If you genuinely can't get your sim to lose, I don't have much for that  :(. Try fighting mummies with a really low mood.

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Re: Adventure: Burnt, soaked and cursed
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2010, 12:35:06 AM »
Well, it's not impossible to get cursed with those high skills, but it makes it highly unlikely.  Like Ausette said, you just have to encounter enough mummies for the numbers.
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Offline malteser60

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Re: Adventure: Burnt, soaked and cursed
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2010, 06:42:26 PM »
I know I'm reviving a bit of an old topic but I thought I'd post my work-around for this problem. So, I had problems with my tomb raiding sim being a girlie, maxed out in sim-fu and athletics. So, I had to resort to a bit of cheating for this. Mainly because I spent quite a bit of time wandering round from tomb to tomb trying to find a mummy I hadn't defeated.

So, whilst in Egypt, in a community lot (the tomb under the marketplace) I place a bunch of sarcophogi (used testingcheatsenabled true and buydebug) and ctr-shift clicked and set them so that the mummy 'always' comes out. Then I temporarily changed two of my sims traits to loser and unlucky. Following that I opened up all the sarcophogi and let her at the mummies. Well, she lost every single fight, which I was really chuffed about. However it took about 15-20 fights (lost count at one point) before she got cursed. Following that I deleted everything, changed her traits back, and happily went off to the sphynx  ;D

Took two sim days though in total just fighting the mummies.

[Edited for language.  Please do not use profanity of any kind.  -Pam]

Offline Hosfac

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Re: Adventure: Burnt, soaked and cursed
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2011, 10:29:57 AM »
Why not just bring someone along with you who's a wimp, and make them fight all the mummies?
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