Author Topic: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Happiness For Agnes 10/15]  (Read 24800 times)

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Crazy, Beautiful Life 4/29]
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2014, 09:36:19 PM »
Wow, that house is beautiful! I really love the dark look of it. And the greenhouse goes so well!

Now, as to getting through the boring parts of dynasties... I tend to send sims off to lots in town that they never go to otherwise and work on collecting things like rocks. Now I think of it, I'm not really all that good at figuring out what to do in the boring times, so I'd also like to hear other peoples' thoughts on it!

Offline sunshine_2406

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Crazy, Beautiful Life 4/29]
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2014, 05:21:06 AM »
What an amazing house, it looks lovely.

My dynasty felt quite rushed for the first few generations, but once it slowed down I had my Martial Arts Sim break space blocks to get gems, and worked my way to having large cuts of every type for every gem, I wasn't finished by the end but I was very close and it was a lot of fun for me.
From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole I've been told what I must do and who I must be. I've been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a teapot. I've been accused of being Alice, and of not being Alice, but this is my dream. I'll decide where it goes from here.

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Gen. 2's Terrible Twos 5/7]
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2014, 03:34:02 PM »
Wow, that house is beautiful! I really love the dark look of it. And the greenhouse goes so well!

Now, as to getting through the boring parts of dynasties... I tend to send sims off to lots in town that they never go to otherwise and work on collecting things like rocks. Now I think of it, I'm not really all that good at figuring out what to do in the boring times, so I'd also like to hear other peoples' thoughts on it!
Thank you! I spent a lot of time building and modeling it, and I'm pretty proud! I usually do box houses, they're functional and they work, but they're not very pretty...
Hm, I guess I'll start a collection then!

What an amazing house, it looks lovely.

My dynasty felt quite rushed for the first few generations, but once it slowed down I had my Martial Arts Sim break space blocks to get gems, and worked my way to having large cuts of every type for every gem, I wasn't finished by the end but I was very close and it was a lot of fun for me.
Thank you very much!
Hmm, I think I'm going to have to change my plans up then! Thanks for the advice! :D

Generation Two's Terrible Twos
Hello everyone,
Today is a big day. Agnes is making a special cake for my Geralt. He's becoming a toddler, which means the immortality clock starts ticking for him. It's a big job, especially with my Watcher having second thoughts on his supermax.

As his mother, I proudly took my son to the cake. Rei would be having her birthday tomorrow, so today is my little boy's day.

He grew up to be an adorable toddler with my hair color and his daddy's face. Our Watcher is most pleased with his genetics, and hopes that Rei will bring more of those amazing genetics to the table.

With some hair and matching clothes, my little baby boy cleans up just beautifully!

Though he's blinking now - hiding his daddy's big, dark eyes.

There's a better picture of him!
In other news, the Watcher has already removed the FryDaddy and the Ice Cream Maker, we had made a bet on how long that would last and I lost.

Apparently Agnes was obsessed with it, eating when she wasn't hungry. That's no good. Or at least, the watcher thought so. It also bugged out the kitchen, which caused the Watcher to have to redo everything.
Rei is still a baby, so no one outside of the family will know who she looks like until she's a toddler. Most likely it will be most notable as a toddler, as this woman has some distinct features - and she's loved by all.

Even by Agnes.

Geralt is an independent toddler, as most of the first 4 generations will be. There is just too much to be done and not enough people in the house to keep an eye on him, so he often takes his skilling into his own hands.

He actually taught himself how to talk. I wish I had that playpen when I was raising Ara, she was such a handful for a child - her brother Sam was hard enough. I may have had many children and grandchildren by the time I started this Dynasty, but I still love Geralt with all of my heart. Hopefully he will grow into being a favorite of the Watcher like Ara did.

And so begins some more skilling.

Unfortunately, the nursery is pretty empty of toys. The Watcher won't even let Geralt play in the playpen for longer than he needed to. Thankfully my son seems to realize what he's not supposed to touch and stays far away from it.
Unlike all the other Sims in the house, which insist on turning Rei's swing on to fast.

