Author Topic: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Happiness For Agnes 10/15]  (Read 24819 times)

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Love Has Many Faces 6/21]
« Reply #45 on: June 23, 2014, 05:09:11 PM »
It's good to see that everyone is finding some happiness. And Sam has grown up! He is a very handsome young man.

Offline James903

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Love Has Many Faces 6/21]
« Reply #46 on: July 01, 2014, 04:11:43 AM »
I like your dynasty! Darko is an interesting surname. Sam looks great.

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Love Has Many Faces 6/21]
« Reply #47 on: October 01, 2014, 12:19:37 PM »
Mods - Just a heads up, I am working on this story, but putting most of my effort into the Legacy I have. Please do not move this to the graveyard just yet! :)

As to everyone else - thank you all for your patience. I will be returning to my two other stories (this one and my Short Dynasty) shortly. :)

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Love Has Many Faces 6/21]
« Reply #48 on: October 01, 2014, 12:36:40 PM »
Wasn't planning on it (we move stories after six months of inactivity, so you had some time left). ;) Glad to see that you're back!
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Love Has Many Faces 6/21]
« Reply #49 on: October 01, 2014, 11:57:56 PM »
Wasn't planning on it (we move stories after six months of inactivity, so you had some time left). ;) Glad to see that you're back!

Phew! You guys had me nervous with all the "moved" stories disappearing left and right... haha, I was like "oh my goodness! I better say something lest they be moved!"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [The Return 10/13]
« Reply #50 on: October 13, 2014, 05:07:41 PM »
The Return
Thank goodness. At last.

Hello everyone. It has come to my attention that my Watcher may have a short attention span, nevertheless, she is back and ready for action, much to my relief. It's been a while, so we had to do a brief overview, that I will repeat for all of your enjoyment. We'll start off with Sam, who had just aged up to be a fine young man:

The Watcher gave him a new outfit - and didn't wait until the end of time to change his clothing. Thank goodness.

He's grown up to be the apple of his father's eye. I'm so proud of him.

In the other room, the two inseparable children did what they usually do now that the weather has cooled.

When I look at the two of them, it makes me smile. It reminds me of the good things yet to come.
Agnes and I finally spoke to each other - and by 'spoke' I mean 'had a conversation that consisted of more than a few words.' She is finally moving past her loss of her sister. I know how hard it was, as I had lost some that were even closer to me than she - some of my children. It can leave you bitter and cynical if you let it, but she seems to be ready to brave the rest of her life at home with us. This was a great relief to me.

Now, dear readers, my life is basically complete. I can count my friends up, and my list of things is done. I just need to wait for old age to come, and the art to go with it. I've been growing restless, but refuse to quit my job. Things are so boring as it is. I've gone back to painting just for fun. I mostly stick with masterpieces and brilliant pieces, but lately I've wanted to branch out and find some art to fill our home with. I suppose I can keep myself pretty busy that way.

I should be happy, I know. Things were moving at ninety miles an hour and didn't ever stop, yet now that things have become more evenly paced... I can't help but feel like we're going too slow. I should be using this time to better myself, to be a great mother, to improve my arts, yet I just find myself standing in front of my easel, feeling lost and dazed. I guess I'm glad to even have something to fill my time, since my work week now consists of a whooping 3 days, all weekends, no less. Agnes seems to be in the same boat though, since now she simply stares at the computer screen to fulfill her writing prompts.

Sam caught a case of the minor glitch. I'm not sure from what, but thankfully it worked itself out in time for his graduation!

He was named valedictorian and most likely to succeed. I was so proud of him that I teared up. Leighton of course was crying his eyes out. I think deep down he's been missing his late wife, and sees a lot of her in Sam. I don't have much to say to this of course, but I am not resentful. Leighton has finally come to terms with not necessarily being "the one" for me, and I think it hit him harder than I expected it to, so deep down I feel guilty and understanding that he misses his late wife. He has never mentioned her before, but I think that he now realizes what kind of marriage he stepped into with me, and it isn't one of passion and mutual attraction - but rather convenience and light affection. And that is a hard marriage to accept from anyone. Either way, he put on a brave face for the whole of the graduation.

On our way home, I caught a glimpse of our dear Agnes in her formalwear one last time - as I knew it would be the last time in a long time that we would see her with that kind of clothing on.

Geralt and I spent some time together, as mother and son. I gave him a gift for him to use when he gets a little older, yet I have requested that he stays away from all skilling until he is a young adult. It will make things easier on him to get his requirements in order.

Geralt often surprises me. He's very serious-natured. He and Rei will often watch a comedy movie before bed every night and you can see the completely different nature of these two.

