Author Topic: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim  (Read 5080 times)

Offline beardeux

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I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« on: April 25, 2014, 03:02:31 AM »
Hi,  I have a sim who is level 10 in handiness with all his challenges complete.  He ownes three venues.  He has a stereo on each venue as well as at home.  He's upgraded all four of them to 'wire house with speakers'.  All were working fine.  I installed SN a week ago and have been playing in the new town Moonlight Falls since the install.  Yesterday, going back to my sim in another town I noticed that he no longer has sound on the 'electronical' selection of music on any of the four stereos.  It can be heard at other stereos around town.  I deleted all four stereos and replaced them.  I upgraded two of them.  No sound for ectronical.  I replaced them again, and if he doesn't upgrade them, the sound is there.  Any suggestions as to what is going on?  Can I fix this?
Bear Deux
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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2014, 04:03:52 AM »
Do the same stereos play other music stations?
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Offline beardeux

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2014, 12:19:13 PM »
Hi Pam.  Yes I have all other stations.  I've been experimenting with upgrading them since my post.  I've bought a new stereo at the house and had him upgrade to improve speakers to wire house and back to improve speakers.  It's only on wire house and electronica that the sound is gone and seemingly only in this town.  I thought it may have had to do with the install of SN but now I don't think so.  I went to two other towns where this character lives and the stereos are all fine.  He owns 1 - 3 venues in the other towns. 
I also tried bulldozing the venues and replacing them, another new stereo at home but no sound for wire house.  I tried evicting him, and reset everything in town via Master Controller.

I also went to another sims house who has wire house and that house has no sound either.  While there I checked one of the venues and no sound.
Bear Deux
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Offline beardeux

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2014, 11:24:41 PM »
2 days later...I have now been to several homes in different towns with different sims to upgrade speakers to wire house.  All stereos lose electronica with that upgrade.  I've determined that it's throughout the game.  Not a particular sim, house, town or stereo.  The other two towns I thought were alright, are not now.  Electronica played when I first went there but not any more. 

Can anyone suggest why this is happening or how to get it back.  I like this upgrade and I particularly like electronica in the dance hall and at the gym.  I prefer having only one stereo on a lot and the wire house is a great feature.
Bear Deux
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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2014, 04:30:39 AM »
I'm glad you got the bug figured out, but I'm afraid I don't have any suggestions on how to fix it.  Hopefully other members will be along who can help you with this.
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Offline beardeux

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2014, 11:24:18 AM »
Thanks for trying.  I hope so too.  I really like electronica.  I may have to end up downgrading to improve speakers at the dance hall.  I can live without it in most other places, but not at this sim's home.  He has a ton of those special gnomes and you know how impish they can be with the tv's and stereos.  The less I have to deal with turning things off and switching back my stations, the better.  ;)
  I'm back to thinking if may have occured with the SN install.  I may uninstall it and see if it makes a difference.  I don't want to do that, but...
Bear Deux
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2014, 03:44:52 PM »
This sounds a bit like corruption - so the sound works on all other files except for the one with your handy Sim?

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Offline beardeux

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2014, 05:07:14 PM »
Hi LivvieLove, No, the sound doesn't work for any other sim, lot or town for the 'electronical' selection with any stereo upgraded to 'wire house'.  All other modes regular, and improved speakers give the music for electronical no matter where I am.
  I did do the uninstall and put in old files from before SN.  The sound was gone there too.  But definitely not before SN.  I use this selection quite often.  So I've put SN back on and the more recent game saves.
  I also noticed another file folder has been added to the EA/sim 3 file folders since SN but do not know which one it is.  I noticed because now I have to scroll through the files to delete the 4 cache files.  I've never had to scroll before.
Bear Deux
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2014, 09:55:17 PM »
What kind of files do you see in your folder? They may likely just be crash logs or error logs (if you use mods) which can be deleted.
Have you tried a factory reset? If it's affecting new saves, I would highly recommend trying something like that.
You can find the instructions for that here.