I hope my son will like her when he grows up. I mean, the Watcher can do her best to make them compatible, but I just hope that he genuinely and truly likes her. I suppose every mother wants her son to find a woman that will make him happy, but I feel bad that I've gone so far as to genetically engineer her. Unfortunately, my watcher has a "Like it or not" policy. Like it or not, he's marrying her, as she refuses to have more people in the household than absolutely necessary. Agnes almost didn't get to join, but the money in the beginning was just too needed.
I'm sorry, I tend to get off on tangents, or rather I guess my Watcher does too, as she's the personality I've been modified to mimic the most. Back to Geralt.

Leighton is completely in love with this little boy. He wanted to ensure that he got to teach him how to walk - rather than letting him use the walker.

While Leighton may love his son, Geralt is most certainly a momma's boy. How would I know? Well, I'm his mom. Of course he's a momma's boy.

Believe it or not, I actually rolled a wish for a second child recently. I thought it would be nice to have another little Leighton or I, but the Watcher kindly reminded me (as she forcefully deleted the wish) that we already have Sam, Geralt AND Rei, which is almost more than she can handle. Right. Must stay focused.

Sam paints most of the time, this one is Brilliant. I was hoping he might get into sculpting, but it doesn't appear that that's his calling. I get the feeling the Watcher is going to break out her "Like it or not" policy again.

That's what I thought...
 Though with all the mortal painters we had, the Watcher did let me have a chance to paint my own Son's portrait. It turned out to be a Masterpiece.

In other news, Sam got his makeover for teendom.

He looks a lot like his father. Speaking of Leighton, we haven't had much time together, but I suppose that is the life of a Dynasty Founder and their spouse.
I'll leave you with this final picture, as Agnes makes a very special cake for a certain baby in the house.

Who is her genetic doner? I suppose we'll just have to find out...

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Gen. 2's Terrible Twos 5/7]
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2014, 04:12:44 PM »
Geralt is an adorable toddler! He has a really nice eye shape. I can't wait to see Rei age up next. Ah, the lives of dynasty sims who have to do whatever they are supposed to do, like it or not  :)

Offline sunshine_2406

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Gen. 2's Terrible Twos 5/7]
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2014, 04:17:28 PM »
Geralt is so darn cute! I can't wait to see who you used to clone for Rei, whoever it is I'm sure she will be beautiful.
From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole I've been told what I must do and who I must be. I've been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a teapot. I've been accused of being Alice, and of not being Alice, but this is my dream. I'll decide where it goes from here.

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Gen. 2's Terrible Twos 5/7]
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2014, 05:46:45 PM »
I agree with everyone on Geralt's cuteness. Leighton's features and his mum's red hair make for an adorable toddler.

Babydaddy mysteries are so last year anyways; genetic donor mysteries are where it's at. ;) Using townie genes in a dynasty ends up with a lot of "like it or not" marriages, whether or not the watcher likes it or not too. I know that too well, but it's more than worth it for the unique faces.
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Leighton's in the Doghouse 5/12]
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2014, 04:44:55 PM »
Leighton's in the Doghouse
Hello there, Readers.
The tough times are drawing in on my dear Watcher, but I refuse to let her give in. This will not end until I say it will, and it shall not die by any fault of the Sims involved. I simply must get Leighton in line before the Watcher calls it quits. I don't even think we've reached the second page of this thread! Leighton apparently is driving her crazy. He is very Family Oriented, apparently too family oriented. The Watcher started to get tired of having to drag our babies through the motive mobile to deal with their needs, and wanted to switch back to the normal way of letting them sleep and eat and use their potty on their own schedule, however since Leighton is always up at 3 in the morning, he will cancel his actions to wake up our son - who won't fall back asleep unless he's tired. The Watcher almost gave up on us then, but I've talked her out of it, for now.
She simply can't stand when Sims get out of line, so I've had to speak with Leighton about how he's no longer allowed in the nursery. I have the key and only I or Agnes are allowed in. I refuse to let this man get in the way of completing this dynasty. If that means I lock him out of the house completely then I'll do it. He would never have taken such a risk. I miss him now more than ever. Come on. Six more generations after Geralt. He's more than worth it, and he's all the motivation I need.

