This story is really interesting and everyone in the house has such awesome clothes. I'm definitely cheering for the Darkos. Good luck!
Thank you so much! I love the new stuff pack I got - Movie Stuff. I'm so gothic and dramatic in my decorations and clothing, so it's a very fitting stuff pack. I'm surprised I waited so long to get it!
Hurrah for a dynasty from you!
I actually never noticed how cute Leighton is until now. And I can't wait to see who the mystery DNA donor was. You're right about skilling up Science; anything other than from the books is a chore.
Thank you!
I just couldn't understand it! Every other skill he had was close to maxed, and he had dumped HOURS into Science but was only at level 4. I was tearing my hair out wondering if I would EVER be able to clone. I usually avoid the books as they take so long and you can't get much out of it, but by this point I just figured, why not? I sent him to the library and he got the rest of the skill points in 2 days. I was stunned. Ridiculous.
As for our mystery doner... if she did turn out as perfect as the clones said she did everyone should be able to guess!
DNA is a great idea!
I just can't do a pudding-face dynasty. I just... I can't. I love townie DNA, so I figured, why not give it a go? Now I'm thoroughly regretting turning all Supernaturals on though...
I love the name Geralt! Makes me think of the Witcher. Can't wait to see who Rei looks like!
Dingdingdingdingding! We have a winner. I love the Witcher story line. I thought about naming Rei after Yennifer or Triss, but I don't particularly like either one of them, so I went with Rei, because the name reminds me of the woman she's cloned after (and naming her Ciri would've just been too weird with the whole father-daughter thing). I'm not sure why it does, as it's nothing like her name.
Ah well, good guess though. Geralt is a wonderful name, though I probably should have saved it for the athletic supermax, so he could look as buff!
Anyways I totally didn't put any traits up, my bad! I'll write them down for next time! Sorry about that!