Rei is always at 110%. She puts all of herself into everything she does. She focuses on details and is entranced by movies and stories. Geralt is always more serious. He shows no emotion upfront to things, rather waiting to see the reaction of those around him before he allows himself to either come completely open with it or stay reserved. I wonder about him sometimes. Did I not snuggle him enough when he was younger to make him so cold and calculated? Did he need more of his father's time to feel more comfortable being the young man he is? Perhaps it is nothing at all, and this is just the way he is, but part of me feels guilty about it, either way. It's a feeling I don't escape much these days.

The dreaded time for Agnes came late in the evening after the kids had already gone to bed: she became an elder.

And it looked like it hurt.
The Watcher gave her a softer makeover, deciding that short hair actually looked really striking on our Agnes.

In other news, I've tried to spark a little bit more romance with my husband. My guilt for making him feel unwanted is outweighing the guilt I feel when I think of him. My beloved is in another world, and I must stop dragging down my partner of this world simply because I feel guilty about things that normally wouldn't count against me.

Leighton was receptive, which was a relief to me.

The next day dawned, and for some reason, even though it was a Monday, the kids had the day off school. I'm not sure why. Either way, Geralt was thrilled because he got the day off on his birthday, so Rei could celebrate with him earlier. He spent the morning enjoying his last minutes of childhood.

And by being a dinosaur. He even went to blow out his candles all dressed up, but I didn't dare say anything - he's only young once. Everyone came to celebrate... everyone except Leighton. I'm not sure why. Geralt scanned the room, taking in everyone that was there, his eyes flashed with hurt, but soon he went back to celebrating as normal, tucking away the emotions for another time. I was the only one to see it, but it completely shattered my heart.

He grew up so striking nonetheless. His face was well defined beneath his fiery hair.

He went and changed clothes and adjusted his hair with the watcher. His makeover pleased him.

He was such a handsome young man.

Regardless of the mixed feelings I get when I think of his father.

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [The Return 10/13]
« Reply #51 on: October 13, 2014, 07:35:39 PM »
Alright, the Darko's are back  ;D  Geralt is very handsome.  He looks very regal.

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Offline KRae

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [The Return 10/13]
« Reply #52 on: October 13, 2014, 09:10:26 PM »
I just read this whole thing, and really am enjoying your story. Geralt is very striking.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Happiness For Agnes 10/15]
« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2014, 12:29:28 AM »
Alright, the Darko's are back  ;D  Geralt is very handsome.  He looks very regal.
I adore how Geralt looks, he's just a perfect mixture of genes. The perfect outcome I could have hoped from the two genes mixing. Yes indeed, the Darko's are back and going strong. I can't help but play them all the time now. I've missed the structure that came with my dynasties (both Short and Immortal), since my Legacy is kind of a free-for-all storytelling event.

I just read this whole thing, and really am enjoying your story. Geralt is very striking.
Thank you very much! I'm trying to keep it interesting, you know, minus the several month long interruption... >.> Eh...heh? I'm excited for future generations, but man it had been so long when I opened this file that it took me about 5 minutes of switching between people to see what had actually happened recently. Yeah, I need to remind myself to not do that again. Anyways, updates are always great, right? Updates! Yay!

Happiness for Agnes
Hello Everyone.
When we last left off, Geralt had grown into a handsome young man, and his first order of business? Learning to drive.

Leighton and I haven't spoken since he avoided coming to his son's birthday party. I worry this may end bitterly if we don't hash out the underlying feelings he must have towards me. It's causing our son to suffer now, and I refuse to let it go on any further.
With a License under his belt, Geralt was now set up for his museum pieces.

He also got a job at the Grocery Store. I'm so proud of the initiative to get his life in gear.

Agnes isn't getting any younger these days. She's reached the top of her career, maxed many skills and has been the greatest asset to our Dynasty. The only thing she has left to do is make ambrosia and copy it several times, which we are preparing for her while she waits. These days, she's been seeing Gobias a lot. He was an elder when they started dating, so I think she's starting to realize that he must be getting older.

Since a day has past since my sweet son grew into a handsome teen, Rei got to approach her cake. I wanted to wait until Geralt was home from work so he could celebrate, but Rei asked if we could do it sooner. I wasn't really sure why, but then I got it.

She wanted to get herself looking nice again before she ran into him.

Ah, teen vanity.
She truly is a beautiful girl though. She takes after the best of Cornelia, and I know Agnes beams when she sees her.

Both Agnes and the Watcher tried to get her into traditional Goth garb, yet Rei shied away from it. Instead, she chose much more feminine clothing. I felt it was suitable though, given her personality. She gained the Over-Emotional Trait, so I expect her to be very attuned into her emotional side.