Excuse me. Forgive the outburst, I just can't believe I married such an incompetent man sometimes. He's a nice guy, and he obviously loves children, but he needs to know when enough is enough. It took me until midnight to get Geralt down, and he just waltzes in and wakes him up a few hours later? Unbelievable. Unacceptable. He's gotten his warning.
We left off with Rei's birthday, now it should be very clear who she was cloned from.

I'm not sure why, but the Watcher wanted to give her some face-paint. I was hesitant at first, but now I see why. She's an adorable toddler.

Agnes loves her to pieces.
Upstairs though, Sam and I were sculpting away. I think I particularly like this statue, maybe I'll ask the Watcher to put it out front.

When I'm not sculpting I'm working on getting Geralt's immortality figured out. The watcher is up in the air about what she wants to do for his supermax, but either way we need to find a plan and stick with it. Thankfully the Watcher said Geralt and all other immortals won't be touching their skills until they're young adults. Something to do with the opportunties, which I'm struggling to get my last two in.
Ok. I know I've got two whole other lifestages to go through before I should start to worry, but I really want to show my watcher that this challenge will be a piece of cake, which is also why we're preparing for the worst. Let's take a look at my adorable nooboo though, yeah?

I want a lot of pictures of him, because for the rest of this dynasty I'll only get to see his elder face, as he will mine.
Rei is also an adorable child. I think she'll be a wonderful wife for Geralt.

I still haven't told you her traits, I know. I feel bad, but I only remember that she's a Perfectionist, like Cornelia.
She's such a happy child.

Leighton is moving at a snails' pace towards his Alchemy goals. Thankfully the townies he wants genes from have all turned into long-lived supernaturals.

Oh! Remember that topiary statue I mentioned liking? My dear watcher asked me to make another one. At first I thought she must have lost the one I made, but it turns out I'm not the only one who likes it!

Oh and great news everyone! Look at my museum!

I'm thrilled. The Young Adult pieces of our museums will be in our ambrosia room - I figure it will remind us that we were all gorgeous and young once, and that we should look forward to it at the end of generation eight. All other pieces will be in designated rooms.
Here's Geralt's. He really likes green. I like black, but it's hard to get a light that color. Ah well, we'll work on it!

It feels good to have accomplished the museum, but the work has simply just begun. Sam called me over later one evening and told me he was worried about a few immortality requirements. I was a day away from aging up, which means I'll never get my young adult self back. I'll never have a chance to get those requirements a second time. It is a daunting thing, isn't it? So he requested that he paint my portrait a few times, just in case something happens to my original one that Agnes painted.

Agnes overheard the conversation and asked to sculpt me a few more times. I have wonderful friends.

We now have a basement that's inaccessible that keeps all of our spares.

Leighton is a huge help too, but he's still in the doghouse with me. It will take a lot to make up for almost ruining my Watcher's mood and having her throw out this attempt.

He's working on a way to make it up to me. However, if he feels that now is a good time to stop making Alchemy to wake our Son up it won't do much to improve mine or my Watcher's mood.
Because Geralt was forcibly woken, I moved him to the swing, in hopes of having him get a full energy bar. I moved Rei out too, so she wouldn't be far behind my sweet son.

Rei took some time and taught herself how to talk. I'm so glad these two are willing to help their stressed parents out. We're so busy getting everything ready, though I'll likely throw out that playpen and the walker when Geralt has children. Hopefully by then we won't be at such a scramble any longer.

Agnes also got an invite from her sister to a pool party, since it was Leisure day I encouraged my Watcher to let her go. She's been a great help, however, she came home early, saying she didn't feel right seeing her sister so much older while she still had her youth.

