Ah that explains it, let's hope you don't get a burglar next.
I'm really liking Bob. He does seem to be pretty brave, he obviously knows that the rest of the asylum are depending on him during hard times.
Yep! Fingers crossed.
Yeah, Bob is really good. He's always devoting his time to fixing things and generally trying to keep the Asylum running well, though half the time he has to go to work.
Well, I swear I wasn't trying to jinx it when I said you were lucky that you hadn't had any fires! You sure got your fires...
I'm hesitant to say it but you're lucky no one died in those fires... When I played mine, there were casualties as soon as there were fires.
Haha yeah as they all say, if you say one thing, the opposite will occur.
Oh I'm pretty sure that there won't be any casualties soon, but you never know.
GENERAL UPDATE:I'm actually really close to finishing the challenge and the story will be completed along with that. I actually regret picking such an easy LTW to fulfil, but that's what the game chose so I guess the fates called it. I may write a sequel of Barry (Bob and River's child) doing another challenge which I might do in the future. Any challenge suggestions would be nice.
Or not, I'll do some other challenge and write about that also on my blog, so please stay tuned for that! I've been playing with Bob and Betty Newbie recently so I might do something with that. Who knows.