I definitely understand now why Rei asked to wait; I don't think anyone missed the intense stare that filled the room when Geralt entered. I'm not sure if he was upset to miss the party, or if he was incredibly pleased with how Rei looked.

There was a heavy layer of awkward teenage crush coating the air as they sat down across from each other to eat. There was one point when Geralt looked up and saw Rei staring back, only to have himself choke on his cake. I found it highly amusing as a motherly figure to them both to watch this occur.

The only thing that soured this mood was my husband, who was ignoring everyone in his corner of isolation at his alchemy table. He didn't even say happy birthday to Rei. I was very disappointed that he had sunk this low.

Rei didn't seem to mind though, in fact, she cleaned all the dishes afterward. She's truly a sweet child, and I'm glad to have her in my and my son's life and journey through immortality.

Rei and Geralt went off into his room alone. I wasn't sure I was happy about that, but then I realized I was turning into my mother and let it drop. They're going to have to have children anyways at one point, and it's against the rules to have any option for their age to even sleep in the same bed, let alone woohoo; so I suppose there's nothing wrong with some making out and being a teen, is there?

Though maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't even think they've mentioned their attraction for one another.
Oh! Surprise! I guess they're both going to prom together, "as friends." Mhm. Yeup, I know that routine. "As friends." We'll see how long that lasts. Judging by the look that occurred earlier... not long at all.

Agnes decided to go out the next day and see her love, and something generous occurred by the watcher's hand.

The date had started out as usual, meeting up at the fair and heading up the movie theater.

That night something different happened, something that touched the watcher's heart...

Gobias autonomously gave Agnes flowers. Touched, the watcher did some quick thinking.

And Agnes got down on one knee (since she had the better knees of the two), and proposed.

You know what that means, right? The first bachelorette party to ever occur in the Darko Manor will be occurring in just a few hours.

(Gates swing open wide, unlocked for the first time since being placed) Cue the Paparazzi: "FINALLY THEY'RE OPENING UP THE GATES... FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER - There'll be music... there'll be fun! For the FIRST time in FOREVER - I just might get a photo of someone!" Ahem... excuse me.

That concludes the first part of this update. Erhm, so pretend we didn't hear anything like what's above, ok?

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Happiness For Agnes 10/15]
« Reply #54 on: October 16, 2014, 12:49:43 AM »
Happiness for Agnes [2]
Hello again, so quickly!
The Bachelorette party was turning up.

Agnes was rocking the "dress to impress" dress-code.

I got to give a great toast for my dear friend, I certainly wish her much more happiness with her marriage than I seem to be having with mine.

Bella is here, need to make a note to have the watcher check if mermaids are allowed in the Dynasty. If so, it may be worth her lips to get her genes and that fantastic tail included... Thoughts for later though, today is Agnes' day!

Even the party dancers showed up, though Agnes didn't seem too interested in them, choosing to socialize with Gobias over watching the half-naked men.

They also decided to take a selfie of their party, Agnes certainly did seem to live on the edge. I must say that I love the stripper who was dancing in the background of their photo, it makes it all the more hilarious at this elderly couple's youthful wedding pre-party!

I've never seen Agnes so happy, I wonder if I can have that happiness ever again? I certainly hope so. Seeing her makes me feel green with envy, and also sad for the things I should have held on to tighter.

There is a lot of dancing going on, it's probably best if I just show you the pictures with brief descriptions.

Bella, who somehow lost her clothes somewhere during the party, was dancing with her story-destined husband Mortimer.

Monicka was really dropping it though; this is definitely not her first round of partying.

Sam was dancing and oogling someone... but which someone?

Oh, the werewolf Darlene Bunch, of course. She's just so gorgeous like that, right?
Maybe it's the fact that she's wearing hotpants...

Even Rei and Geralt joined for part of the party, practicing dancing themselves for their upcoming Prom. Playing the game of "am I friendzoned, or do they like me back?" (The fun part about that game is everyone in the room can see the obvious before they can).
The party was a smashing success. I can say that only because 9 of our household items were broken in the process, and Agnes passed out on the floor in the living room.

Leighton and I are still not on speaking terms, for anyone who wanted to know.

The night finished strong, and the next day brought on a tearful mid-morning wedding.

Gobias is 89 days old. I certainly hope Agnes can have at least a little time with her love; we all just need a little more love in the world.

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Happiness For Agnes 10/15]
« Reply #56 on: October 16, 2014, 01:53:14 PM »
You invited the groom to the hen party?!?! That's the reason Agnes was so oblivious to the party dancers hysterical.
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Happiness For Agnes 10/15]
« Reply #57 on: April 18, 2015, 03:33:36 PM »
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