I think it saddens her to see her sister grow older to eventually die before her. At least she'll forever have Rei to remind her of Cornelia.

And Rei will always have Geralt for all of her life.

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Leighton's in the Doghouse 5/12]
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2014, 04:50:44 PM »
Sorry guys! I'm doing this backwards! Haha, I just really wanted to get that update up, as I had the pictures for it for a few days.

Geralt is an adorable toddler! He has a really nice eye shape. I can't wait to see Rei age up next. Ah, the lives of dynasty sims who have to do whatever they are supposed to do, like it or not  :)
I love Leighton's eye shape. I'm so glad that he got mostly townie genes. I like when all my Sims are uniquely different.
And darn straight. Like it or not my foot is down and it's not going to budge. I think generation seven will likely have the worst of that though... heh.

Geralt is so darn cute! I can't wait to see who you used to clone for Rei, whoever it is I'm sure she will be beautiful.
I'm so pleased with how he turned out! He's such a perfect balance of townie and Esmerelda's gorgeous genes.

I agree with everyone on Geralt's cuteness. Leighton's features and his mum's red hair make for an adorable toddler.

Babydaddy mysteries are so last year anyways; genetic donor mysteries are where it's at. ;) Using townie genes in a dynasty ends up with a lot of "like it or not" marriages, whether or not the watcher likes it or not too. I know that too well, but it's more than worth it for the unique faces.
Haha, for sure on those babydaddy mysteries. I'll have quite a few of those genetic donor ones, as I refuse generic faces!
Hopefully I'll be able to encourage some nice traits on my cloned Sims, so that way the generations won't mind it so much. I more or less don't care about their personality. What's important is that their traits don't conflict too much. Unfortunately you don't choose the first two traits for cloned Sims, so that's the real risk. It's so worth it for those different faces though!

Thank you all for commenting and supporting! :)

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Leighton's in the Doghouse 5/12]
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2014, 09:03:55 PM »
Rei is absolutely adorable! And she and Geralt are so adorable together. I didn't know that about cloning sims and their traits. It'll be interesting to see what other townies have kindly donated their genes for future generations!

Offline sunshine_2406

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Leighton's in the Doghouse 5/12]
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2014, 03:45:05 AM »
I love that you cloned Cornelia! I think she's very pretty without the makeup she wears. Geralt should be pleased with your choice for him. :)
From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole I've been told what I must do and who I must be. I've been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a teapot. I've been accused of being Alice, and of not being Alice, but this is my dream. I'll decide where it goes from here.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Befriending Sam 5/27]
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2014, 03:35:27 PM »
Rei is absolutely adorable! And she and Geralt are so adorable together. I didn't know that about cloning sims and their traits. It'll be interesting to see what other townies have kindly donated their genes for future generations!
I adore the toddler playtable, those two are best friends AND they chat with each other all the time through it... it's so adorable. I have a few ideas in mind with the townies, and I have a few DNA samples lined up, but I'm also very ready to prepare a backup plan if all else fails (turns out, Sam is actually very popular with the townie women, if you catch what I'm saying).

I love that you cloned Cornelia! I think she's very pretty without the makeup she wears. Geralt should be pleased with your choice for him. :)
I needed the Goths to hang around a bit longer. It always makes me so sad to see after a few days that Gunther and Cornelia have aged. They have some of the most awesome genes, and Morty barely seemed to get any of them, but they never seem to try for baby before growing older (that is, in files that I use mods in and pre-EA-Story-progression failure). I think Geralt and Rei will be very happy, and hopefully the future generations will have names that actually go together. If I was doing it right, Rei would've been named Yennefer, but I don't like Yennefer (from the Witcher Series of Books/Games) but Geralt really seemed to like her (though their relationship was toxic... long story short). Next few generations should have complete couples though from fictions/games. At least, unless I panic/forget and name them something else, like I accidently did with Rei.