After we do a test in a clean factory reset, that's when we should be able to determine if it's something that would require extra attention.

Offline beardeux

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2014, 01:53:49 AM »
LivvieLove, I have done a factory reset and the problem is still there.  I went to 4 different towns homes and sims to test the stereos.  They are all affected on wire house.  The game/sims act as if the music is playing, the music icon is in the moodlet panel and the notes come out of the stereo.  Just no sound.  All other stations are fine.
  As for the files, there aren't any error or crash logs.  I would recognize those.  There is one folder called WorldCaches which has two files in it - Monte Vista_objects.package and Monte Vista_sims.package
Bear Deux
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2014, 12:03:19 PM »
You've tried this on a completely new save file as well, right?

Brand new town, new sims, new everything right and it still doesn't work?

Offline beardeux

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2014, 10:02:17 PM »
Yes, that's right.  Complete new everything.  I didn't put my saves in and I left out the mods.  So I started as if it was my first game.  Only one town and one sim.  So I'm guessing it's not my mods or something corrupt in the saved games.
  You know, if it were a station I didn't care about, I wouldn't give it a thought (or even have known about it) but when it's one you like and use, it makes a difference.  It seems a small thing, but I miss it and wouldn't like to downgrade my stereos back to improved.
  By the way, I like your saying.
Bear Deux
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Offline beardeux

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2014, 01:15:19 AM »
24 hrs later...I decided that since the factory reset didn't work, I did a complete uninstall and re-install.  I only installed my hard disk EPs & Stuff packs (I have all except Into the Future) and the on-line extras for Showtime & Island Paradise.  I left out all my other downloads, saves and mods.  There is still no sound on only the one station and only on wire house.  I'm at a loss as to what to try next.  This makes no sense.  I may have to live without it.  This is a heck of a lot of work for something small (except to me) that doesn't seem to have a fix.
  In the meantime, since the problem is still here, I'm going to go ahead and install the rest of my store content, mods and saves.  They clearly are not the problem.  The only custom content I have is Union Cove currently not installed.  The rest is from the sims 3 store.
  I appreciate the help received so far and if you or anyone else have any other ideas or suggestions, please fire them my way.

Bear Deux
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2014, 11:56:55 PM »
24 hrs later...I decided that since the factory reset didn't work, I did a complete uninstall and re-install.  I only installed my hard disk EPs & Stuff packs (I have all except Into the Future) and the on-line extras for Showtime & Island Paradise.  I left out all my other downloads, saves and mods.  There is still no sound on only the one station and only on wire house.  I'm at a loss as to what to try next.  This makes no sense.  I may have to live without it.  This is a heck of a lot of work for something small (except to me) that doesn't seem to have a fix.
  In the meantime, since the problem is still here, I'm going to go ahead and install the rest of my store content, mods and saves.  They clearly are not the problem.  The only custom content I have is Union Cove currently not installed.  The rest is from the sims 3 store.
  I appreciate the help received so far and if you or anyone else have any other ideas or suggestions, please fire them my way.

The more I get into this the more I'm starting to see it's not a glitch, but a bug.
If an uninstall and reinstall didn't fix it, I'm afraid there's really nothing that can. Give me some time, I'm going to run some tests, but if my gut is right, I shouldn't be able to hear the station either. If I can, then I'll figure out what I'm doing that's allowing mine to work (as I use a selection of mods that might be the answer to your bug).
Let me run a few tests. :)

Offline beardeux

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Re: I have lost a music selection for 1 sim
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2014, 10:15:10 PM »
Oh LivvieLove, I'd be grateful.  I'm back to where I started.  I also found just doing a search for sims 3 that other people have stereo problems as well - not specifically what I have, but the loss of sound and upgrade problems.  I didn't find anything on this forum and I thought I was having a one-off.  But you might be right about it being a bug.  If there is a mod, that would be great.
Bear Deux
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