Sorry for not posting in a while everyone. I've been cycling through my stories (trying to do my Legacy, my Short Dynasty, then my I.D. in that order) while still trying to have fun, then my boyfriend sabotaged me did the sweetest thing in the world by buying me Tropico 5 before it came out so when it did finally get released (last friday) I was too preoccupied by the grandness of it to even start the Sims. He also sabotaged me by my own orders helped me download my Sims 2 once again... so the other bits of my time have gone to that. Er.. heh.
Actually, my boyfriend is wonderful. His birthday is tomorrow and I can't wait to surprise him with some small things. Unfortunately, I've been brutally unemployed, so those small things will likely come straight from the heart, but those gifts are better anyways.

Sorry, long rant, no purpose. To the update.

Befriending Sam
Hello everyone,
I hope you can forgive my watcher's short attention span. She bounces from one game to the next to the next. Ah, well as long as she returns home, that's all I can ask for. Geralt is going to be growing up soon, the thought of my baby growing older makes me a little sad, but it's nothing I haven't done before, and I often have to remind myself of that.

He and Rei are best friends, I'm not entirely sure what they babble about, but they always seem to understand each other. That's all a mother could ever ask for.
Leighton has been slowly working his way back into my favor. He's been extremely good with the children and the watcher has learned her lesson about keeping Sims busy at all times or else suffer the consequences.

Finally the day of no return hit me. My birthday.

It just had to hit me later than usual and on the side of the road no less. Ah well, at least I haven't completely lost my beauty.
Just my amazing hair, though at least I can get that back.

Yes, I heard at one point that as you get older you trade your beauty for wisdom. I'm not sure I like that trade, as I feel I'm already plenty wise from my hundreds of years alive doing experiments and challenges involving supernatural beings. Yet, I can't change the rules to this challenge, so wrinkles will be a part of me for a very long time.

Back at home, my babies are sleeping.

The next day caught Sam and the Watcher by surprise. She often keeps Sam too busy after the incident with his father... and well, she'll often forget he has homework to do. So here he is just standing on the side of the road trying to get in those last few math problems before being a little late to school.

Leighton and I have had a bit of a relationship hit from me shunning him for nearly scaring our Watcher away from this challenge, so I've been picking up my end of things in trying to repair that damage. Thankfully, he seems just as in love with me as we met.

I decided he's been doing well, so I finally forgave him.

Rei has finally been teaching herself how to walk. She's very independent, and I think Geralt will have his hands full with her later.

Auntie Agnes wouldn't have it any other way though. She adores the carbon-copy of her sister, which is saying quite a lot for her. She's had plenty of children, especially in the other dimension that she isn't fully aware of, but I think having Rei around has softened her heart a bit from the grouch she used to be. Mary Reaper has asked me specifically to take care of her when I mentioned adding Agnes to the house, so I intend to keep that promise to her.

Sam started to work on Geralt's backup museum pieces.

He's also learning that the Watcher will only take high-quality paintings over the blotchy, spotty ones. No matter how many times she'll have to scrap and redo the painting.
Leighton eventually wanted to teach Sam to drive, but had to stop halfway in to have his birthday.

Sam was a little devastated that he had to wait even longer in order to learn how to drive, on top of that, he came running home to me a little concerned that his dad has gone off the deep end. Sam and I have never been overly close, I never wanted to overstep the bounds of our relationship that I've never been entirely sure of myself. His mother passed away a while ago, and I never wanted to give the impression that I was replacing her or trying to be his mom for him. I'm not sure if that was a good move or not. I figured he just saw me as the woman married to his dad who taught him how to paint and sculpt, so when he came running over calling me mom, I was quite surprised.

He told me his father was going crazy over every wrinkle on his face, and I couldn't help but laugh. I had to calm down my step-son and explain to him that as some people got older, they struggled with the idea of age. His father was simply having a mid-life crisis, and so long as his wrinkles were all he was worried about, then we would be fine. Otherwise I'll be shipping him off to therapy, especially if it comes down to flirting with other women.
He would often do that in good humor, just a downfall that made him, well, him. I refuse to let my husband for a short while do that to me, it would only remind me of all the reasons why I miss him.
Sam and I talked for a little while after, and I started to realize that maybe Sam did need a motherly figure. I apologized for not being there so often when he was younger, and I explained to him why. I didn't want him to feel I was ever trying to replace what he and Leighton have lost.
Just like Leighton would never replace what I've lost, but I didn't tell Sam that.

This heart-to-heart brought us closer together. I even offered to finish teaching him to drive while his father beat away at our new food replicator in order to not think about all the wrinkles that could be possibly growing on his face.

In other news, I finally got to go back to work! I'm so thrilled. It's been far too long and I'm happy to say I got a promotion to level 7 as soon as I got out of work.

I think my heart-to-heart with Sam has brought him closer to the family, as I now often see him doting over the two adorable toddlers in the house.

Things are going very smoothly. We're all starting to relax a bit more in our day-to-day activities, and I think we'll make it. Next time you hear from me, it will be Geralt and Rei's birthday into childhood.

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Leighton's in the Doghouse 5/12]
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2014, 06:01:11 PM »

Aw, I liked the little touch about Mary Reaper asking her to take good care of Agnes. I've been reading along, but I don't think I've commented on this one before. I like the way your founder seems to know all about things like the watcher and the simbin and your other game files. Will we ever get to find out who her "him" is, I wonder?

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [Befriending Sam 5/27]
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2014, 06:57:36 PM »
I truly love that house. It's absolutely gorgeous. And it's nice to hear more about Sam and how he gets along with everyone else in the family. I'd forgotten all about the poor guy. He's looking quite nice, too.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [The Wants of Children 6/5]
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2014, 07:55:00 PM »
Aw, I liked the little touch about Mary Reaper asking her to take good care of Agnes. I've been reading along, but I don't think I've commented on this one before. I like the way your founder seems to know all about things like the watcher and the simbin and your other game files. Will we ever get to find out who her "him" is, I wonder?
Of course! Mary is definitely keeping tabs on Agnes. And Esmerelda is, in a way, an extension of myself. She's one of the oldest Sims I have, and she's done practically everything with me (from challenges to new expansion packs to new traits to an attempt to prove that she has the best genes in the world by having kids with Arlo Bunch) since I got Late Night when it first came out. I imagine being there for that long would give her some incite to how things work, or at least, that's how I've always imagined it.
Ah, him. Honestly, to me it feels blatantly obvious who he is. I suck at hiding things and keeping things a secret, but she and he truly are the cutest couple I have ever seen. He is an original townie, that's all I'll say. I did not make him. They always end up together, and regardless of looks/traits, they always are attracted. He doesn't have the flirty trait, but he's flirty by nature, and often just enough to make my Esmerelda upset, but never anything serious. He just likes seeing her when she's mad, it's likely he finds it cute, or something. Either way, they've traveled around the world, had children and lived hundreds of years together, but only ever doing challenges. I owe her a file of her own where she can just do whatever she feels like with him, so that will be her reward when she wins this challenge.

I truly love that house. It's absolutely gorgeous. And it's nice to hear more about Sam and how he gets along with everyone else in the family. I'd forgotten all about the poor guy. He's looking quite nice, too.
Thank you so much! That means a lot to me, considering I suck at building! It took me two days really to piece that house together. Yes, I felt bad as Sam usually just gets the background, but he's starting to come out a bit more so I'm putting him in the story a bit more. :) Sam and Leighton have great genes, they're potent genes, which is why I like them.

Anyways, update time! I'm starting to get better at this whole "balancing my life" stuff.

The Wants of Children
Hello everyone,
Things are going smoothly in the house, so there's nothing much I can really say. Agnes is starting to learn Ambrosia, she could have learned it right away, however the Watcher insisted that we wait until she wishes to max the skill. It seemed like ages, but it did trigger after Agnes reached level 9 in her career. So that prompted her to buy and learn Ambrosia.

Sam and I have been bonding over our sculpting - he finally learned how to sculpt ice, so he's learning that way slowly. I haven't yet learned how to prevent my sculptures from melting, but I'm working at it.

Agnes got in Geralt's backup sculptures and baked him a cake. The day has come for my boy to reach childhood, and for his supermax to be determined.

Leighton and I were filled with anticipation, but I could already sense what was on the horizon. I really wanted my Watcher to make him our science and alchemy supermaxer. It was important that we secured the lines for the generations to come.

Unfortunately she seemed to have other ideas. Athletic? So I suppose Geralt will be our Martial Artist. Her reasoning was "it was the closest thing to swordplay," and "Geralt was never very good at Alchemy." I see how it is then, I suppose I'll have to watch the children's namesake more carefully to observe their supermax. Geralt is now officially, Brave, Athletic and Neurotic.

His favorite color is Irish Green.

He's a very quiet child, he really only speaks when there's something he feels he should talk about.

He's blunt, and oftentimes he doesn't seem to understand complex emotions.

I'll be interested to see Rei, and how she handles his quiet, simple nature.
So what does Geralt wish to do first? Oh, he simply wants a planter bowl.

Then he decided being a dinosaur would be best, only because there's no option to dress as a wolf.

On the other side of town, Leighton and Agnes took up dumpster diving. It's humorous to watch.

We're mostly looking to start our gem collection. It will be quite a task for us, but I look forward to using my free time once I'm older to finish it up.

The next day is Rei's birthday, but I figured all of you might want to see why we put up such a big gate:

Meet the two paparazzi, one spends all of his time doing the school cheer, the other constantly can't figure out why we lock the gate. And my watcher wonders why my patience is always thin.
Agnes and I celebrated with Rei the following morning, we like to keep things small when it comes to parties in this house.

She grew up and gained the Brave trait, following after my Geralt, those joined the perfectionist and neat traits. I'm very pleased that she keeps herself so tidy, maybe she'll keep Geralt from forgetting to shower after he works out.

She tidied herself up and fixed up her hair and outfits. There wasn't a thing out of place.

Rei is polite, shy and organized. She's the kind of child that makes you realize how unruly other children can be just by using her manners.

Agnes heard one 'Please' from her and burst into laughter, saying her sister would never have been so kind, she recalled their childhood with plenty of humor. I don't think Rei quite understood what was going on, but she politely smiled back. I couldn't be more pleased with the prospects of her being my daughter-in-law one day. Though I have yet to decide is when and how to tell them. Will they figure it out on their own? I worry that if I leave them to their own devices or keep them too close together they will grow to love each other as a sibling, and be grossed out by the idea of romance.

I already know I worry too much about them, but ultimately I encouraged them to sleep in separate rooms on opposites sides of the house. The distance might be enough to keep them friendly but not to the point where they feel too close or like family.
In other news, Agnes decided to be a troll and ruin not one, but the only two of Geralt's childhood sculptures he posed for before running to school.

It was at this point that it stopped being funny and I gave her quite the evil stare. She just giggled and told me to let up a little, we were definitely doing just fine for our dynasty, and that she would never do anything to sabotage me.
And to wrap up the update here - we finally got a second food replicator; we will eventually have eight to match the eight generations, but my research indicates that two to three will be all we'll really need.

In news that wasn't put into this update: I've finally gotten back to work, now that I'm level seven I no longer have a boss - which is a bit sad, as I often will finish my day with my promotion bar just close enough that I could ask for it yet I have no one to ask anymore! Leighton has revamped the garden. Sam is just a few days away from graduating, so he's been receiving awards left and right for all of his club participation and honor roll. Agnes is a few days away from her final promotion, and overall, the museum is coming together perfectly. Now if only I could slow down enough to enjoy all the hard work we've put into everything.

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Darko Immortal Dynasty [The Wants of Children 6/5]
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2014, 09:46:18 PM »
Geralt and Rei keep aging so adorably! And Geralt's neurotic! I love neurotic sims, most of my favorite sims are neurotic or insane. Or both. Rei's outfits are stunning. I love the colors she wears.

